コード例 #1
        public override void PaintControl(RichTextBox control, ControlPaintArgs args)
            INode    controlNode = new ControlNode(control);
            IRuleset ruleset     = args.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(controlNode);

            RenderUtilities.ApplyColorProperties(control, ruleset);

            Rectangle clientRect = control.ClientRectangle;
            Rectangle borderRect = new Rectangle(clientRect.X - 3, clientRect.Y - 3, clientRect.Width + 6, clientRect.Height + 6);

            ScrollBars visibleScrollbars = ControlUtilities.GetVisibleScrollBars(control);

            if (visibleScrollbars.HasFlag(ScrollBars.Vertical))
                borderRect = new Rectangle(borderRect.X, borderRect.Y, borderRect.Width + SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth, borderRect.Height);

            if (visibleScrollbars.HasFlag(ScrollBars.Horizontal))
                borderRect = new Rectangle(borderRect.X, borderRect.Y, borderRect.Width, borderRect.Height + SystemInformation.HorizontalScrollBarHeight);

コード例 #2
        private void PaintGenericControl(ControlPaintArgs e)
            IRuleset ruleset = e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(new ControlNode(e.Control));

            RenderUtilities.ApplyColorProperties(e.Control, ruleset);

コード例 #3
        // Public members

        public override void PaintControl(NumericUpDown control, ControlPaintArgs e)
            IRuleset ruleset = e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(control);

            // Update the color of the NumericUpdateDown, which updates the color of the UpDownEdit (inheriting from TextBox).

            RenderUtilities.ApplyColorProperties(control, ruleset);

            // Like TextBoxes, NumericUpDowns are 23 pixels high.
            // Because the NumericUpDown has BorderStyle.None, we need to adjust it to look like a bordered control.

            Rectangle clientRect = control.ClientRectangle;

            int x = clientRect.X - 2;
            int y = clientRect.Y - 2;
            int w = clientRect.Width + 3;
            int h = clientRect.Height + 4;

            double topWidth    = ruleset.BorderTopWidth?.Value ?? 0;
            double rightWidth  = ruleset.BorderRightWidth?.Value ?? 0;
            double bottomWidth = ruleset.BorderBottomWidth?.Value ?? 0;
            double leftWidth   = ruleset.BorderLeftWidth?.Value ?? 0;

            if (topWidth <= 1)
                topWidth = 0;

            if (rightWidth <= 1)
                rightWidth = 0;

            if (bottomWidth <= 1)
                bottomWidth = 0;

            if (leftWidth <= 1)
                leftWidth = 0;

            x -= (int)leftWidth;
            y -= (int)topWidth;
            w += (int)leftWidth + (int)rightWidth;
            h += (int)topWidth + (int)bottomWidth;

            Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);

            e.StyleRenderer.PaintBackground(e.Graphics, drawRect, ruleset);
            e.StyleRenderer.PaintBorder(e.Graphics, drawRect, ruleset);
コード例 #4
        // Public members

        public override void PaintControl(ComboBox control, ControlPaintArgs e)
            IRuleset ruleset = e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(control);

            RenderUtilities.ApplyColorProperties(control, ruleset);

            Rectangle clientRect = control.ClientRectangle;


            // Match the foreground bounds of the default control.
            // The text is cut off behind the drop-down arrow.

            Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle(clientRect.X + 1, clientRect.Y, clientRect.Width - 21, clientRect.Height);


            PaintDropDownArrow(control, e);

コード例 #5
        // Public members

        public override void PaintControl(TextBox control, ControlPaintArgs e)
            IRuleset ruleset = e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(control);

            // Update the color of the TextBox itself.

            RenderUtilities.ApplyColorProperties(control, ruleset);

            // Draw the background the TextBox.
            // The height of regular TextBoxes is 23 pixels, with 3 pixels of horizontal padding.

            Rectangle clientRect = control.ClientRectangle;

            int x = clientRect.X - 3;
            int y = clientRect.Y - 4;
            int w = clientRect.Width + 6;
            int h = clientRect.Height + 7;

            double topWidth    = ruleset.BorderTopWidth?.Value ?? 0;
            double rightWidth  = ruleset.BorderRightWidth?.Value ?? 0;
            double bottomWidth = ruleset.BorderBottomWidth?.Value ?? 0;
            double leftWidth   = ruleset.BorderLeftWidth?.Value ?? 0;

            if (topWidth <= 1)
                topWidth = 0;

            if (rightWidth <= 1)
                rightWidth = 0;

            if (bottomWidth <= 1)
                bottomWidth = 0;

            if (leftWidth <= 1)
                leftWidth = 0;

            x -= (int)leftWidth;
            y -= (int)topWidth;
            w += (int)leftWidth + (int)rightWidth;
            h += (int)topWidth + (int)bottomWidth;

            ScrollBars visibleScrollbars = ControlUtilities.GetVisibleScrollBars(control);

            if (visibleScrollbars.HasFlag(ScrollBars.Vertical))
                w += SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth;

            if (visibleScrollbars.HasFlag(ScrollBars.Horizontal))
                h += SystemInformation.HorizontalScrollBarHeight;

            //GraphicsState graphicsState = graphics.Save();

            Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);


            e.StyleRenderer.PaintBackground(e.Graphics, drawRect, ruleset);
            e.StyleRenderer.PaintBorder(e.Graphics, drawRect, ruleset);
