public async Task <bool> GetWorkshops(Boolean blnOnline = true) { try { // if (blnOnline == true) // { WrkSets = await RESTClass.GetWorkshopList("?active=true"); // } // else // { // WrkSets = new List<WorkshopSets> {}; // // WrkSets.Add(new WorkshopSets(1, "Cannot connect to server... Try again later", "01/02/2015")); // WrkSets.Add(new WorkshopSets(2, "Offline WritingSkills", "01/02/2015")); // WrkSets.Add(new WorkshopSets(3, "Offline Study + Reading skills", "01/02/2015")); // WrkSets.Add(new WorkshopSets(4, "Offline Presentation + Speaking Skills", "01/02/2015")); // } // create our adapter taskList = new Adapters.TaskListAdapter(this, WrkSets); //Hook up our adapter to our ListView lvWorkShops.Adapter = taskList; return(true); } catch (Exception e) { new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .SetMessage(e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace) .SetTitle("Application Error") .Show(); return(false); } }
protected async override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { try { base.OnCreate(bundle); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Search); List <string> WorkshopList; List <WorkshopSets> WrkSets; EditText txtsearch = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtsearch); Spinner searchWorkshop = FindViewById <Spinner>(Resource.Id.ddpworkshop); ExpandableListView ddpSearchList = FindViewById <ExpandableListView> (Resource.Id.ddpSearch); ImageButton btnsearch = FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.imgsearch); ListView workshoplist = FindViewById <ListView>(Resource.Id.lvlWorkShops); string search; WorkshopList = new List <string>(); WorkshopList.Add("Session"); WorkshopList.Add("Workshop"); WorkshopList.Add("Programs"); ArrayAdapter <String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter <String>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleDropDownItem1Line, WorkshopList); searchWorkshop.Adapter = adapter; btnsearch.Click += async delegate { try { search = txtsearch.Text; string searchBy; searchBy = searchWorkshop.SelectedItem.ToString(); progressDialog = ProgressDialog.Show(this, "", "Searching..."); if (searchBy == "Session") { //string WorkshopSetId = Intent.GetStringExtra(search); _WorkshopSessions = await RESTClass.GetWorkshopSessions("?workshopSetId=" + search); //_WorkshopSessions = await RESTClass.GetWorkshopSessions("?topic=" + WorkshopSetId + "&active=true&etc."); } else if (searchBy == "Workshop") { WrkSets = await RESTClass.GetWorkshopList("?active=true"); taskList = new Adapters.SearchAdapter(this, WrkSets); workshoplist.Adapter = taskList; // lvWorkShops.Adapter = taskList; // new AlertDialog.Builder (this) // .SetMessage(taskList.GetId(0)) // .SetTitle("Application Error") // .Show(); } else if (searchBy == "Programs") { //await Ge } dictGroup.Clear(); CreateExpendableListData(); ddpSearchList.SetAdapter(new ExpandListSessionAdapter(this, dictGroup)); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorHandling.LogError(e, this); } finally { progressDialog.Dismiss(); progressDialog.Dispose(); } }; ddpSearchList.ChildClick += delegate(object sender, ExpandableListView.ChildClickEventArgs e) { try { string itmGroup = lstKeys [e.GroupPosition]; WorkshopSessions itmChild = dictGroup [itmGroup]; } catch (Exception Ex) { ErrorHandling.LogError(Ex, this); } }; ddpSearchList.GroupExpand += delegate(object sender, ExpandableListView.GroupExpandEventArgs e) { if (lastExpandedPosition != -1 && e.GroupPosition != lastExpandedPosition) { ddpSearchList.CollapseGroup(lastExpandedPosition); } lastExpandedPosition = e.GroupPosition; }; // Button btnViewDetails = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.btnViewDetails); // btnViewDetails.Click += delegate { // StartActivity(new Intent(this, typeof(MakeBookingListActivity))); // } ; } catch (Exception e) { ErrorHandling.LogError(e, this); } finally { // progressDialog.Dismiss(); // progressDialog.Dispose (); } }