private void SetGoButtonGreen() { btnGoButton.Text = "Go"; btnGoButton.ButtonElement.ButtonFillElement.BackColor = ColourHelper.HexStringToColor("68ff6c"); btnGoButton.ButtonElement.ButtonFillElement.BackColor2 = ColourHelper.HexStringToColor("84fc87"); btnGoButton.ButtonElement.ButtonFillElement.BackColor3 = ColourHelper.HexStringToColor("b0feb2"); btnGoButton.ButtonElement.ButtonFillElement.BackColor4 = ColourHelper.HexStringToColor("d3fed4"); }
private void SetGoButtonRed() { btnGoButton.Text = "Stop"; btnGoButton.ButtonElement.ButtonFillElement.BackColor = ColourHelper.HexStringToColor("ff675f"); btnGoButton.ButtonElement.ButtonFillElement.BackColor2 = ColourHelper.HexStringToColor("f7918c"); btnGoButton.ButtonElement.ButtonFillElement.BackColor3 = ColourHelper.HexStringToColor("fbb9b6"); btnGoButton.ButtonElement.ButtonFillElement.BackColor4 = ColourHelper.HexStringToColor("f9ccca"); }
private void LoadMapHTML(string address, bool initialLoad = false) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbAPIKey.Text)) { if (!initialLoad) { tbAPIKey.BackColor = ColourHelper.HexStringToColor("f98a85"); MessageBox.Show("Google API field cannot be empty", "Validation Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { wbMap.Navigate("about:blank"); try { if (wbMap.Document != null) { wbMap.Document.Write(string.Empty); } } catch { } // do nothing with this wbMap.DocumentText = HtmlHelper.GenerateMapHtml("", tbAPIKey.Text); } } else { tbAPIKey.BackColor = Color.White; List <string> latLong = GetLatLong(address, tbAPIKey.Text); bool postCodeOnly = false; if (latLong[0] == "Fail") { // just use the post code if we can't locate the exact address: address = AddressStringHelper.GetPostCodeFromAddress(address); latLong = GetLatLong(address, tbAPIKey.Text); postCodeOnly = true; } if (latLong[0].Contains("Over Limit")) { lblLatLong.Text = "Latitude / Longitude: " + "Query limit reached"; } else if (latLong[0].Contains("The remote server returned an error") || latLong[0].Contains("instance of an object")) { lblLatLong.Text = "Latitude / Longitude: " + "Server / API key error"; } else { if (latLong[0].Contains("Fail")) { lblLatLong.Text = "Latitude / Longitude: " + "Failed to find coordinates"; } else { if (postCodeOnly) { lblLatLong.Text = "Latitude / Longitude: " + latLong[0] + "\t" + latLong[1] + "\t" + "*PC"; } else { lblLatLong.Text = "Latitude / Longitude: " + latLong[0] + "\t" + latLong[1]; } } } lblLatLong.Visible = true; wbMap.Navigate("about:blank"); try { if (wbMap.Document != null) { wbMap.Document.Write(string.Empty); } } catch { } // do nothing with this wbMap.DocumentText = HtmlHelper.GenerateMapHtml(address, tbAPIKey.Text); } }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(BackColor)) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, ClientRectangle); e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(ColourHelper.HexStringToColor("9cbde8"), 1.0f), 0, 0, ClientSize.Width - 1, ClientSize.Height - 1); }