コード例 #1
        } // end GenerateAuthorName();

        internal void printLogins(EntityLogin login)
            if (login == null)
                foreach (EntityLogin loopLogin in Logins)
                    if (loopLogin.postList != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n\nPosts of user '{0}':", loopLogin.name);
                        foreach (Post post in loopLogin.postList)
                            Console.WriteLine("Thread: {0} Section: {1} Author: {2} Content: {3}", post.ThreadName, post.SectionName, post.Author, post.Content);
                    else Console.WriteLine("No posts for user {0}.", loopLogin.name);
            else if (login.postList != null)
                Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n\nPosts of user '{0}':", login.name);
                foreach (Post post in login.postList)
                    Console.WriteLine("Thread: {0} Section: {1} Author: {2} Content: {3}", post.ThreadName, post.SectionName, post.Author, post.Content);
            else Console.WriteLine("No posts for user {0}.", login.name);
        } // end printLogins(EntityLogin);
コード例 #2
        /* Constructors */
        public DataGenerator()
            Producers = new List<EntityProducer>();
            Logins = new List<EntityLogin>();
            Posts = new List<Post>();

            EntityProducer producer = null;
            EntityLogin login = null;
            string name;

            // Generation of posts
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
                Posts.Add(new Post(GeneratePostName(), GenerateSectionName(), null, null, new DateTime()));

            // Generation of logins
            for (int i = 10; i > 0; --i)
                login = new EntityLogin(name = GenerateAuthorName());
                foreach (Post post in Posts)
                    if (post.Author == null && (random.Next(0, 5) == 0 || i == 1))
                        post.Author = name;

            // Generation of producers
            for (int i = 10; i > 0; --i)
                producer = new EntityProducer(name = GenerateProducerName());
                foreach (Post post in Posts)
                    if (random.Next(0, 5) == 0 || i == 1)
                        post.Content = post.Content + ", " + name;
        } // end DataGenerator();