コード例 #1
        public void InstanceOK()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            CLSCustomer AnCustomer = new CLSCustomer();

            //test to see that it exits
コード例 #2
        public void customerID()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            CLSCustomer AnCustomer = new CLSCustomer();
            Int32       TestData   = 1;

            //assign the data to the table
            AnCustomer.customerID = TestData;
            //test to see that the two values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(AnCustomer.customerID, TestData);
コード例 #3
        public void DateAdded()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            CLSCustomer AnCustomer = new CLSCustomer();
            //create some test data to assign to the table
            DateTime TestData = DateTime.Now.Date;

            //assign the data to the table
            AnCustomer.DateAdded = TestData;
            //test to see that the two values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(AnCustomer.DateAdded, TestData);
コード例 #4
        public void customerActive()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            CLSCustomer AnCustomer = new CLSCustomer();
            //create some test data to assign to the table
            Boolean TestData = true;

            //assign the data to the table
            AnCustomer.customerActive = TestData;
            //test to see that the two values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(AnCustomer.customerActive, TestData);
コード例 #5
        public void customerlastName()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            CLSCustomer AnCustomer = new CLSCustomer();
            //create some test data to assign to the table
            string TestData = "Choudhury";

            //assign the data to the table
            AnCustomer.customerlastName = TestData;
            //test to see that the two values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(AnCustomer.customerlastName, TestData);