public static void ReadCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { String content = String.Empty; // Retrieve the state object and the handler socket // from the asynchronous state object. StateObject state = (StateObject)ar.AsyncState; Socket handler = state.workSocket; EtherHandler eh = (EtherHandler)Form.commHandler; eh.CSocketHandler = handler; try { if (handler != null) { if (handler.Connected) { // Read data from the client socket. int bytesRead = handler.EndReceive(ar); if (bytesRead > 0) { // There might be more data, so store the data received so far. // // state.buffer, 0, bytesRead)); // Check for end-of-file tag. If it is not there, read // more data. //string str = string.Empty; int cnt = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (byte b in state.buffer) { sb.Append(string.Format("[" + "{0:x2}" + "]", b)); cnt++; if (cnt == bytesRead) { break; } } Form.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { //code 로 메시지 확인 switch (state.buffer[Frame.Code]) { case Code.ACK: recvTab.SeqNum = (int)state.buffer[Frame.Seq]; ///전송연번 업데이트 break; case Code.NACK: recvTab.SeqNum = (int)state.buffer[Frame.Seq]; ///전송연번 업데이트 //추후 재전송 로직 추가 break; case Code.STATUS_RES: ///상태정보 수신 { recvTab.SeqNum = (int)state.buffer[Frame.Seq]; ///전송연번 업데이트 //ACK를 보내줌. ProcItem item = null; sndTab.MakeFrame(Code.ACK, out byte[] data, Form.comm, ref item); Send(data); } break; case Code.VIO_CONFIRM_REQ: ///위반확인요구 수신 { recvTab.SeqNum = (int)state.buffer[Frame.Seq]; ///전송연번 업데이트 //ACK를 보내줌. //sndTab.MakeEtherFrame(Code.ACK, out byte[] data); //Send(handler, data); int nCopy = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PACKET_VIO_REQUEST)); byte[] _cpyArray = new byte[nCopy]; Array.Copy(state.buffer, Frame.Data, _cpyArray, 0, nCopy); //위반확인응답을 보내줌. PACKET_VIO_REQUEST pVioReq = (PACKET_VIO_REQUEST)PacketMethods.ByteToStructure(_cpyArray, typeof(PACKET_VIO_REQUEST)); if (pVioReq.imgStatus == 0x00) { recvTab.triggerStatus.Text = "정상"; } else { recvTab.triggerStatus.Text = "비정상"; } ProcItem pItem = new ProcItem((uint)sndTab.pcComboBox.SelectedIndex + 1); pItem.seq = state.buffer[Frame.Seq]; pItem.vioNum = pVioReq.imagNum; sndTab.procList.Add(pItem); /// 영상번호 업데이트 recvTab.imageNum.Text = pVioReq.imagNum.ToString(); if (sndTab.syncMethod.SelectedIndex == 1) { int setByteOrder = sndTab.ByteOrder.SelectedIndex; sndTab.VioNumber = pVioReq.imagNum; byte[] cvtVioNum = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)sndTab.VioNumber); if (setByteOrder == 1) // Big endian { cvtVioNum = cvtVioNum.Reverse().ToArray(); sndTab.VioNumber = BitConverter.ToInt16(cvtVioNum, 0); } } //위반확인자동응답 체크 시 전송을 수행함. if (othTab.autoVioSendCheck.IsChecked == true) { int maxLoop = sndTab.pcComboBox.SelectedIndex + 1; uint saveProcNum = sndTab.ProcNumber1; for (sndTab.cycleNum = 1; sndTab.cycleNum <= maxLoop; sndTab.cycleNum++) { if (othTab.cnfResTypeComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { if (sndTab.MakeFrame(Code.VIO_CONFIRM_RES, out byte[] data, ((MainWindow)System.Windows.Application.Current.MainWindow).comm, ref pItem) == true) { ((MainWindow)System.Windows.Application.Current.MainWindow).SendData(data, data.Length); } } else { //신규응답으로 보낸다. if (sndTab.MakeFrame(Code.VIO_CONFIRM_RES_N, out byte[] data, ((MainWindow)System.Windows.Application.Current.MainWindow).comm, ref pItem) == true)
public static void ReadCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { String content = String.Empty; // Retrieve the state object and the handler socket // from the asynchronous state object. StateObject state = (StateObject)ar.AsyncState; Socket handler = state.workSocket; Form.csocketHandler = handler; try { if (handler != null) { if (handler.Connected) { // Read data from the client socket. int bytesRead = handler.EndReceive(ar); if (bytesRead > 0) { // There might be more data, so store the data received so far. // // state.buffer, 0, bytesRead)); // Check for end-of-file tag. If it is not there, read // more data. string str = string.Empty; int cnt = 0; foreach (byte b in state.buffer) { str += string.Format("[" + "{0:x2}" + "]", b); cnt++; if (cnt == bytesRead) { break; } } Form.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { //code 로 메시지 확인 switch (state.buffer[Frame.Code]) { case Code.ACK: recvTab.SeqNum = (int)state.buffer[Frame.Seq]; ///전송연번 업데이트 break; case Code.NACK: recvTab.SeqNum = (int)state.buffer[Frame.Seq]; ///전송연번 업데이트 //추후 재전송 로직 추가 break; case Code.STATUS_RES: ///상태정보 수신 { recvTab.SeqNum = (int)state.buffer[Frame.Seq]; ///전송연번 업데이트 //ACK를 보내줌. sndTab.MakeEtherFrame(Code.ACK, out byte[] data); Send(handler, data); //Thread.Sleep(100); //sndTab.MakeEtherFrame(Code.VIO_CONFIRM_RES, out byte[] data1); //Send(handler, data1); } break; case Code.VIO_CONFIRM_REQ: ///위반확인요구 수신 { recvTab.SeqNum = (int)state.buffer[Frame.Seq]; ///전송연번 업데이트 //ACK를 보내줌. //sndTab.MakeEtherFrame(Code.ACK, out byte[] data); //Send(handler, data); int nCopy = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PACKET_VIO_REQUEST)); byte[] _cpyArray = new byte[nCopy]; Array.Copy(state.buffer, Frame.Data, _cpyArray, 0, nCopy); //위반확인응답을 보내줌. PACKET_VIO_REQUEST pVioReq = (PACKET_VIO_REQUEST)PacketMethods.ByteToStructure(_cpyArray, typeof(PACKET_VIO_REQUEST)); if (pVioReq.imgStatus == 0x00) { recvTab.triggerStatus.Text = "정상"; } else { recvTab.triggerStatus.Text = "비정상"; } ProcItem pItem = new ProcItem(); pItem.seq = state.buffer[Frame.Seq]; pItem.vioNum = pVioReq.imagNum; sndTab.procList.Add(pItem); /// 영상번호 업데이트 recvTab.imageNum.Text = pVioReq.imagNum.ToString(); if (sndTab.syncMethod.SelectedIndex == 1) { sndTab.VioNumber = pVioReq.imagNum; } //sndTab.MakeEtherFrame(Code.VIO_CONFIRM_RES, out byte[] data); //Send(handler, data); } break; case Code.PLATE_RECOG_NOTIFY: { recvTab.SeqNum = (int)state.buffer[Frame.Seq]; ///전송연번 업데이트 } break; default: break; } } ); try { Form.Dispatcher.Invoke(new UpdateTextDelegate(Form.DisplayText), recvTab.SocketRxList, str); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } if (content.IndexOf("<EOF>") > -1) { // All the data has been read from the // client. Display it on the console. Console.WriteLine("Read {0} bytes from socket. \n Data : {1}", content.Length, content); // Echo the data back to the client. Send(handler, content); } else { // Not all data received. Get more. handler.BeginReceive(state.buffer, 0, StateObject.BufferSize, 0, new AsyncCallback(ReadCallback), state); } } else { //소켓을 끊을 때. handler.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); handler.Close(); try { Form.Dispatcher.Invoke(new UpdateTextDelegate(Form.DisplayText), recvTab.SocketRxList, "클라이언트 연결 끊김!!"); if (Form.runServer == false) { Form.Dispatcher.Invoke(new UpdateButtonTextDelegate(Form.UpdateButtonText), "서버 시작"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } } else { handler.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); handler.Close(); Form.Dispatcher.Invoke(new UpdateTextDelegate(Form.DisplayText), recvTab.SocketRxList, "강제로 소켓 끊김"); Form.Dispatcher.Invoke(new UpdateButtonTextDelegate(Form.UpdateButtonText), "서버 시작"); } } else { Form.Dispatcher.Invoke(new UpdateTextDelegate(Form.DisplayText), recvTab.SocketRxList, "Client 소켓이 유효하지 않음"); } } catch (Exception e) { if (Form.runServer == false) { //사람이 서버를 종료한 경우에 한하여 버튼을 바꾼다. Form.Dispatcher.Invoke(new UpdateButtonTextDelegate(Form.UpdateButtonText), "서버 시작"); } Form.Dispatcher.Invoke(new UpdateTextDelegate(Form.DisplayText), recvTab.SocketRxList, "소켓 종료됨"); //Form.Dispatcher.Invoke(new UpdateTextDelegate(Form.DisplayText), Form.SocketRxList, e.Message); } }
void Serial_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { int len = commHandler.Read(dataBuf.buff, dataBuf.buffLen, dataBuf.buff.Length); dataBuf.buffLen += len; if (dataBuf.buffLen <= frameHeader.MinFrameLen) { return; } if (dataBuf.buff[dataBuf.buffLen - 2] != Protocols.ETX || dataBuf.buff[dataBuf.buffLen - 3] != Protocols.DLE) { return; } if (dataBuf.buffLen >= 1024) { dataBuf.reset(); } Array.Copy(dataBuf.buff, 0, recvBuff.buff, recvBuff.buffLen, dataBuf.buffLen); recvBuff.buffLen += dataBuf.buffLen; dataBuf.reset(); SerialRecvDelegate srdel = delegate() { byte[] array = new byte[256]; string str = string.Empty; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); bool findFrame = false; while (recvBuff.buffLen > 0) { findFrame = false; sb.Clear(); for (int i = frameHeader.MinFrameLen - 1; i < recvBuff.buffLen; i++) { if (recvBuff.buff[i - 1] == Protocols.ETX && recvBuff.buff[i - 2] == Protocols.DLE) { frameBuf.buffLen = i + 1; Array.Copy(recvBuff.buff, 0, frameBuf.buff, 0, frameBuf.buffLen); findFrame = true; break; } } if (findFrame == false) { return; } byte revBcc = frameBuf.buff[frameBuf.buffLen - 1]; //BCC 저장 Array.Copy(frameBuf.buff, 2, array, 0, frameBuf.buffLen - 5); // DLE STX ~ DLE ETX BCC 를 뺌. int validSize = DelDLE(ref array, frameBuf.buffLen - 5); Array.Copy(array, 0, recvBuff.buff, frameHeader.LenPos, validSize); byte[] bccData = new byte[validSize - 1]; //LEN이 빠진 데이터 길이. Array.Copy(array, 1, bccData, 0, bccData.Length); byte calBcc = MainWindow.CalBCC(bccData, bccData.Length); if (revBcc != calBcc) { frameBuf.reset(); //BCC 오류 Array.Clear(frameBuf.buff, 0, frameBuf.buff.Length); sb.Append("BCC 오류"); return; } else { //frameBuf.buffLen = 5 + validSize; frameBuf.buff[frameBuf.buffLen - 3] = Protocols.DLE; frameBuf.buff[frameBuf.buffLen - 2] = Protocols.ETX; frameBuf.buff[frameBuf.buffLen - 1] = revBcc; } switch (frameBuf.buff[frameHeader.CodePos]) { case Code.ACK: recvTab.SeqNum = (int)frameBuf.buff[frameHeader.SeqPos]; ///전송연번 업데이트 break; case Code.NACK: recvTab.SeqNum = (int)frameBuf.buff[frameHeader.SeqPos]; ///전송연번 업데이트 //추후 재전송 로직 추가 break; case Code.STATUS_RES: ///상태정보 수신 { recvTab.SeqNum = (int)frameBuf.buff[frameHeader.SeqPos]; ///전송연번 업데이트 //ACK를 보내줌. ProcItem item = null; sndTab.MakeFrame(Code.ACK, out byte[] data, comm, ref item); data[frameHeader.SeqPos] = frameBuf.buff[frameHeader.SeqPos]; //commHandler.Send(data,data.Length); MainWindow.Send(data); } break; case Code.VIO_CONFIRM_REQ: ///위반확인요구 수신 { ProcItem item = null; recvTab.SeqNum = (int)frameBuf.buff[frameHeader.SeqPos]; ///전송연번 업데이트 sndTab.MakeFrame(Code.ACK, out byte[] data, comm, ref item); data[frameHeader.SeqPos] = frameBuf.buff[frameHeader.SeqPos]; //commHandler.Send(data, data.Length); MainWindow.Send(data); //ACK를 보내줌. int nCopy = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PACKET_VIO_REQUEST)); byte[] _cpyArray = new byte[nCopy]; Array.Copy(frameBuf.buff, 5, _cpyArray, 0, nCopy); //위반확인응답을 보내줌. PACKET_VIO_REQUEST pVioReq = (PACKET_VIO_REQUEST)PacketMethods.ByteToStructure(_cpyArray, typeof(PACKET_VIO_REQUEST)); if (pVioReq.imgStatus == 0x00) { recvTab.triggerStatus.Text = "정상"; } else { recvTab.triggerStatus.Text = "비정상"; } ProcItem pItem = new ProcItem((uint)sndTab.pcComboBox.SelectedIndex + 1); pItem.seq = frameBuf.buff[frameHeader.SeqPos]; pItem.vioNum = pVioReq.imagNum; sndTab.procList.Add(pItem); /// 영상번호 업데이트 recvTab.imageNum.Text = pVioReq.imagNum.ToString(); if (sndTab.syncMethod.SelectedIndex == 1) { sndTab.VioNumber = pVioReq.imagNum; } //위반확인자동응답 체크 시 전송을 수행함. if (othTab.autoVioSendCheck.IsChecked == true) { int maxLoop = sndTab.pcComboBox.SelectedIndex + 1; uint saveProcNum = sndTab.ProcNumber1; for (sndTab.cycleNum = 1; sndTab.cycleNum <= maxLoop; sndTab.cycleNum++) { if (othTab.cnfResTypeComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { if (sndTab.MakeFrame(Code.VIO_CONFIRM_RES, out byte[] auto_data, ((MainWindow)System.Windows.Application.Current.MainWindow).comm, ref pItem) == true) { ((MainWindow)System.Windows.Application.Current.MainWindow).SendData(auto_data, auto_data.Length); } }