public tcIdentificacaoRps BuscatcIdentificacaoRps(FbConnection Conn, string sNfseq) { try { StringBuilder sQuery = new StringBuilder(); sQuery.Append("select nf.cd_notafis, coalesce(nf.cd_serie,'00001')cd_serie from nf "); sQuery.Append("where nf.cd_nfseq = '" + sNfseq + "' and "); sQuery.Append("nf.cd_empresa = '" + belStatic.codEmpresaNFe + "'"); FbCommand Comand = new FbCommand(sQuery.ToString(), Conn); Comand.ExecuteNonQuery(); FbDataReader dr = Comand.ExecuteReader(); dr.Read(); objtcIdentificacaoRps = new tcIdentificacaoRps(); objtcIdentificacaoRps.Nfseq = sNfseq; objtcIdentificacaoRps.Numero = dr["cd_notafis"].ToString(); objtcIdentificacaoRps.Serie = dr["cd_serie"].ToString(); objtcIdentificacaoRps.Tipo = 1; //Tratar; return objtcIdentificacaoRps; } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
public tcIdentificacaoRps BuscatcIdentificacaoRps(string sNotaFis) { belConnection cx = new belConnection(); Globais objGlobais = new Globais(); try { StringBuilder sQuery = new StringBuilder(); sQuery.Append("select nf.cd_nfseq, nf.cd_notafis, coalesce(nf.cd_serie,'00001')cd_serie from nf "); sQuery.Append("where nf.cd_notafis = '" + sNotaFis + "' and "); sQuery.Append("nf.cd_empresa = '" + belStatic.codEmpresaNFe + "'"); sQuery.Append(" and coalesce(nf.st_nf_prod,'S') = 'N'"); sQuery.Append(" and nf.cd_gruponf = '" + objGlobais.LeRegConfig("GrupoServico") + "'"); FbCommand Comand = new FbCommand(sQuery.ToString(), cx.get_Conexao()); cx.Open_Conexao(); Comand.ExecuteNonQuery(); FbDataReader dr = Comand.ExecuteReader(); dr.Read(); tcIdentificacaoRps objtcIdentificacaoRps = new tcIdentificacaoRps(); objtcIdentificacaoRps.Nfseq = dr["cd_nfseq"].ToString(); objtcIdentificacaoRps.Numero = dr["cd_notafis"].ToString(); objtcIdentificacaoRps.Serie = dr["cd_serie"].ToString(); return objtcIdentificacaoRps; } catch (Exception) { throw new Exception("O Grupo de faturamento da nota " + sNotaFis + " deve ser igual ao Grupo de faturamento parametrizado no Config."); } finally { cx.Close_Conexao(); } }
private void AlteraDuplicataNumNFse(tcIdentificacaoRps objIdentRps, string sNotaFis) { Globais objGlobais = new Globais(); belConnection cx = new belConnection(); try { StringBuilder sQuery = new StringBuilder(); sQuery.Append("UPDATE dupnotar SET dupnotar.cd_notafis = '" + sNotaFis + "' "); sQuery.Append("where dupnotar.cd_empresa = '" + belStatic.codEmpresaNFe + "' "); sQuery.Append("and dupnotar.cd_nfseq = '" + objIdentRps.Nfseq + "' "); sQuery.Append("and dupnotar.cd_gruponf = '" + objGlobais.LeRegConfig("GrupoServico") + "'"); FbCommand cmd = new FbCommand(sQuery.ToString(), cx.get_Conexao()); cx.Open_Conexao(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { cx.Close_Conexao(); } }