public static void LoadLink(OS os) { FileEntry file = GetFile(os); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( { string[] data ='\n'); IRCLink.GetInstance("", os).LinkServer(data[0], data[1]); } }
public static IRCLink GetInstance(string nickname, OS os) { if (instance == null) { instance = new IRCLink(nickname, os); } else { instance.nickname = nickname; instance.os = os; } if (instance.state == IRCLinkState.Uninitialized) { instance.state = IRCLinkState.Ready; } return(instance); }
public static bool SayCommand(OS os, List <string> args) { if (args.Count < 2) { os.write(usage); return(false); } string nickname = Regex.Replace(os.SaveUserAccountName, "[^\\w\\d-_]", "_"); IRCLink link = IRCLink.GetInstance(nickname, os); string message = string.Join(" ", args.ToArray(), 1, args.Count - 1); if (!link.Send(message, false)) { os.write("Please connect to a server using \"irc connect\" before sending a message."); return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool IRCCommand(OS os, List <string> args) { string nickname = Regex.Replace(os.SaveUserAccountName, "[^\\w\\d-_]", "_"); IRCLink link = IRCLink.GetInstance(nickname, os); if (args.Count < 2) { os.write(usage); return(false); } if (args[1] == "link") { if (args.Count < 4) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(link.DefaultServer)) { os.write("Linked to " + link.DefaultServer + " " + link.DefaultChannel); os.write(Environment.NewLine); } os.write("Usage : irc link <server> <#channel>"); return(false); } else { if (args[3][0] != '#') { os.write("Channel name invalid. Did you forget the #?"); return(false); } SaveLink(os, args[2], args[3]); link.LinkServer(args[2], args[3]); os.write("Server and channel set."); } } else if (args[1] == "connect") { if (args.Count > 3) { link.Connect(args[2], args[3]); } else { if (!link.Connect()) { os.write("You have not specified a server or channel."); return(false); } } } else if (args[1] == "disconnect") { if (!link.Disconnect()) { os.write("You are already disconnected."); return(false); } os.write("IRC client closed."); } else if (args[1] == "switch") { if (args.Count < 3) { os.write("Usage: irc switch <#channel>"); return(false); } if (args[2][0] != '#') { os.write("Channel name invalid. Did you forget the #?"); return(false); } if (!link.SwitchChannel(args[2])) { os.write("You are not connected to a server."); return(false); } os.write("Switched to channel " + args[2]); } else if (args[1] == "raw") { if (args.Count < 3) { os.write("Usage: irc raw <message>"); return(false); } string message = string.Join(" ", args.ToArray(), 2, args.Count - 2); if (!link.Send(message, true)) { os.write("Please connect to a server using \"irc connect\" before issuing a command."); return(false); } } else if (args[1] == "help") { os.write(usage); } else { os.write(usage); return(false); } return(true); }