protected void SignInButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Emailadress = SignInEmailTB.Text.ToLower(); string PassWord = SignInPasswordTB.Text; Entities.User result1 = new Entities.User(); //vul user credentials met email en wachtwoord+hashtouniqueid string uniqueId = ""; using (MD5 md5 = MD5.Create()) { byte[] hash = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Emailadress)); uniqueId = PassWordSecurity.NameUUIDFromBytes(hash); } UserCredentials = new Entities.User(); UserCredentials.PassWordHash = uniqueId + BLL.PassWordSecurity.Hash(PassWord); UserCredentials.EmailAdress = Emailadress; if (UserCredentials != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserCredentials.EmailAdress) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserCredentials.PassWordHash)) { BLL.LogInHelper logInHelper = new BLL.LogInHelper(); try { //probeer in te loggen met ingevulde gegevens result1 = logInHelper.LoginAtPageLoad(UserCredentials); if (result1 != null || result1.ID != 0) { //inlog geaccepteerd ShowMessagerAlert("U bent ingelogd"); Session["User"] = result1; SiteMaster.setLoggedInText(UserCredentials.EmailAdress, "/Account"); Response.Redirect("/Account.aspx"); } else { SiteMaster.setLoggedInText("Inloggen", "/SignIn"); ShowMessagerAlert("Deze combinatie van gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord is niet gevonden"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ShowMessagerAlert("Probleem bij ophalen van gebruikergegevens: " + ex.Message); } } else { ShowMessagerAlert("Er zijn geen gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord ingevuld"); } } else { SiteMaster.setLoggedInText("Inloggen", "/SignIn"); ShowMessagerAlert("Er zijn geen gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord ingevuld"); } //do postback zodat inloggen vervangen wordt door emailadress ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.Page.GetType(), "DoPostBack", "__doPostBack(sender, e)", true); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ShowWorkbar) { SideNavH.Visible = true; CollapseButton.Text = "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left'></span>"; Collumn2.Style.Value = ""; CollapseButton.ToolTip = "Werkbalk verbergen"; ShowWorkbar = true; } else { SideNavH.Visible = false; CollapseButton.Text = "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'></span>"; Collumn2.Style.Value = "width:100%;"; CollapseButton.ToolTip = "Werkbalk uitvouwen"; ShowWorkbar = false; } Page.Title = "Portaal " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Request.Url.AbsolutePath); if (!IsPostBack) { HideVisibles(); if (Session["User"] != null) { LoggedInUser = Session["User"] as Entities.User; if (LoggedInUser != null) { BLL.LogInHelper logInHelper = new BLL.LogInHelper(); Entities.User result = new Entities.User(); try { result = logInHelper.LoginAtPageLoad(LoggedInUser); } catch (Exception) { Response.Redirect("/SignIn"); } if (result != null) { //akkoord om op de pagina te zijn+controle rechten rollen //Select user.RoleID, rights.ShowOwnDeseases, rights.ShowOwnTherapies, rights.ShowAllDeseases, rights.ShowAllTherapies, rights.ShowNewTherapy, rights.ShowNewDesease, rights.ShowNewMedication, rights.ShowOwnMedication, rights.ShowNewRapport, rights.ShowOwnRapports, rights.ShowAllRapports, rights.ChangeClientNAW, rights.ShowAllMedications from user inner join roles on roles.ID = user.RoleID inner join rights on rights.ID= roles.RightsID where user.BsnNumber='0123456790'and user.UniqueID='82a7969a-3570-f75b-a2cd-76c7ff0a396d' DAL.DBRoleConnection dBRoleConnection = new DAL.DBRoleConnection(); role = dBRoleConnection.GetUserRights(LoggedInUser); //haal alle gegevens aan het begin op met laad scherm string previousPageName = ""; if (Request.UrlReferrer != null) { previousPageName = Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath; } string url = Request.Url.AbsolutePath; string currentPage = Path.GetFileName(Request.PhysicalPath); List <string> listurl = url.Split('/').ToList(); List <string> Finallisturl = new List <string>(); { Finallisturl.Add(previousPageName); Finallisturl.AddRange(listurl); } foreach (string item in Finallisturl) { if (item != "" && item != "PortalContent" && !item.StartsWith("/")) { BreadCrumb.InnerHtml += "<li><a href='" + item + "'>" + item + "</a></li>"; } else if (item == "PortalContent") { BreadCrumb.InnerHtml += "<li><a href='DashBoard'>" + item + "</a></li>"; } else if (item.StartsWith("/")) { BreadCrumb.InnerHtml += "<li><a href='" + item + "'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left'></span></a></li>"; } } } else { Response.Redirect("/SignIn"); } } else { Response.Redirect("/SignIn"); } } else { Response.Redirect("/SignIn"); } if (role != null) { ShowOwnDeseases.Visible = role.ShowOwnDeseases; ShowOwnTherapies.Visible = role.ShowOwnTherapies; ShowOwnMedications.Visible = role.ShowOwnMedication; ShowAllDeseases.Visible = role.ShowAllDeseases; ShowAllTherapies.Visible = role.ShowAllTherapies; ShowAllMedications.Visible = role.ShowAllMedications; ShowNewDeseases.Visible = role.ShowNewDesease; ShowNewTherapies.Visible = role.ShowNewTherapy; ShowNewMedication.Visible = role.ShowNewMedication; Rapports.Visible = role.ShowNewRapport; Management.Visible = role.Management; ShowAllFiles.Visible = role.ShowAllFiles; ShowNewFile.Visible = role.ShowNewFile; ShowOwnFiles.Visible = role.ShowOwnFiles; ShowClientData.Visible = role.ShowClientData; } else { Response.Redirect("/ErrorPage"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ProfileImageUpload.Visible = false; if (IsPostBack && ProfileImageUpload.PostedFile != null) { if (ProfileImageUpload.PostedFile.FileName.Length > 0) { try { bool DirExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("/Files/" + LoggedInUser.UniqueUserID + "/PF")); if (!DirExists) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("/Files/" + LoggedInUser.UniqueUserID + "/PF")); } ProfileImageUpload.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("/Files/" + LoggedInUser.UniqueUserID + "/PF/" + ProfileImageUpload.FileName)); string location = "/Files/" + LoggedInUser.UniqueUserID + "/PF/" + ProfileImageUpload.FileName; DAL.DBUserConnection dBUserConnection = new DAL.DBUserConnection(); string result = dBUserConnection.SetUserData(LoggedInUser, UserData.Types.ProfilePicUrl, location); ShowPFMessage(result + "<br/>Wanneer u opnieuw inlogd zal de foto zichtbaar zijn.", "Resultaat"); ProfileImageUpload.Dispose(); ProfileImageUpload.PostedFile.InputStream.Dispose(); ProfileImageUpload.Attributes.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowPFMessage("Fout:" + ex.Message, "Resultaat"); } } } if (!IsPostBack) { messagerPF.Style.Add("display", "none!important"); if (Session["User"] != null) { LoggedInUser = Session["User"] as Entities.User; if (LoggedInUser != null) { BLL.LogInHelper logInHelper = new BLL.LogInHelper(); Entities.User result = new Entities.User(); try { result = logInHelper.LoginAtPageLoad(LoggedInUser); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Redirect("/SignIn"); } if (result != null) { //akkoord om op de pagina te zijn IngelogdAls.Text = LoggedInUser.FirstName + " " + LoggedInUser.LastName + " BSN:" + LoggedInUser.BsnNumber; Data = LoggedInUser; if (Data != null) { //get user measures from database if (!IsPostBack) { BSNNumberQR.Text = Data.BsnNumber; List <Measure> measures = dBUserConnection.GetUserMeasures(Data); List <string> items = new List <string>(); List <string> itemsCategories = new List <string>(); List <decimal> itemSeries = new List <decimal>(); foreach (var measure in measures) { items.Add(measure.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm") + " | Temperatuur: " + measure.Temperature.ToString() + " Bloeddruk: " + measure.BloodPressure); itemSeries.Add(Convert.ToDecimal(measure.Temperature)); itemsCategories.Add(measure.Date.ToString("dd MMMM hh:mm")); } CareControlMeasuresLineChart.Series.Add(new AjaxControlToolkit.LineChartSeries() { Data = itemSeries.ToArray(), Name = "Temperatuur in Celsius", LineColor = "#127a7b" }); CareControlMeasures.DataSource = items; CareControlMeasures.DataBind(); CareControlMeasuresLineChart.CategoriesAxis = string.Join(",", itemsCategories.ToArray()); CareControlMeasuresLineChart.DataBind(); UserData data = UserData.GetUserDataFromDB(Data); DAL.DBRoleConnection dBRoleConnection = new DAL.DBRoleConnection(); string roleDescription = null; try { var resultRights = dBRoleConnection.GetUserRights(LoggedInUser); roleDescription = "<br/>Rol: " + resultRights.Description; } catch (Exception) { } ProfileInformation.InnerHtml = ""; ProfileInformation.InnerHtml = "E-mailadress: " + LoggedInUser.EmailAdress + "<br/>Telefoonummer: " + LoggedInUser.PhoneNumber + "<br/>BSN nummer: " + LoggedInUser.BsnNumber + (roleDescription ?? ""); UserName.Text = LoggedInUser.FirstName + " " + LoggedInUser.LastName; fillUserData(data); } } } else { Response.Redirect("/SignIn"); } } else { Response.Redirect("/SignIn"); } } else { Response.Redirect("/SignIn"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { DAL.DBTestConnection dBTestConnection = new DAL.DBTestConnection(); try { dBTestConnection.TestDBConnection(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (Request.Url.AbsolutePath != "/ErrorPage") { Response.Redirect("/ErrorPage.aspx"); } } if (Session["User"] != null) { Entities.User LoggedInUser = Session["User"] as Entities.User; if (LoggedInUser != null) { DAL.DBUserConnection dBUserConnection = new DAL.DBUserConnection(); Entities.UserData data = dBUserConnection.GetUserData(LoggedInUser); if (data.ProfilePicUrl == null) { ProfileImg.Visible = false; } else { ProfileImg.ImageUrl = data.ProfilePicUrl; } BLL.LogInHelper logInHelper = new BLL.LogInHelper(); Entities.User result = new Entities.User(); try { result = logInHelper.LoginAtPageLoad(LoggedInUser); } catch (Exception) { LoggedInUserLbl.Text = "Inloggen"; LogginLink.HRef = "/SignIn"; ProfileImg.Visible = false; Logout.Visible = false; } if (result != null) { LoggedInUserLbl.Text = LoggedInUser.EmailAdress; LogginLink.HRef = "/Account"; } else { LoggedInUserLbl.Text = "Inloggen"; LogginLink.HRef = "/SignIn"; ProfileImg.Visible = false; Logout.Visible = false; } } else { LoggedInUserLbl.Text = "Inloggen"; LogginLink.HRef = "/SignIn"; ProfileImg.Visible = false; Logout.Visible = false; } } else { LoggedInUserLbl.Text = "Inloggen"; LogginLink.HRef = "/SignIn"; Logout.Visible = false; ProfileImg.Visible = false; } } }