public override void _Ready() { //grid = GetNode("Grid"); //TODO: autoload grid? grid = new Grid.Grid(); genTestWorld(); GD.Print(GD.Str(grid)); genMesh(grid.getChangedChunks()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { IGrid grid = new Grid.Grid(ROWS, COLUMNS); IMazeAlgorithm binaryAlgorithm = new Binary(); IDistanceAlgorithm solver = new Rectangular(); MazeGenerator.Generator generator = new MazeGenerator.Generator(grid, binaryAlgorithm, solver); generator.ApplyAlgorithm(); int maxDistance = generator.SolveMaze(new GridPosition(0, 0)); Bitmap gridPng = new Bitmap(WIDTH_IN_PIXLES, HEITH_IN_PIXLES); Graphics tool = Graphics.FromImage(gridPng); Pen blackPen = new Pen(Color.Black, PEN_THICKNESS_IN_PIXLES); List <Room> rooms = grid.GetRooms(); int cellWidth = WIDTH_IN_PIXLES / COLUMNS; int cellHeigth = HEITH_IN_PIXLES / ROWS; foreach (Room room in rooms) { int xOfUpperLeft = room.column * cellWidth; int yOfUpperLeft = room.row * cellHeigth; int xOfLowerRight = (room.column * cellWidth) + cellWidth; int yOfLowerRight = (room.row * cellHeigth) + cellHeigth; if (!room.Neighbors().Contains(Direction.NORTH)) { tool.DrawLine(blackPen, xOfUpperLeft, yOfUpperLeft, xOfLowerRight, yOfUpperLeft); } if (!room.Neighbors().Contains(Direction.WEST)) { tool.DrawLine(blackPen, xOfUpperLeft, yOfUpperLeft, xOfUpperLeft, yOfLowerRight); } if (!room.Neighbors().Contains(Direction.EAST)) { tool.DrawLine(blackPen, xOfLowerRight, yOfUpperLeft, xOfLowerRight, yOfLowerRight); } if (!room.Neighbors().Contains(Direction.SOUTH)) { tool.DrawLine(blackPen, xOfUpperLeft, yOfLowerRight, xOfLowerRight, yOfLowerRight); } double intensity = ((double)maxDistance - (double)room.distance) / ((double)maxDistance); double dark = Math.Round((255d * intensity)); double bright = 128d + Math.Round(127d * intensity); Color roomColor = Color.FromArgb((int)dark, (int)bright, (int)dark); Brush roomColorBrush = new SolidBrush(roomColor); tool.FillRectangle(roomColorBrush, xOfUpperLeft, yOfUpperLeft, cellWidth, cellHeigth); } gridPng.Save("Hello.png"); blackPen.Dispose(); tool.Dispose(); gridPng.Dispose(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Prompt the user to input the type of algorithm we will be using. 1 for Binary 2 for sidewinder System.Console.WriteLine("Please tell me what type of algorithm you want to use. (1 - Binary 2 - Sidewinder)"); int algorithmType; // Create the base grid IGrid grid = new Grid.Grid(ROWS, COLUMNS); // Determine and create the type of algorithm that will be used to generate the rooms IMazeAlgorithm currentAlgorithm = null; do { // Get the type of algorithm that the user wants to use algorithmType = Convert.ToInt32(System.Console.ReadLine()); switch (algorithmType) { case 1: currentAlgorithm = new Binary(); break; case 2: currentAlgorithm = new Sidewinder(); break; default: System.Console.WriteLine("Can't find this algorithm. Please choose a valid one. (1 - Binary 2 - Sidewinder)"); break; } } while (algorithmType > 2 || algorithmType < 1); // Create the distance tracker IDistanceAlgorithm solver = new Rectangular(); // Generate the maze MazeGenerator.Generator generator = new MazeGenerator.Generator(grid, currentAlgorithm, solver); // Apply the algorithm to the generated maze generator.ApplyAlgorithm(); int maxDistance = generator.SolveMaze(new GridPosition(0, 0)); // create the .png with WIDTH_IN_PIXLES width and HEITH_IN_PIXELS height Bitmap gridPng = new Bitmap(WIDTH_IN_PIXLES, HEITH_IN_PIXLES); Graphics tool = Graphics.FromImage(gridPng); Pen blackPen = new Pen(Color.Black, PEN_THICKNESS_IN_PIXLES); // create a list of rooms from the generated grid List <Room> rooms = grid.GetRooms(); int cellWidth = WIDTH_IN_PIXLES / COLUMNS; int cellHeigth = HEITH_IN_PIXLES / ROWS; // Draw a line if there is no room in any direction. This was generated according to the roomstoconnectwith that was generated. foreach (Room room in rooms) { int xOfUpperLeft = room.column * cellWidth; int yOfUpperLeft = room.row * cellHeigth; // adding cellwidth shifts the position to the right int xOfLowerRight = (room.column * cellWidth) + cellWidth; int yOfLowerRight = (room.row * cellHeigth) + cellHeigth; if (!room.Neighbors().Contains(Direction.NORTH)) { tool.DrawLine(blackPen, xOfUpperLeft, yOfUpperLeft, xOfLowerRight, yOfUpperLeft); } if (!room.Neighbors().Contains(Direction.WEST)) { tool.DrawLine(blackPen, xOfUpperLeft, yOfUpperLeft, xOfUpperLeft, yOfLowerRight); } if (!room.Neighbors().Contains(Direction.EAST)) { tool.DrawLine(blackPen, xOfLowerRight, yOfUpperLeft, xOfLowerRight, yOfLowerRight); } if (!room.Neighbors().Contains(Direction.SOUTH)) { tool.DrawLine(blackPen, xOfUpperLeft, yOfLowerRight, xOfLowerRight, yOfLowerRight); } double intensity = ((double)maxDistance - (double)room.distance) / ((double)maxDistance); double dark = Math.Round((255d * intensity)); double bright = 128d + Math.Round(127d * intensity); Color roomColor = Color.FromArgb((int)dark, (int)bright, (int)dark); Brush roomColorBrush = new SolidBrush(roomColor); tool.FillRectangle(roomColorBrush, xOfUpperLeft, yOfUpperLeft, cellWidth, cellHeigth); } gridPng.Save("Hello.png"); blackPen.Dispose(); tool.Dispose(); gridPng.Dispose(); }