public string HandlePacketFromServer(ENetPacket packet) { if (MainForm.proxyPeer == null) { return(""); } if (MainForm.proxyPeer.State != ENetPeerState.Connected) { return(""); } if (MainForm.realPeer == null) { return(""); } if (MainForm.realPeer.State != ENetPeerState.Connected) { return(""); } byte[] data = packet.GetPayloadFinal(); if (data.Length > 5) { if (data[5] == 3) { return("_none_"); } } //else //{ //return "_none_"; //} NetTypes.NetMessages msgType = GetMessageType(data); switch (msgType) { case NetTypes.NetMessages.SERVER_HELLO: MainForm.LogText += ("[" + DateTime.UtcNow + "] (SERVER): Initial logon accepted." + "\n"); break; case NetTypes.NetMessages.GAME_MESSAGE: string str = GetProperGenericText(data); MainForm.LogText += ("[" + DateTime.UtcNow + "] (SERVER): A game_msg packet was sent: " + str + "\n"); if (str.Contains("Server requesting that you re-logon...")) { MainForm.token = 0; MainForm.doorid = ""; SwitchServers("", 17234); return("Server forces logon request, switching server automatically so user does not have to cancel to login menu and reconnect."); } break; case NetTypes.NetMessages.GAME_PACKET: byte[] tankPacket = VariantList.get_struct_data(data); if (tankPacket == null) { break; } NetTypes.PacketTypes packetType = GetPacketType(tankPacket); switch (packetType) { case NetTypes.PacketTypes.CALL_FUNCTION: VariantList.VarList VarListFetched = VariantList.GetCall(VariantList.get_extended_data(tankPacket)); VarListFetched.netID = BitConverter.ToInt32(tankPacket, 4); // add netid VarListFetched.delay = BitConverter.ToUInt32(tankPacket, 20); // add keep track of delay modifier int netID = OperateVariant(VarListFetched); string argText = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < VarListFetched.functionArgs.Count(); i++) { argText += " [" + i.ToString() + "]: " + (string)VarListFetched.functionArgs[i].ToString(); } MainForm.LogText += ("[" + DateTime.UtcNow + "] (SERVER): A function call was requested, see log infos below:\nFunction Name: " + VarListFetched.FunctionName + " parameters: " + argText + " \n"); if (VarListFetched.FunctionName == "OnSendToServer") { return("Server switching forced, not continuing as Proxy Client has to deal with this."); } if (VarListFetched.FunctionName == "onShowCaptcha") { return("Received captcha solving request, instantly bypassed it so it doesnt show up on client side."); } if (VarListFetched.FunctionName == "OnDialogRequest" && ((string)VarListFetched.functionArgs[1]).ToLower().Contains("captcha")) { return("Received captcha solving request, instantly bypassed it so it doesnt show up on client side."); } if (VarListFetched.FunctionName == "OnSetPos" && MainForm.ignoreonsetpos && netID == worldMap.netID) { return("Ignored position set by server, may corrupt doors but is used so it wont set back. (CAN BE BUGGY WITH SLOW CONNECTIONS)"); } if (VarListFetched.FunctionName == "OnSpawn" && netID == -2) { return("Modified OnSpawn for unlimited zoom (mstate|1)"); // only doing unlimited zoom and not unlimited punch/place to be sure that no bans occur due to this. If you wish to use unlimited punching/placing as well, change the smstate in OperateVariant function instead. } /*if (VarListFetched.FunctionName == "OnSetClothing" && VarListFetched.netID == worldMap.netID) * { * if (!worldMap.player.didClothingLoad) * { * worldMap.player.didClothingLoad = true; * Task.Delay(400).ContinueWith(t => PacketSending.SendData(data, MainForm.proxyPeer)); * return "applying onsetclothing delayed..."; * } * }*/ // unused since 1.5.5 break; case NetTypes.PacketTypes.SET_CHARACTER_STATE: /*if (!worldMap.player.didCharacterStateLoad) * { * worldMap.player.didCharacterStateLoad = true; // optimization * Task.Delay(400).ContinueWith(t => PacketSending.SendData(data, MainForm.proxyPeer)); * }*/ // unused since 1.5.5 break; case NetTypes.PacketTypes.PING_REQ: SpoofedPingReply(); break; case NetTypes.PacketTypes.LOAD_MAP: if (MainForm.LogText.Length >= 65536) { MainForm.LogText = string.Empty; } worldMap = worldMap.LoadMap(tankPacket); worldMap.player.didCharacterStateLoad = false; worldMap.player.didClothingLoad = false; break; case NetTypes.PacketTypes.MODIFY_ITEM_OBJ: { TankPacket p = TankPacket.UnpackFromPacket(data); if (p.NetID == -1) { if (worldMap == null) { MainForm.LogText += ("[" + DateTime.UtcNow + "] (PROXY): (ERROR) World map was null." + "\n"); break; } worldMap.dropped_ITEMUID++; DroppedObject dItem = new DroppedObject(); = p.MainValue; dItem.itemCount = data[16]; dItem.x = p.X; dItem.y = p.Y; dItem.uid = worldMap.dropped_ITEMUID; worldMap.droppedItems.Add(dItem); if (MainForm.cheat_magplant) { TankPacket p2 = new TankPacket(); p2.PacketType = (int)NetTypes.PacketTypes.ITEM_ACTIVATE_OBJ; p2.NetID = p.NetID; p2.X = (int)p.X; p2.Y = (int)p.Y; p2.MainValue = dItem.uid; PacketSending.SendPacketRaw((int)NetTypes.NetMessages.GAME_PACKET, p2.PackForSendingRaw(), MainForm.realPeer); //return "Blocked dropped packet due to magplant hack (auto collect/pickup range) tried to collect it instead, infos of dropped item => uid was " + worldMap.dropped_ITEMUID.ToString() + " id: " + p.MainValue.ToString(); } } } break; default: break; } break; case NetTypes.NetMessages.TRACK: case NetTypes.NetMessages.LOG_REQ: case NetTypes.NetMessages.ERROR: return("Blocked track/logreq/error message type by server."); default: return("(SERVER): An unknown event occured. Message Type: " + msgType.ToString() + "\n"); break; } PacketSending.SendData(data, MainForm.proxyPeer, ENetPacketFlags.Reliable); if (msgType == NetTypes.NetMessages.GAME_PACKET && data[4] > 39) // customizable on which packets you wanna log, for speed im just gonna do this! { TankPacket p = TankPacket.UnpackFromPacket(data); uint extDataSize = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 56); byte[] actualData = data.Skip(4).Take(56).ToArray(); byte[] extData = data.Skip(60).ToArray(); string extDataStr = ""; string extDataStrShort = ""; string extDataString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(extData); for (int i = 0; i < extDataSize; i++) { //ushort pos = BitConverter.ToUInt16(extData, i); extDataStr += extData[i].ToString() + "|"; } return("Log of potentially wanted received GAME_PACKET Data:" + "\npackettype: " + actualData[0].ToString() + "\npadding byte 1|2|3: " + actualData[1].ToString() + "|" + actualData[2].ToString() + "|" + actualData[3].ToString() + "\nnetID: " + p.NetID + "\nsecondnetid: " + p.SecondaryNetID + "\ncharacterstate (prob 8): " + p.CharacterState + "\nwaterspeed / offs 16: " + p.Padding + "\nmainval: " + p.MainValue + "\nX|Y: " + p.X + "|" + p.Y + "\nXSpeed: " + p.XSpeed + "\nYSpeed: " + p.YSpeed + "\nSecondaryPadding: " + p.SecondaryPadding + "\nPunchX|PunchY: " + p.PunchX + "|" + p.PunchY + "\nExtended Packet Data Length: " + extDataSize.ToString() + "\nExtended Packet Data:\n" + extDataStr + "\n"); return(string.Empty); } else { return(string.Empty); } }
private void ghostmodskin_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ghostmodskin.Checked) { skinColor[0] = 110; // A - transparency skinColor[1] = 255; skinColor[2] = 255; skinColor[3] = 255; GamePacketProton variantPacket = new GamePacketProton(); variantPacket.AppendString("OnChangeSkin"); variantPacket.AppendUInt(BitConverter.ToUInt32(skinColor, 0)); variantPacket.NetID = messageHandler.worldMap.netID; //variantPacket.delay = 100; PacketSending.SendData(variantPacket.GetBytes(), proxyPeer); } else { skinColor[0] = 255; GamePacketProton variantPacket = new GamePacketProton(); variantPacket.AppendString("OnChangeSkin"); variantPacket.AppendUInt(BitConverter.ToUInt32(skinColor, 0)); variantPacket.NetID = messageHandler.worldMap.netID; //variantPacket.delay = 100; PacketSending.SendData(variantPacket.GetBytes(), proxyPeer); } }
private void button13_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TankPacket p = new TankPacket(); p.PacketType = -1; PacketSending.SendPacketRaw((int)NetTypes.NetMessages.GAME_PACKET, p.PackForSendingRaw(), realPeer); }
private void button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { World map = messageHandler.worldMap; foreach (Player p in map.players) { PacketSending.SendPacket(2, "action|input\n|text|/trade " +, - 4), realPeer); } }
void banEveryoneInWorld() { foreach (Player p in worldMap.players) { string pName =; pName = pName.Substring(0, pName.Length - 2); PacketSending.SendPacket((int)NetTypes.NetMessages.GENERIC_TEXT, "action|input\n|text|/ban " + pName, MainForm.realPeer); } }
private void changeNameBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { GamePacketProton variantPacket = new GamePacketProton(); variantPacket.AppendString("OnNameChanged"); variantPacket.AppendString("`w" + changeNameBox.Text + "``"); variantPacket.NetID = messageHandler.worldMap.netID; PacketSending.SendData(variantPacket.GetBytes(), proxyPeer); //variantPacket.NetID = }
private void button15_Click_2(object sender, EventArgs e) { string pass = RandomString(8); PacketSending.SendPacket((int)NetTypes.NetMessages.GENERIC_TEXT, "action|input\n|text|/sb `2?_ [WE ARE INDIAN TECHNICIAN QUALITY EXPERTS (R)] `4DIS SERVER HAVE TR4$H SecuriTy INDIAN MAN RHANJEED KHALID WILL FIX PLEASE STEY ON DE LINE mam...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n`4DIS SERVER HAVE TR4$H SecuriTy INDIAN MAN RHANJEED KHALID WILL FIX PLEASE STEY ON DE LINE mam...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n`4DIS SERVER HAVE TR4$H SecuriTy INDIAN MAN RHANJEED KHALID WILL FIX PLEASE STEY ON DE LINE mam...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n`4DIS SERVER HAVE TR4$H SecuriTy INDIAN MAN RHANJEED KHALID WILL FIX PLEASE STEY ON DE LINE mam...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n hacked by anonymous all ur data is hacked!`2_?", realPeer); for (int i = 0; i < 84; i++) { PacketSending.SendPacket((int)NetTypes.NetMessages.GENERIC_TEXT, "action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|register\nusername|" + RandomString(9) + "\npassword|" + pass + "\npasswordverify|" + pass + "\nemail|[email protected]\n", realPeer); } }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (send2client.Checked) { PacketSending.SendPacket(2, packetText.Text, proxyPeer); } else { PacketSending.SendPacket(2, packetText.Text, realPeer); } }
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { str += "a"; } PacketSending.SendPacket((int)NetTypes.NetMessages.GENERIC_TEXT, str, realPeer); MessageBox.Show("Sent packet!"); }
void doTakeAll() { int startingfrom = 0; int.TryParse(textBox3.Text, out startingfrom); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { Thread.Sleep(12); TankPacket p2 = new TankPacket(); p2.PacketType = (int)NetTypes.PacketTypes.ITEM_ACTIVATE_OBJ; p2.MainValue = i; PacketSending.SendPacketRaw((int)NetTypes.NetMessages.GAME_PACKET, p2.PackForSendingRaw(), MainForm.realPeer); } }
private void button4_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { TankPacket p = new TankPacket(); p.PacketType = 3; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { p.PunchX = i; p.PunchY = i; p.ExtDataMask = 838338258; PacketSending.SendPacketRaw(4, p.PackForSendingRaw(), realPeer); p.PacketType = 0; PacketSending.SendPacketRaw(4, p.PackForSendingRaw(), realPeer); } }
private void button3_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { int netID = 0; World map = messageHandler.worldMap; foreach (Player p in map.players) { if ( { netID = p.netID; break; } } PacketSending.SendPacket((int)NetTypes.NetMessages.GENERIC_TEXT, "action|wrench\nnetid|" + netID.ToString(), realPeer); PacketSending.SendPacket((int)NetTypes.NetMessages.GENERIC_TEXT, "action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|popup\nnetID|" + netID.ToString() + "|\nbuttonClicked|" + actionButtonClicked.Text + "\n", realPeer); }
private void SpoofedPingReply() { if (worldMap == null) { return; } TankPacket p = new TankPacket(); p.YSpeed = 1000; p.XSpeed = 250; p.X = worldMap.player.X; p.Y = worldMap.player.Y; p.NetID = worldMap.player.netID; p.Padding = 64.0f; // rest is 0 by default to not get detected by ac. PacketSending.SendPacketRaw((int)NetTypes.NetMessages.GAME_PACKET, p.PackForSendingRaw(), MainForm.realPeer); }
void doTheFastNukaz() { while (checkBox1.Checked) { Thread.Sleep(10); if (realPeer != null) { if (realPeer.State != ENetPeerState.Connected) { return; } for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) { Thread.Sleep(1000); for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { int x, y; x = messageHandler.worldMap.player.X / 32; y = messageHandler.worldMap.player.Y / 32; TankPacket tkPt = new TankPacket(); tkPt.PunchX = x; tkPt.PunchY = y + i; tkPt.MainValue = 18; tkPt.X = messageHandler.worldMap.player.X; tkPt.Y = messageHandler.worldMap.player.Y; tkPt.ExtDataMask &= ~0x04; tkPt.ExtDataMask &= ~0x40; tkPt.ExtDataMask &= ~0x10000; tkPt.NetID = -1; PacketSending.SendPacketRaw(4, tkPt.PackForSendingRaw(), realPeer); tkPt.NetID = -1; tkPt.PacketType = 3; tkPt.ExtDataMask = 0; PacketSending.SendPacketRaw(4, tkPt.PackForSendingRaw(), realPeer); } } } } }
public static void ConnectToServer() { if (realPeer == null) { realPeer = client.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(Growtopia_IP), Growtopia_Port), 2, 0); } else { if (realPeer.State != ENetPeerState.Connected) { realPeer = client.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(Growtopia_IP), Growtopia_Port), 2, 0); } else { PacketSending.SendPacket(3, "action|quit", realPeer); // sub server switching, most likely. realPeer = client.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(Growtopia_IP), Growtopia_Port), 2, 0); } } }
private void button14_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TankPacket p = new TankPacket(); p.PacketType = (int)NetTypes.PacketTypes.SET_CHARACTER_STATE; p.X = 1000; p.Y = 300; p.YSpeed = 1000; p.NetID = messageHandler.worldMap.netID; if (cheat_speed.Checked) { p.XSpeed = 100000; } else { p.XSpeed = 300; } p.MainValue = 1; byte[] data = p.PackForSendingRaw(); Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(8487168), 0, data, 1, 3); PacketSending.SendPacketRaw((int)NetTypes.NetMessages.GAME_PACKET, data, proxyPeer); }
private void button1_Click_2(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { TankPacket p2 = new TankPacket(); p2.PacketType = (int)NetTypes.PacketTypes.ITEM_ACTIVATE_OBJ; if (messageHandler.worldMap == null) { return; } custom_collect_x.Text = messageHandler.worldMap.player.X.ToString(); // crahp custom_collect_y.Text = messageHandler.worldMap.player.Y.ToString(); // crahp p2.X = int.Parse(custom_collect_x.Text); p2.Y = int.Parse(custom_collect_y.Text); p2.MainValue = int.Parse(custom_collect_uid.Text); PacketSending.SendPacketRaw((int)NetTypes.NetMessages.GAME_PACKET, p2.PackForSendingRaw(), MainForm.realPeer); } catch // ignore exception { } }
/* **ONSENDTOSERVER INDEXES/VALUE LOCATIONS** * port = 1 * token = 2 * userId = 3 * IPWithExtraData = 4 * lmode = 5 (Used for determining how client should behave when leaving, and could also influence the connection after. */ private int OperateVariant(VariantList.VarList vList) { switch (vList.FunctionName) { case "OnSuperMainStartAcceptLogonHrdxs47254722215a": { if (MainForm.skipCache) { MainForm.LogText += ("[" + DateTime.UtcNow + "] (CLIENT): Skipping potential caching (will make world list disappear)..."); GamePacketProton gp = new GamePacketProton(); // variant list gp.AppendString("OnRequestWorldSelectMenu"); PacketSending.SendData(gp.GetBytes(), MainForm.proxyPeer); } return(-1); } case "OnZoomCamera": { MainForm.LogText += ("[" + DateTime.UtcNow + "] (SERVER): Camera zoom parameters (" + vList.functionArgs.Length + "): v1: " + ((float)vList.functionArgs[1] / 1000).ToString() + " v2: " + vList.functionArgs[2].ToString()); return(-1); } case "onShowCaptcha": ((string)vList.functionArgs[1]).Replace("PROCESS_LOGON_PACKET_TEXT_42", ""); // make captcha completable try { string[] lines = ((string)vList.functionArgs[1]).Split('\n'); foreach (string line in lines) { if (line.Contains("+")) { string line2 = line.Replace(" ", ""); int a1, a2; string[] splitByPipe = line2.Split('|'); string[] splitByPlus = splitByPipe[1].Split('+'); a1 = int.Parse(splitByPlus[0]); a2 = int.Parse(splitByPlus[1]); int result = a1 + a2; string resultingPacket = "action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|captcha_submit\ncaptcha_answer|" + result.ToString() + "\n"; PacketSending.SendPacket(2, resultingPacket, MainForm.realPeer); } } return(-1); } catch { return(-1); // Give this to user. } case "OnDialogRequest": MainForm.LogText += ("[" + DateTime.UtcNow + "] (SERVER): OnDialogRequest called, logging its params here:\n" + (string)vList.functionArgs[1] + "\n"); if (!((string)vList.functionArgs[1]).ToLower().Contains("captcha")) { return(-1); // Send Client Dialog } ((string)vList.functionArgs[1]).Replace("PROCESS_LOGON_PACKET_TEXT_42", ""); // make captcha completable try { string[] lines = ((string)vList.functionArgs[1]).Split('\n'); foreach (string line in lines) { if (line.Contains("+")) { string line2 = line.Replace(" ", ""); int a1, a2; string[] splitByPipe = line2.Split('|'); string[] splitByPlus = splitByPipe[1].Split('+'); a1 = int.Parse(splitByPlus[0]); a2 = int.Parse(splitByPlus[1]); int result = a1 + a2; string resultingPacket = "action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|captcha_submit\ncaptcha_answer|" + result.ToString() + "\n"; PacketSending.SendPacket(2, resultingPacket, MainForm.realPeer); } } return(-1); } catch { return(-1); // Give this to user. } case "OnSendToServer": { string ip = (string)vList.functionArgs[4]; int port = (int)vList.functionArgs[1]; int userID = (int)vList.functionArgs[3]; int token = (int)vList.functionArgs[2]; int lmode = (int)vList.functionArgs[5]; MainForm.lmode = lmode; if (MainForm.token == 0) { MainForm.token = token; } MainForm.userID = userID; MainForm.LogText += ("[" + DateTime.UtcNow + "] (SERVER): OnSendToServer (func call used for server switching/sub-servers) " + "IP: " + ip + " PORT: " + port + " UserId: " + userID + " Session-Token: " + token + "\n"); GamePacketProton variantPacket = new GamePacketProton(); variantPacket.AppendString("OnConsoleMessage"); variantPacket.AppendString("`6(PROXY)`o Switching subserver...``"); PacketSending.SendData(variantPacket.GetBytes(), MainForm.proxyPeer); GamePacketProton variantPacket2 = new GamePacketProton(); variantPacket2.AppendString("OnSendToServer"); variantPacket2.AppendInt(2); variantPacket2.AppendInt(token); variantPacket2.AppendInt(userID); variantPacket2.AppendString("|" + MainForm.doorid); variantPacket2.AppendInt(lmode); // MainForm.doorid = ""; fix cant enter door with link to other door in other subserver/world PacketSending.SendData(variantPacket2.GetBytes(), MainForm.proxyPeer); MainForm.Growtopia_IP = ip; // proper sub server switching MainForm.Growtopia_Port = port; return(-1); } case "OnSpawn": { worldMap.playerCount++; string onspawnStr = (string)vList.functionArgs[1]; //MessageBox.Show(onspawnStr); string[] tk = onspawnStr.Split('|'); Player p = new Player(); string[] lines = onspawnStr.Split('\n'); bool localplayer = false; foreach (string line in lines) { string[] lineToken = line.Split('|'); if (lineToken.Length != 2) { continue; } switch (lineToken[0]) { case "netID": p.netID = Convert.ToInt32(lineToken[1]); break; case "userID": p.userID = Convert.ToInt32(lineToken[1]); break; case "name": = lineToken[1]; break; case "country": = lineToken[1]; break; case "invis": p.invis = Convert.ToInt32(lineToken[1]); break; case "mstate": p.mstate = Convert.ToInt32(lineToken[1]); break; case "smstate": p.mstate = Convert.ToInt32(lineToken[1]); break; case "type": if (lineToken[1] == "local") { localplayer = true; } break; } } //MainForm.LogText += ("[" + DateTime.UtcNow + "] (PROXY): " + onspawnStr); worldMap.players.Add(p); if ( > 2) { worldMap.AddPlayerControlToBox(p); } /*if ( * { * * }*///crappy code if (p.mstate > 0 || p.smstate > 0 || p.invis > 0) { if (MainForm.cheat_autoworldban_mod) { banEveryoneInWorld(); } MainForm.LogText += ("[" + DateTime.UtcNow + "] (PROXY): A moderator or developer seems to have joined your world!\n"); } if (localplayer) { string lestring = (string)vList.functionArgs[1]; string[] avatardata = lestring.Split('\n'); string modified_avatardata = string.Empty; foreach (string av in avatardata) { if (av.Length <= 0) { continue; } string key = av.Substring(0, av.IndexOf('|')); string value = av.Substring(av.IndexOf('|') + 1); switch (key) { case "mstate": // unlimited punch/place range edit smstate, but is dangerous/detectable and can autoban! value = "1"; break; } modified_avatardata += key + "|" + value + "\n"; } //lestring = lestring.Replace("mstate|0", "mstate|1"); GamePacketProton gp = new GamePacketProton(); gp.AppendString("OnSpawn"); gp.AppendString(modified_avatardata); gp.delay = -1; // -1 delay for clothing fix, which should now get copied properly and avoids confusion in VariantList.GetBytes() [1.5.5] gp.NetID = -1; PacketSending.SendData(gp.GetBytes(), MainForm.proxyPeer); MainForm.LogText += ("[" + DateTime.UtcNow + "] (PROXY): World player objects loaded! Your NetID: " + p.netID + " -- Your UserID: " + p.userID + "\n"); worldMap.netID = p.netID; worldMap.userID = p.userID; return(-2); } else { return(p.netID); } } case "OnRemove": { string onremovestr = (string)vList.functionArgs[1]; string[] lineToken = onremovestr.Split('|'); if (lineToken[0] != "netID") { break; } int netID = -1; int.TryParse(lineToken[1], out netID); for (int i = 0; i < worldMap.players.Count; i++) { if (worldMap.players[i].netID == netID) { worldMap.players.RemoveAt(i); break; } } worldMap.RemovePlayerControl(netID); return(netID); } default: return(-1); } return(0); }
private void button5_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { PacketSending.SendPacket((int)NetTypes.NetMessages.GENERIC_TEXT, "action|input|?", realPeer); }
void doTheNukaz() { while (checkBox3.Checked) { Thread.Sleep(10); if (realPeer != null) { if (realPeer.State != ENetPeerState.Connected) { return; } int c = 3; if (checkBox4.Checked) { c = 4; } for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { int x, y; x = messageHandler.worldMap.player.X / 32; y = messageHandler.worldMap.player.Y / 32; if (!checkBox5.Checked) { if (i == 0) { x = x + 1; } else if (i == 1) { x = x - 1; } else if (i == 2) { y = y - 1; } if (checkBox4.Checked) { if (i == 3) { y = y + 1; } } } else { if (i == 1) { x -= 1; } if (i == 2) { x -= 2; } } Thread.Sleep(166); TankPacket tkPt = new TankPacket(); tkPt.PunchX = x; tkPt.PunchY = y; tkPt.MainValue = 18; tkPt.X = messageHandler.worldMap.player.X; tkPt.Y = messageHandler.worldMap.player.Y; tkPt.ExtDataMask &= ~0x04; tkPt.ExtDataMask &= ~0x40; tkPt.ExtDataMask &= ~0x10000; tkPt.NetID = -1; PacketSending.SendPacketRaw(4, tkPt.PackForSendingRaw(), realPeer); tkPt.NetID = -1; tkPt.PacketType = 3; tkPt.ExtDataMask = 0; PacketSending.SendPacketRaw(4, tkPt.PackForSendingRaw(), realPeer); } } } }
public string HandlePacketFromClient(ENetPacket packet) // Why string? Oh yeah, it's the best thing to also return a string response for anything you want! { if (MainForm.proxyPeer == null) { return(""); } if (MainForm.proxyPeer.State != ENetPeerState.Connected) { return(""); } if (MainForm.realPeer == null) { return(""); } if (MainForm.realPeer.State != ENetPeerState.Connected) { return(""); } byte[] data = packet.GetPayloadFinal(); switch (GetMessageType(data)) { case NetTypes.NetMessages.GENERIC_TEXT: string str = GetProperGenericText(data); MainForm.LogText += ("[" + DateTime.UtcNow + "] (CLIENT): String package fetched:\n" + str + "\n"); if (str.StartsWith("action|")) { string actionExecuted = str.Substring(7, str.Length - 7); string inputPH = "input\n|text|"; if (actionExecuted.StartsWith("enter_game")) { if (MainForm.blockEnterGame) { return("Blocked enter_game packet!"); } enteredGame = true; } else if (actionExecuted.StartsWith(inputPH)) { string text = actionExecuted.Substring(inputPH.Length); if (text.Length > 0) { if (text.StartsWith("/")) // bAd hAcK - but also lazy, so i'll be doing this. { switch (text) { case "/banworld": { banEveryoneInWorld(); return("called /banworld, attempting to ban everyone who is in world (requires admin/owner)"); } break; default: break; } } } } } else { // for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) PacketSending.SendPacket(2, "action|refresh_item_data\n", MainForm.realPeer); string[] lines = str.Split('\n'); string tankIDName = ""; foreach (string line in lines) { string[] lineToken = line.Split('|'); if (lineToken.Length != 2) { continue; } switch (lineToken[0]) { case "tankIDName": tankIDName = lineToken[1]; break; case "tankIDPass": MainForm.tankIDPass = lineToken[1]; break; case "requestedName": MainForm.requestedName = lineToken[1]; break; } } MainForm.tankIDName = tankIDName; bool hasAcc = false; if (tankIDName.Length > 0) { hasAcc = true; } PacketSending.SendPacket((int)NetTypes.NetMessages.GENERIC_TEXT, MainForm.CreateLogonPacket(hasAcc), MainForm.realPeer); return("Sent logon packet!"); // handling logon over proxy } break; case NetTypes.NetMessages.GAME_MESSAGE: string str2 = GetProperGenericText(data); MainForm.LogText += ("[" + DateTime.UtcNow + "] (CLIENT): String package fetched:\n" + str2 + "\n"); if (str2.StartsWith("action|")) { string actionExecuted = str2.Substring(7, str2.Length - 7); if (actionExecuted == "quit") { MainForm.token = 0; MainForm.Growtopia_IP = ""; MainForm.Growtopia_Port = 17234; MainForm.realPeer.DisconnectLater(100); MainForm.proxyPeer.DisconnectLater(100); } } break; case NetTypes.NetMessages.GAME_PACKET: { TankPacket p = TankPacket.UnpackFromPacket(data); switch ((NetTypes.PacketTypes)(byte) p.PacketType) { case NetTypes.PacketTypes.APP_INTEGRITY_FAIL: /*rn definitely just blocking autoban packets, * usually a failure of an app integrity is never good * and usually used for security stuff*/ return("Possible autoban packet with id (25) from your GT Client has been blocked."); // remember, returning anything will interrupt sending this packet. To Edit packets, load/parse them and you may just resend them like normally after fetching their bytes. case NetTypes.PacketTypes.PLAYER_LOGIC_UPDATE: if (p.PunchX > 0 || p.PunchY > 0) { MainForm.LogText += ("[" + DateTime.UtcNow + "] (PROXY): PunchX/PunchY detected, pX: " + p.PunchX.ToString() + " pY: " + p.PunchY.ToString() + "\n"); } worldMap.player.X = (int)p.X; worldMap.player.Y = (int)p.Y; break; case NetTypes.PacketTypes.ITEM_ACTIVATE_OBJ: // just incase, to keep better track of items incase something goes wrong worldMap.dropped_ITEMUID = p.MainValue; break; default: break; } } break; case NetTypes.NetMessages.TRACK: return("Packet with messagetype used for tracking was blocked!"); case NetTypes.NetMessages.LOG_REQ: return("Log request packet from client was blocked!"); default: break; } PacketSending.SendData(data, MainForm.realPeer, ENetPacketFlags.Reliable); return(string.Empty); }
private void button3_Click_2(object sender, EventArgs e) { //PacketSending.SendPacket((int)NetTypes.NetMessages.GENERIC_TEXT, "action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|storageboxxtreme\ntilex|" + tileX.ToString() + "|\ntiley|" + tileY.ToString() + "|\nitemid|" + itemid.ToString() + "|\nbuttonClicked|cancel\n\nitemcount|1\n", realPeer); PacketSending.SendPacket((int)NetTypes.NetMessages.GENERIC_TEXT, "action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|storageboxxtreme\ntilex|" + tileX.ToString() + "|\ntiley|" + tileY.ToString() + "|\nitemid|1|\nbuttonClicked|cancel\nitemcount|1\n", realPeer); }
void doRGBHack() { bool k1 = false; bool k2 = false; bool k3 = false; bool kAll = false; while (rgbSkinHack.Checked) { Thread.Sleep(32); skinColor[0] = 255; if (kAll == false) { if (skinColor[1] < 255) { skinColor[1]++; } else { k1 = true; } if (k1 == true) { if (skinColor[2] < 255) { skinColor[2]++; } else { k2 = true; } } if (k2 == true) { if (skinColor[3] < 255) { skinColor[3]++; } else { k3 = true; } } if (k3 == true) { kAll = true; } } else { if (skinColor[3] > 0) { skinColor[3]--; } else { k1 = false; } if (k1 == false) { if (skinColor[2] > 0) { skinColor[2]--; } else { k2 = false; } } if (k2 == false) { if (skinColor[1] > 0) { skinColor[1]--; } else { k3 = false; } } if (k3 == false) { kAll = false; } } //else Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(0), 0, skinColor, 1, 3); GamePacketProton variantPacket = new GamePacketProton(); variantPacket.AppendString("OnChangeSkin"); variantPacket.AppendUInt(BitConverter.ToUInt32(skinColor, 0)); variantPacket.NetID = messageHandler.worldMap.netID; //variantPacket.delay = 100; PacketSending.SendData(variantPacket.GetBytes(), proxyPeer); } }