public NewAlbumDialog(PicasaService service, PicasaFeed feed) { // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // InitializeComponent(); this.service = service; this.feed = feed; }
public void CreateFeedEntryTest() { Uri uriBase = new Uri(""); IService iService = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value PicasaFeed target = new PicasaFeed(uriBase, iService); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value PicasaEntry expected = null; expected = target.CreateFeedEntry() as PicasaEntry; Assert.IsNotNull(expected); }
public PictureBrowser(PicasaService service, PicasaFeed feed, string albumTitle) { // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // InitializeComponent(); this.photoFeed = feed; this.picasaService = service; this.Text += albumTitle; if (this.photoFeed != null && this.photoFeed.Entries.Count > 0) { foreach (PicasaEntry entry in this.photoFeed.Entries) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(entry.Title.Text); item.Tag = entry; this.PhotoList.Items.Add(item); } } }
private void UpdateAlbumFeed() { AlbumQuery query = new AlbumQuery(); this.albumList.Clear(); albumCalendar.BoldedDates = null; this.AlbumPicture.Image = null; this.mapLinkLabel.Hide(); this.albumLabel.Hide(); query.Uri = new Uri(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri(this.user)); try { this.picasaFeed = this.picasaService.Query(query); } catch (Google.GData.Client.GDataRequestException) { MessageBox.Show("You need to add the Picasaweb Service:\nLogin through your web browser and accept the terms of service." + "\nIn addition, please check your internet connection and try again!"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); this.googleAuthToken = null; login(); return; } if (this.picasaFeed != null && this.picasaFeed.Entries.Count > 0) { foreach (PicasaEntry entry in this.picasaFeed.Entries) { albumList.Add(entry); albumCalendar.AddBoldedDate(entry.Published); //adds album dates to calendar as bold entries } } this.albumCalendar.UpdateBoldedDates(); calendarUpdate(); }
private void OnDone(object sender, AsyncOperationCompletedEventArgs e) { UserState ut = e.UserState as UserState; if (this.states.Contains(ut) == false) return; this.states.Remove(ut); if (e.Error == null && e.Cancelled == false) { if (ut.opType == UserState.OperationType.query || ut.opType == UserState.OperationType.queryForBackup) { if (e.Feed != null) { this.photoFeed = e.Feed as PicasaFeed; this.InitializeList(ut.filename); } } if (ut.opType == UserState.OperationType.upload) { if (e.Entry != null) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(e.Entry.Title.Text); item.Tag = e.Entry; this.PhotoList.Items.Add(item); this.FileInfo.Text = "Upload succeeded"; } } if (ut.opType == || ut.opType == UserState.OperationType.downloadList) { if (e.ResponseStream != null) { WriteFile(ut.filename, e.ResponseStream); this.FileInfo.Text = "Saved file: " + ut.filename; } } if (ut.opType == UserState.OperationType.downloadList) { // we need to create a new object for uniqueness UserState u = new UserState(); u.counter = ut.counter + 1; u.feed = ut.feed; u.foldername = ut.foldername; u.opType = UserState.OperationType.downloadList; if (u.feed.Entries.Count > 0) { u.feed.Entries.RemoveAt(0); this.PhotoList.Items.RemoveAt(0); } this.states.Add(u); SaveAnotherPictureDelegate d = new SaveAnotherPictureDelegate(this.CreateAnotherSaveFile); this.BeginInvoke(d, u); } if (ut.opType == UserState.OperationType.queryForBackup) { UserState u = new UserState(); u.opType = UserState.OperationType.downloadList; u.feed = this.photoFeed; u.counter = 1; u.foldername = ut.foldername; u.filename = ut.foldername + "\\image1.jpg"; this.states.Add(u); SaveAnotherPictureDelegate d = new SaveAnotherPictureDelegate(this.CreateAnotherSaveFile); this.BeginInvoke(d, u); } } this.progressBar.Value = 0; if (this.states.Count == 0) { this.CancelAsync.Enabled = false; this.CancelAsync.Visible = false; } }
private void UpdateAlbumFeed() { AlbumQuery query = new AlbumQuery(); this.AlbumList.Clear(); query.Uri = new Uri(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri(this.user)); this.picasaFeed = this.picasaService.Query(query); if (this.picasaFeed != null && this.picasaFeed.Entries.Count > 0) { foreach (PicasaEntry entry in this.picasaFeed.Entries) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(entry.Title.Text + " (" + entry.GetPhotoExtensionValue(GPhotoNameTable.NumPhotos) + " )"); item.Tag = entry; this.AlbumList.Items.Add(item); } } this.AlbumList.Update(); }
/// <summary> /// Syncs a local folder to an online Picasa Web Album location /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceFolder">The source folder to sync.</param> /// <param name="albumNamePrefix">A prefix to prepend to the album name.</param> /// <param name="includeSubFolders">Indicated whether to sync all subfolders recursively.</param> /// <param name="session">The current authenticated Picasa session.</param> /// <param name="albumFeed">A feed listing all existing Picass Web Albums in the Picasa account.</param> private void SyncFolder(DirectoryInfo sourceFolder, string albumNamePrefix, AlbumAccessEnum targetAlbumAccess, bool includeSubFolders, PicasaService session, PicasaFeed albumFeed) { if (!sourceFolder.Exists) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(string.Format("Folder '{0}' cannot be located.", sourceFolder.FullName)); } string targetAlbumName = GetTargetAlbumName(sourceFolder, albumNamePrefix); Dictionary<string, FileInfo> sourceFiles = GetSourceFiles(sourceFolder); bool excludeFolder = ShouldExcludeFolder(sourceFolder, sourceFiles); PicasaEntry existingAlbumEntry = albumFeed.Entries.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Title.Text == targetAlbumName) as PicasaEntry; if (excludeFolder) { if (existingAlbumEntry != null && !this.AddOnly) { //album needs to be removed WriteOutput(string.Format("Removing Album: {0} (excluded but already exists)", targetAlbumName)); existingAlbumEntry.Delete(); existingAlbumEntry.Summary.Text = ENTRY_DELETED_SUMMARY; m_albumDeleteCount++; } else { m_folderSkipCount++; } } else { WriteOutput(string.Format("Syncing Folder: {0} to Album: {1}", sourceFolder.FullName, targetAlbumName), true); try { targetAlbumAccess = DetermineAlbumAccess(sourceFolder, targetAlbumAccess); if (sourceFiles.Count > 0) { Album targetAlbum = new Album(); if (existingAlbumEntry != null) { targetAlbum.AtomEntry = existingAlbumEntry; if (targetAlbum.Access != targetAlbumAccess.ToString().ToLower()) { UpdateAlbumAccess(session, targetAlbum, targetAlbumAccess); } } else { targetAlbum = CreateAlbum(session, albumFeed, targetAlbumName, targetAlbumAccess); } PhotoQuery existingAlbumPhotosQuery = new PhotoQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri(this.PicasaUsername, targetAlbum.Id)); PicasaFeed existingAlbumPhotosFeed = session.Query(existingAlbumPhotosQuery); //sync folder files DeleteFilesFromAlbum(sourceFiles, existingAlbumPhotosFeed); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, FileInfo> file in sourceFiles.OrderBy(f => f.Value.LastWriteTime)) { AddFileToAlbum(file.Value, targetAlbum, existingAlbumPhotosFeed, session); } } } catch (Exception ex) { WriteOutput(string.Format("Skipping Folder: {0} (Error - {1})", sourceFolder.Name, ex.Message), true); } if (includeSubFolders) { DirectoryInfo[] subfolders = sourceFolder.GetDirectories().OrderBy(d => d.CreationTime).ToArray(); if (subfolders.Length > 0) { foreach (DirectoryInfo folder in subfolders) { SyncFolder(folder, targetAlbumName, targetAlbumAccess, includeSubFolders, session, albumFeed); } } } } }
private Album CreateAlbum(PicasaService session, PicasaFeed albumFeed, string targetAlbumName, AlbumAccessEnum albumAccess) { //create album (doesn't exist) WriteOutput(string.Concat("Creating Album: ", targetAlbumName), true); AlbumEntry newAlbumEntry = new AlbumEntry(); newAlbumEntry.Title.Text = targetAlbumName; newAlbumEntry.Summary.Text = targetAlbumName; newAlbumEntry.Published = DateTime.Now; Album newAlbum = new Album(); newAlbum.AtomEntry = newAlbumEntry; newAlbum.Access = albumAccess.ToString().ToLower(); Uri insertAlbumFeedUri = new Uri(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri(this.PicasaUsername)); newAlbum.AtomEntry = (PicasaEntry)session.Insert(insertAlbumFeedUri, newAlbumEntry); m_albumCreateCount++; return newAlbum; }
private void DeleteFilesFromAlbum(Dictionary<string, FileInfo> sourceFiles, PicasaFeed existingAlbumPhotosFeed) { foreach (PicasaEntry albumPhotoEntry in existingAlbumPhotosFeed.Entries) { bool deleteAlbumPhoto = false; if (!this.AddOnly && this.ClearAlbumPhotosFirst) { WriteOutput(string.Format("Deleting Album File: {0} (-emptyAlbumFirst option specified)", albumPhotoEntry.Title.Text), true); deleteAlbumPhoto = true; } else if (!this.AddOnly && !sourceFiles.ContainsKey(albumPhotoEntry.Title.Text)) { WriteOutput(string.Format("Deleting Album File: {0} (does not exist in source folder)", albumPhotoEntry.Title.Text), true); deleteAlbumPhoto = true; } else if (!this.AddOnly && sourceFiles[albumPhotoEntry.Title.Text].LastWriteTime > albumPhotoEntry.Published) { WriteOutput(string.Format("Deleting Album File: {0} (updated since last upload)", albumPhotoEntry.Title.Text), true); deleteAlbumPhoto = true; } if (deleteAlbumPhoto) { albumPhotoEntry.Delete(); albumPhotoEntry.Summary.Text = ENTRY_DELETED_SUMMARY; m_fileDeleteCount++; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Page.Title = "Danh Sách Album"; service.setUserCredentials("*****@*****.**", "doantruong"); feed = service.Query(query); foreach (PicasaEntry entry in feed.Entries) { AlbumAccessor ac = new AlbumAccessor(entry); listAlbum.Add(ac); } if (!IsPostBack) { int soDong = LoadAlbum(); FilterSTT(soDong, 0, 10); } this.GridViewPicasa.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "headerstyle"; //photos string maAlbum = null; List<SPHOTO> listPhotos = new List<SPHOTO>(); if(Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { maAlbum = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); } if(maAlbum != null) { PhotoQuery Pquery = new PhotoQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri("*****@*****.**",maAlbum)); feed = service.Query(Pquery); foreach (PicasaEntry entry in feed.Entries) { SPHOTO temp = new SPHOTO(); temp.title = entry.Title.Text; temp.thumbURL = entry.Media.Thumbnails[1].Attributes["url"] as string; listPhotos.Add(temp); } ListViewPhotos.DataSource = listPhotos; ListViewPhotos.DataBind(); } if (maAlbum != null) { //lay ma //lay thong tin va load len cac textbox for (int i = 0; i < listAlbum.Count; i++) { if (listAlbum[i].Id == maAlbum) { currentAlbum = listAlbum[i]; break; } } switch (currentAlbum.Access) { case "public": DropDownListAccess.SelectedIndex = 0; break; case "private": DropDownListAccess.SelectedIndex = 1; break; case "protected": DropDownListAccess.SelectedIndex = 2; break; } txtalbumtitle.Text = currentAlbum.AlbumTitle; txtmieuta.Text = currentAlbum.AlbumSummary; } }
/// <summary> /// Syncs a local file to an online Picasa Web Album location /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceFile">The image to sync.</param> /// <param name="targetAlbum">The target Picasa Web Album.</param> /// <param name="targetAlbumPhotoFeed">The target Picasa Web Album photo feed listing existing photos.</param> /// <param name="session">The current authenticated Picasa session.</param> private void AddFileToAlbum(FileInfo sourceFile, Album targetAlbum, PicasaFeed targetAlbumPhotoFeed, PicasaService session) { try { PicasaEntry existingPhotoEntry = (PicasaEntry)targetAlbumPhotoFeed.Entries.FirstOrDefault( p => p.Title.Text == sourceFile.Name && p.Summary.Text != ENTRY_DELETED_SUMMARY); if (existingPhotoEntry != null) { WriteOutput(string.Format("Skipping File: {0} (already exists)", sourceFile.Name), true); m_fileSkipCount++; } else { ImageFormat imageFormat; string contentType; bool isImage; bool isVideo; GetFileInfo(sourceFile, out isImage, out isVideo, out imageFormat, out contentType); Stream postResponseStream = null; Stream postFileStream = null; string souceFilePath = sourceFile.FullName; try { if (isVideo && this.ResizeVideos) { WriteOutput(string.Concat("Resizing Video: ", sourceFile.FullName), true); string resizedVideoPath = VideoResizer.ResizeVideo(sourceFile, this.ResizeVideosCommand); //change souceFilePath to resized video file location souceFilePath = resizedVideoPath; } using (Stream sourceFileStream = new FileStream(souceFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { postFileStream = sourceFileStream; if (isImage && this.ResizePhotos) { WriteOutput(string.Concat("Resizing Photo: ", sourceFile.FullName), true); postFileStream = ImageResizer.ResizeImage(postFileStream, imageFormat, this.ResizePhotosMaxSize); } WriteOutput(string.Format("Uploading File: {0}", sourceFile.FullName), true); Uri insertPhotoFeedUri = new Uri(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri(this.PicasaUsername, targetAlbum.Id)); PhotoEntry newFileEntry = new PhotoEntry(); newFileEntry.Title.Text = sourceFile.Name; newFileEntry.Summary.Text = string.Empty; newFileEntry.MediaSource = new MediaFileSource(postFileStream, sourceFile.Name, contentType); //upload file using multipart request postResponseStream = session.EntrySend(insertPhotoFeedUri, newFileEntry, GDataRequestType.Insert); newFileEntry.MediaSource.GetDataStream().Dispose(); } m_fileCreateCount++; } finally { if (postResponseStream != null) { postResponseStream.Dispose(); } if (postFileStream != null) { postFileStream.Dispose(); } } if (isVideo && this.ResizeVideos) { //video was resized and souceFilePath should be temp/resized video path try { File.Delete(souceFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { WriteOutput(string.Format("Error Deleting Resized Video: {0} (Error - {1})", sourceFile.FullName, ex.Message), true); } } } } catch (GDataRequestException gdex) { WriteOutput(string.Format("Skipping File: {0} (Error - {1})", sourceFile.Name, gdex.ResponseString), true); m_errorsCount++; } catch (Exception ex) { WriteOutput(string.Format("Skipping File: {0} (Error - {1})", sourceFile.Name, ex), true); m_errorsCount++; } }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!is_disposed) // only dispose once! { if (disposing) { m_albumService = null; m_albumFeed = null; m_albumQuery = null; m_photoService = null; m_photoQuery = null; m_photoFeed = null; m_userName = null; m_serviceName = null; m_albumName = null; } } this.is_disposed = true; }
/* public string LoginToGoogle(out string token) { GDataGAuthRequestFactory authFactory = new GDataGAuthRequestFactory("lh2", this.m_serviceName); authFactory.AccountType = "GOOGLE_OR_HOSTED"; this.m_albumService = new PicasaService(authFactory.ApplicationName); try { this.m_albumService.setUserCredentials(this.m_userName, this.m_password); this.m_albumService.QueryAuthenticationToken(); // Authenticate the user immediately } catch (CaptchaRequiredException e) { token = e.Token; return e.Url; } } public string LoginToGoogle(out string token, string CAPTCHAAnswer, string CAPTCHAToken) { GDataGAuthRequestFactory authFactory = new GDataGAuthRequestFactory("lh2", this.m_serviceName); authFactory.AccountType = "GOOGLE_OR_HOSTED"; string token = string.Empty; this.m_albumService = new PicasaService(authFactory.ApplicationName); authFactory.CaptchaAnswer = CAPTCHAAnswer; authFactory.CaptchaToken = CAPTCHAToken; this.m_albumService.setUserCredentials(this.m_userName, this.m_password); token = this.m_albumService.QueryAuthenticationToken(); // Authenticate the user immediately return token; } */ public List<PicasaWebAlbum> QueryAlbums() { // Create an authentication factory to deal with logging in. GDataGAuthRequestFactory authFactory = new GDataGAuthRequestFactory("lh2", this.m_serviceName); authFactory.AccountType = "GOOGLE_OR_HOSTED"; this.m_albumService = new PicasaService(authFactory.ApplicationName); this.m_albumService.RequestFactory = authFactory; this.m_albumService.SetAuthenticationToken(this.mUserToken); this.m_albumQuery = new AlbumQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri("default")); this.m_albumQuery.Access = PicasaQuery.AccessLevel.AccessAll; List<PicasaWebAlbum> retval = new List<PicasaWebAlbum>(); try { CreateAlbumProxy(); this.m_albumFeed = this.m_albumService.Query(this.m_albumQuery); } catch (Exception e) { this.m_albumQuery = null; this.m_albumService.RequestFactory = null; this.m_albumService = null; this.m_albumFeed = null; retval = null; throw new Exception("PicasaReader failed when downloading album feed for "+this.m_userName, e); } foreach (PicasaEntry entry in this.m_albumFeed.Entries) { AlbumAccessor ac = new AlbumAccessor(entry); retval.Add(new PicasaWebAlbum(entry.Title.Text, entry.Updated,ac.NumPhotos,Convert.ToUInt64(ac.Id))); } this.m_albumQuery = null; this.m_albumService.RequestFactory = null; this.m_albumService = null; this.m_albumFeed = null; return retval; }
public List<string> QueryTag(PicasaWebPhoto photo, BackgroundWorker worker, int overallJobPercent) { List<string> retval = new List<string>(); this.m_tagQuery = new TagQuery(TagQuery.CreatePicasaUri(this.m_userName, this.m_albumName, photo.AccessId)); this.m_tagService = new PicasaService("Tags"); //this.m_tagService.setUserCredentials(this.m_userName, this.m_password); this.m_tagService.SetAuthenticationToken(this.mUserToken); decimal count = ((decimal)overallJobPercent / 100) * 10; int smallCount = (int)count; worker.ReportProgress(0, (object)"Creating proxy"); CreateTagProxy(); try { worker.ReportProgress(smallCount, (object)"Proxy created"); worker.ReportProgress(0, (object)"Querying google"); this.m_tagFeed = this.m_tagService.Query(this.m_tagQuery); worker.ReportProgress(smallCount, (object)"Done"); if (this.m_tagFeed.Entries.Count > 0) { int percent = (int)Math.Round((decimal)((overallJobPercent - (smallCount * 2)) / this.m_tagFeed.Entries.Count), 0); worker.ReportProgress(0, (object)"Processing tag data"); foreach (PicasaEntry entry in m_tagFeed.Entries) { retval.Add(entry.Title.Text); worker.ReportProgress(percent, null); } } } catch (Exception e) { this.m_tagQuery = null; this.m_tagService.RequestFactory = null; this.m_tagService = null; this.m_tagFeed = null; throw new Exception("Query Tag Exception", e); } this.m_tagQuery = null; this.m_tagService.RequestFactory = null; this.m_tagService = null; this.m_tagFeed = null; return retval; }
public List<string> QueryTag(PicasaWebPhoto photo) { List<string> retval = new List<string>(); this.m_tagQuery = new TagQuery(TagQuery.CreatePicasaUri(this.m_userName, this.m_albumName, photo.AccessId)); this.m_tagService = new PicasaService("Tags"); //this.m_tagService.setUserCredentials(this.m_userName, this.m_password); this.m_tagService.SetAuthenticationToken(this.mUserToken); CreateTagProxy(); try { this.m_tagFeed = this.m_tagService.Query(this.m_tagQuery); foreach (PicasaEntry entry in m_tagFeed.Entries) { retval.Add(entry.Title.Text); } } catch (Exception e) { this.m_tagQuery = null; this.m_tagService.RequestFactory = null; this.m_tagService = null; this.m_tagFeed = null; throw new Exception("Query Tag Exception", e); } this.m_tagQuery = null; this.m_tagService.RequestFactory = null; this.m_tagService = null; this.m_tagFeed = null; return retval; }
public List<PicasaWebPhoto> QueryPhoto(BackgroundWorker worker, int overallJobPercent) { List<PicasaWebPhoto> retval = new List<PicasaWebPhoto>(); this.m_photoQuery = new PhotoQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri(this.m_userName, this.m_albumName)); this.m_photoService = new PicasaService(this.m_serviceName); //this.m_photoService.setUserCredentials(this.m_userName, this.m_password); this.m_photoService.SetAuthenticationToken(this.mUserToken); decimal count = ((decimal)overallJobPercent / 100) * 10; int smallCount = (int)count; worker.ReportProgress(0, (object)"Creating proxy"); CreatePhotoProxy(); try { worker.ReportProgress(smallCount, (object)"Proxy created"); worker.ReportProgress(0, (object)"Querying google"); this.m_photoFeed = this.m_photoService.Query(this.m_photoQuery); worker.ReportProgress(smallCount, (object)"Done"); if (this.m_photoFeed.Entries.Count > 0) { int percent = (int)Math.Round((decimal)((overallJobPercent - (smallCount * 2)) / this.m_photoFeed.Entries.Count), 0); worker.ReportProgress(0, (object)"Processing photo data"); foreach (PicasaEntry photo in this.m_photoFeed.Entries) { retval.Add(new PicasaWebPhoto(photo, this.m_albumName)); worker.ReportProgress(percent, null); } } } catch (Exception e) { this.m_photoQuery = null; this.m_photoService.RequestFactory = null; this.m_photoService = null; this.m_photoFeed = null; throw new Exception("Query Photo Exception", e); } this.m_photoQuery = null; this.m_photoService.RequestFactory = null; this.m_photoService = null; this.m_photoFeed = null; return retval; }
public List<PicasaWebPhoto> QueryPhoto(string tags) { List<PicasaWebPhoto> retval = new List<PicasaWebPhoto>(); GDataGAuthRequestFactory authFactory = new GDataGAuthRequestFactory("lh2", this.m_serviceName); authFactory.AccountType = "GOOGLE_OR_HOSTED"; this.m_photoQuery = new PhotoQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri(this.m_userName, this.m_albumName)); this.m_photoQuery.Tags = tags; this.m_photoService = new PicasaService(authFactory.ApplicationName); this.m_photoService.RequestFactory = authFactory; //this.m_photoService.setUserCredentials(this.m_userName, this.m_password); this.m_photoService.SetAuthenticationToken(this.mUserToken); CreatePhotoProxy(); try { this.m_photoFeed = this.m_photoService.Query(this.m_photoQuery); foreach (PicasaEntry photo in this.m_photoFeed.Entries) { retval.Add(new PicasaWebPhoto(photo, this.m_albumName)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Query Photo Exception", e); } finally { this.m_photoQuery = null; this.m_photoService.RequestFactory = null; this.m_photoService = null; this.m_photoFeed = null; } return retval; }
public List<PicasaWebAlbum> QueryAlbums(BackgroundWorker worker, int overallJobPercent) { // Create an authentication factory to deal with logging in. GDataGAuthRequestFactory authFactory = new GDataGAuthRequestFactory("lh2", this.m_serviceName); authFactory.AccountType = "GOOGLE_OR_HOSTED"; this.m_albumQuery = new AlbumQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri("default")); this.m_albumQuery.Access = PicasaQuery.AccessLevel.AccessAll; this.m_albumService = new PicasaService(authFactory.ApplicationName); this.m_albumService.RequestFactory = authFactory; // this.m_albumService.setUserCredentials(this.m_userName, this.m_password); //string token = this.m_albumService.QueryAuthenticationToken(); this.m_albumService.SetAuthenticationToken(this.mUserToken); List<PicasaWebAlbum> retval = new List<PicasaWebAlbum>(); decimal count = ((decimal)overallJobPercent / 100) * 10; int smallCount = (int)count; try { worker.ReportProgress(0, (object)"Creating proxy"); CreateAlbumProxy(); worker.ReportProgress(smallCount, (object)"Proxy created"); worker.ReportProgress(0, (object)"Querying google"); this.m_albumFeed = this.m_albumService.Query(this.m_albumQuery); worker.ReportProgress(smallCount, (object)"Done"); } catch (Exception e) { this.m_albumQuery = null; this.m_albumService.RequestFactory = null; this.m_albumService = null; this.m_albumFeed = null; retval = null; throw new Exception("PicasaReader failed when downloading album feed for " + this.m_userName, e); } if (this.m_albumFeed.Entries.Count > 0) { int percent = (int)Math.Round((decimal)((overallJobPercent - (smallCount * 2)) / this.m_albumFeed.Entries.Count), 0); worker.ReportProgress(0, (object)"Processing album data"); foreach (PicasaEntry entry in this.m_albumFeed.Entries) { AlbumAccessor ac = new AlbumAccessor(entry); retval.Add(new PicasaWebAlbum(entry.Title.Text, entry.Updated, ac.NumPhotos, Convert.ToUInt64(ac.Id))); worker.ReportProgress(percent, null); } } this.m_albumQuery = null; this.m_albumService.RequestFactory = null; this.m_albumService = null; this.m_albumFeed = null; return retval; }