public static double Det4(MatrixByArr mat) { HDebug.Assert(mat.ColSize == 4, mat.RowSize == 4); double a1 = mat[0, 0], a2 = mat[0, 1], a3 = mat[0, 2], a4 = mat[0, 3]; double b1 = mat[1, 0], b2 = mat[1, 1], b3 = mat[1, 2], b4 = mat[1, 3]; double c1 = mat[2, 0], c2 = mat[2, 1], c3 = mat[2, 2], c4 = mat[2, 3]; double d1 = mat[3, 0], d2 = mat[3, 1], d3 = mat[3, 2], d4 = mat[3, 3]; double det = a4 * b3 * c2 * d1 - a3 * b4 * c2 * d1 - a4 * b2 * c3 * d1 + a2 * b4 * c3 * d1 + a3 * b2 * c4 * d1 - a2 * b3 * c4 * d1 - a4 * b3 * c1 * d2 + a3 * b4 * c1 * d2 + a4 * b1 * c3 * d2 - a1 * b4 * c3 * d2 - a3 * b1 * c4 * d2 + a1 * b3 * c4 * d2 + a4 * b2 * c1 * d3 - a2 * b4 * c1 * d3 - a4 * b1 * c2 * d3 + a1 * b4 * c2 * d3 + a2 * b1 * c4 * d3 - a1 * b2 * c4 * d3 - a3 * b2 * c1 * d4 + a2 * b3 * c1 * d4 + a3 * b1 * c2 * d4 - a1 * b3 * c2 * d4 - a2 * b1 * c3 * d4 + a1 * b2 * c3 * d4; return(det); }
public static string HToString(this IList <char> chars) { if (HToStringChars_selftest) { HToStringChars_selftest = false; string str0 = ""; foreach (var ch in chars) { str0 += ch; } string str1 = HToString(chars); HDebug.Exception(str0 == str1); } return(new String(chars.ToArray())); }
public static string Execute(string script, bool ignoreAssert, params string[] replaces) { string nscript = CompleteScript(script, replaces); string msg = matlab.Execute(nscript); if (ignoreAssert == false) { HDebug.AssertIf(!ignoreAssert, msg == ""); if (msg != "") { System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Matlab error:\n" + msg); throw new HException(string.Format("exception at Matlab.Execute(\"{0}\")", script)); } } return(msg); }
public static List <U> HSelectByTypeDeprec <T, U>(this IList <T> list) where U : T { HDebug.ToDo("depreciated"); List <U> select = new List <U>(); foreach (T item in list) { if (item is U) { select.Add((U)item); } } return(select); }
public static double HAbsMaxDiffWith(this IMatrix <double> mat, IMatrix <double> diff) { HDebug.Assert(mat.ColSize == diff.ColSize); HDebug.Assert(mat.RowSize == diff.RowSize); double absmax = -1; for (int c = 0; c < mat.ColSize; c++) { for (int r = 0; r < mat.RowSize; r++) { absmax = Math.Max(absmax, Math.Abs(mat[c, r] - diff[c, r])); } } HDebug.Assert(absmax != -1); return(absmax); }
static double DistPointLine(Vector point, IList <Vector> line) { double dist2 = double.PositiveInfinity; for (int i = 1; i < line.Count; i++) { Vector line0 = line[i - 1]; Vector line1 = line[i]; dist2 = Math.Min(dist2, Dist2PointLine(point, line0, line1)); HDebug.Assert(dist2 >= 0); } double dist = Math.Sqrt(dist2); HDebug.Assert(double.IsNaN(dist) == false, double.IsInfinity(dist) == false); return(dist); }
public static Vector[] ExtendSegmentBegin(IList <Vector> segment, double extlength) { List <Vector> extsegment = segment.HCloneVectors().ToList(); Vector vec10 = (segment[0] - segment[1]).UnitVector(); extsegment.Insert(0, extsegment[0] + vec10 * extlength); if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) { Vector vec01 = (extsegment[0] - extsegment[1]).UnitVector(); Vector vec12 = (extsegment[1] - extsegment[2]).UnitVector(); HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, LinAlg.VtV(vec01, vec12) - 1); } return(extsegment.ToArray()); }
public static int[] HCount <T>(this IList <T[]> valuess) { if (HDebug.Selftest()) { double[][] tvaluess = new double[][] { new double[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new double[0], new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 } }; int[] tcnt = HCount(tvaluess); HDebug.Assert(new TVector <int>(tcnt) == new int[] { 3, 0, 4 }); } int[] counts = new int[valuess.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < counts.Length; i++) { counts[i] = valuess[i].Length; } return(counts); }
public Node AddChild(Tree.Node parent, NODE childval) { if (nodeval_node.ContainsKey(childval)) { HDebug.Assert(false); return(null); } Func <Tree.Node, Tree.Node> nodebuilder = delegate(Tree.Node lparent) { return(Node.New(lparent, childval)); }; Node child = (Node)(AddChild(parent, nodebuilder)); nodeval_node.Add(childval, child); return(child); }
public static IList <T> HRemoveAllNull <T>(this IList <T> values, bool bAssert = true) where T : class { //HDebug.Depreciated("use HRemoveAll(null), instead"); HDebug.Break(bAssert && HRemoveAllNull_break); Predicate <T> match = delegate(T val) { return(val == null); }; List <T> _values = new List <T>(values); _values.RemoveAll(match); return(_values); }
public static string HSubEndStringFrom(this string str, int lastIdxFrom) { if (HSubEndStringFrom_selftest) { HSubEndStringFrom_selftest = false; HDebug.Assert("abcdef".HSubEndStringFrom(1) == "abcde"); HDebug.Assert("abcdef".HSubEndStringFrom(0) == "abcdef"); } int leng = str.Length; int from = 0; int count = leng - lastIdxFrom; string substr = str.Substring(from, count); return(substr); }
public static TMatrix <T> operator+(TMatrix <T> val1, T[,] val2) { int colsize = val1.ColSize; HDebug.Assert(colsize == val2.GetLength(0)); int rowsize = val1.RowSize; HDebug.Assert(rowsize == val2.GetLength(1)); HDebug.Assert( == val2.Length); T[,] ret = new T[colsize, rowsize]; for (int c = 0; c < colsize; c++) { for (int r = 0; r < rowsize; r++) { ret[c, r] = (dynamic)ret[c, r] + val2[c, r]; } } return(ret); }
public static Quaternion OptimalRotation(IList <Vector> p, IList <Vector> x) { //HTLib.Vector[] pp = new HTLib.Vector[p.Count]; //HTLib.Vector[] xx = new HTLib.Vector[x.Count]; //for(int i=0; i<pp.Length; i++) pp[i] = p[i].ToArray(); //for(int i=0; i<xx.Length; i++) xx[i] = x[i].ToArray(); //HTLib.Quaternion quat = HTLib.ICP3.OptimalRotation(pp, xx); //return new Quaternion(quat.ToArray()); HDebug.ToDo("check"); double[] w = new double[p.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < w.Length; i++) { w[i] = 1; } return(OptimalRotationWeighted(p.ToArray(), x.ToArray(), w)); }
// update balance of (node, parent), and return (redetermined node, redetermined parent) static (Node <AvlNodeInfo> nnode, Node <AvlNodeInfo> nparent) UpdateBalance(Node <AvlNodeInfo> node, Node <AvlNodeInfo> parent, ref Node <AvlNodeInfo> root) { HDebug.Assert(node != null); HDebug.Assert(parent != null); HDebug.Assert(parent == node.parent); UpdateHeight(parent); int node_bf =; int parent_bf =; HDebug.Assert(Math.Abs(parent_bf) <= 2); { if (parent_bf == 2) { node = parent.right; node_bf =; } else if (parent_bf == -2) { node = parent.left; node_bf =; } } Node <AvlNodeInfo> nnode = null; Node <AvlNodeInfo> nparent = null; if ((Math.Abs(node_bf) <= 1) && (Math.Abs(parent_bf) <= 1)) { nnode = node; nparent = parent; } else if (((node_bf == -1) && (parent_bf == -2)) || ((node_bf == 0) && (parent_bf == -2))) { //HDebug.Assert(parent_bf == -2); ref Node <AvlNodeInfo> parent_ref = ref parent.GetThisRef(ref root); BTree.RotateRight <AvlNodeInfo>(ref parent_ref); UpdateHeight(parent); UpdateHeight(node); HDebug.Assert(parent.parent == node); nnode = parent; nparent = node; }
public static MatrixByArr operator-(MatrixByArr lmat, MatrixByArr rmat) { HDebug.Assert(lmat.ColSize == rmat.ColSize); HDebug.Assert(lmat.RowSize == rmat.RowSize); int colsize = lmat.ColSize; int rowsize = lmat.RowSize; MatrixByArr result = new MatrixByArr(colsize, rowsize); for (int c = 0; c < colsize; c++) { for (int r = 0; r < rowsize; r++) { result[c, r] = lmat[c, r] - rmat[c, r]; } } return(result); }
public static void SelfTest() { if (_SelfTest == false) { return; } _SelfTest = false; MatrixBySparseMatrix mat = new MatrixBySparseMatrix(4, 4, 2); HDebug.AssertToleranceMatrix(0, mat - MatrixByArr.Zeros(4, 4)); mat[0, 0] = mat[1, 1] = mat[2, 2] = mat[3, 3] = 1; HDebug.AssertToleranceMatrix(0, mat - LinAlg.Eye(4, 1)); mat[0, 0] = mat[1, 1] = mat[2, 2] = mat[3, 3] = 0; HDebug.AssertToleranceMatrix(0, mat - MatrixByArr.Zeros(4, 4)); }
public void Compress() { foreach (var c_r_val in blkmatrix.EnumElements()) { int c = c_r_val.Item1; int r = c_r_val.Item2; MatrixByArr lmat = c_r_val.Item3; if (lmat.HNumZeros() < BlkSize * BlkSize) { continue; } HDebug.Assert(lmat.HNumZeros() == BlkSize * BlkSize); blkmatrix[c, r] = null; } }
public static double?Det(double[,] mat) { if (mat.GetLength(0) == 2 && mat.GetLength(1) == 2) { return(Det2(mat)); } if (mat.GetLength(0) == 3 && mat.GetLength(1) == 3) { return(Det3(mat)); } if (mat.GetLength(0) == 4 && mat.GetLength(1) == 4) { return(Det4(mat)); } HDebug.Assert(false); return(null); }
public static void MV <MATRIX>(MATRIX lmat, Vector rvec, Vector result, string options = "") where MATRIX : IMatrix <double> { if (MV_SelfTest) { MV_SelfTest = false; MatrixByArr tM = new double[4, 3] { { 1, 2, 3 } , { 4, 5, 6 } , { 7, 8, 9 } , { 10, 11, 12 } }; Vector tV = new double[3] { 1, 2, 3 }; Vector tMV0 = new double[4] { 14, 32, 50, 68 }; Vector tMV1 = MV(tM, tV); double err = (tMV0 - tMV1).ToArray().HAbs().Max(); HDebug.Assert(err == 0); } HDebug.Assert(lmat.RowSize == rvec.Size); HDebug.Assert(lmat.ColSize == result.Size); if (options.Split(';').Contains("parallel") == false) { for (int c = 0; c < lmat.ColSize; c++) { for (int r = 0; r < lmat.RowSize; r++) { result[c] += lmat[c, r] * rvec[r]; } } } else { System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, lmat.ColSize, delegate(int c) { for (int r = 0; r < lmat.RowSize; r++) { result[c] += lmat[c, r] * rvec[r]; } }); } }
public VectorSparse <T> GetRowVector(int col) { HDebug.AssertAnd(0 <= col, col < RowSize); VectorSparse <T> vec = new VectorSparse <T>(RowSize, GetDefault: GetDefault); if (diagonal[col] != null) { vec[col] = diagonal[col]; } foreach (var r_val in offdiagonal[col]) { int r = r_val.Key; T val = r_val.Value; vec[r] = val; } return(vec); }
public T this[long i] { get { HDebug.Assert(0 <= i && i < SizeLong); long idx = i / MaxBlockCapacity; long off = i % MaxBlockCapacity; return(data[idx][off]); } set { HDebug.Assert(0 <= i && i < SizeLong); long idx = i / MaxBlockCapacity; long off = i % MaxBlockCapacity; data[idx][off] = value; } }
public static string FindResourceName <T>(string resname) { List <string> names = new List <string>(); foreach (string name in GetResourceNames <T>()) { if (name.Contains(resname)) { names.Add(name); } } if (names.Count() != 1) { HDebug.Assert(false); } return(names[0]); }
public static Tuple <Vector, Vector> LineOnTwoPlanes(Vector norm1, double val1, Vector norm2, double val2) { /// /// if (LineOnTwoPlanes_SelfTest) { LineOnTwoPlanes_SelfTest = false; Vector tn1 = new double[] { 1, 2, 3 }; Vector tn2 = new double[] { 2, 5, 3 }; double td1 = 10; double td2 = 2; LineOnTwoPlanes(tn1, td1, tn2, td2); } Vector norm = LinAlg.CrossProd(norm1, norm2); /// norm1' * pt = -val1 [n1x n1y n1z] [ptx] [-val1] [n1x n1y 0] [ptx] [-val1] /// norm2' * pt = -val2 => [n2x n2y n2z] * [pty] = [-val2] => [n2x n2y 0] * [pty] = [-val2] /// [ptz] [0 ] /// => [n1x n1y] * [ptx] = [-val1] => [n1x n1y] * [ptx] = [-val1] /// [n2x n2y] [pty] [-val2] [n2x n2y] [pty] [-val2] /// => [ptx] = [n1x n1y]-1 [-val1] = [ n2y -n1y] * [-val1] / (n1x*n2y - n1y*n2x) /// [pty] [n2x n2y] * [-val2] [-n2x n1x] [-val2] /// = [ n2y*-val1 + -n1y*-val2 ] / (n1x*n2y - n1y*n2x) /// [-n2x*-val1 + n1x*-val2 ] double n1x = norm1[0], n1y = norm1[1]; double n2x = norm2[0], n2y = norm2[1]; double div = n1x * n2y - n1y * n2x; Vector pt = new double[] { (n2y * -val1 + -n1y * -val2) / div, (-n2x * -val1 + n1x * -val2) / div, 0 }; if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) { Vector dbg_pt; dbg_pt = pt + 1 * norm; HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, LinAlg.VtV(norm1, dbg_pt) + val1); HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, LinAlg.VtV(norm2, dbg_pt) + val2); dbg_pt = pt + 2 * norm; HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, LinAlg.VtV(norm1, dbg_pt) + val1); HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, LinAlg.VtV(norm2, dbg_pt) + val2); dbg_pt = pt - 2 * norm; HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, LinAlg.VtV(norm1, dbg_pt) + val1); HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, LinAlg.VtV(norm2, dbg_pt) + val2); } return(new Tuple <Vector, Vector>(pt, norm)); }
public static Vector From(object data) { Type dataType = data.GetType(); if (dataType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(double[]))) { return(new Vector((double[])data)); } //if(dataType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Double[]))) { return new Vector((double[])data); } //if(dataType.IsInstanceOfType(typeof(Double[]))) { return new Vector((double[])data); } if (data is double[]) { return(new Vector((double[])data)); } HDebug.Assert(false); return(null); }
public double Det(ILinAlgMat mat) { Func <ILinAlgMat, double> func = _Det; if (HDebug.Selftest(func)) { ILinAlgMat tA = ToILMat(new double[, ] { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 2, 4, 5 }, { 3, 5, 6 } }); double tdet = Det(tA); if (Math.Abs(tdet - (-1.0)) > 0.00000001) { Exit("Det(A) is wrong"); } } return(func(mat)); }
//public static double Corr(Vector vec1, Vector vec2) //{ // return Corr(vec1.ToArray().ToList(), vec2.ToArray().ToList()); //} public static double HCorr(double[] vec1, double[] vec2) { if (HDebug.Selftest()) { // check with mathematica double tcorr = HCorr(new double[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new double[] { 3, 7, 4 }); double terr = 0.2401922307076307 - tcorr; HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, terr); } if (vec1.Length != vec2.Length) { throw new Exception(); } double corr = HCov(vec1, vec2) / Math.Sqrt(vec1.HVar() * vec2.HVar()); return(corr); }
public static double[,] DistPtPt(IList <Vector> points1, IList <Vector> points2) { HDebug.Assert(points1.Count == points2.Count); double[,] dists = new double[points1.Count, points2.Count]; for (int c1 = 0; c1 < points1.Count; c1++) { for (int c2 = 0; c2 < points2.Count; c2++) { Vector pt1 = points1[c1]; Vector pt2 = points2[c2]; HDebug.Assert(pt1.Size == pt2.Size); double dist2 = LinAlg.VtV(pt1, pt2); dists[c1, c2] = Math.Sqrt(dist2); } } return(dists); }
public static T HGetItem <T>(this Tuple <T, T, T, T, T> values, int idx) { switch (idx) { case 0: return(values.Item1); case 1: return(values.Item2); case 2: return(values.Item3); case 3: return(values.Item4); case 4: return(values.Item5); default: HDebug.Assert(false); throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); } }
public static double?Det(this MatrixByArr mat) { if (mat.ColSize == 2 && mat.RowSize == 2) { return(Det2(mat)); } if (mat.ColSize == 3 && mat.RowSize == 3) { return(Det3(mat)); } if (mat.ColSize == 4 && mat.RowSize == 4) { return(Det4(mat)); } HDebug.Assert(false); return(null); }
public static T[] HSelectByIndex <T> (this IList <T> list , IDictionary <int, int> idx , T defnull //=default(T) ) { if (HSelectByIndex_selftest) #region selftest { HSelectByIndex_selftest = false; string[] _list = new string[] { "3", "1", "0", "2", "x", }; Dictionary <int, int> _idx = new Dictionary <int, int>(); _idx.Add(0, 2); _idx.Add(1, 1); _idx.Add(3, 0); string[] _out = _list.HSelectByIndex(_idx, "-"); HDebug.Assert(_out.Length == 4); HDebug.Assert(_out[0] == "0"); HDebug.Assert(_out[1] == "1"); HDebug.Assert(_out[2] == "-"); HDebug.Assert(_out[3] == "3"); } #endregion int leng = idx.Keys.Max() + 1; T[] select = new T [leng]; bool[] assign = new bool[leng]; for (int i = 0; i < leng; i++) { select[i] = defnull; assign[i] = false; } foreach (var i_idxi in idx) { int i = i_idxi.Key; int idxi = i_idxi.Value; HDebug.Assert(idxi == idx[i]); if (assign[i] == true) { throw new HException("multi-index"); } assign[i] = true; select[i] = list[idxi]; } return(select); }