protected override bool InvEigImpl(Matrix mat, double?thresEigval, int?numZeroEigval, out Matrix inv, InfoPack extra) { NamedLock.FuncO <Matrix, bool> func = delegate(out Matrix linv) { Matlab.Clear("HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl"); Matlab.PutMatrix("HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.A", mat.ToArray()); Matlab.PutValue("HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.ze", numZeroEigval.GetValueOrDefault(0)); Matlab.PutValue("", Math.Abs(thresEigval.GetValueOrDefault(0))); Matlab.Execute("[HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.V, HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.D] = eig(HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.A);"); Matlab.Execute("HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.D = diag(HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.D);"); Matlab.Execute("HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.sortAbsD = sort(abs(HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.D));"); Matlab.Execute("HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.sortAbsD0 = [0; HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.sortAbsD];"); // add zero to the first list, for the case ze=0 (null) Matlab.Execute("HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.ze = HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.sortAbsD0(HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.ze+1);"); Matlab.Execute(" = max(, HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.ze);"); Matlab.Execute("HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.idx = abs(HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.D) <=;"); Matlab.Execute("HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.invD = ones(size(HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.D)) ./ HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.D;"); Matlab.Execute("HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.invD(HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.idx) = 0;"); Matlab.Execute("HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.invD = diag(HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.invD);"); Matlab.Execute("HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.invA = HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.V * HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.invD * inv(HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.V);"); linv = Matlab.GetMatrix("HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.invA"); if (extra != null) { int num_zero_eigvals = Matlab.GetValueInt("sum(HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.idx)"); HDebug.AssertIf(numZeroEigval != null, numZeroEigval.GetValueOrDefault() <= num_zero_eigvals); extra["num_zero_eigvals"] = num_zero_eigvals; extra["eigenvalues"] = Matlab.GetVector("HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl.D"); } Matlab.Clear("HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl"); return(true); }; //return NamedLock.LockedCall("bool HTLib2.Matlab.NumericSolver.InvEigImpl(Matrix, double?, int?, out Matrix, InfoPack)", func, out inv); return(NamedLock.LockedCall(Matlab.NamedLock.GetName("HTLib2_Matlab_InvEigImpl"), func, out inv)); }
public override ILinAlgMat _Diag(ILinAlgMat mat) { using (new Matlab.NamedLock("LA")) { Matlab.PutMatrix("LA.A", mat.ToArray()); CMatrix diag = Matlab.GetMatrix("diag(LA.A)"); Matlab.Clear(); return(diag); } }
public override ILinAlgMat _Inv(ILinAlgMat A) { using (new Matlab.NamedLock("LA")) { Matlab.PutMatrix("LA.A", A.ToArray()); CMatrix inv = Matlab.GetMatrix("inv(LA.A)"); Matlab.Clear(); return(inv); } }
public override double _Det(ILinAlgMat mat) { using (new Matlab.NamedLock("LA")) { Matlab.PutMatrix("LA.A", mat.ToArray()); double det = Matlab.GetValue("det(LA.A)"); Matlab.Clear(); return(det); } }
public override ILinAlgMat _LinSolve(ILinAlgMat A, ILinAlgMat B) { using (new Matlab.NamedLock("LA")) { Matlab.PutMatrix("LA.A", A.ToArray()); Matlab.PutMatrix("LA.B", B.ToArray()); CMatrix X = Matlab.GetMatrix(@"LA.A \ LA.B"); /// A X = B => X = A\B Matlab.Clear(); return(X); } }
protected override bool QuadraticProgrammingConstrainedImpl(out Vector x , Matrix H, Vector f , Matrix A = null, Vector b = null , Matrix Aeq = null, Vector beq = null , Vector lb = null, Vector ub = null , Vector x0 = null , string options = null ) { using (new Matlab.NamedLock("NUMSLV")) { Matlab.Clear("NUMSLV"); Matlab.PutMatrix("NUMSLV.H", H.ToArray()); Matlab.PutVector("NUMSLV.f", f.ToArray()); Matlab.Execute("NUMSLV.A = [];"); if (A != null) { Matlab.PutMatrix("NUMSLV.A", A.ToArray()); } Matlab.Execute("NUMSLV.b = [];"); if (b != null) { Matlab.PutVector("NUMSLV.b", b.ToArray()); } Matlab.Execute("NUMSLV.Aeq = [];"); if (Aeq != null) { Matlab.PutMatrix("NUMSLV.Aeq", Aeq.ToArray()); } Matlab.Execute("NUMSLV.beq = [];"); if (beq != null) { Matlab.PutVector("NUMSLV.beq", beq.ToArray()); } Matlab.Execute(" = [];"); if (lb != null) { Matlab.PutVector("", lb.ToArray()); } Matlab.Execute("NUMSLV.ub = [];"); if (ub != null) { Matlab.PutVector("NUMSLV.ub", ub.ToArray()); } Matlab.Execute("NUMSLV.x0 = [];"); if (x0 != null) { Matlab.PutVector("NUMSLV.x0", x0.ToArray()); } if (options == null) { options = "[]"; } Matlab.Execute("NUMSLV.x = quadprog(NUMSLV.H, NUMSLV.f, NUMSLV.A, NUMSLV.b, NUMSLV.Aeq, NUMSLV.beq,, NUMSLV.ub, NUMSLV.x0, " + options + ");", true); x = Matlab.GetVector("NUMSLV.x"); Matlab.Clear("NUMSLV"); } return(true); }
protected override bool LeastSquareConstrainedImpl(out Vector x , Matrix C, Vector d , Matrix A = null, Vector b = null , Matrix Aeq = null, Vector beq = null , Vector lb = null, Vector ub = null , Vector x0 = null , string options = null ) { using (new Matlab.NamedLock("NUMSLV")) { Matlab.Clear("NUMSLV"); Matlab.PutMatrix("NUMSLV.C", C.ToArray()); Matlab.PutVector("NUMSLV.d", d.ToArray()); Matlab.Execute("NUMSLV.A = [];"); if (A != null) { Matlab.PutMatrix("NUMSLV.A", A.ToArray()); } Matlab.Execute("NUMSLV.b = [];"); if (b != null) { Matlab.PutVector("NUMSLV.b", b.ToArray()); } Matlab.Execute("NUMSLV.Aeq = [];"); if (Aeq != null) { Matlab.PutMatrix("NUMSLV.Aeq", Aeq.ToArray()); } Matlab.Execute("NUMSLV.beq = [];"); if (beq != null) { Matlab.PutVector("NUMSLV.beq", beq.ToArray()); } Matlab.Execute(" = [];"); if (lb != null) { Matlab.PutVector("", lb.ToArray()); } Matlab.Execute("NUMSLV.ub = [];"); if (ub != null) { Matlab.PutVector("NUMSLV.ub", ub.ToArray()); } Matlab.Execute("NUMSLV.x0 = [];"); if (x0 != null) { Matlab.PutVector("NUMSLV.x0", x0.ToArray()); } if (options == null) { options = "[]"; } Matlab.Execute("NUMSLV.x = lsqlin(NUMSLV.C, NUMSLV.d, NUMSLV.A, NUMSLV.b, NUMSLV.Aeq, NUMSLV.beq,, NUMSLV.ub, NUMSLV.x0, " + options + ");", true); x = Matlab.GetVector("NUMSLV.x"); Matlab.Clear("NUMSLV"); } return(true); }
protected override bool RankImpl(Matrix mat, out int rank) { NamedLock.FuncO <int, bool> func = delegate(out int lrank) { string varname = "HTLib2_Matlab_RankImpl"; Matlab.Clear(varname); Matlab.PutMatrix(varname, mat.ToArray()); lrank = Matlab.GetValueInt("rank(" + varname + ")"); Matlab.Clear(varname); return(true); }; //return NamedLock.LockedCall("bool HTLib2.Matlab.NumericSolver.RankImpl(Matrix, out int)", func, out rank); return(NamedLock.LockedCall(Matlab.NamedLock.GetName("HTLib2_Matlab_RankImpl"), func, out rank)); }
protected override bool SvdImpl(Matrix X, out Matrix U, out Vector S, out Matrix V) { using (new Matlab.NamedLock("NUMSLV")) { Matlab.Clear("NUMSLV"); Matlab.PutMatrix("NUMSLV.X", X.ToArray()); Matlab.Execute("[NUMSLV.U, NUMSLV.S, NUMSLV.V] = svd(NUMSLV.X);"); Matlab.Execute("NUMSLV.S = diag(NUMSLV.S);"); U = Matlab.GetMatrix("NUMSLV.U"); S = Matlab.GetVector("NUMSLV.S"); V = Matlab.GetMatrix("NUMSLV.V"); Matlab.Clear("NUMSLV"); } return(true); }
public override ILinAlgMat _Mul(params ILinAlgMat[] mats) { using (new Matlab.NamedLock("LA")) { Matlab.PutMatrix("LA.mul", mats[0].ToArray(), true); for (int i = 1; i < mats.Length; i++) { Matlab.PutMatrix("LA.tmp", mats[i].ToArray(), true); Matlab.Execute("LA.mul = LA.mul * LA.tmp;"); } CMatrix mul = Matlab.GetMatrix("LA.mul", true); Matlab.Clear(); return(mul); } }
protected override bool EigImpl(Matrix A, Matrix B, out Matrix eigvec, out Vector eigval) { NamedLock.FuncOO <Matrix, Vector, bool> func = delegate(out Matrix leigvec, out Vector leigval) { Matlab.Clear("HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl"); Matlab.PutMatrix("HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.A", A.ToArray()); Matlab.PutMatrix("HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.B", B.ToArray()); Matlab.Execute("[HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.V, HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.D] = eig(HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.A, HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.B);"); Matlab.Execute("HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.D = diag(HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.D);"); leigvec = Matlab.GetMatrix("HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.V"); leigval = Matlab.GetVector("HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.D"); Matlab.Clear("HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl"); return(true); }; //return NamedLock.LockedCall("bool HTLib2.Matlab.NumericSolver.EigImpl(Matrix, Matrix, out Matrix, out Vector)", func, out eigvec, out eigval); return(NamedLock.LockedCall(Matlab.NamedLock.GetName("HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl"), func, out eigvec, out eigval)); }
protected override bool EigImpl(Matrix mat, out Matrix eigvec, out Vector eigval) { NamedLock.FuncOO <Matrix, Vector, bool> func = delegate(out Matrix leigvec, out Vector leigval) { bool bUseFile = (mat.ColSize * mat.ColSize > 1000 * 1000); Matlab.Clear("HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl"); Matlab.PutMatrix("HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.A", mat.ToArray(), bUseFile); Matlab.Execute("[HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.V, HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.D] = eig(HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.A);"); Matlab.Execute("HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.D = diag(HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.D);"); leigvec = Matlab.GetMatrix("HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.V", bUseFile); leigval = Matlab.GetVector("HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl.D"); Matlab.Clear("HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl"); return(true); }; //return NamedLock.LockedCall("bool HTLib2.Matlab.NumericSolver.EigImpl(Matrix, out Matrix, out Vector)", func, out eigvec, out eigval); return(NamedLock.LockedCall(Matlab.NamedLock.GetName("HTLib2_Matlab_EigImpl"), func, out eigvec, out eigval)); }
protected override bool PinvImpl(Matrix mat, out Matrix pinv, InfoPack extra) { NamedLock.FuncO <Matrix, bool> func = delegate(out Matrix lpinv) { Matlab.Clear("HTLib2_Matlab_PinvImpl"); Matlab.PutMatrix("HTLib2_Matlab_PinvImpl", mat.ToArray()); if (extra != null) { extra.SetValue("rank", Matlab.GetValueInt("rank(HTLib2_Matlab_PinvImpl)")); } Matlab.Execute("HTLib2_Matlab_PinvImpl = pinv(HTLib2_Matlab_PinvImpl);"); lpinv = Matlab.GetMatrix("HTLib2_Matlab_PinvImpl"); Matlab.Clear("HTLib2_Matlab_PinvImpl"); return(true); }; //return NamedLock.LockedCall("bool HTLib2.Matlab.NumericSolver.PinvImpl(Matrix, out Matrix, InfoPack)", func, out pinv); return(NamedLock.LockedCall(Matlab.NamedLock.GetName("HTLib2_Matlab_PinvImpl"), func, out pinv)); }
public override Tuple <ILinAlgMat, double[]> _EigSymm(ILinAlgMat A) { using (new Matlab.NamedLock("LA")) { Matlab.PutMatrix("LA.A", A.ToArray()); Matlab.Execute("LA.A = (LA.A + LA.A)/2;"); Matlab.Execute("[LA.V, LA.D] = eig(LA.A);"); Matlab.Execute("LA.D = diag(LA.D);"); CMatrix V = Matlab.GetMatrix("LA.V"); double[] D = Matlab.GetVector("LA.D"); if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) { Matlab.Execute("LA.ERR = LA.A - (LA.V * diag(LA.D) * LA.V');"); Matlab.Execute("LA.ERR = max(max(abs(LA.ERR)));"); double err = Matlab.GetValue("LA.ERR"); HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, err); } Matlab.Clear(); return(new Tuple <ILinAlgMat, double[]>(V, D)); } }
public static object LeastSquare (double[,] As, double[] bs , bool opt_get_stat = false ) { if (HDebug.Selftest()) { /// >> A = [ 1,3,2, 1 ; 4,5,6, 1 ; 7,9,9, 1 ; 11,11,12, 1 ; 13,16,15, 1 ] /// >> b = [1, 4, 6, 9, 12]' /// >> x = inv(A' * A) * (A' * b) /// 0.2171 /// 0.2125 /// 0.4205 /// -0.7339 /// >> esti = A * x /// 0.9619 /// 3.7203 /// 6.4832 /// 9.0381 /// 11.7965 /// >> corr(esti,b) /// 0.9976 /// >> mean( (b-esti).^2 ) /// 0.0712 double[,] _A = new double[5, 3] { { 1, 3, 2 }, { 4, 5, 6 }, { 7, 9, 9 }, { 11, 11, 12 }, { 13, 16, 15 } }; double[] _b = new double[5] { 1, 4, 6, 9, 12 }; dynamic _out = LeastSquare(_A, _b, true); double _matlab_corr = 0.9976; double _matlab_mse = 0.0712; double[] _matlab_x = new double[] { 0.2171, 0.2125, 0.4205, -0.7339 }; double[] _matlab_esti = new double[] { 0.9619, 3.7203, 6.4832, 9.0381, 11.7965 }; double err1 = Math.Abs(_matlab_corr - _out.opt_estimation_corr); double err2 = Math.Abs(_matlab_mse - _out.opt_mean_square_err); double err3 = (_matlab_x - (Vector)_out.x).ToArray().MaxAbs(); double err4 = (_matlab_esti - (Vector)_out.opt_estimation).ToArray().MaxAbs(); HDebug.Assert(err1 < 0.0001); HDebug.Assert(err2 < 0.0001); HDebug.Assert(err3 < 0.0001); HDebug.Assert(err4 < 0.0001); } /// => A x = b /// /// => At A x = At b /// /// => AA * x = Ab /// => x = inv(AA) * Ab HDebug.Assert(As.GetLength(0) == bs.Length); int n = As.GetLength(0); int k = As.GetLength(1); Matrix A = Matrix.Zeros(n, k + 1); for (int c = 0; c < n; c++) { for (int r = 0; r < k; r++) { A[c, r] = As[c, r]; } A[c, k] = 1; } Matrix AA = LinAlg.MtM(A, A); Vector Ab = LinAlg.MtV(A, bs); Vector x; switch (k + 1) { case 2: { Matrix invAA = LinAlg.Inv2x2(AA.ToArray()); x = LinAlg.MV(invAA, Ab); } break; case 3: { Matrix invAA = LinAlg.Inv3x3(AA.ToArray()); x = LinAlg.MV(invAA, Ab); } break; case 4: { Matrix invAA = LinAlg.Inv4x4(AA.ToArray()); x = LinAlg.MV(invAA, Ab); } break; default: Matlab.PutMatrix("LinAlg_LeastSquare.AA", AA); Matlab.PutVector("LinAlg_LeastSquare.Ab", Ab); Matlab.Execute("LinAlg_LeastSquare.AA = inv(LinAlg_LeastSquare.AA);"); Matlab.Execute("LinAlg_LeastSquare.x = LinAlg_LeastSquare.AA * LinAlg_LeastSquare.Ab;"); x = Matlab.GetVector("LinAlg_LeastSquare.x"); Matlab.Execute("clear LinAlg_LeastSquare;"); break; } double?opt_mean_square_err = null; double?opt_estimation_corr = null; Vector opt_estimation = null; if (opt_get_stat) { opt_estimation = new double[n]; double avg_err2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { double esti = 0; for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) { esti += As[i, j] * x[j]; } esti += x[k]; opt_estimation[i] = esti; avg_err2 += (esti - bs[i]) * (esti - bs[i]); } avg_err2 /= n; opt_mean_square_err = avg_err2; opt_estimation_corr = HMath.HCorr(opt_estimation, bs); } return(new { x = x, /// optional outputs opt_mean_square_err = opt_mean_square_err, opt_estimation_corr = opt_estimation_corr, opt_estimation = opt_estimation, }); }