/// <summary> /// Tunes the middle dock item or the data visualizer. /// </summary> private void TuneMiddleDockItem() { // Attach the comboBox first. vbMiddle.PackStart(comboBox, false, false, 0); ScrolledWindow scroll = new ScrolledWindow(); // Attach the treeView to the scroll bar. scroll.AddWithViewport(treeView); // Attach the scrollBar to the box. vbMiddle.PackStart(scroll, true, true, 0); // Set up DrawingArea. drawingArea = new DrawingArea(); drawingArea.SetSizeRequest(800, 500); ScrolledWindow scrollDA = new ScrolledWindow(); Gtk.VBox vBoxDA = new Gtk.VBox(); Viewport viewPortDA = new Viewport(); viewPortDA.Add(drawingArea); scrollDA.Add(viewPortDA); vBoxDA.PackStart(scrollDA, true, true, 0); // Add Paned container in order to make the two boxes resizable Gtk.VPaned splitter = new Gtk.VPaned(); splitter.Pack1(vBoxDA, true, true); splitter.Pack2(vbMiddle, true, true); splitter.Position = 400; splitter.ShowAll(); nbMiddleDock.AppendPage(splitter, new Gtk.Label("Schema Visualizer")); nbMiddleDock.ShowAll(); schemaV = new SchemaVisualizer(drawingArea); // Get the selected shape. SelectionModel selectionModel = schemaV.Selection; selectionModel.ModelChanged += HandleSelectionModelChanged; }
public ChatWindow() : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { this.Title = "#gnome-hackers on irc.gimp.net - Logopathy"; this.DeleteEvent += OnDeleteEvent; this.Table = new Gtk.Table(5, 5, false); this.Add(this.Table); this.ActionGroup = new Gtk.ActionGroup("General"); SetUpActionGroup(); UiManager = new Gtk.UIManager(); UiManager.InsertActionGroup(this.ActionGroup, 0); AddAccelGroup(UiManager.AccelGroup); SetUpUiManager(); this.MenuBar = UiManager.GetWidget("/MenuBar"); this.Table.Attach(this.MenuBar, 0, 5, 0, 1, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); MainPaned = new Gtk.HPaned(); this.Table.Attach(MainPaned, 0, 5, 1, 2); LeftSidebar = new Gtk.VPaned(); MainPaned.Pack1(LeftSidebar, true, true); ServerView = new Logopathy.Gui.ServerListView(); ServerViewSW = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(new Gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); ServerViewSW.Add(ServerView); LeftSidebar.Pack1(ServerViewSW, true, true); UserView = new Logopathy.Gui.UserView(); UserViewSW = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(new Gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); UserViewSW.Add(UserView); LeftSidebar.Pack2(UserViewSW, true, true); ChatNotebook = new Logopathy.Gui.ChatNotebook(new TpServer()); MainPaned.Pack2(ChatNotebook, true, true); }