public static decimal GetPercentualComissao(string sCdVend, string sCdPrazo, Tabela oTabelas) { bool bVendaAPrazo = true; decimal rPercentual = 0; if ((sCdPrazo != null) && (!sCdPrazo.Equals(String.Empty))) { string sDsFormula = oTabelas.hlpDbFuncoes.qrySeekValue( "PRAZOS", "DS_FORMULA", "(CD_PRAZO = '" + sCdPrazo + "')"); if ((sDsFormula != null) && (sDsFormula.Equals("0"))) bVendaAPrazo = false; } if ((sCdVend != null) && (!sCdVend.Equals(String.Empty))) { string sCampoComissao; if (bVendaAPrazo) sCampoComissao = "VL_PERCOAP"; else sCampoComissao = "VL_PERCOAV"; DataTable qryVendedor = oTabelas.hlpDbFuncoes.qrySeekRet( "VENDEDOR", sCampoComissao, "(CD_VEND = '" + sCdVend + "')"); if (qryVendedor.Rows.Count == 1) rPercentual = Convert.ToDecimal(qryVendedor.Rows[0][sCampoComissao]); } return rPercentual; }
public MovitemPedidoDAO(Tabela oTabelas) : base(oTabelas) { if (!oTabelas.CodigoCliente.Equals("TORCETEX")) this.Tabela = "MOVITEM"; else this.Tabela = "VI_MOVITEMWEB_TORCETEX"; this.ChavePrimaria.Add("CD_EMPRESA"); this.ChavePrimaria.Add("NR_LANC"); this.Inicializar(); }
public MovipendPedidoDAO(Tabela oTabelas) : base(oTabelas) { //Renato - 21/07/2007 - OS 20611 string sCliente = oTabelas.hlpDbFuncoes.fMemoStr("0016"); bTorcetex = ((sCliente != null) && (sCliente.Equals("TORCETEX"))); //////////////////////////////// this.Tabela = "MOVIPEND"; this.ChavePrimaria.Add("CD_EMPRESA"); this.ChavePrimaria.Add("NR_LANC"); this.Inicializar(); }
public static DataTable GetProdutosMaisVendidos(Tabela oTabelas, string sTabela, int iQtdeRegistros, DateTime dtInicio, DateTime dtFinal, string sCD_VEND = "") { System.Text.StringBuilder sQuery = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sQuery.Append("SELECT first({0}) sum(m.qt_prod) QTDE , m.cd_prod, prod.ds_prod DESCRICAO "); sQuery.Append("FROM MOVITEM m inner join pedido p on "); sQuery.Append("p.cd_pedido = m.cd_pedido and "); sQuery.Append("p.cd_empresa = m.cd_empresa "); sQuery.Append("inner join tpdoc t on p.cd_tipodoc = t.cd_tipodoc "); sQuery.Append("inner join produto prod on "); sQuery.Append("m.cd_prod = prod.cd_prod and "); sQuery.Append("m.cd_empresa = prod.cd_empresa "); sQuery.Append("where "); sQuery.Append("p.dt_pedido between '{2}' and '{3}' "); if (oTabelas.CodigoCliente.Equals("MARPA")) sQuery.Append(" and t.st_utiliza_web = 'S' "); if (sCD_VEND != "") sQuery.Append(" and p.cd_vend1 = '{4}'"); else sQuery.Append("{4}"); sQuery.Append(" group by m.cd_prod, prod.ds_prod order by sum(m.qt_prod) desc "); DataTable dtResult; string sQueryFinal = string.Format(sQuery.ToString(), iQtdeRegistros.ToString(), sTabela, dtInicio.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy"), dtFinal.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy"), sCD_VEND ); dtResult = oTabelas.hlpDbFuncoes.qrySeekRet(sQueryFinal); return dtResult; }
public HlpDbFuncoes(Tabela objTabela) { oTabelas = objTabela; }
public static DataTable GetVendasPorRepresentanteAnual(Tabela oTabelas, string sAno, string sCodRepresentante = "") { System.Text.StringBuilder sQuery = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if (oTabelas.CodigoCliente.Equals("MARPA")) sQuery.Append("select coalesce(sum(p.vl_total_liberado_com_desc),0) Total,v.nm_vend, case "); else sQuery.Append("select coalesce(sum(p.vl_totalped),0) Total,v.nm_vend, case "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 1 then 'Jan' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 2 then 'Fev' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 3 then 'Mar' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 4 then 'Abr' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 5 then 'Mai' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 6 then 'Jun' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 7 then 'Jul' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 8 then 'Ago' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 9 then 'Set' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 10 then 'Out' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 11 then 'Nov' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 12 then 'Dez' "); sQuery.Append("end as Mes from pedido p "); sQuery.Append("left join pedseq ps on p.cd_pedido = ps.cd_pedido and p.cd_empresa = ps.cd_empresa "); sQuery.Append("inner join clifor c on p.cd_cliente = c.cd_clifor inner join tpdoc t on p.cd_tipodoc = t.cd_tipodoc "); sQuery.Append(" inner join vendedor v on v.cd_vend = c.cd_vend1 "); DataTable dtReport; if (sCodRepresentante != "") { sQuery.Append("where coalesce(ps.st_canped,'N') <> 'S' "); if (!oTabelas.CodigoCliente.Equals("TORCETEX")) sQuery.Append("and coalesce(t.st_fatur,'1') = '0' "); sQuery.Append("and c.cd_vend1 = '{0}' and "); sQuery.Append("p.dt_pedido between '01.01.{1}' and '31.12.{1}' "); if (oTabelas.CodigoCliente.Equals("MARPA")) sQuery.Append("and t.st_utiliza_web = 'S' "); sQuery.Append("group by extract( month from p.dt_pedido), v.nm_vend order by extract( month from p.dt_pedido) "); string sQueryFinal = string.Format(sQuery.ToString(), sCodRepresentante, sAno); dtReport = oTabelas.hlpDbFuncoes.qrySeekRet(sQueryFinal); } else { sQuery.Append("where coalesce(ps.st_canped,'N') <> 'S' and coalesce(t.st_fatur,'') = 'S'and coalesce(t.st_fatur,'1') = '0' and "); sQuery.Append("p.dt_pedido between '01.01.{0}' and '31.12.{0}' "); if (oTabelas.CodigoCliente.Equals("MARPA")) { sQuery.Append("and t.st_utiliza_web = 'S' "); sQuery.Append("and p.st_web = 'S' "); } sQuery.Append("group by extract( month from p.dt_pedido) , v.nm_vend order by v.nm_vend, extract( month from p.dt_pedido) "); string sQueryFinal = string.Format(sQuery.ToString(), sAno); dtReport = oTabelas.hlpDbFuncoes.qrySeekRet(sQueryFinal); } return dtReport; }
public static DataTable GetVendasProduto(Tabela oTabelas, string sTabela, string sCdProd, string sAno) { System.Text.StringBuilder sQuery = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sQuery.Append("select coalesce(sum(m.qt_prod),0) QTDE, case "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 1 then 'Jan' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 2 then 'Fev' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 3 then 'Mar' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 4 then 'Abr' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 5 then 'Mai' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 6 then 'Jun' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 7 then 'Jul' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 8 then 'Ago' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 9 then 'Set' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 10 then 'Out' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 11 then 'Nov' "); sQuery.Append("when extract( month from p.dt_pedido) = 12 then 'Dez' "); sQuery.Append("end as Mes "); sQuery.Append("from Movitem m "); sQuery.Append("inner join pedido p on p.cd_pedido = m.cd_pedido inner join tpdoc t on p.cd_tipodoc = t.cd_tipodoc "); sQuery.Append("where m.cd_prod= '{1}' "); sQuery.Append("and extract(year from p.dt_pedido) = '{2}'"); if (oTabelas.CodigoCliente.Equals("MARPA")) sQuery.Append("and t.st_utiliza_web = 'S' "); sQuery.Append("group by extract( month from p.dt_pedido)"); DataTable dtResult; string sQueryFinal = string.Format(sQuery.ToString(), sTabela, sCdProd, sAno); dtResult = oTabelas.hlpDbFuncoes.qrySeekRet(sQueryFinal); return dtResult; }
public UsuarioWeb() { objTabela = new TabelaWeb(); objTabela.Inicializar(true); }
public BaseDAO(Tabela oTabelas) { this.oTabelas = oTabelas; }
public void SetObjetoTabelas(Tabela oTabelas) { this.oTabelas = oTabelas; }