private ReceiptStringBuilderArguments CollectDataForReceiptPrinting(Boolean isCustomerCopy) { ReceiptStringBuilderArguments args = new ReceiptStringBuilderArguments { TicketId = Convert.ToInt16(TicketNumberLabel.Text), Title = TitleComboBox.Text, FirstName = FirstNameTextBox.Text ?? "", LastName = LastNameTextBox.Text ?? "", MiddleName = MiddleNameTextBox.Text ?? "", DateIn = DateInPicker.Value, DateReady = DateReadyPicker.Value, TotalPrice = TotalPriceLabel.Text == "" ? 0 : double.Parse(TotalPriceLabel.Text, NumberStyles.Currency), Deposit = DepositTextBox.Text == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(DepositTextBox.Text), TailorName = TailorComboBox.Text, Telephone = PhoneTextBox.Text, isCustomerCopy = isCustomerCopy }; if (isCustomerCopy) { args.Comments = ""; } else { args.Comments = CommentBox.Text; } List<AlterationGridItem> gridItems = new List<AlterationGridItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < AlterationGrid.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { double price = Convert.ToString(AlterationGrid["PriceCol", i].Value) == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(AlterationGrid["PriceCol", i].Value); int quantity = Convert.ToString(AlterationGrid["quantityCol", i].Value) == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(AlterationGrid["quantityCol", i].Value); String description = AlterationGrid["descriptionCol", i].Value.ToString(); bool taxable = Convert.ToBoolean(AlterationGrid["taxableCol", i].Value); AlterationGridItem item = new AlterationGridItem(price, quantity, description, taxable); gridItems.Add(item); } args.GridItems = gridItems; return args; }
public static String BuildStringFromArgs(ReceiptStringBuilderArguments args, Boolean isCusomterCopy, Boolean isEmailCopy) { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); if (isCusomterCopy) { text.AppendLine(" HKT Custom Clothiers"); text.AppendLine(" 5378 Buford Highway NE"); text.AppendLine(" Atlanta, GA 30340"); text.AppendLine(" 770.458.8682"); text.AppendLine(""); text.AppendLine(); } text.AppendLine("Ticket ID: " + args.TicketId); String nameTitle = ""; if (args.Title != "" && args.Title != null) { nameTitle = args.Title + " "; } text.AppendLine("Name: " + nameTitle + args.FirstName + " " + args.LastName); text.AppendLine("Date In: " + args.DateIn.ToLongDateString()); text.AppendLine("Date Ready: " + args.DateReady.ToLongDateString() + " After 4:00PM"); if (!isCusomterCopy) { text.AppendLine("Phone: " + args.Telephone); } text.AppendLine("Number of Items: " + args.GridItems.Sum(x => x.Quantity)); text.AppendLine(); for (int i = 0; i < args.GridItems.Count; i++) { AlterationGridItem item = args.GridItems[i]; string quantity = item.Quantity == 0 ? "" : item.Quantity.ToString(); string price = item.Price == 0 ? "" : String.Format("{0:C}", item.Price); text.AppendLine(quantity + " " + item.Description + " " + price); } text.AppendLine(); text.AppendLine(String.Format("Total Price: {0:C}", args.TotalPrice)); text.AppendLine(String.Format("Deposit: {0:C}", args.Deposit)); text.AppendLine(String.Format("Balance: {0:C}", args.TotalPrice - args.Deposit)); text.AppendLine(); if (isCusomterCopy && isEmailCopy) { text.AppendLine("Please DO NOT reply to this automated email as its inbox is unmonitored. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns."); text.AppendLine(); } if (isCusomterCopy) { text.AppendLine("All major cards accepted. "); text.AppendLine("We are not responsible for alterations left at store for more than 60 days or once garments have been picked up from the store. "); text.AppendLine(); text.AppendLine("New, unused, unaltered merchandise can be exchanged or returned up to 15 days from date of purchase."); text.AppendLine("No refunds or exchanges on custom clothing. "); text.AppendLine("Custom orders are generally ready 4 to 6 weeks from order date. "); text.AppendLine("Refunds will be issued in the original tender of the purchase, except cash refunds will be issued by check."); text.AppendLine("HKT Custom Clothiers reserves the right to modify its return and exchange policy"); text.AppendLine(); text.AppendLine("Thank you for choosing HKT Custom Clothiers!"); text.AppendLine("Like us on Facebook:"); text.AppendLine("Follow us on Instagram:"); text.AppendLine("Follow us on Twitter:"); } else if (!isCusomterCopy) { text.AppendLine("Tailor: " + args.TailorName); text.AppendLine(args.Comments); } return text.ToString(); }