/// <summary> /// չʾ���� /// </summary> /// <param name="id">��¼Id</param> private void ShowInfo(int id) { SFileBB fileBB = new SFileBB(); LMessageBB messageBB = new LMessageBB(); vLMessageData model = new vLMessageData(); try { model = messageBB.GetVModel(id); this.title.Text = model.title; this.content.Text = model.content; this.fileId.Text = fileBB.GetDownBatchFileNm(model.fileId); this.sort.Text = model.sortNm; this.author.Text = model.author; } finally { fileBB.Dispose(); messageBB.Dispose(); } //�����Ѷ��˴� SCommBB commBB = new SCommBB(); try { string strSql = "select count(distinct empId) from LMessageReaded where messageId=" + id.ToString(); this.readedEmpCount.Text = commBB.ExecuteScalar(strSql).ToString(); } finally { commBB.Dispose(); } }
public void FinishTSArriveDetail(int arriveDetailId) { BArriveDetailBB arriveDetailBB = new BArriveDetailBB(); SCommBB commBB = new SCommBB(); try { BArriveDetailData arriveDetailModel = new BArriveDetailData(); object obj = null; string strArriveBillNo = "", strFinanceBillNo = "", strMaterialNo = ""; arriveDetailModel = arriveDetailBB.GetModel(arriveDetailId); arriveDetailModel.isFinishReceive = true;//收货完成 arriveDetailBB.ModifyRecord(arriveDetailModel); //更改到货单明细的排托数量 strArriveBillNo = arriveDetailModel.arriveBillNo; strFinanceBillNo = arriveDetailModel.financeBillNo; strMaterialNo = arriveDetailModel.materialNo; obj = commBB.ExecuteScalar("select count(1) from dbo.BArrangeBillBox where arriveBillNo='" + strArriveBillNo + "' and financeBillNo='" + strFinanceBillNo + "' and materialNo='" + strMaterialNo + "'"); if (obj != null) { commBB.ExecuteSql("update dbo.BarriveDetail set boxNum=" + obj.ToString() + " where id=" + arriveDetailId.ToString()); } } finally { arriveDetailBB.Dispose(); commBB.Dispose(); } }
public string GetWareLocatorCheckMatertial(string checkNO, string wareLocatorNo,string material) { SCommBB commBB = new SCommBB(); object obj = commBB.ExecuteScalar("Select distinct WareLocatorNo from UStockCheckDetail_Joey where StockCheckBillNo = '" + checkNO + "' and WareLocatorNo = '" + wareLocatorNo + "' and MaterialNo ='"+material+"'"); if (obj == null) { return ""; } else { return obj.ToString(); } }
public string GetfirstSingleWeight(string material) { SCommBB commBB = new SCommBB(); try { string singleWeight = ""; object obj = commBB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT U_StanWiht FROM LMaterial WHERE materialNo ='" + material + "'").ToString(); if (obj != null) { singleWeight = obj.ToString(); } else { singleWeight = "0"; } return singleWeight; } finally { commBB.Dispose(); } }
public string GetcustNo(string palletNo) { SCommBB commBB = new SCommBB(); string custNO = ""; string command = @"exec [dbo].[pro_GetcustNo] '" + palletNo + "'"; try { object obj = commBB.ExecuteScalar(command); if (obj != null) { custNO = obj.ToString(); } } catch { custNO = ""; } finally { commBB.Dispose(); } return custNO; }
/// <summary> /// 删除备货单 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (GridViewRow gvrow in this.grid.Rows) { CheckBox chkId = (CheckBox)gvrow.FindControl("chkId"); if (chkId.Checked == true) { string id = this.grid.DataKeys[gvrow.RowIndex].Values["id"].ToString(); CStockUpBillBB billBB = new CStockUpBillBB(); CStockUpBillData data = billBB.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(id)); string stockUpBillNo = data.stockUpBillNo;//获取要删除的备货单号 SCommBB commBB = new SCommBB(); object returnValue =commBB.ExecuteScalar(@"select top 1 stockUpBillNo from CPickOutPlan where stockUpBillNo = '"+stockUpBillNo+"' and instantState<>'01'"); if (returnValue != null) { this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "alert(\"备货单 " + stockUpBillNo + " 不允许删除因为已经开始执行!\");", true); return; } else { try { commBB.ExecuteSql("Exec [DeleteStockUpBillNo] '" + stockUpBillNo + "'"); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "alert(\"备货单 " + stockUpBillNo + " 删除错误删除成功!\");", true); } catch (Exception error) { this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "alert(\"备货单 " + stockUpBillNo + " 删除错误" + error.Message + "!\");", true); } finally { commBB.Dispose(); } } } } }