public static void GameMenu(string[] playersList, int numberOfPlayers) { while (true) { Console.WriteLine($"\nType q - for exit, p - for display the list of players, h - for show history, other input - play round.\n"); string choose = Console.ReadLine(); if (choose == "q") { Console.WriteLine($"Goodbye!"); File.Delete("../../history.txt"); Console.ReadLine(); return; } else if (choose == "p") { for (int i = 0; i < playersList.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"Player {i + 1}: {playersList[i]};"); } } else if (choose == "h") { Initial_Data.ShowHistory(); } else { PlayerSelection(playersList, numberOfPlayers); } } }
public static void PlayerSelection(string[] list, int numberOfPlayers) { Random random = new Random(); string activePlayer = list[random.Next(list.Length - 1)]; Console.WriteLine($"The next quest will be done by {activePlayer}, and here’s the quest:\n"); Initial_Data.Quests(activePlayer); }
public static void GameStart() { Initial_Data.SetPlayersNames(Initial_Data.SetNumberOfPlayers()); }