/// <summary> /// Perform a geocode lookup of an address /// </summary> /// <param name="addr">The address in CSV form line1, line2, postcode</param> /// <param name="output">CSV or XML</param> /// <returns>LatLng object</returns> /// public LatLng GetLatLng(string address) { var locationService = new GoogleLocationService(); var point = locationService.GetLatLongFromAddress(address); var latitude = point.Latitude; var longitude = point.Longitude; var latLng = new LatLng() { Latitude = latitude, Longitude = longitude }; return latLng; }
public static void markers_address(object[] lat_long) { Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, object>> struc = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, object>>(); Dictionary<string, object> inner = new Dictionary<string, object>(); List<string> lat_long_pair = new List<string>(); for (int i = 0; i < lat_long.Length; i++) { inner = (Dictionary<string, object>)lat_long.GetValue(i); foreach (var pair in inner) { string a = pair.Key; object b = pair.Value; string lat_lng_str = (string)Convert.ChangeType(b, typeof(string)); lat_long_pair.Add(lat_lng_str); } } // convert lat-long to place var locationService = new GoogleLocationService(); // List<string> marker_place = new List<string>(); var count = 0; marker_place.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < lat_long_pair.Count; i = i + 2) { IGeocoder geocoder = new GoogleGeocoder() { }; try { IEnumerable<Address> addresses = geocoder.ReverseGeocode(Convert.ToDouble(lat_long_pair[i]), Convert.ToDouble(lat_long_pair[i + 1])); foreach (Address adr in addresses) { if (count == 0) { string address = adr.FormattedAddress; marker_place.Add(address); } break; } count = 0; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "AdresID,KodPocztowy,Kraj,Miasto,Ulica,NrBudynku,NrLokalu")] Adres adres, long? id, KomuAdres komu) { if (Session["Auth"] != null) { if (Session["Auth"].ToString() == "Recepcjonista" || Session["Auth"].ToString() == "Administrator") { object redirectTo = null; if (ModelState.IsValid) { switch (komu) { case KomuAdres.Osoba: Osoba osoba = db.Osoby.Find(id); redirectTo = osoba.GetType().BaseType.Name; osoba.Adres = adres; //Google Maps var locationServiceO = new GoogleLocationService(); AddressData adrO = new AddressData(); adrO.Country = adres.Kraj; adrO.City = adres.Miasto; adrO.Zip = adres.KodPocztowy; adrO.Address = adres.Ulica + " " + adres.NrBudynku + " " + adres.NrLokalu; var pointO = locationServiceO.GetLatLongFromAddress(adrO); osoba.Szerokosc = pointO.Longitude; osoba.Dlugosc = pointO.Latitude; redirectTo = osoba.GetType().BaseType.Name; //adres.Osoba = osoba; break; case KomuAdres.Silownia: Silownia.Models.Silownia silownia = db.Silownie.Find(id); silownia.Adres = adres; var locationServiceS = new GoogleLocationService(); AddressData adrS = new AddressData(); adrS.Country = adres.Kraj; adrS.City = adres.Miasto; adrS.Zip = adres.KodPocztowy; adrS.Address = adres.Ulica + " " + adres.NrBudynku + " " + adres.NrLokalu; var pointS = locationServiceS.GetLatLongFromAddress(adrS); silownia.Szerokosc = pointS.Longitude; silownia.Dlugosc = pointS.Latitude; redirectTo = silownia.GetType().BaseType.Name; break; } db.Adresy.Add(adres); db.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Index", redirectTo.ToString()); } return View(adres); } } return HttpNotFound(); }
public ActionResult Details(int? id) { Cinema model = cinemaGateway.SelectById(id); var address = model.CinemaAddress; int indexOfHyphen = address.IndexOf('-'); String addressWithoutPhone = address.Substring(0, indexOfHyphen - 1); var locationService = new GoogleLocationService(); var point = locationService.GetLatLongFromAddress(addressWithoutPhone); ViewBag.latCinema = point.Latitude; ViewBag.longCinema = point.Longitude; return View(model); }
private void Maps_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { MapPoint point; latlong = ""; if (this.bEsDireccion) { var locationservice = new GoogleLocationService(); point = locationservice.GetLatLongFromAddress(this.sDireccion); if (point == null) point = locationservice.GetLatLongFromAddress("Ciudad Guzman"); latlong = point.Latitude + "," + point.Longitude; } else { latlong = this.sDireccion; } string uri = (@"file:///" + UtilLocal.RutaRecursos("maps.html").Replace("\\", "/")); wkbMapa.Navigate(uri); this.Cargando(true); }
// Gets latitude and longitude for a given address using Google's Location Services API public void GetGeocode(string address, out double lat, out double lon) { var googleLocation = new GoogleLocationService(); var latlon = googleLocation.GetLatLongFromAddress(address); lat = latlon.Latitude; lon = latlon.Longitude; }
public static void ClassInitialize() { _locationSvc = new GoogleLocationService(); _coordZapopan = _locationSvc.GetLatLongFromAddress("Zapopan").ToGeoCoord(); _coordLondon = _locationSvc.GetLatLongFromAddress("London").ToGeoCoord(); }
public void DrawScenicDirection() { var locationService = new GoogleLocationService(); var start = locationService.GetLatLongFromAddress("The University of Akron,OHIO"); }
protected async void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ParseObject job = new ParseObject(typeof(Job).Name); ParseObject empjob = new ParseObject(typeof(EmpJobRelation).Name); var locationService = new GoogleLocationService(); var point = locationService.GetLatLongFromAddress(txtlocation.Text); DateTime selected=Calendar1.SelectedDate; DateTime dt = new DateTime(selected.Year, selected.Month, selected.Day, DateTime.Now.Hour, DateTime.Now.Minute, DateTime.Now.Second); //var latitude = point.Latitude; //var longitude = point.Longitude; //Response.Write(latitude + "" + longitude); var addpoint = new ParseGeoPoint(point.Latitude, point.Longitude); try { var selectedValue = LiEmployee.SelectedItem; //User userObject = items[selectedValue]; //Response.Write((selectedValue.Value)); job[MemberInfoGetting.GetMemberName(() => new Job().name)] = JobTitle.Text; job[MemberInfoGetting.GetMemberName(() => new Job().description)] = JobDescription.Text; //job[MemberInfoGetting.GetMemberName(() => new Job().EmployeeId)] = selectedValue.Value; job[MemberInfoGetting.GetMemberName(() => new Job().content)] = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(allcontent); job[MemberInfoGetting.GetMemberName(() => new Job().Status)] = JobControlls.JobStatusCode[8]; job[MemberInfoGetting.GetMemberName(() => new Job().jobDate)] = dt; job[MemberInfoGetting.GetMemberName(() => new Job().location)]=txtlocation.Text; job[MemberInfoGetting.GetMemberName(() => new Job().locCoordinate)]=addpoint; empjob[MemberInfoGetting.GetMemberName(() => new Job().EmployeeId)]=selectedValue.Value; await job.SaveAsync(); await empjob.SaveAsync(); IEnumerable<ParseObject> query =await ParseObject.GetQuery(typeof(EmpJobRelation).Name) .WhereEqualTo(MemberInfoGetting.GetMemberName(() => new Job().EmployeeId), selectedValue.Value).FindAsync(); foreach (ParseObject obj in query) { empjobrel.Add(new EmpJobRelation() { Id=obj.ObjectId } ); } //ParseObject p; //var relaiton = p.GetRelation<ParseObject>("UserRelation"); foreach(var a in empjobrel) { job[MemberInfoGetting.GetMemberName(() => new Job().UserRelation)] = a.Id; } await job.SaveAsync(); Lblerror.Text = "Saved Successfully"; } catch(Exception en) { Lblerror.Text = en.Message; } //var newJob = new Job { JobName = JobTitle.Text, JobDesc = JobDescription.Text, AssignedUser = selectedValue.Value }; ////Debug.WriteLine("" + selectedValue.Id); // await InsertnewJob(newJob); }
//get the geocoordinates of an area based on a location in the tweet body. public static GeoCoordinate getCoordByStreet(string address) { var gls = new GoogleLocationService(); GeoCoordinate coordFromStreet = new GeoCoordinate(); try { var latlong = gls.GetLatLongFromAddress(address); coordFromStreet.Latitude = latlong.Latitude; coordFromStreet.Longitude = latlong.Longitude; return coordFromStreet; } catch { System.Console.WriteLine("Google maps error."); return null; } }
public MapPoint GetLatLong(string address, string suburb, string city, string country, string postcode) { var locationString = LocationToString(address, suburb, city, country, postcode); var locationService = new GoogleLocationService(); var point = locationService.GetLatLongFromAddress(locationString); return point; }
public async Task AddShopAsync(ClaimsPrincipal user, ShopViewModel shopViewModel) { Shop shop = new Shop(); var addressData = new AddressData { Address = shopViewModel.Address, City = shopViewModel.City.ToUpper(), Country = "Italy" }; var gls = new GoogleLocationService(); var latlong = gls.GetLatLongFromAddress(addressData); var latitude = latlong.Latitude; var longitude = latlong.Longitude; shop.Name = shopViewModel.Name; shop.ShortDesc = shopViewModel.ShortDesc; shop.City = shopViewModel.City; shop.Address = shopViewModel.Address; shop.Website = shopViewModel.Website; shop.Phone = shopViewModel.Phone; shop.Latitude = latitude; shop.Longitude = longitude; shop.InsertDate = DateTime.Now; shop.InsertUserId = user.GetUserId(); shop.UserId = user.GetUserId(); _dbContext.Shop.Add(shop); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public static void ClassInitialize() { if (Common.VersionInfo[0] < 3 || Common.VersionInfo[1] < 2) { Assert.Ignore($"Geospatial tests ignored for version {string.Join(".", Common.VersionInfo)}\n"); } _locationSvc = new GoogleLocationService(); _coordZapopan = _locationSvc.GetLatLongFromAddress("Zapopan").ToGeoCoord(); _coordLondon = _locationSvc.GetLatLongFromAddress("London").ToGeoCoord(); }
public MapPoint GetLatLong(string address) { if (address == "") return null; try { var locationService = new GoogleLocationService(); return locationService.GetLatLongFromAddress(address); } catch (Exception) { } return null; }