public Dictionary<string, AlchemyWeightedData> GetResponse(string SearchParam, string Category) { var sherlockRankList = new List<AlchemyWeightedData>(); var aggDict = new Dictionary<string, AlchemyWeightedData>(); try { //call google to get the search results - URL GoogleHelper gHelp = new GoogleHelper(); IList<GoogleSearchResult> googleresultList = gHelp.GetSearchResults(SearchParam); IList<AlchemyWeightedData> aggrgAlchemyWeight = new List<AlchemyWeightedData>(); //iterate through the GoogleSearchResult and pass each URL to Alchemy to get a weihted score foreach (var googleResult in googleresultList) { var alchWtData = CallGetRankedNamedEntities(googleResult.GSearchResultURL, Category); foreach (var alchResponse in alchWtData) { //if (null != aggDict[alchResponse.TextResponse]) if (aggDict.ContainsKey(alchResponse.TextResponse)) { //key already exists - modify var toModifyAlchemyWtData = aggDict[alchResponse.TextResponse]; toModifyAlchemyWtData.RelevanceScore = (toModifyAlchemyWtData.RelevanceScore + alchResponse.RelevanceScore) / 2; aggDict[alchResponse.TextResponse] = toModifyAlchemyWtData; } else { //new key, just add if(aggDict.Count<3) aggDict.Add(alchResponse.TextResponse, alchResponse); } } } } catch (Exception e) { } return aggDict; }
public Dictionary<string, AlchemyWeightedData> GetResponse(string SearchParam, string Category, bool userIronIO) { var sherlockRankList = new List<AlchemyWeightedData>(); var aggDict = new Dictionary<string, AlchemyWeightedData>(); try { //call google to get the search results - URL GoogleHelper gHelp = new GoogleHelper(); IList<GoogleSearchResult> googleresultList = gHelp.GetSearchResults(SearchParam); IList<AlchemyWeightedData> aggrgAlchemyWeight = new List<AlchemyWeightedData>(); IronMQHelper iron = new IronMQHelper(); var tasksToBeQueued = new QueueTaskRequest(); var listOfTasks = new List<QueueTaskRequest.Task>(); var response1 = iron.CreateIronMQ("SherlockMQProd", IronIOAuthToken, IronIOProjectID); //iterate through the GoogleSearchResult and pass each URL to Alchemy to get a weihted score foreach (var googleResult in googleresultList) { //distribute the Alchemi calls to different IronIO worker threads. //IronMQHelper iron = new IronMQHelper(); var payload = new AlchemyPayloadToIron { Url = googleResult.GSearchResultURL, Category = Category }; var taskToIron = new QueueTaskRequest.Task() { code_name = "alchemy", payload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload) }; listOfTasks.Add(taskToIron); tasksToBeQueued.tasks = listOfTasks; //var alchWtData = CallGetRankedNamedEntities(googleResult.GSearchResultURL, Category); } QueueTaskResponse response = iron.queue_tasks(IronIOProjectID, IronIOAuthToken, tasksToBeQueued); foreach (var ironTask in response.tasks) { string responseFromIronTask = iron.GetTaskResponse(IronIOProjectID,, IronIOAuthToken); IList<AlchemyWeightedData> alchWtData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IList<AlchemyWeightedData>>(responseFromIronTask); foreach (var alchResponse in alchWtData) { if (aggDict.ContainsKey(alchResponse.TextResponse)) { //key already exists - modify var toModifyAlchemyWtData = aggDict[alchResponse.TextResponse]; toModifyAlchemyWtData.RelevanceScore = (toModifyAlchemyWtData.RelevanceScore + alchResponse.RelevanceScore) / 2; aggDict[alchResponse.TextResponse] = toModifyAlchemyWtData; } else { //new key, just add if (aggDict.Count < 3) aggDict.Add(alchResponse.TextResponse, alchResponse); } } } //get output from workers and aggregate the data } catch (Exception e) { } return aggDict; }