public void ctor(HUD.HUD hud, FContainer fContainer) { Type[] constructorSignature = new Type[1]; constructorSignature[0] = typeof(HUD.HUD); RuntimeMethodHandle handle = typeof(HudPart).GetConstructor(constructorSignature).MethodHandle; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(handle); IntPtr ptr = handle.GetFunctionPointer(); Action <HUD.HUD> funct = (Action <HUD.HUD>)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Action <HUD.HUD>), this, ptr); funct(hud);//HudPart Constructor this.lastPos = this.pos; if (hud.owner != null & hud.owner is Player) { this.circles = new HUDCircle[(hud.owner as Player) / 1200]; } else if (hud.owner != null & (hud.owner is patch_SleepAndDeathScreen)) { this.circles = new HUDCircle[(hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).nextcycleLength / 1200]; } for (int i = 0; i < this.circles.Length; i++) { this.circles[i] = new HUDCircle(hud, HUDCircle.SnapToGraphic.smallEmptyCircle, fContainer, 0); } if (hud.owner != null & hud.owner is Player) { if (((hud.owner as Player) as patch_RainCycle).getBurstIndex(0) < this.circles.Length) { (this.circles[((hud.owner as Player) as patch_RainCycle).getBurstIndex(0)] as patch_HUDCircle).danger = true; } if (((hud.owner as Player) as patch_RainCycle).getBurstIndex(1) < this.circles.Length) { (this.circles[((hud.owner as Player) as patch_RainCycle).getBurstIndex(1)] as patch_HUDCircle).danger = true; } if (((hud.owner as Player) as patch_RainCycle).getBurstIndex(2) < this.circles.Length) { (this.circles[((hud.owner as Player) as patch_RainCycle).getBurstIndex(2)] as patch_HUDCircle).danger = true; } } else if (hud.owner != null & !(hud.owner is Player) & (hud.owner is patch_SleepAndDeathScreen)) { if ((hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).getBurst(0) < this.circles.Length) { (this.circles[(hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).getBurst(0)] as patch_HUDCircle).danger = true; } if ((hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).getBurst(1) < this.circles.Length) { (this.circles[(hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).getBurst(1)] as patch_HUDCircle).danger = true; } if ((hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).getBurst(2) < this.circles.Length) { (this.circles[(hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).getBurst(2)] as patch_HUDCircle).danger = true; } (hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).nextcycleLength = (hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).nextcycleLength2; (hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).nextcycleLength2 = (hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).nextcycleLength3; (hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).burstNum = (hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).burstNum2; (hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).burstNum2 = (hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).burstNum3; } }
public void ctor(HUD.HUD hud, FContainer fContainer) { Type[] constructorSignature = new Type[1]; constructorSignature[0] = typeof(HUD.HUD); RuntimeMethodHandle handle = typeof(HudPart).GetConstructor(constructorSignature).MethodHandle; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(handle); IntPtr ptr = handle.GetFunctionPointer(); Action <HUD.HUD> funct = (Action <HUD.HUD>)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Action <HUD.HUD>), this, ptr); funct(hud);//HudPart Constructor this.lastPos = this.pos; if (hud.owner != null & hud.owner is Player) { if (MonklandSteamManager.isInGame) { this.circles = new HUDCircle[MonklandSteamManager.WorldManager.cycleLength / 1200]; } else { this.circles = new HUDCircle[(hud.owner as Player) / 1200]; } } else if (hud.owner != null & (hud.owner is MultiplayerSleepAndDeathScreen) && MonklandSteamManager.isInGame && MonklandSteamManager.WorldManager != null) { this.circles = new HUDCircle[MonklandSteamManager.WorldManager.cycleLength / 1200]; } for (int i = 0; i < this.circles.Length; i++) { this.circles[i] = new HUDCircle(hud, HUDCircle.SnapToGraphic.smallEmptyCircle, fContainer, 0); } }
// public int halfTimeBlink; // public bool halfTimeShown; public RainMeterMultiplayer(HUD.HUD hud, FContainer fContainer) : base(hud) { this.lastPos = this.pos; if (MonklandSteamManager.isInGame && MonklandSteamManager.WorldManager != null) { this.circles = new HUDCircle[MonklandSteamManager.WorldManager.cycleLength / 1200]; } for (int i = 0; i < this.circles.Length; i++) { this.circles[i] = new HUDCircle(hud, HUDCircle.SnapToGraphic.smallEmptyCircle, fContainer, 0); } }
private static void CtorHK(On.HUD.RainMeter.orig_ctor orig, RainMeter self, HUD.HUD hud, FContainer fContainer) { bool isMulti = true; if (!MonklandSteamManager.isInGame || MonklandSteamManager.WorldManager == null) { isMulti = false; if (hud.owner != null && hud.owner is Player p && != null) { orig(self, hud, fContainer); } else { noOrigCtor(self, isMulti, hud, fContainer); } }
public MultiplayerHUD(HUD.HUD hud) : base(hud) { try { this.screenSize = hud.rainWorld.options.ScreenSize; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log(e.Message); this.screenSize = new Vector2(1280f, 768f); } this.screenPos = this.screenSize - new Vector2(1366f, 768f); // This needs to be adjusted //Futile.stage.AddChild(this.inFrontContainer); this.hud = hud; Debug.Log("Added MultiHUD"); playerLabels = new Dictionary <ulong, MUIPlayerTag>(); elementsToBeRemoved = new List <ulong>(); overLayActive = false; exitting = false; frontContainer = new FContainer(); this.backgroundBlack = new FSprite("Futile_White", true); this.backgroundBlack.color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f); this.container.AddChild(this.backgroundBlack); this.backgroundBlack.scaleX = this.hud.rainWorld.options.ScreenSize.x / 16f; this.backgroundBlack.scaleY = 48f; this.backgroundBlack.anchorX = 0f; this.backgroundBlack.anchorY = 0f; this.backgroundBlack.x = 0f; this.backgroundBlack.y = 0f; this.backgroundBlack.alpha = 0.3f; this.backgroundBlack.isVisible = false; muiElements = new List <MUIHUD>(); exitButton = false; muiElements.Add(new MUIButton(this, new Vector2(this.ContinueAndExitButtonsXPos - 320f, 20f), "SHUTDOWN")); muiElements.Add(new MUIPlayerList(this, new Vector2(this.hud.rainWorld.options.ScreenSize.x / 2f, this.hud.rainWorld.options.ScreenSize.y / 2f))); Futile.stage.AddChild(frontContainer); }
private static void InitSleepHudHK(On.HUD.HUD.orig_InitSleepHud orig, HUD.HUD self, SleepAndDeathScreen sleepAndDeathScreen, Map.MapData mapData, SlugcatStats charStats) { if (!(sleepAndDeathScreen is MultiplayerSleepAndDeathScreen)) { Debug.Log("Calling orig ctor Sleeping Screen"); orig(self, sleepAndDeathScreen, mapData, charStats); return; } self.AddPart(new FoodMeter(self, charStats.maxFood, charStats.foodToHibernate)); //if (mapData != null) //{ //this.AddPart(new Map(this, mapData)); //} self.foodMeter.pos = new Vector2(sleepAndDeathScreen.FoodMeterXPos((sleepAndDeathScreen.ID != ProcessManager.ProcessID.SleepScreen) ? 1f : 0f), 0f); self.foodMeter.lastPos = self.foodMeter.pos; RainMeterMultiplayer rainMeter = new RainMeterMultiplayer(self, self.fContainers[1]); rainMeter.pos = new Vector2(self.rainWorld.options.ScreenSize.x - 335f, self.rainWorld.options.ScreenSize.y - 70f); self.AddPart(rainMeter); }
public extern void orig_ctor(HUD.HUD hud, FContainer fContainer);
public patch_RainMeter(HUD.HUD hud, FContainer fContainer) : base(hud, fContainer) { }
public patch_FoodMeter(HUD.HUD hud, int maxFood, int survivalLimit) : base(hud, maxFood, survivalLimit) { }
public patch_HUDCircle(HUD.HUD hud, SnapToGraphic snapGraphic, FContainer container, int color) : base(hud, snapGraphic, container, color) { }
public void ctor(Menu.Menu menu, MenuObject owner, int pageIndex, int slugcatNumber) { orig_ctor(menu, owner, pageIndex, slugcatNumber); hud.ClearAllSprites(); hudContainers = new FContainer[2]; for (int i = 0; i < hudContainers.Length; i++) { hudContainers[i] = new FContainer(); Container.AddChild(hudContainers[i]); } hud = new HUD.HUD(hudContainers, menu.manager.rainWorld, this); saveGameData.karma = Custom.IntClamp(saveGameData.karma, 0, saveGameData.karmaCap); = Custom.IntClamp(, 0, SlugcatStats.SlugcatFoodMeter(slugcatNumber).y); hud.AddPart(new KarmaMeter(hud, hudContainers[1], new IntVector2(saveGameData.karma, saveGameData.karmaCap), saveGameData.karmaReinforced)); hud.AddPart(new FoodMeter(hud, SlugcatStats.SlugcatFoodMeter(slugcatNumber).x, SlugcatStats.SlugcatFoodMeter(slugcatNumber).y)); string text = String.Empty; if (saveGameData.shelterName != null && saveGameData.shelterName.Length > 2) { string text2 = saveGameData.shelterName.Substring(0, 2); switch (text2) { case "CC": text = "Chimney Canopy"; break; case "DS": text = "Drainage System"; break; case "HI": text = "Industrial Complex"; break; case "GW": text = "Garbage Wastes"; break; case "SI": text = "Sky Islands"; break; case "SU": text = "Outskirts"; break; case "SH": text = "Shaded Citadel"; break; case "IS": text = "Intake System"; break; case "SL": text = "Shoreline"; break; case "LF": text = "Farm Arrays"; break; case "UW": text = "The Exterior"; break; case "SB": text = "Subterranean"; break; case "SS": text = "Five Pebbles"; break; case "LM": text = "Looks To the Moon"; break; case "MW": text = "The Fragmented Exterior"; break; case "FS": text = "Forest Sanctuary"; break; } if (text.Length > 0) { text2 = text; text = string.Concat(new object[] { text2, " - ", menu.Translate("Cycle"), " ", (slugcatNumber != 2) ? saveGameData.cycle : (RedsIllness.RedsCycles(saveGameData.redsExtraCycles) - saveGameData.cycle) }); } } regionLabel = new MenuLabel(menu, this, text, new Vector2(-1000f, imagePos.y - 249f), new Vector2(200f, 30f), true); regionLabel.label.alignment = FLabelAlignment.Center; subObjects.Add(regionLabel); }
private static void HUD_InitSinglePlayerHud(On.HUD.HUD.orig_InitSinglePlayerHud orig, HUD.HUD self, RoomCamera cam) { orig(self, cam); self.AddPart(new MultiplayerHUD(self)); }
public extern void orig_ctor(HUD.HUD hud, int maxFood, int survivalLimit);
public patch_KarmaMeter(HUD.HUD hud, FContainer fContainer, IntVector2 displayKarma, bool showAsReinforced) : base(hud, fContainer, displayKarma, showAsReinforced) { }
private static void RainMeter_ctor(On.HUD.RainMeter.orig_ctor orig, RainMeter self, HUD.HUD hud, FContainer fContainer) { try { orig(self, hud, fContainer); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("Error in Rainmeter ctor " + e.Message); } if (hud.owner != null & hud.owner is Player) { if (MonklandSteamManager.isInGame) { self.circles = new HUDCircle[MonklandSteamManager.WorldManager.cycleLength / 1200]; } else { //self.circles = new HUDCircle[(hud.owner as Player) / 1200]; } } else if (hud.owner != null & (hud.owner is MultiplayerSleepAndDeathScreen) && MonklandSteamManager.isInGame && MonklandSteamManager.WorldManager != null) { self.circles = new HUDCircle[MonklandSteamManager.WorldManager.cycleLength / 1200]; } for (int i = 0; i < self.circles.Length; i++) { self.circles[i] = new HUDCircle(hud, HUDCircle.SnapToGraphic.smallEmptyCircle, fContainer, 0); } }
//APPETITE private static void FoodMeter_ctor(On.HUD.FoodMeter.orig_ctor orig, HUD.FoodMeter self, HUD.HUD hud, int maxFood, int survivalLimit) { if (hud.owner is SlugcatSelectMenu.SlugcatPageContinue) { maxFood = KarmaAppetite.GetFoodFromKarma(((SlugcatSelectMenu.SlugcatPageContinue)hud.owner).saveGameData.karma).x; survivalLimit = KarmaAppetite.GetFoodFromKarma(((SlugcatSelectMenu.SlugcatPageContinue)hud.owner).saveGameData.karma).y; } orig.Invoke(self, hud, maxFood, survivalLimit); if (hud.owner is Player && (hud.owner as Player) != SlugcatStats.Name.Red) { self.quarterPipShower = new FoodMeter.QuarterPipShower(self); } }
public void ctor(HUD.HUD hud, int maxFood, int survivalLimit) { orig_ctor(hud, maxFood, survivalLimit); hibernation1 = false; hibernation2 = false; }