コード例 #1
ファイル: SeedUsers.cs プロジェクト: AlexMSmithCA/HNGRY
		public async Task InsertUsers()
			if (!this._appRepository.GetUsers().Any())
				var userHunGarry = new User { UserName = @"ATP\HunGarry", FullName = "Hun Garry" };
				var userLuvFude = new User { UserName = @"ATP\LuvFude", FullName = "Luv Fude" };
				await this._userManager.CreateAsync(userHunGarry, "Asdf12#456");
				await this._userManager.CreateAsync(userLuvFude, "Asdf12#456");
コード例 #2
		public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
			var userManager = (UserManager<User>)context.HttpContext.ApplicationServices.GetService(typeof (UserManager<User>));
			var signInManager = (SignInManager<User>)context.HttpContext.ApplicationServices.GetService(typeof(SignInManager<User>));
			var appRepository = (IAppDbRepository)context.HttpContext.ApplicationServices.GetService(typeof(IAppDbRepository));

			lock (_autoLoginLock)
				var userContext = context?.HttpContext.User;
				var userInfo = new
					IsSignedIn = userContext?.IsSignedIn() == true,
					IsAuthenticated = userContext?.Identity.IsAuthenticated == true,
					Username = userContext?.GetUserName()
				if (userInfo.Username == null || !userInfo.IsAuthenticated)
					// Cannot authenticate this user!
					context.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult("Navigation", "Error");

				if (!userInfo.IsSignedIn && userInfo.IsAuthenticated)
					// Sign in the user, and let them continue on their way
					// We'll want to sign in the user here!
					var user = appRepository.GetUserFromName(userContext.GetUserName());

					var allUsers = appRepository.GetUsers();

					if (user == null || allUsers == null)
						// Create a new user and sign them in
						user = new User { UserName = userContext.GetUserName() };
						Task.WhenAll(userManager.CreateAsync(user, "my_pAsSwOrD123"));

					Task.WhenAll(signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent: false));
