public bool editPost(string postid, string username, string password, Post post, bool publish) { if (ValidateUser(username, password)) { Graffiti.Core.Post wp = new Graffiti.Core.Post(postid); IGraffitiUser user = GraffitiUsers.Current; if (post.categories != null && post.categories.Length > 0) { wp.CategoryId = AddOrFetchCategory(post.categories[0], user).Id; } wp.Name = post.wp_slug ?? wp.Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.mt_text_more)) { wp.ExtendedBody = post.mt_text_more; } else { wp.ExtendedBody = null; } wp.PostBody = post.description; wp.Title = post.title; wp.PostStatus = (publish ? PostStatus.Publish : PostStatus.Draft); wp.IsPublished = publish; wp.TagList = post.GetTagList() ?? wp.TagList; try { if (post.dateCreated != DateTime.MinValue) { DateTime dtUTC = post.dateCreated; DateTime dtLocal = dtUTC.ToLocalTime(); wp.Published = dtLocal.AddHours(SiteSettings.Get().TimeZoneOffSet); //wp.Published = post.dateCreated; } } catch { } try { PostRevisionManager.CommitPost(wp, user, SiteSettings.Get().FeaturedId == wp.Id, wp.Category.FeaturedId == wp.Id); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.IndexOf("UNIQUE") > -1) { throw new XmlRpcFaultException(2, "Sorry, but the name of this post is not unqiue and the post was not saved"); } else { Log.Error("MetaBlog Error", "An error occored editing the post {0}. Exception: {1} Stack: {2}", post.postid, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); throw; } } } throw new XmlRpcFaultException(0, "User does not exist"); }
public string newPost(string blogid, string username, string password, MetaWeblog.Post post, bool publish) { if (ValidateUser(username, password)) { IGraffitiUser user = GraffitiUsers.Current; Graffiti.Core.Post postToAdd = new Graffiti.Core.Post(); postToAdd.ContentType = "text/html"; postToAdd.PostStatus = (publish ? PostStatus.Publish : PostStatus.Draft); postToAdd.IsPublished = publish; postToAdd.PostBody = post.description; postToAdd.Title = post.title; postToAdd.TagList = post.GetTagList(); postToAdd.UserName = username; postToAdd.EnableComments = CommentSettings.Get().EnableCommentsDefault; if (post.categories != null && post.categories.Length > 0) { postToAdd.CategoryId = AddOrFetchCategory(post.categories[0], user).Id; } else { postToAdd.CategoryId = CategoryController.UnCategorizedId; } postToAdd.Name = post.GetSlug(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.mt_text_more)) { postToAdd.ExtendedBody = post.mt_text_more; } // Get UserTime safely (some clients pass in a DateTime that is not valid) try { if (post.dateCreated != DateTime.MinValue) { DateTime dtUTC = post.dateCreated; DateTime dtLocal = dtUTC.ToLocalTime(); postToAdd.Published = dtLocal.AddHours(SiteSettings.Get().TimeZoneOffSet); } } catch { postToAdd.Published = DateTime.Now.AddHours(SiteSettings.Get().TimeZoneOffSet); } if (postToAdd.Published <= new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)) { postToAdd.Published = DateTime.Now.AddHours(SiteSettings.Get().TimeZoneOffSet); } try { return(PostRevisionManager.CommitPost(postToAdd, user, false, false).ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.IndexOf("UNIQUE") > -1) { throw new XmlRpcFaultException(2, "Duplicate Post Name"); } else { Log.Error("MetaBlog Error", "An error occored editing the post {0}. Exception: {1} Stack: {2}", post.postid, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); throw; } } } throw new XmlRpcFaultException(0, "User does not exist"); }