コード例 #1
ファイル: DBCtrl.cs プロジェクト: mathiaswagnerr/Grupperum
        public List <Student> GetStudentsFromClassId(int id)
            List <Student> tempList = new List <Student>();

            using (var con = new DBCon())
                int    tempId   = 0;
                string tempName = null;

                SqlDataReader rs = con.ExecuteStringGet("SELECT * FROM student WHERE ClassID = " + id);

                if (rs.HasRows)
                    while (rs.Read())
                        tempId   = (int)rs.GetValue(0);
                        tempName = (string)rs.GetValue(2);
                        Student tempStudent = new Student(tempId, tempName);

コード例 #2
ファイル: DBCtrl.cs プロジェクト: mathiaswagnerr/Grupperum
        public bool CreateGroup(string name, List <int> studentId)
            int  groupId   = 0;
            int  groupSize = studentId.Count();
            bool done      = false;

            using (var con = new DBCon())
                SqlDataReader rs = con.ExecuteStringGet("INSERT INTO [Group] (name, size) OUTPUT Inserted.id VALUES('" + name + "', '" + groupSize + "');");

                while (rs.Read())
                    groupId = (int)rs.GetValue(0);
                    done    = true;
            using (var con = new DBCon())
                foreach (int id in studentId)
                    done = con.ExecuteStringPut("UPDATE Student SET groupId = " + groupId + " WHERE id = " + id + ";");
コード例 #3
ファイル: DBCtrl.cs プロジェクト: mathiaswagnerr/Grupperum
        public bool TestGroupRoom(int grouproomId, DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd)
            bool isAvailable = false;

            using (var con = new DBCon())
                List <GroupRoom> roomList = new List <GroupRoom>();
                string           sqlCmd   = string.Format(
                    "SELECT [GroupRoom].id FROM [GroupRoom] " +
                    "LEFT JOIN Rent ON GroupRoom.id = Rent.GroupRoomId " +
                    "WHERE(StartDate NOT BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}' " +
                    "AND EndDate NOT BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}' " +
                    "AND '{0}' NOT BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate " +
                    "AND '{1}' NOT BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate) " +
                    "OR Rent.GroupRoomId IS NULL " +
                    "AND[GroupRoom].id = '{2}';", dateStart, dateEnd, grouproomId);

                SqlDataReader rs = con.ExecuteStringGet(sqlCmd);

                while (rs.Read())
                    if (rs.GetInt32(0) == grouproomId)
                        isAvailable = true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: DBCtrl.cs プロジェクト: mathiaswagnerr/Grupperum
        public Student GetStudentById(int id)
            Student tempStudent = null;

            using (var con = new DBCon())
                SqlDataReader rs = con.ExecuteStringGet("SELECT * FROM Student where id=" + id + ");");

                int    tempId       = 0;
                string tempName     = null;
                string tempPassword = null;
                if (rs.HasRows)
                    while (rs.Read())
                        tempId       = (int)rs.GetValue(0);
                        tempName     = rs.GetString(1);
                        tempPassword = rs.GetString(2);

                tempStudent = new Student(tempId, tempName, tempPassword);
コード例 #5
ファイル: DBCtrl.cs プロジェクト: mathiaswagnerr/Grupperum
        public List <ClassRoom> GetClassRoomByAttributes(bool whiteboard, bool monitor, bool projector)
            List <ClassRoom> classRoomList = new List <ClassRoom>();

            using (var con = new DBCon())
                String exString = ("SELECT * FROM ClassRoom WHERE(1=1");
                if (whiteboard)
                    exString = exString + " AND whiteboard = 1";

                if (monitor)
                    exString = exString + " AND monitor = 1";

                if (projector)
                    exString = exString + " AND projector = 1";
                exString = exString + ");";

                SqlDataReader rs = con.ExecuteStringGet(exString);

                int    classRoomId;
                string classRoomName;
                int    classRoomSize;
                int    classRoomRequestMach;
                bool   classRoomWhiteboard;
                bool   classRoomMonitor;
                bool   classRoomProjector;

                while (rs.Read())
                    classRoomId          = rs.GetInt32(0);
                    classRoomName        = rs.GetString(1);
                    classRoomSize        = rs.GetInt32(2);
                    classRoomWhiteboard  = rs.GetBoolean(3);
                    classRoomMonitor     = rs.GetBoolean(4);
                    classRoomProjector   = rs.GetBoolean(5);
                    classRoomRequestMach = CreateBinaryCode(
                        classRoomWhiteboard, classRoomMonitor, classRoomProjector);

                    ClassRoom tempClassRoom = new ClassRoom(
                        classRoomId, classRoomSize, classRoomName, classRoomRequestMach, classRoomSize, 0);

                    //ClassRoom tempClassRoom = new ClassRoom(
                    //    classRoomId, classRoomSize, classRoomWhiteboard, classRoomMonitor, classRoomProjector);

コード例 #6
ファイル: DBCtrl.cs プロジェクト: mathiaswagnerr/Grupperum
        public List <GroupRoom> GetGroupRoomList(DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd, int grStrl, bool whiteboard, bool monitor)
            List <GroupRoom> roomList = new List <GroupRoom>();

            using (var con = new DBCon())
                //Her kunne man have brugt en 'SELECT x FROM (SELECT y FROM...)'
                //For at lette overskuelighed
                string sqlCmd = string.Format(
                    "SELECT * FROM [GroupRoom] " +
                    "LEFT JOIN Rent ON GroupRoom.id = Rent.GroupRoomId " +
                    "WHERE ((StartDate NOT BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}' " +
                    "AND EndDate NOT BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}' " +
                    "AND '{0}' NOT BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate " +
                    "AND '{1}' NOT BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate) " +
                    "OR Rent.GroupRoomId IS NULL) " +
                    "AND ([GroupRoom].whiteboard = '{2}' " +
                    "OR [GroupRoom].whiteboard = '1') " +
                    "AND ([GroupRoom].monitor = '{3}' " +
                    "OR [GroupRoom].monitor = '1'); ", dateStart, dateEnd, whiteboard, monitor);

                SqlDataReader rs = con.ExecuteStringGet(sqlCmd);

                List <GroupRoom> tempList = new List <GroupRoom>();

                while (rs.Read())
                    tempList.Add(new GroupRoom(rs.GetInt32(0), rs.GetString(1), rs.GetBoolean(2), rs.GetBoolean(3)));

                while (tempList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (GroupRoom g in tempList)
                        if ((roomList.Count > 0) && (g.Id == (roomList[roomList.Count - 1].Id)))
                            roomList.Remove(roomList[roomList.Count - 1]);
コード例 #7
ファイル: DBCtrl.cs プロジェクト: mathiaswagnerr/Grupperum
        public List <GroupRoom> GetGroupRooms()
            List <GroupRoom> groupRooms = new List <GroupRoom>();

            using (var con = new DBCon())
                string        sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM [GroupRoom]";
                SqlDataReader rs         = con.ExecuteStringGet(sqlCommand);

                while (rs.Read())
                    bool whiteboard = (bool)rs.GetValue(2);
                    bool monitor    = (bool)rs.GetValue(2);

                    GroupRoom room = new GroupRoom(rs.GetInt32(0), rs.GetString(1), whiteboard, monitor);
コード例 #8
ファイル: DBCtrl.cs プロジェクト: mathiaswagnerr/Grupperum
        // Her laves liste LessThanThree med klasselokaler hentet fra DB. Denne liste bruges til
        // algoritmesammenligningen. LessThanThree refererer til at objekterne kun skal blive på
        // listen så længe groupCount er under 3.
        public List <ClassRoom> LessThanThree()
            List <ClassRoom> LessThanThree = new List <ClassRoom>();

            using (var con = new DBCon())
                SqlDataReader rs = con.ExecuteStringGet("SELECT * FROM ClassRoom");

                int    tempId        = 0;
                string tempName      = null;
                int    tempSize      = 0;
                bool   bitWhiteboard = false;
                bool   bitMonitor    = false;
                bool   bitProjector  = false;
                int    requestMatch  = 0;
                int    groupCount    = 0;
                int    spaceLeft     = 0;

                if (rs.HasRows)
                    while (rs.Read())
                        tempId        = (int)rs.GetValue(0);
                        tempName      = rs.GetString(1);
                        tempSize      = (int)rs.GetValue(2);
                        bitWhiteboard = (bool)rs.GetValue(3);
                        bitMonitor    = (bool)rs.GetValue(4);
                        bitProjector  = (bool)rs.GetValue(5);

                        requestMatch = CreateBinaryCode(bitWhiteboard, bitMonitor, bitProjector);

                        ClassRoom classroom = new ClassRoom(tempId, tempSize, tempName, requestMatch, spaceLeft, groupCount);
コード例 #9
ファイル: DBCtrl.cs プロジェクト: mathiaswagnerr/Grupperum
        public bool HasGroupRooms()
            bool hasRooms = false;

            using (var con = new DBCon())
                string        dbCommand = "SELECT GroupRoom.id FROM GroupRoom LEFT JOIN Rent ON GroupRoom.id = Rent.GroupRoomId WHERE Rent.GroupRoomId IS NULL";
                SqlDataReader rs        = con.ExecuteStringGet(dbCommand);

                while (rs.Read())
                    if (rs.HasRows)
                        hasRooms = true;
                        hasRooms = false;
コード例 #10
ファイル: DBCtrl.cs プロジェクト: mathiaswagnerr/Grupperum
        public Class GetClassFromStudentId(int id)
            Class tempClass = null;

            using (var con = new DBCon())
                SqlDataReader rs = con.ExecuteStringGet("SELECT * FROM Class where id=(SELECT classId FROM Student where id=" + id + ");");

                int    tempId   = 0;
                string tempName = null;
                if (rs.HasRows)
                    while (rs.Read())
                        tempId   = (int)rs.GetValue(0);
                        tempName = rs.GetString(1);

                tempClass = new Class(tempId, tempName);
コード例 #11
ファイル: DBCtrl.cs プロジェクト: mathiaswagnerr/Grupperum
        public bool RentClassRoom(int classRoomId, int groupId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            bool rentCreated = false;

            using (var con = new DBCon())
                string sqlCmd = string.Format(
                    "INSERT INTO Rent(ClassRoomID, GroupID, StartDate, EndDate) " +
                    "OUTPUT INSERTED.id " +
                    "VALUES('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}');", classRoomId, groupId, startDate.ToString("s"), endDate.ToString("s"));

                SqlDataReader rs = con.ExecuteStringGet(sqlCmd);

                while (rs.Read())
                    if (rs.GetValue(0) != null)
                        rentCreated = true;
コード例 #12
ファイル: DBCtrl.cs プロジェクト: mathiaswagnerr/Grupperum
        public bool RentGroupRoom(int grouproomId, int groupId, DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd)
            bool isRented = false;

            using (var con = new DBCon())
                string sqlCmd = string.Format(
                    "INSERT INTO Rent(GroupRoomID, GroupID, StartDate, EndDate) " +
                    "OUTPUT INSERTED.id " +
                    "VALUES('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}');", grouproomId, groupId, dateStart, dateEnd);

                SqlDataReader rs = con.ExecuteStringGet(sqlCmd);

                while (rs.Read())
                    if (rs.GetValue(0) != null)
                        isRented = true;
コード例 #13
ファイル: DBCtrl.cs プロジェクト: mathiaswagnerr/Grupperum
        //takes boolbits from DB and creates a binary code to int... Denne metode skal bruges når DB-table
        // over classRoomWaitingList skal omskrives til objekter. Objektet skal dannes som et
        //  RequestClassroom med denne property requestCode.
        public List <RequestClassroom> GetAllRequests()
            List <RequestClassroom> stillNotFulfilled = new List <RequestClassroom>();

            using (var con = new DBCon())
                SqlDataReader rs = con.ExecuteStringGet("SELECT * FROM ClassRoomWaitinglist");

                int  tempId        = 0;
                int  tempGroupId   = 0;
                int  tempSize      = 0;
                int  requestCode   = 0;
                bool bitWhiteboard = false;
                bool bitMonitor    = false;
                bool bitProjector  = false;

                if (rs.HasRows)
                    while (rs.Read())
                        tempId        = (int)rs.GetValue(0);
                        tempGroupId   = (int)rs.GetValue(1);
                        tempSize      = (int)rs.GetValue(2);
                        bitWhiteboard = (bool)rs.GetValue(3);
                        bitMonitor    = (bool)rs.GetValue(4);
                        bitProjector  = (bool)rs.GetValue(5);

                        requestCode = CreateBinaryCode(bitWhiteboard, bitMonitor, bitProjector);

                        RequestClassroom requestClassroom = new RequestClassroom(tempGroupId, tempSize, requestCode);
コード例 #14
ファイル: DBCtrl.cs プロジェクト: mathiaswagnerr/Grupperum
        public bool CanTheyRent(int groupId, DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd)
            bool canTheyRent = true;

            using (var con = new DBCon())
                string sqlCmd = string.Format(
                    "SELECT GroupID FROM Rent " +
                    "WHERE(StartDate BETWEEN '{1}' AND '{2}' " +
                    "OR EndDate BETWEEN '{1}' AND '{2}' " +
                    "AND GroupId = '{0}');", groupId, dateStart, dateEnd);

                SqlDataReader rs = con.ExecuteStringGet(sqlCmd);

                while (rs.Read())
                    if (rs.GetInt32(0) == groupId)
                        canTheyRent = false;