コード例 #1
			static Cairo.Color GetDrawingColorForIter (TextView view, TextIter iter)
				TextIter start, end;
				Gdk.Color color;
				Gdk.Color bgColor;
				if (iter.Buffer.GetSelectionBounds (out start, out end) && iter.InRange (start, end)) {
					bgColor = view.Style.Base (StateType.Selected);
					color = view.Style.Text (StateType.Selected);
				} else {
					bgColor = view.Style.Base (StateType.Normal);
					color = view.Style.Text (StateType.Normal);
				//simple interpolation 1/4 of way between BG colour and text colour
				int red   = (bgColor.Red   * 3 + color.Red  ) / 4;
				int green = (bgColor.Green * 3 + color.Green) / 4;
				int blue  = (bgColor.Blue  * 3 + color.Blue ) / 4;

				return new Cairo.Color ((double)(red) / UInt16.MaxValue,
				                        (double)(green) / UInt16.MaxValue,
				                        (double)(blue) / UInt16.MaxValue);