コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the maven metadata for an artifact.
        /// This reads the list of available versions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dep">Dependency to process</param>
        /// <param name="fname">file name of the metadata.</param>
        internal static void ProcessMetadata(Dependency dep, string fname)
            XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(new StreamReader(fname));

            bool inVersions = false;

            while (reader.Read())
                if (reader.Name == "versions")
                    inVersions = reader.IsStartElement();
                else if (inVersions && reader.Name == "version")
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies the dependencies from the repository to the specified directory.
        /// The destination directory is checked for an existing version of the
        /// dependency before copying.  The OverwriteConfirmation delegate is
        /// called for the first existing file or directory.  If the delegate
        /// returns true, the old dependency is deleted and the new one copied.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dependencies">The dependencies to copy.</param>
        /// <param name="destDirectory">Destination directory.</param>
        /// <param name="confirmer">Confirmer - the delegate for confirming overwriting.</param>
        public void CopyDependencies(
            Dictionary <string, Dependency> dependencies,
            string destDirectory,
            OverwriteConfirmation confirmer)
            if (!Directory.Exists(destDirectory))

            foreach (Dependency dep in dependencies.Values)
                // match artifact-*.  The - is important to distinguish art-1.0.0
                // from artifact-1.0.0 (or base and basement).
                string[] dups = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(destDirectory,
                                                               dep.Artifact + "-*");
                bool doCopy    = true;
                bool doCleanup = false;
                foreach (string s in dups)
                    // skip the .meta files (a little Unity creeps in).
                    if (s.EndsWith(".meta"))

                    // Strip the package extension from filenames.  Directories generated from
                    // unpacked AARs do not have extensions.
                    string existing = Directory.Exists(s) ? s :

                    // Extract the version from the filename.
                    // dep.Artifact is the name of the package (prefix)
                    // The regular expression extracts the version number from the filename
                    // handling filenames like foo-1.2.3-alpha.
                    System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match =
                            existing.Substring(dep.Artifact.Length + 1), "^([0-9.]+)");
                    if (!match.Success)
                    string artifactVersion = match.Groups[1].Value;

                    Dependency oldDep = new Dependency(dep.Group, dep.Artifact, artifactVersion,
                                                       packageIds: dep.PackageIds,
                                                       repositories: dep.Repositories);

                    // add the artifact version so BestVersion == version.
                    // If the existing artifact matches the new dependency, don't modify it.
                    if (dep.Key == oldDep.Key)
                    doCleanup = doCleanup || confirmer == null || confirmer(oldDep, dep);

                    if (doCleanup)
                        doCopy = false;

                if (doCopy)
                    string aarFile = null;

                    // TODO(wilkinsonclay): get the extension from the pom file.
                    string baseName  = null;
                    string extension = null;
                    foreach (string ext in Packaging)
                        string fname = Path.Combine(dep.BestVersionPath,
                                                    dep.Artifact + "-" + dep.BestVersion + ext);
                        if (File.Exists(fname))
                            baseName  = dep.Artifact + "-" + dep.BestVersion;
                            aarFile   = fname;
                            extension = ext;

                    if (aarFile != null)
                        string destName = Path.Combine(destDirectory, baseName) +
                                          (extension == ".srcaar" ? ".aar" : extension);
                        string destNameUnpacked = Path.Combine(
                            destDirectory, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(destName));
                        string existingName =
                            File.Exists(destName) ? destName :
                            Directory.Exists(destNameUnpacked) ? destNameUnpacked : null;

                        if (existingName != null)
                            doCopy = File.GetLastWriteTime(existingName).CompareTo(
                                File.GetLastWriteTime(aarFile)) < 0;
                            if (doCopy)
                        if (doCopy)
                            File.Copy(aarFile, destName);
                        throw new ResolutionException("Cannot find artifact for " +
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies the dependencies from the repository to the specified directory.
        /// The destination directory is checked for an existing version of the
        /// dependency before copying.  The OverwriteConfirmation delegate is
        /// called for the first existing file or directory.  If the delegate
        /// returns true, the old dependency is deleted and the new one copied.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dependencies">The dependencies to copy.</param>
        /// <param name="destDirectory">Destination directory.</param>
        /// <param name="confirmer">Confirmer - the delegate for confirming overwriting.</param>
        public void CopyDependencies(
            Dictionary <string, Dependency> dependencies,
            string destDirectory,
            OverwriteConfirmation confirmer)
            if (!Directory.Exists(destDirectory))

            foreach (Dependency dep in dependencies.Values)
                // match artifact-*.  The - is important to distinguish art-1.0.0
                // from artifact-1.0.0 (or base and basement).
                string[] dups =
                    Directory.GetFiles(destDirectory, dep.Artifact + "-*");
                bool doCopy    = true;
                bool doCleanup = false;
                foreach (string s in dups)
                    // skip the .meta files (a little Unity creeps in).
                    if (s.EndsWith(".meta"))

                    string existing =

                    string artifactName    = null;
                    string artifactVersion = null;
                    int    idx             = existing.Length;
                    // handle artifacts like android-support-4.0.0-alpha.aar
                    while (artifactVersion == null && idx > 0)
                        // the version is after the last -
                        idx = existing.LastIndexOf("-", idx);

                        if (idx > 0)
                            artifactName    = existing.Substring(0, idx);
                            artifactVersion = existing.Substring(idx + 1);

                            if (!char.IsDigit(artifactVersion.ToCharArray()[0]))
                                artifactVersion = null;

                    Dependency oldDep = new Dependency(dep.Group, artifactName, artifactVersion);

                    // add the artifact version so BestVersion == version.
                    doCleanup = doCleanup || confirmer == null || confirmer(oldDep, dep);

                    if (doCleanup)
                        if (File.Exists(s))
                        else if (Directory.Exists(s))
                        doCopy = false;

                if (doCopy)
                    string aarFile = null;

                    // TODO(wilkinsonclay): get the extension from the pom file.
                    string[] packaging = { ".aar", ".jar" };

                    string baseName = null;
                    foreach (string ext in packaging)
                        string fname = Path.Combine(dep.BestVersionPath,
                                                    dep.Artifact + "-" + dep.BestVersion + ext);
                        if (File.Exists(fname))
                            baseName = dep.Artifact + "-" + dep.BestVersion + ext;
                            aarFile  = fname;

                    if (aarFile != null)
                        string destName = Path.Combine(destDirectory, baseName);
                        if (File.Exists(destName))
                        File.Copy(aarFile, destName);
                        throw new ResolutionException("Cannot find artifact for " +
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the current set of dependencies referenced by the project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dependencies">Dependencies to search for in the specified
        /// directory.</param>
        /// <param name="destDirectory">Directory where dependencies are located in the
        /// project.</param>
        /// <param name="explodeAar">Delegate that determines whether a dependency should be
        /// exploded.  If a dependency is currently exploded but shouldn't be according to this
        /// delegate, the dependency is deleted.</param>
        /// <param name="repoPaths">Set of additional repo paths to search for the
        /// dependencies.</param>
        /// <returns>Dictionary indexed by Dependency.Key where each item is a tuple of
        /// Dependency instance and the path to the dependency in destDirectory.</returns>
        public static Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <Dependency, string> > GetCurrentDependencies(
            Dictionary <string, Dependency> dependencies, string destDirectory,
            ExplodeAar explodeAar = null, List <string> repoPaths = null)
            var currentDependencies = new Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <Dependency, string> >();

            if (dependencies.Count == 0)

            // Copy the set of dependencies.
            var transitiveDependencies = new Dictionary <string, Dependency>(dependencies);

            // Expand set of transitive dependencies into the dictionary of dependencies.
            foreach (var rootDependency in dependencies.Values)
                foreach (var transitiveDependency in GetDependencies(rootDependency, repoPaths))
                    transitiveDependencies[transitiveDependency.Key] = transitiveDependency;
            // TODO(smiles): Need a callback that queries Unity's asset DB rather than touching
            // the filesystem here.
            string[] filesInDestDir = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(destDirectory);
            foreach (var path in filesInDestDir)
                // Ignore Unity's .meta files.
                if (path.EndsWith(MetaExtension))

                string filename = Path.GetFileName(path);
                // Strip the package extension from filenames.  Directories generated from
                // unpacked AARs do not have extensions.
                bool   pathIsDirectory          = Directory.Exists(path);
                string filenameWithoutExtension = pathIsDirectory ? filename :

                foreach (var dep in transitiveDependencies.Values)
                    // Get the set of artifacts matching artifact-*.
                    // The "-" is important to distinguish art-1.0.0 from artifact-1.0.0
                    // (or base- and basement-).
                    var match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(
                        filenameWithoutExtension, String.Format("^{0}-.*", dep.Artifact));
                    if (match.Success)
                        // Extract the version from the filename.
                        // dep.Artifact is the name of the package (prefix)
                        // The regular expression extracts the version number from the filename
                        // handling filenames like foo-1.2.3-alpha.
                        match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(
                                dep.Artifact.Length + 1), "^([0-9.]+)");
                        if (match.Success)
                            bool reportDependency = true;
                            // If the AAR is exploded and it should not be, delete it and do not
                            // report this dependency.
                            if (pathIsDirectory && explodeAar != null)
                                string aarFile = dep.BestVersionArtifact;
                                if (aarFile != null && !explodeAar(aarFile))
                                                                  includeMetaFiles: true);
                                    reportDependency = false;
                            if (reportDependency)
                                string     artifactVersion = match.Groups[1].Value;
                                Dependency currentDep      = new Dependency(
                                    dep.Group, dep.Artifact, artifactVersion,
                                    packageIds: dep.PackageIds, repositories: dep.Repositories);
                                // Add the artifact version so BestVersion == Version.
                                currentDependencies[currentDep.Key] =
                                    new KeyValuePair <Dependency, string>(currentDep, path);