/// <summary>
        /// Import and Export Annotations from Words document.
        /// </summary>
        /// Update CommonUtilities.filePath with path to word document files before using this function
        public static void ImportAndExportAnnotationsFromWords()
                // Create instance of annotator.
                AnnotationConfig cfg = CommonUtilities.GetConfiguration();

                AnnotationImageHandler annotator = new AnnotationImageHandler(cfg);

                // Get input file stream
                Stream inputFile = new FileStream(CommonUtilities.MapSourceFilePath(CommonUtilities.filePath), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                //importing annotations from Words document
                AnnotationInfo[] annotations = annotator.ImportAnnotations(inputFile, DocumentType.Words);

                //export imported annotation to another document (just for check)
                Stream clearDocument = new FileStream(CommonUtilities.MapDestinationFilePath("Clear.docx"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                Stream output        = annotator.ExportAnnotationsToDocument(clearDocument, annotations.ToList(), DocumentType.Words);

                // Export annotation and save output file
                //save results after export
                using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(CommonUtilities.MapDestinationFilePath("AnnotationImportAndExportAnnotated.docx"), FileMode.Create))
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[output.Length];
                    output.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    output.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                    fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            catch (System.Exception exp)
コード例 #2

        /// <summary>
        /// Saves output document
        /// </summary>
        public static void SaveOutputDocument(Stream inputFile, List <AnnotationInfo> annotations, DocumentType type)
                // Create instance of annotator.
                AnnotationConfig cfg = CommonUtilities.GetConfiguration();

                AnnotationImageHandler annotator = new AnnotationImageHandler(cfg);

                IDocumentDataHandler documentRepository = annotator.GetDocumentDataHandler();
                if (!Directory.Exists(cfg.StoragePath))

                Stream result = annotator.ExportAnnotationsToDocument(inputFile, annotations, type);

                FileStream getFileStream    = inputFile as FileStream;
                string     extensionWithDot = Path.GetExtension(getFileStream.Name);

                // Save result stream to file.
                using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(MapDestinationFilePath("Annotated" + extensionWithDot), FileMode.Create))
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[result.Length];
                    result.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    result.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                    fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            catch (System.Exception exp)
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds distance annotation in Images document
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddDistanceAnnotation()
                // Get input file stream
                Stream inputFile = new FileStream(CommonUtilities.MapSourceFilePath(CommonUtilities.filePath), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                // Initialize list of AnnotationInfo
                List <AnnotationInfo> annotations = new List <AnnotationInfo>();

                // Distance annotation
                AnnotationInfo distanceAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                    AnnotationPosition = new Point(852.0, 287.0),
                    Box         = new Rectangle(248f, 287f, 115f, 25f),
                    PageNumber  = 0,
                    PenColor    = 1201033,
                    PenStyle    = 0,
                    PenWidth    = 1,
                    SvgPath     = "M248.73201877934272,295.5439436619718 l115.28309859154929,-4.192112676056338",
                    Text        = "\r\nAnonym A.: 115px",
                    Type        = AnnotationType.Distance,
                    CreatorName = "Anonym A."
                // Add annotation to list

                // Export annotation and save output file
                CommonUtilities.SaveOutputDocument(inputFile, annotations, DocumentType.Images);
            catch (System.Exception exp)
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows how to get thumbnails of pages for PDF
        /// </summary>
        public static void GetThumbnailsOfPagesForPDF()
                // Create instance of annotator.
                AnnotationConfig cfg = CommonUtilities.GetConfiguration();

                AnnotationImageHandler annotator = new AnnotationImageHandler(cfg);

                // Get input file stream
                Stream inputFile = new FileStream(CommonUtilities.MapSourceFilePath(CommonUtilities.filePath), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                List <PageImage> images = annotator.GetPages(inputFile, new ImageOptions {
                    WithoutAnnotations = true

                //Then if we want get thumbnail we call GetThumbnail() method of PageImage item:
                foreach (PageImage pageImage in images)
                    Stream stream = pageImage.GetThumbnail(); // do something with stream

                // Default image size was 300x180. If need specified image size, you can pass method parameters:
                // image thumbnails 100x100
                foreach (PageImage pageImage in images)
                    Stream stream = pageImage.GetThumbnail(100, 100);
                    // do something with stream
            catch (System.Exception exp)
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds arrow annotation in Images document
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddArrowAnnotation()
                // Get input file stream
                Stream inputFile = new FileStream(CommonUtilities.MapSourceFilePath(CommonUtilities.filePath), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                // Initialize list of AnnotationInfo
                List <AnnotationInfo> annotations = new List <AnnotationInfo>();

                // Arrow annotation
                AnnotationInfo arrowAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                    AnnotationPosition = new Point(852.0, 252.0),
                    Box         = new Rectangle(279.4742f, 252.9241f, 129.9555f, -9.781596f),
                    PageNumber  = 0,
                    PenColor    = 1201033,
                    PenStyle    = 0,
                    PenWidth    = 1,
                    SvgPath     = "M279.47417840375584,252.92413145539905 L129.9554929577465,-9.781596244131455",
                    Type        = AnnotationType.Arrow,
                    CreatorName = "Anonym A."
                // Add annotation to list

                // Export annotation and save output file
                CommonUtilities.SaveOutputDocument(inputFile, annotations, DocumentType.Images);
            catch (System.Exception exp)
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds watermark annotation in Images document
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddWatermarkAnnotation()
                // Get input file stream
                Stream inputFile = new FileStream(CommonUtilities.MapSourceFilePath(CommonUtilities.filePath), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                // Initialize list of AnnotationInfo
                List <AnnotationInfo> annotations = new List <AnnotationInfo>();

                // Watermark annotation
                AnnotationInfo watermarkAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                    AnnotationPosition = new Point(100.0, 300.0),
                    FieldText          = "TEXT STAMP",
                    FontFamily         = "Microsoft Sans Serif",
                    FontSize           = 10,
                    FontColor          = 2222222,
                    Box         = new Rectangle(430f, 272f, 66f, 51f),
                    PageNumber  = 0,
                    Type        = AnnotationType.Watermark,
                    CreatorName = "Anonym A."
                // Add annotation to list

                // Export annotation and save output file
                CommonUtilities.SaveOutputDocument(inputFile, annotations, DocumentType.Images);
            catch (System.Exception exp)
コード例 #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CommonUtilities.StorageFolderPath     = "../../../../Data/Samples/";
            CommonUtilities.DestinationFolderPath = "../../../../Data/Output/";
            CommonUtilities.LicenseFilePath       = "E://lic/Groupdocs.Total.lic";
            CommonUtilities.filePath = "Annotated.pdf";

            /* Apply product license
             * Uncomment following function if you have product license
             * */


            #region Annotation Functions for PDF

            //CommonUtilities.filePath = "Annotated.pdf";

            //////Add text annotation
            ////  PDFAnnotation.AddTextAnnotation();

            ////Add text annotation in Pdf

            ////Add text annotation in slides

            //////Add area annotation with replies

            //////Add point annotation
            //// PDFAnnotation.AddPointAnnotation();

            //////Add text strike out annotation

            //////Add polyline annotation

            //////Add text field annotation

            //////Add watermark annotation

            //////Add text replacement annotation

            //////Add arrow annotation

            //////Add text redaction annotation
            //// PDFAnnotation.AddTextRedactionAnnotation();

            //////Add underline annotation

            //////Add distance annotation

            //////Add resource redaction annotation
            //// PDFAnnotation.AddResourceRedactionAnnotation();

            //////Remove all annotations
            //// PDFAnnotation.RemoveAllAnnotationsFromDocument();


            #region Annotation Functions for Words Document format

            //CommonUtilities.filePath = "Annotated.docx";

            //////Add area annotation with replies  for Words Document format
            //// WordAnnotation.AddAreaAnnotationWithRepliesforWords();

            //////Add point annotation for Words Document format
            //// WordAnnotation.AddPointAnnotation();

            //////Add text strike out annotation for Words Document format

            //////Add text field annotation for Words Document format

            //////Add text replacement annotation for Words Document format

            //////Add arrow annotation for Words Document format

            //////Add text redaction annotation for Words Document format
            //// WordAnnotation.AddTextRedactionAnnotationforWords();

            //////Add underline annotation for Words Document format

            //////Add resource redaction annotation for Words Document format
            //// WordAnnotation.AddResourceRedactionAnnotationforWords();

            //////Import and Export Annotations from Words document.


            #region Annotation Functions for Slides

            CommonUtilities.filePath = "sample.pptx";

            ////Add text annotation

            ////Add text annotation in slides

            ////Add area annotation with replies

            ////Add point annotation
            // SlidesAnnotation.AddPointAnnotation();

            ////Add text strike out annotation

            ////Add polyline annotation

            ////Add text field annotation

            ////Add watermark annotation

            ////Add text replacement annotation

            ////Add arrow annotation

            ////Add text redaction annotation
            // SlidesAnnotation.AddTextRedactionAnnotation();

            ////Add underline annotation

            ////Add distance annotation

            ////Add resource redaction annotation
            // SlidesAnnotation.AddResourceRedactionAnnotation();

            ////Remove all annotations
            // SlidesAnnotation.RemoveAllAnnotationsFromDocument();


            #region Cells
            //CommonUtilities.filePath = "Annotated.xlsx";
            ////Add text annotation in Cells

            #region DataStorage Functions

            ////Create document

            //////Assign access rights

            //////Create and get annotation

            //////Get all annotation of a document

            //////Resize annotation

            //////Move an anotation

            //////Set background color

            //////Edit annotation

            //////Remove annotation

            //////Add annotation reply

            //////Add document collaborator

            //////Get document collaborator

            //////Update document collaborator

            //////Delete document collaborator

            //////Delete document collaborator

            //////Export annotation to document


            //#region Other Operations

            //////Get image representation of the document

            //////Get text coordinates in image representation of the document
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Manages collaborator rights
        /// </summary>
        public static void ManageCollaboratorRights()
                // Create instance of annotator.
                AnnotationConfig cfg = CommonUtilities.GetConfiguration();

                //Create annotation handler
                AnnotationImageHandler annotator = new AnnotationImageHandler(cfg);

                IUserDataHandler userRepository = annotator.GetUserDataHandler();

                IDocumentDataHandler documentRepository = annotator.GetDocumentDataHandler();
                if (!Directory.Exists(cfg.StoragePath))

                // Create owner.
                var johnOwner = userRepository.GetUserByEmail("*****@*****.**");
                if (johnOwner == null)
                    userRepository.Add(new User {
                        FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe", Email = "*****@*****.**"
                    johnOwner = userRepository.GetUserByEmail("*****@*****.**");

                // Create document data object in storage
                var  document   = documentRepository.GetDocument("Document.pdf");
                long documentId = document != null ? document.Id : annotator.CreateDocument("Document.pdf", DocumentType.Pdf, johnOwner.Id);

                // Create reviewer.
                var reviewerInfo = new ReviewerInfo
                    PrimaryEmail = "*****@*****.**",
                    FirstName    = "Judy",
                    LastName     = "Doe",

                    // Can only get view annotations
                    AccessRights = AnnotationReviewerRights.CanView

                // Add collaboorator to the document. If user with Email equals to reviewers PrimaryEmail is absent it will be created.
                var addCollaboratorResult = annotator.AddCollaborator(documentId, reviewerInfo);

                // Get document collaborators
                var getCollaboratorsResult = annotator.GetCollaborators(documentId);
                var judy = userRepository.GetUserByEmail("*****@*****.**");

                // Create annotation object
                AnnotationInfo pointAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                    AnnotationPosition = new Point(852.0, 81.0),
                    Box         = new Rectangle(212f, 81f, 142f, 0.0f),
                    Type        = AnnotationType.Point,
                    PageNumber  = 0,
                    CreatorName = "Anonym A."

                // John try to add annotations. User is owner of the document.
                var johnResult = annotator.CreateAnnotation(pointAnnotation, documentId, johnOwner.Id);

                // Judy try to add annotations
                    var judyResult = annotator.CreateAnnotation(pointAnnotation, documentId, judy.Id);

                //Get exceptions, because user can only view annotations
                catch (AnnotatorException e)

                // Allow Judy create annotations.
                reviewerInfo.AccessRights = AnnotationReviewerRights.CanAnnotate;
                var updateCollaboratorResult = annotator.UpdateCollaborator(documentId, reviewerInfo);

                // Now user can add annotations
                var judyResultCanAnnotate = annotator.CreateAnnotation(pointAnnotation, documentId, judy.Id);
            catch (System.Exception exp)
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes document collaborator
        /// </summary>
        public static void DeleteCollaborator()
                // Create instance of annotator.
                AnnotationConfig cfg = CommonUtilities.GetConfiguration();

                //Create annotation handler
                AnnotationImageHandler annotator = new AnnotationImageHandler(cfg);

                IUserDataHandler userRepository = annotator.GetUserDataHandler();

                IDocumentDataHandler documentRepository = annotator.GetDocumentDataHandler();
                if (!Directory.Exists(cfg.StoragePath))

                // Create a user that will be an owner.
                // Get user from the storage
                var owner = userRepository.GetUserByEmail("*****@*****.**");

                // If user doesn’t exist in the storage then create it.
                if (owner == null)
                    userRepository.Add(new User {
                        FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe", Email = "*****@*****.**"
                    owner = userRepository.GetUserByEmail("*****@*****.**");

                // Get document data object in the storage
                var document = documentRepository.GetDocument("Document.pdf");

                // If document already created or it hasn’t owner then delete document
                if (document != null && document.OwnerId != owner.Id)
                    document = null;

                // Get document id if document already created or create new document
                long documentId = document != null ? document.Id : annotator.CreateDocument("Document.pdf", DocumentType.Pdf, owner.Id);

                // Create reviewer.
                var reviewerInfo = new ReviewerInfo
                    PrimaryEmail = "*****@*****.**", //user email, unique identifier
                    FirstName    = "Judy",
                    LastName     = "Doe",
                    AccessRights = AnnotationReviewerRights.All

                // Delete collaborator
                var deleteCollaboratorResult = annotator.DeleteCollaborator(documentId, reviewerInfo.PrimaryEmail);
            catch (System.Exception exp)
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps annotations and creates dcocument data object in the storage
        /// </summary>
        public static void CreateAndGetAnnotation()
                // Create instance of annotator.
                AnnotationConfig cfg = CommonUtilities.GetConfiguration();

                AnnotationImageHandler annotator = new AnnotationImageHandler(cfg);

                IDocumentDataHandler documentRepository = annotator.GetDocumentDataHandler();
                if (!Directory.Exists(cfg.StoragePath))

                // Create document data object in storage.
                var  document   = documentRepository.GetDocument("Document.pdf");
                long documentId = document != null ? document.Id : annotator.CreateDocument("Document.pdf");

                // Create annotation object
                AnnotationInfo pointAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                    AnnotationPosition = new Point(852.0, 81.0),
                    Box          = new Rectangle(212f, 81f, 142f, 0.0f),
                    Type         = AnnotationType.Point,
                    PageNumber   = 0,
                    CreatorName  = "Anonym",
                    DocumentGuid = documentId

                // Add annotation to storage
                CreateAnnotationResult createPointAnnotationResult = annotator.CreateAnnotation(pointAnnotation);

                // Create annotation object
                AnnotationInfo textFieldAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                    AnnotationPosition = new Point(852.0, 201.0),
                    FieldText          = "text in the box",
                    FontFamily         = "Arial",
                    FontSize           = 10,
                    Box          = new Rectangle(66f, 201f, 64f, 37f),
                    PageNumber   = 0,
                    Type         = AnnotationType.TextField,
                    CreatorName  = "Anonym",
                    DocumentGuid = documentId

                //Add annotation to storage
                CreateAnnotationResult createTextFieldAnnotationResult = annotator.CreateAnnotation(textFieldAnnotation);

                // Get annotation from storage
                GetAnnotationResult result = annotator.GetAnnotation(createPointAnnotationResult.Guid);
            catch (System.Exception exp)