// Approach 1 - Using Min Heap
        public Dictionary <Vertex, int> ShortestPathUsingMinHeap(Graph graph, Vertex srcVertex)
            // Using MinHeap instead of regular queue.
            BinaryMinHeap <Vertex> minHeap = new BinaryMinHeap <Vertex>();

            // Stores shortest distance from root to every vertex
            Dictionary <Vertex, int> distanceDict = new Dictionary <Vertex, int>();

            // Fill heap by initializing all vertex with infinite distance from source vertex
            foreach (KeyValuePair <long, Vertex> heapItem in graph.Verticies)
                minHeap.Add(heapItem.Value, int.MaxValue);

            // Set distance of source vertex to 0
            minHeap.DecreaseWeight(srcVertex, 0);

            // Put it in Dictionary/Map
            distanceDict[srcVertex] = 0;

            // Iterate till heap is not empty
            while (!minHeap.IsEmpty())
                // Get the min value from heap node which has vertex and distance of that vertex from source vertex.
                BinaryMinHeap <Vertex> .Node heapNode = minHeap.DeQueueMinNode();
                Vertex currentVertex = heapNode.key;

                // Update shortest distance of current vertex from source vertex
                distanceDict[currentVertex] = heapNode.Weight;

                // Iterate through all edges of current vertex
                foreach (Edge edge in currentVertex.Edges)
                    // Get the adjacent vertex
                    Vertex adjacent = edge.Vertex1.Equals(currentVertex) ? edge.Vertex2 : edge.Vertex1;

                    // If heap does not contain adjacent vertex means adjacent vertex already has shortest distance from source vertex
                    if (!minHeap.Contains(adjacent))

                    // Add distance of current vertex to edge weight to get distance of adjacent vertex from source vertex
                    // When it goes through current vertex
                    int newDistance = distanceDict[currentVertex] + edge.Weight;

                    // See if this above calculated distance is less than current distance stored for adjacent vertex from source vertex
                    if (minHeap.GetWeightByKey(adjacent) > newDistance)
                        minHeap.DecreaseWeight(adjacent, newDistance);

コード例 #2
        public List <Edge> PrimsMST(Graph graph)
            BinaryMinHeap <Vertex> minHeap = new BinaryMinHeap <Vertex>();

            // Dictionary of verticies to edge which gave minimum weight to this vertex.
            Dictionary <Vertex, Edge> vertexToEdgeDictionary = new Dictionary <Vertex, Edge>();

            List <Edge> result = new List <Edge>();

            // Insert all vertices with infinite value initially.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <long, Vertex> vertexPair in graph.Verticies)
                minHeap.Add(vertexPair.Value, int.MaxValue);

            // Start from any random vertex
            Vertex startVertex = graph.Verticies[0];

            // For the start vertex decrease the value in heap, Dictionary to 0
            minHeap.DecreaseWeight(startVertex, 0);

            // Iterate till heap, Dictionary has elements in it
            while (!minHeap.IsEmpty())
                // Extract min value vertex from heap + Dictionary
                Vertex current = minHeap.ExtractMin();

                // Get the corresponding edge for this vertex if present and add it to final result.
                // This edge wont be present for first vertex.
                Edge spanningTreeEdge = vertexToEdgeDictionary[current];

                if (spanningTreeEdge != null)

                foreach (Edge edge in current.Edges)
                    Vertex adjacent = edge.Vertex1.Equals(current) ? edge.Vertex2 : edge.Vertex1;

                    // Check if adjacent vertex exist in heap + map and weight attached with this vertex is greater than this edge weight
                    if (minHeap.Contains(adjacent) && minHeap.GetWeightByKey(adjacent) > edge.Weight)
                        // Decrease the value of adjacent vertex to this edge weight.
                        minHeap.DecreaseWeight(adjacent, edge.Weight);

                        // Add vertex->edge mapping in the graph.
                        vertexToEdgeDictionary[adjacent] = edge;
コード例 #3
        public static void BinaryMinHeapTest()
            BinaryMinHeap <String> heap = new BinaryMinHeap <String>();

            heap.Add("Sai", 3);
            heap.Add("Sri", 4);
            heap.Add("Mahi", 8);
            heap.Add("Aishu", 10);
            heap.Add("SaiSri", 5);
            heap.Add("SriMahi", 2);
            heap.Add("SriMahiAishu", 1);

            heap.DecreaseWeight("Aishu", 1);
