public cBuildDensityMap() { Title = "Build Density Map"; cPropertyType CPT = new cPropertyType("Kernel size", eDataType.INTEGER); CPT.Min = 1; cProperty Prop1 = new cProperty(CPT, null); Prop1.Info = "Size of the kernel"; Prop1.SetNewValue((int)10); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop1); cPropertyType CPT2 = new cPropertyType("Image width", eDataType.INTEGER); CPT2.Min = 1; cProperty Prop2 = new cProperty(CPT2, null); Prop2.Info = "Width of the density map image"; Prop2.SetNewValue((int)256); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop2); cPropertyType CPT3 = new cPropertyType("Image height", eDataType.INTEGER); CPT3.Min = 1; cProperty Prop3 = new cProperty(CPT3, null); Prop3.Info = "Height of the density map image"; Prop3.SetNewValue((int)256); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop3); cPropertyType CPT4 = new cPropertyType("Image depth", eDataType.INTEGER); CPT4.Min = 1; cProperty Prop4 = new cProperty(CPT4, null); Prop4.Info = "Depth of the density map image"; Prop4.SetNewValue((int)256); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop4); }
public cImageGeometricFlip() { this.Title = "Flip "; cProperty Prop1 = new cProperty(new cPropertyType("Horizontal", eDataType.BOOL), null); Prop1.Info = "Horizontal Flip?"; Prop1.SetNewValue((bool)true); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop1); }
public cImageSegmentationThreshold() { this.Title = "Threshold"; cProperty Prop1 = new cProperty(new cPropertyType("Threshold", eDataType.DOUBLE), null); Prop1.Info = "Intensity threshold"; Prop1.SetNewValue((double)100); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop1); }
public cImageFilterMedian() { this.Title = "Median Filtering"; cProperty Prop1 = new cProperty(new cPropertyType("Kernel Size", eDataType.INTEGER), null); Prop1.Info = "Median Kernel size"; Prop1.SetNewValue((int)3); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop1); }
public cGetListWellValues() { this.Title = "Get Well Values List"; cPropertyType PT = new cPropertyType("Include Images?", eDataType.BOOL); cProperty Prop1 = new cProperty(PT, null); Prop1.Info = "Include Images Within the Data (if avalaible)."; Prop1.SetNewValue((bool)false); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop1); }
public cGetImageFromWells() { this.Title = "Get Wells List Image"; cPropertyType PT = new cPropertyType("Field", eDataType.INTEGER); cProperty Prop1 = new cProperty(PT, null); Prop1.Info = "Field"; Prop1.SetNewValue((int)0); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop1); }
public cImageGeometricBinning() { this.Title = "Binning"; cProperty Prop2 = new cProperty(new cPropertyType("Binning", eDataType.INTEGER),null); Prop2.PropertyType.Min = 2; Prop2.PropertyType.IntType = eIntegerType.EVEN; Prop2.Info = "Define the new image binning."; Prop2.SetNewValue((int)2); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop2); }
public cViewerStackedHistogram() { this.Title = "Stacked Histogram Viewer"; cPropertyType PT = new cPropertyType("Bin Number", eDataType.INTEGER); PT.Min = -1; cProperty Prop1 = new cProperty(PT, null); Prop1.Info = "Number of bins (-1 <=> automated)"; Prop1.SetNewValue((int)100); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop1); }
// public double StdDev = 3.0; public cImageFilterGaussianConvolution() { this.Title = "Gaussian Convolution"; cPropertyType PT = new cPropertyType("Kernel Size", eDataType.INTEGER); PT.IntType = eIntegerType.ODD; cProperty Prop1 = new cProperty(PT, null); Prop1.Info = "Gaussian kernel size"; Prop1.SetNewValue((int)3); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop1); }
public cTableToHTML() { base.Title = "Table to HTML"; base.Info = "Write a table in a HTML file (if Tags are images, they are saved as well)."; cPropertyType PT = new cPropertyType("Open HTML File ?", eDataType.BOOL); cProperty Prop1 = new cProperty(PT, null); Prop1.Info = "Open Web browser to display the generated HTML file"; Prop1.SetNewValue((bool)true); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop1); }
public cClustering() { base.Title = "Clustering"; base.Info = base.Info = @"Multivariate Clustering"; cPropertyType PT1 = new cPropertyType("Number of Clusters", eDataType.INTEGER); PT1.Min = -1; cProperty Prop1 = new cProperty(PT1, null); Prop1.Info = "Define the request number of clusters (-1 <=> automated)"; Prop1.SetNewValue((int)3); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop1); }
// public double Scale = 0.5; public cImageGeometricResize() { this.Title = "Resize "; cProperty Prop1 = new cProperty(new cPropertyType("Scale", eDataType.DOUBLE), null); Prop1.Info = "Resizing scale"; Prop1.SetNewValue((double)0.5); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop1); cProperty Prop2 = new cProperty(new cPropertyType("Maximum Width", eDataType.INTEGER),null); Prop2.PropertyType.Min = 0; Prop2.Info = "Define the maximum width of the image. If set to 0, then unlimited"; Prop2.SetNewValue((int)0); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop2); }
public cvtkPiecewiseFunctionBuilder() { base.Title = "vtkPiecewiseFunction builder"; cPropertyType PT = new cPropertyType("Max. Opacity", eDataType.DOUBLE); PT.Max = 1; cProperty Prop1 = new cProperty(PT, null); Prop1.Info = "Maximum Opacity"; Prop1.SetNewValue((double)0.1); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop1); cPropertyType PT1 = new cPropertyType("Min. Opacity", eDataType.DOUBLE); PT1.Max = 1; cProperty Prop2 = new cProperty(PT1, null); Prop2.Info = "Minimum Opacity"; Prop2.SetNewValue((double)0.1); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop2); }
public cDisplayNewImage() { this.Title = "Generate Image"; cProperty PropWidth = new cProperty(new cPropertyType("Width", eDataType.INTEGER), null); PropWidth.Info = "Image Width"; PropWidth.SetNewValue((int)256); base.ListProperties.Add(PropWidth); cProperty PropHeight = new cProperty(new cPropertyType("Height", eDataType.INTEGER), null); PropHeight.Info = "Image Height"; PropHeight.SetNewValue((int)256); base.ListProperties.Add(PropHeight); cProperty PropDepth = new cProperty(new cPropertyType("Depth", eDataType.INTEGER), null); PropDepth.Info = "Image Depth"; PropDepth.SetNewValue((int)1); base.ListProperties.Add(PropDepth); }
public cDisplayListWell3DDRC() { this.Title = "List Wells 3D Plot"; cPropertyType PTDesc1 = new cPropertyType("Desc. 1", eDataType.STRING); PTDesc1.ListPotentialString = cGlobalInfo.CurrentScreening.ListDescriptors.GetListNames(); cProperty PropDesc1 = new cProperty(PTDesc1, null); cPropertyType PTDesc2 = new cPropertyType("Desc. 2", eDataType.STRING); PTDesc2.ListPotentialString = cGlobalInfo.CurrentScreening.ListDescriptors.GetListNames(); cProperty PropDesc2 = new cProperty(PTDesc2, null); cPropertyType PTDesc3 = new cPropertyType("Desc. 3", eDataType.STRING); PTDesc3.ListPotentialString = cGlobalInfo.CurrentScreening.ListDescriptors.GetListNames(); cProperty PropDesc3 = new cProperty(PTDesc3, null); PropDesc1.Info = "Specify the X axis associated descriptor."; base.ListProperties.Add(PropDesc1); PropDesc2.Info = "Specify the Y axis associated descriptor."; base.ListProperties.Add(PropDesc2); PropDesc3.Info = "Specify the Z axis associated descriptor."; base.ListProperties.Add(PropDesc3); cPropertyType PT = new cPropertyType("Normalized ?", eDataType.BOOL); cProperty Prop1 = new cProperty(PT, null); Prop1.Info = "Perform Min-Max normalization of the data."; Prop1.SetNewValue((bool)false); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop1); cPropertyType PT2 = new cPropertyType("Draw Axis ?", eDataType.BOOL); cProperty Prop2 = new cProperty(PT2, null); Prop2.Info = "Draw data associated axis"; Prop2.SetNewValue((bool)true); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop2); cPropertyType PT3 = new cPropertyType("Link Points ?", eDataType.BOOL); cProperty Prop3 = new cProperty(PT3, null); Prop3.Info = "Draw lines sequentialy between the points"; Prop3.SetNewValue((bool)true); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop3); }
public c3DObjectScatterPoints() { Title = "3D Scatter Points Graph"; cPropertyType PT = new cPropertyType("Normalized ?", eDataType.BOOL); cProperty Prop1 = new cProperty(PT, null); Prop1.Info = "Perform Min-Max normalization of the data."; Prop1.SetNewValue((bool)false); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop1); cPropertyType PT2 = new cPropertyType("Draw Axis ?", eDataType.BOOL); cProperty Prop2 = new cProperty(PT2, null); Prop2.Info = "Draw data associated axis"; Prop2.SetNewValue((bool)true); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop2); cPropertyType PT3 = new cPropertyType("Link Points ?", eDataType.BOOL); cProperty Prop3 = new cProperty(PT3, null); Prop3.Info = "Draw lines sequentialy between the points"; Prop3.SetNewValue((bool)true); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop3); }
public c3DObjectMeshFromImage() { Title = "3D mesh from image"; cPropertyType PT = new cPropertyType("Thresold", eDataType.DOUBLE); cProperty Prop1 = new cProperty(PT, null); Prop1.Info = "Threshold value for binarization"; Prop1.SetNewValue((double)0.5); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop1); cPropertyType PT2 = new cPropertyType("Split objects ?", eDataType.BOOL); cProperty Prop2 = new cProperty(PT2, null); Prop2.Info = "Split objects during the segmentation process"; Prop2.SetNewValue((bool)true); base.ListProperties.Add(Prop2); //cPropertyType PT3 = new cPropertyType("Link Points ?", eDataType.BOOL); //cProperty Prop3 = new cProperty(PT3, null); //Prop3.Info = "Draw lines sequentialy between the points"; //Prop3.SetNewValue((bool)true); //base.ListProperties.Add(Prop3); }