public async Task PlayAsync([Remainder] string song = "") { Utilities utilities = new Utilities(Context.Guild); var guildAccount = GuildAccounts.GetGuildAccount(Context.Guild); string avatar = Context.Message.Author.GetAvatarUrl() ?? Context.Message.Author.GetDefaultAvatarUrl(); int choose = -1; if (!song.Contains(".com") && song != "") { if ((Context.User as IVoiceState).VoiceChannel == null) { await ReplyAsync(Utilities.GetAlert("PLAY_NULL_CHANNEL")); return; } var searchList = AudioService.GetYoutubeAsync(song, Context.Guild.Id, (Context.User as IVoiceState).VoiceChannel); var searchResult = searchList.Items[0]; YoutubeVideo video = new YoutubeVideo(); video.SetInfoVideo(Context.Guild, searchResult.Snippet.Description, searchResult.Snippet.Thumbnails.High.Url, searchResult.Id.VideoId, searchResult.Snippet.Title); choose = 0; song = $"{[choose]}"; await AudioService.PlayAsync(Context, song, choose, video); return; } await AudioService.PlayAsync(Context, song, 0); }
public async Task YoutubeAsync([Remainder] string query = "") { Utilities utilities = new Utilities(Context.Guild); string avatar = Context.Message.Author.GetAvatarUrl() ?? Context.Message.Author.GetDefaultAvatarUrl(); if (query == "") { await ReplyAsync(Utilities.GetAlert("PLAY_NULL_QUERY")); return; } var searchList = AudioService.GetYoutubeAsync(query, Context.Guild.Id, (Context.User as IVoiceState).VoiceChannel); YoutubeVideo video = new YoutubeVideo(); video.SetMultipleVideosInfo(Context.Guild, video, searchList); EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder(); builder .WithAuthor(Context.Message.Author.Username, avatar) .WithThumbnailUrl("") .WithTitle(Utilities.GetAlert("YOUTUBE_FILMEMBED")) .WithDescription($"{string.Join("\n", video.videosList)}") .WithColor(Color.Red); await ReplyAsync("", false, builder.Build()); var response = await NextMessageAsync(true, true, timeout : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); string answer = response.ToString(); string[] wholeMsg = answer.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int choose = InteractiveUtil.ConvertToInt(answer); if (Utilities.GetAlert("answerCancel").Contains(wholeMsg[0])) { await ReplyAsync(Utilities.GetAlert("PLAY_CANCEL")); return; } if (choose == 0) { return; } choose = choose - 1; string song = $"{[choose]}"; await AudioService.PlayAsync(Context, song, choose, video); return; }
// This is a TODO, i really need to improve creating the queue because it's slow and inefficient af public static List <string> CreateListOfSongs(ISocketMessageChannel channel, List <LavalinkTrack> queue, string username, string avatar) { YoutubeVideo video = new YoutubeVideo(); int count = 1; //int i = 0; foreach (var track in queue) { video.videosList.Add($"{count}. [{track.Title}]({track.Url}) `{track.Length}` \n"); //[i] = track.Url; //video.title[i] = track.Title; count++; //i++; } return(video.videosList); }
public void SetMultipleVideosInfo(SocketGuild guild, YoutubeVideo video, Google.Apis.YouTube.v3.Data.SearchListResponse searchList) { int count = 1; int i = 0; foreach (var searchResult in searchList.Items) { Utilities utilities = new Utilities(guild); video.videosList.Add($"{count}. {searchResult.Snippet.Title} \n");[i] = searchResult.Id.VideoId; video.title[i] = searchResult.Snippet.Title; video.desc[i] = searchResult.Snippet.Description; video.image[i] = searchResult.Snippet.Thumbnails.High.Url; if (video.desc[i] == null || video.desc[i] == "") { video.desc[i] = Utilities.GetAlert("PLAY_NULL_DESC"); } count++; i++; } }
public static async Task PlayAsync(SocketCommandContext context, string song, int choose, YoutubeVideo video = null) { // Create used objects SocketGuild guild = context.Guild; SocketUserMessage message = context.Message; IVoiceChannel voiceChannel = (context.User as IVoiceState).VoiceChannel; ISocketMessageChannel channel = context.Channel; Utilities utilities = new Utilities(guild); // Checking if voice channel is null (and sending an error message) // If not, creating or getting a lavalink player // Checking if a given string is empty (if true, and there is a song in queue that is stopped, resuming it if (await VoiceChannelIsNull(channel, voiceChannel, utilities) is true) { return; } LavalinkPlayer player = lavalinkManager.GetPlayer(guild.Id) ?? await lavalinkManager.JoinAsync(voiceChannel); var audioQueue = AudioQueues.GetAudioQueue(guild); if (await SongIsEmpty(channel, utilities, player, audioQueue, song) is true) { return; } LoadTracksResponse response = await lavalinkManager.GetTracksAsync(song); LavalinkTrack track = response.Tracks.First(); // Maximum songs in queue is 50 if (await QueueIsFull(channel, utilities, audioQueue.Queue.Count) is true) { return; } // Adding a track to queue audioQueue.Queue = AudioQueues.GetOrCreateGuildQueue(track, audioQueue); // A check if a song is first in the queue, or if it's been added string songAlert = "PLAY_ADDED_SONG"; if (await SongIsFirst(player, audioQueue, track, video, context, songAlert, choose) is false) { return; } // If a user gives a link to a youtube video, we don't need to send song info if (choose != -1) { await SongInfo(channel, message, video, choose, songAlert); } }
private static async Task SongInfo(ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketUserMessage message, YoutubeVideo video, int choose, string playOrAdded) { string avatar = message.Author.GetAvatarUrl() ?? message.Author.GetDefaultAvatarUrl(); EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder(); builder .WithAuthor(message.Author.Username, avatar) .WithThumbnailUrl(video.image[choose]) .AddField(Utilities.GetAlert(playOrAdded), $"[{video.title[choose]}]({[choose]})") .AddField(Utilities.GetAlert("PLAY_VIDEO_DESC"), video.desc[choose]) .WithColor(Color.DarkRed); await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, builder.Build()); }
private static async Task <bool> SongIsFirst(LavalinkPlayer player, AudioQueue audioQueue, LavalinkTrack track, YoutubeVideo video, SocketCommandContext context, string songAlert, int choose) { ISocketMessageChannel channel = context.Channel; SocketUserMessage message = context.Message; LavalinkTrack secondTrack = audioQueue.Queue.ElementAtOrDefault(1); if (secondTrack == null) { audioQueue.PlayingTrackIndex = 0; AudioQueues.SaveQueues(); await player.PlayAsync(track); if (video != null) { songAlert = "PLAY_PLAYED_SONG"; await SongInfo(channel, message, video, choose, songAlert); } return(true); } return(false); }