コード例 #1
ファイル: Intersect2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
        public static Point2d[] HyperbolaHyperbola(Hyperbola2d hyp1, Hyperbola2d hyp2)
            Transform2d tr = hyp1.ToStandardPosition;

            hyp2 = new Hyperbola2d(hyp2); //copy for modification

            Point2dSet res = StdHyperbolaConic(hyp1.Ratio, hyp2);

コード例 #2
ファイル: Intersect2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
        public static Point2d[] ParabolaHyperbola(Parabola2d pab, Hyperbola2d hyp) //tested ok
            Transform2d tr = pab.ToStandardPosition;                               //y=x^2

            hyp = new Hyperbola2d(hyp);                                            //copy for transformation
            hyp.Transform(tr);                                                     //to standard space of parabola for stabillity

            GeneralConic2d gencon = hyp.ToGeneralConic();
            var            ptset  = StandardPosParabolaGeneralConic(gencon);

コード例 #3
ファイル: Intersect2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
        public static Point2d[] HyperbolaEllipse(Hyperbola2d hyp, Ellipse2d elp)
            //TODO: this is probably more stable intersecting hyperbola with unitcircle. Rewrite.

            Transform2d tr = hyp.ToStandardPosition;

            hyp = new Hyperbola2d(hyp);
            elp = new Ellipse2d(elp);

            GeneralConic2d hcon = new GeneralConic2d(1, 0.0, -1 / (hyp.B * hyp.B), 0.0, 0.0, -1);

            Point2dSet pset = new Point2dSet();

            pset.AddRange(ConicConic(hcon, elp.ToGeneralConic()));
コード例 #4
        public static Circle2d[] CirclePointPoint(Circle2d ci, Point2d pt1, Point2d pt2)
            // Solution by Robert.P. 2013-02-10
            // solved by intersecting the line which has equal distance to pt1 and pt2 at every point,
            // with the hyperbola that has equal distance to ci and pt1 at every point.

            List <Circle2d> res = null;

            //get squared constants of hyperbola
            double c2 = ci.Center.SquaredDistance(pt1) / 4.0; //center->focus distance squared

            double a = 0.5 * ci.Radius;
            double b = Math.Sqrt(c2 - a * a);

            if (double.IsNaN(b))
                return(null);    //negative square root, no such hyperbola
            // this hyperbola has equal distance to ci and pt1 at every point.
            // it also has focus at ci.Center and pt1
            Hyperbola2d hyper = new Hyperbola2d(new Point2d((ci.X + pt1.X) * 0.5, (ci.Y + pt1.Y) * 0.5), a, b, ci.Center.Angle(pt1));

            //get constants of line dx+ey+f=0, which is equal distance from p1,p2 on every point
            double dx = pt2.X - pt1.X, dy = pt2.Y - pt1.Y;
            double mx   = pt1.X + dx * 0.5;
            double my   = pt1.Y + dy * 0.5;
            Line2d perp = new Line2d(mx, my, mx - dy, my + dx);    //starts from mipoint pt1-pt2 and is perpendicular to that line

            var intpts = Intersect2d.HyperbolaLine(hyper, perp);

            if (intpts == null)

            foreach (Point2d intpt in intpts)
                AddResult(ref res, intpt.X, intpt.Y, intpt.Distance(pt1));

コード例 #5
ファイル: Hyperbola2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
        public override bool Transform(Transform2d t)
            //transform hyperbola centered at origin, because it's more stable general conic
            Hyperbola2d hyp = new Hyperbola2d(this);

            hyp.center = Point2d.Origo;
            var gencon = hyp.ToGeneralConic();

            if (!gencon.Transform(new Transform2d(t.AX, t.AY, t.BX, t.BY, 0.0, 0.0)))

            hyp = gencon.Reduce() as Hyperbola2d;
            if (hyp == null)

            //now transform centerpoint separately,
            //and write bac to this
            center    = center.GetTransformed(t);
            ratio     = hyp.ratio;
            majoraxis = hyp.majoraxis;


            /* double majax = majoraxis.Length;
             * double minax = -majax * ratio;
             * double rot = Rotation;
             * bool reverse;
             * Hyperbola_Transform(ref majax, ref minax, ref rot, ref center, t, out reverse);
             * majoraxis = Vector2d.FromAngleAndLength(rot, majax);
             * ratio = minax / majax;
             * return true;*/
コード例 #6
ファイル: Intersect2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
        public static double[] HyperbolaLineParametric(Hyperbola2d hyp, Line2d lin)
            // Computes intersection points with a hyperbola and a line
            // solved and created by Robert.P. 2013-02-11
            // solution is created by transforming system to hyperbola standard position,
            // and then solving the system x^2/a^2-y^2/b^2-1=0 , x=x0+t*dx and y=y0+t*dy (note that a is 1 in std. pos.)

            Transform2d tr = hyp.ToStandardPosition;

            //extract standard spaced line
            double x0, y0, x1, y1, dx, dy, b = hyp.Ratio;

            tr.Apply(lin.X1, lin.Y1, out x0, out y0, true);
            tr.Apply(lin.X2, lin.Y2, out x1, out y1, true);
            dx = x1 - x0; dy = y1 - y0;

            double t2 = -dy * dy + b * b * dx * dx;
            double t1 = -2 * dy * y0 + 2 * b * b * dx * x0;
            double t0 = -y0 * y0 + b * b * x0 * x0 - b * b;

            return(RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(t2, t1, t0, 0.0));
コード例 #7
ファイル: Intersect2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
 public static Point2d[] HyperbolaRay(Hyperbola2d hyp, Line2d ray)
     return(LineParamsToPoints(HyperbolaLineParametric(hyp, ray), ray, seg_minparam, double.PositiveInfinity));
コード例 #8
ファイル: Intersect2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
 public static Point2d[] HyperbolaLine(Hyperbola2d hyp, Line2d lin)
     return(LineParamsToPoints(HyperbolaLineParametric(hyp, lin), lin, double.NegativeInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));
コード例 #9
ファイル: Intersect2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
 public static Point2d[] HyperbolaSeg(Hyperbola2d hyp, Line2d seg)
     return(LineParamsToPoints(HyperbolaLineParametric(hyp, seg), seg, seg_minparam, seg_maxparam));
コード例 #10
ファイル: Hyperbola2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
 public Hyperbola2d(Hyperbola2d tocopy)
     center    = tocopy.center;
     majoraxis = tocopy.majoraxis;
     ratio     = tocopy.Ratio;