GetElementById() public method

Returns the XmlElement in the indexed document that has an id attribute with the given value.
public GetElementById ( string id ) : XmlElement
id string The required id attribute value.
return System.Xml.XmlElement
コード例 #1
        private static bool Rule01(string name, NodeIndex nodeIndex, XmlNodeList list,
            ValidationErrorHandler errorHandler)
            bool		result 	= true;

            foreach (XmlElement	 context in list) {
                XmlElement		generic	= XPath.Path (context, "generic");
                XmlAttribute	href;
                XmlElement		target;

                if ((generic == null) ||
                    ((href = generic.GetAttributeNode ("href")) == null) ||
                    ((target = nodeIndex.GetElementById (href.Value)) == null)) continue;

                string targetName = target.LocalName;

                if (targetName.Equals ("basket") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("cash") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("commodity") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("deposit") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("bond") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("convertibleBond") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("equity") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("exchangeTradedFund") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("index") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("future") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("fxRate") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("loan") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("mortgage") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("mutualFund") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("rateIndex") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("simpleCreditDefautSwap") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("simpleFra") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("simpleIrSwap") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("dealSummary") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("facilitySummary")) continue;

                errorHandler ("305", context,
                    "generic/@href must match the @id attribute of an element of type Asset",
                    name, targetName);

                result = false;
            return (result);
コード例 #2
        private static bool Rule17(string name, NodeIndex nodeIndex, ValidationErrorHandler errorHandler)
            bool		result = true;

            foreach (XmlElement context in XPath.Paths (nodeIndex.GetElementsByName ("tradeSide"), "*", "account")) {
                string		href	= context.GetAttribute ("href");
                XmlElement	target  = nodeIndex.GetElementById (href);

                if (target.LocalName.Equals ("account")) continue;

                errorHandler ("305", context,
                    "The value of the href attribute does not refer to an account structure",
                    name, href);

                result = false;
            return (result);
コード例 #3
        private static bool Rule02(string name, NodeIndex nodeIndex, XmlNodeList list, ValidationErrorHandler errorHandler)
            bool		result 	= true;

            foreach (XmlElement context in list) {
                XmlAttribute	href;
                XmlElement		target;

                if (((href = context.GetAttributeNode ("href")) == null) ||
                    ((target = nodeIndex.GetElementById (href.Value)) == null)) continue;

                string targetName = target.LocalName;

                if (targetName.Equals ("creditCurve") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("fxCurve") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("volatilityRepresentation") ||
                    targetName.Equals ("yieldCurve")) continue;

                errorHandler ("305", context,
                    "@href must match the @id attribute of an element of type PricingStructure",
                    name, targetName);

                result = false;
            return (result);
コード例 #4
        private static bool Rule14B(string name, XmlNodeList list, ValidationErrorHandler errorHandler, NodeIndex nodeIndex)
            bool		result = true;

            foreach (XmlElement context in list) {
                string		href	 = context.GetAttribute ("href");
                XmlElement	referred = nodeIndex.GetElementById (href);

                if ((referred != null) && referred.LocalName.Equals ("party")) continue;

                errorHandler ("305", context,
                    "Calculation agent party reference '" + context.GetAttribute ("href") +
                    "' does not match a party defined in the document.",
                    name, context.GetAttribute ("href"));

                result = false;
            return (result);
コード例 #5
        private static bool Rule13A(string name, XmlNodeList list, ValidationErrorHandler errorHandler, NodeIndex nodeIndex)
            bool		result = true;

            foreach (XmlElement context in list) {
                string		href	 = context.GetAttribute ("href");

                if ((href == null) || (href.Length < 2) || (href [0] != '#')) {
                    errorHandler ("305", context,
                        "The @href attribute is not a valid XPointer",
                        name, href);
                    result = false;

                XmlElement	referred = nodeIndex.GetElementById (href.Substring (1));

                if ((referred != null) && (referred.LocalName.Equals ("party") || referred.LocalName.Equals ("tradeSide"))) continue;

                errorHandler ("305", context,
                    "Seller party reference '" + context.GetAttribute ("href") +
                    "' does not match a party defined in the document.",
                    name, context.GetAttribute ("href"));

                result = false;
            return (result);
コード例 #6
        private static bool Rule26(string name, NodeIndex nodeIndex, XmlNodeList list, ValidationErrorHandler errorHandler)
            bool	result = true;

            foreach (XmlElement context in nodeIndex.GetElementsByName ("businessCentersReference")) {
                string	href		= context.GetAttribute ("href");

                // Handle XPointer syntax
                if ((href != null) && (href.Length > 1) && (href [0] == '#'))
                    href = href.Substring (1);

                XmlElement	target	= nodeIndex.GetElementById (href);

                if ((target == null) || (target.LocalName.Equals ("businessCenters"))) continue;

                errorHandler ("305", context,
                    "The businessCenterReference/@href attribute must reference a businessCenters element",
                    name, context.GetAttribute ("href"));

                result = false;
            return (result);
コード例 #7
        private static bool Rule24(string name, NodeIndex nodeIndex, XmlNodeList list, ValidationErrorHandler errorHandler)
            bool		result	= true;

            foreach (XmlElement context in list) {
                XmlElement	datesRef	= XPath.Path (context, "calculationPeriodDatesReference");

                if (datesRef == null) continue;

                string		href		= datesRef.GetAttribute ("href");

                // Remove leading # from XPointer type references
                if ((href != null) && (href.Length > 0) && (href [0] == '#'))
                    href = href.Substring (1);

                XmlElement	periodDates	= nodeIndex.GetElementById (href);

                if (periodDates == null) continue;

                if (Implies (
                        Exists (XPath.Path (context, "finalStub")),
                        Exists (XPath.Path (periodDates, "lastRegularPeriodEndDate")))) continue;

                errorHandler ("305", context,
                    "Final stub is present but no last regular period end date is defined " +
                    "in the referenced calculation period dates",
                    name, null);

                result = false;
            return (result);
コード例 #8
        private static bool Rule02(string name, NodeIndex nodeIndex, XmlNodeList list, ValidationErrorHandler errorHandler)
            bool		result 	= true;

            foreach (XmlElement context in list) {
                XmlElement	    startDate	= XPath.Path (context, "novation", "firstPeriodStartDate");
                XmlAttribute	href;

                if ((startDate == null) || (href = startDate.GetAttributeNode ("href"))== null) continue;

                XmlElement		target	= nodeIndex.GetElementById (href.Value);

                if ((target == null) || !target.LocalName.Equals("party")) {
                    errorHandler ("305", context,
                        "The @href attribute on the firstPeriodStartDate must reference a party",
                        name, href.Value);

                    result = false;
            return (result);