コード例 #1
        public ServiceResult SetActiveProfile(string profileUUID)
            ProfileManager profileManager = new ProfileManager(Globals.DBConnectionKey, this.GetAuthToken(Request));

            GreenWerx.Models.Membership.Profile profile = profileManager.SetActiveProfile(profileUUID, CurrentUser.UUID, CurrentUser.AccountUUID);
            return(ServiceResponse.OK("", profile));
コード例 #2
        public ServiceResult SetActiveProfileImageFromAttribute(string attributeUUID)
            AttributeManager atm = new AttributeManager(Globals.DBConnectionKey, this.GetAuthToken(Request));

            var res = atm.Get(attributeUUID);

            if (res.Code != 200)
            var attribute = res.Result as TMG.Attribute;

            if (attribute.ValueType.EqualsIgnoreCase("ImagePath") == false)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("Attribute is not an image path type."));
            ProfileManager profileManager = new ProfileManager(Globals.DBConnectionKey, this.GetAuthToken(Request));

            var tmp = profileManager.GetProfile(CurrentUser.UUID, CurrentUser.AccountUUID, true);

            if (tmp.Code != 200)

            GreenWerx.Models.Membership.Profile profile = (Profile)tmp.Result;

            profile.Image = attribute.Image;
            return(ServiceResponse.OK("", profile.Image));
コード例 #3
        public ServiceResult SaveProfile(GreenWerx.Models.Membership.Profile p)
            if (p == null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("Invalid form sent to server."));

            ProfileManager profileManager = new ProfileManager(Globals.DBConnectionKey, this.GetAuthToken(Request));

            if (_profileMemberManager == null)
                _profileMemberManager = new ProfileMemberManager(Globals.DBConnectionKey, this.GetAuthToken(Request));

            var dbProfile = profileManager.Get(p.UUID);

            if (dbProfile == null)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.CreatedBy))
                    p.UUID = CurrentUser.UUID;

                p.Private = true;
                var res = profileManager.InsertProfile(p);
                if (res.Code != 200)
                    return(ServiceResponse.Error("Failed to create profile."));

                foreach (var profileMember in p.Members)
                    profileMember.CreatedBy   = CurrentUser.UUID;
                    profileMember.DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    profileMember.Private     = true;
                    profileMember.ProfileUUID = p.UUID;
                profileManager.UpdateProfile(p);//this will update the cache fields
            foreach (var profileMember in p.Members)

コード例 #4
        public ServiceResult DeleteAttribute(string UUID)//todo bookmark latest test this.
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UUID))
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("No id was sent."));

            if (CurrentUser == null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must be logged in to access this function."));

            AttributeManager atm = new AttributeManager(Globals.DBConnectionKey, this.GetAuthToken(Request));
            var res = atm.Get(UUID);

            if (res.Code != 200)

            var attribute = res.Result as TMG.Attribute;

            if (attribute.ValueType.EqualsIgnoreCase("ImagePath") == false)
                return(atm.Delete(attribute, true));

            string root = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Content/Uploads/" + this.CurrentUser.UUID);

            string          fileName   = attribute.Image.GetFileNameFromUrl(); //todo get folder and file from attribute.Image => https://localhost:44318/Content/Uploads/8ac0adc1e7154afda15069c822d68d6d/20190226_082504appicon.png
            string          pathToFile = Path.Combine(root, fileName);
            DocumentManager dm         = new DocumentManager(Globals.DBConnectionKey, this.GetAuthToken(Request));

            if (dm.DeleteFile(attribute, pathToFile).Code != 200)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("Failed to delete file " + fileName));
            DataFilter           filter     = this.GetFilter(Request);
            List <TMG.Attribute> attributes = atm.GetAttributes(this.CurrentUser.AccountUUID, ref filter)
                                              .Where(w => w.UUIDType.EqualsIgnoreCase("ImagePath") &&
                                                     w.Value == attribute.UUID &&

            // Update attributes that are using this image.
            foreach (TMG.Attribute att in attributes)
                // if (am.DeleteSetting(setting.UUID).Code != 200)
                //  return ServiceResponse.Error("Failed to delete image setting for file " + fileName);
                att.Image = "/assets/img/blankprofile.png"; // todo change image. Monetize?

            var res1 = atm.Delete(attribute, true);

            ProfileManager profileManager = new ProfileManager(Globals.DBConnectionKey, Request.Headers.Authorization?.Parameter);
            var            tmp            = profileManager.GetProfile(CurrentUser.UUID, CurrentUser.AccountUUID, true);

            if (tmp.Code != 200)
            GreenWerx.Models.Membership.Profile profile = (Profile)tmp.Result;

            if (profile.Image.Contains(fileName))
                profile.Image = "/assets/img/blankprofile.png";

コード例 #5
        //todo add to role if not already in it
        public ServiceResult Insert(VerificationEntry s)
            var CurrentUser = this.GetUser(SessionKey);

            if (CurrentUser == null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must be logged in to access this function."));

            s.VerifierAccountUUID = CurrentUser.AccountUUID;
            s.VerifierUUID        = CurrentUser.UUID;
            s.VerificationDate    = DateTime.UtcNow;
            s.VerifierProfileUUID = this.GetProfileUUID(this.SessionKey);
            GreenWerx.Models.Membership.Profile verifierProfile = null;
            //todo check if set, if not use profile -> locationUUID
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.VerifierLocationUUID))
                ProfileManager profileManager = new ProfileManager(this._connectionKey, this.SessionKey);
                var            res            = profileManager.Get(s.VerifierProfileUUID);
                    if (res.Code == 200)
                        verifierProfile        = (GreenWerx.Models.Membership.Profile)res.Result;
                        s.VerifierLocationUUID = verifierProfile.LocationUUID;
                {//not that important.

            var vcts = GetVerificationEntries(s.RecipientProfileUUID);
            //one user can do multiple adds. so make it that they can only verify every 90 days.
            var tmp = GetVerificationEntries(s.RecipientProfileUUID)
                      .FirstOrDefault(w => w.VerifierUUID == CurrentUser.UUID &&
                                      w.VerificationType.EqualsIgnoreCase(s.VerificationType) &&
                                      w.VerificationDate.AddDays(-90) < DateTime.UtcNow

            if (tmp != null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You may only verify every ninety days."));

            RoleManager rm       = new RoleManager(this._connectionKey, CurrentUser);
            var         userRole = rm.GetRolesForUser(CurrentUser.UUID, CurrentUser.AccountUUID)
                                   .Where(w => w.Category.EqualsIgnoreCase("member"))
                                   .OrderByDescending(o => o.RoleWeight).FirstOrDefault();

            if (userRole == null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must be assigned a role to verify."));

            s.VerifierRoleUUID = userRole.UUID;

            s.Weight = userRole.Weight; //<== role.Category of verifying user
            var relationshipRole = rm.GetRoles(CurrentUser.AccountUUID)
                                   .FirstOrDefault(w => w.CategoryRoleName.EqualsIgnoreCase(verifierProfile.RelationshipStatus) &&

            s.Multiplier = relationshipRole.Weight;// <== of verifying user verifierProfile.RelationshipStatus
            var verTypeRole = rm.GetRoles(CurrentUser.AccountUUID).FirstOrDefault(w => w.Category.EqualsIgnoreCase("verified") &&

            //Category CategoryRoleName
            //verified critical user
            //verified    ambassador
            //verified    geolocation
            //verified    photo submission
            //verified other member
            s.VerificationTypeMultiplier = verTypeRole.Weight;
            s.Points = ((s.VerificationTypeMultiplier) + s.Weight) * s.Multiplier;

            string destinationRoleUUID = verTypeRole.UUID;// "verification role"; //TODO get the uuid for the verification role

            using (var context = new GreenWerxDbContext(this._connectionKey))
                //todo add RecipientMemberRoleUUID //this is the member role (UsersInRoles) the user ended kup in due to the verification.
                //  create default roles fore verification

                //todo make this a transacion and add to verification role
                var ur = context.GetAll <UserRole>().Any(rpw => rpw.ReferenceUUID == s.RecipientUUID &&
                                                         rpw.AccountUUID == s.RecipientAccountUUID &&
                                                         rpw.RoleUUID == destinationRoleUUID);

                if (ur == false) // if not in role already
                {                // add to role..
                  //var role = context.GetAll<Role>()
                  //                    .FirstOrDefault(w => w.AccountUUID == s.RecipientAccountUUID &&
                  //                    w.Category.EqualsIgnoreCase("verified") &&
                  //                    w.CategoryRoleName.EqualsIgnoreCase(s.VerificationType)
                  //                    );

                    var guid             = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
                    var userVerifiedRole = new UserRole()
                        GUUID         = guid,
                        UUID          = guid,
                        AccountUUID   = s.RecipientAccountUUID,
                        Action        = "get",
                        Active        = true,
                        AppType       = "web",
                        CreatedBy     = s.VerifierUUID,
                        DateCreated   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Deleted       = false,
                        EndDate       = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(90),
                        Name          = verTypeRole.Name,
                        ReferenceUUID = s.RecipientUUID,
                        ReferenceType = "User",
                        UUIDType      = "UserRole",
                        RoleOperation = verTypeRole.RoleOperation,
                        RoleWeight    = verTypeRole.RoleWeight,
                        RoleUUID      = verTypeRole.UUID,
                        Image         = verTypeRole.Image,
                        StartDate     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    context.Insert <UserRole>(userVerifiedRole);

                    guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
                    var profileRole = new UserRole()
                        GUUID         = guid,
                        UUID          = guid,
                        AccountUUID   = s.RecipientAccountUUID,
                        Action        = "get",
                        Active        = true,
                        AppType       = "web",
                        CreatedBy     = s.VerifierUUID,
                        DateCreated   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Deleted       = false,
                        EndDate       = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(90),
                        Name          = verTypeRole.Name,
                        ReferenceUUID = s.RecipientProfileUUID,
                        ReferenceType = "Profile",
                        UUIDType      = "UserRole",
                        RoleOperation = verTypeRole.RoleOperation,
                        RoleWeight    = verTypeRole.RoleWeight,
                        RoleUUID      = verTypeRole.UUID,
                        Image         = verTypeRole.Image,
                        StartDate     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    context.Insert <UserRole>(profileRole);

                if (context.Insert <VerificationEntry>(s))
                    return(ServiceResponse.OK("", s));
            return(ServiceResponse.Error("An error occurred inserting verification."));