コード例 #1
        private async Task RunBulkMessaging(
            int messageCount, int minMessageSize, int maxMessageSize, int maxMessagesInFlight, int initialNackCount,
            TimeSpan?timeouts          = null, int?cancelAfterRecvCount  = null, TimeSpan?interPublishDelay = null,
            TimeSpan?debugOutputPeriod = null, int?publisherChannelCount = null, int?clientCount            = null)
            // Force messages to be at least 4 bytes long, so an int ID can be used.
            minMessageSize = Math.Max(4, minMessageSize);
            var topicId        = _fixture.CreateTopicId();
            var subscriptionId = _fixture.CreateSubscriptionId();

            Console.WriteLine("BulkMessaging test");
            Console.WriteLine($"ProjectID: {_fixture.ProjectId}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Topic ID: {topicId}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Subscription ID: {subscriptionId}");
            Console.WriteLine($"{messageCount} messages; of size [{minMessageSize}, {maxMessageSize}]; " +
                              $"max in-flight: {maxMessagesInFlight}, initialNacks: {initialNackCount}, " +
                              $"cancelAfterRecvCount: {cancelAfterRecvCount}, interPublishDelay: {interPublishDelay}, " +
                              $"clientCount: {clientCount?.ToString() ?? $"UsingDefault:{Environment.ProcessorCount}"}");

            var topicName        = new TopicName(_fixture.ProjectId, topicId);
            var subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(_fixture.ProjectId, subscriptionId);

            await CreateTopicAndSubscription(topicName, subscriptionName);
            await RunBulkMessagingImpl(topicName, subscriptionName, messageCount, minMessageSize, maxMessageSize,
                                       maxMessagesInFlight, initialNackCount, timeouts, cancelAfterRecvCount, interPublishDelay,
                                       debugOutputPeriod, publisherChannelCount, clientCount);
コード例 #2
        private async Task RunBulkMessaging(
            int messageCount, int minMessageSize, int maxMessageSize, int maxMessagesInFlight, int initialNackCount,
            TimeSpan?timeouts = null, int?cancelAfterRecvCount = null)
            // Force messages to be at least 4 bytes long, so an int ID can be used.
            minMessageSize = Math.Max(4, minMessageSize);
            var topicId        = _fixture.CreateTopicId();
            var subscriptionId = _fixture.CreateSubscriptionId();

            Console.WriteLine("BulkMessaging test");
            Console.WriteLine($"{messageCount} messages; of size [{minMessageSize}, {maxMessageSize}]; " +
                              $"max in-flight: {maxMessagesInFlight}, initialNacks: {initialNackCount}, cancelAfterRecvCount: {cancelAfterRecvCount}");

            // Create topic
            var topicName = new TopicName(_fixture.ProjectId, topicId);
            var publisher = await PublisherClient.CreateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            await publisher.CreateTopicAsync(topicName).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Subscribe to the topic
            var subscriber = await SubscriberClient.CreateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(_fixture.ProjectId, subscriptionId);
            await subscriber.CreateSubscriptionAsync(subscriptionName, topicName, null, 60).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Create SimplePublisher and SimpleSubscriber
            var simplePublisher = await SimplePublisher.CreateAsync(topicName, clientCreationSettings : timeouts == null?null :
                                                                    new SimplePublisher.ClientCreationSettings(
                                                                        publisherSettings: new PublisherSettings
                PublishSettings = CallSettings.FromCallTiming(CallTiming.FromRetry(new RetrySettings(
                                                                                       retryBackoff: PublisherSettings.GetMessagingRetryBackoff(),
                                                                                       timeoutBackoff: new BackoffSettings(timeouts.Value, timeouts.Value, 1.0),
                                                                                       totalExpiration: Expiration.FromTimeout(timeouts.Value),
                                                                                       retryFilter: PublisherSettings.NonIdempotentRetryFilter

            var simpleSubscriber = await SimpleSubscriber.CreateAsync(subscriptionName,
                                                                      settings : new SimpleSubscriber.Settings
                StreamAckDeadline   = timeouts,
                FlowControlSettings = new FlowControlSettings(maxMessagesInFlight, null)

            Console.WriteLine("Topic, Subscription, SimplePublisher and SimpleSubscriber all created");

            // Subscribe
            object recvLock  = new object();
            int    recvCount = 0;  // Count of received messages
            int    dupCount  = 0;  // Count of duplicate messages
            long   recvSum   = 0L; // Sum of bytes of received messages
            var    recvedIds = new ConcurrentDictionary <int, bool>();
            var    nackedIds = new HashSet <int>();
            Task   subTask   = simpleSubscriber.StartAsync((msg, ct) =>
                int id = BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Data.ToArray(), 0);
                lock (nackedIds)
                    if (nackedIds.Count < initialNackCount)
                        if (nackedIds.Add(id))
                            // This ID not already nacked
                            Interlocked.Increment(ref recvCount);
                bool wasAdded = recvedIds.TryAdd(id, false);
                if (wasAdded)
                    var localRecvCount = Interlocked.Increment(ref recvCount);
                    Interlocked.Add(ref recvSum, msg.Data.Sum(x => (long)x));
                    if (localRecvCount == cancelAfterRecvCount || localRecvCount >= messageCount + initialNackCount)
                        // Test finished, so stop subscriber
                        Task unused = simpleSubscriber.StopAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));
                    Interlocked.Add(ref dupCount, 1);
                // ACK all messages

            // Publish
            var  rnd        = new Random(1234);
            var  activePubs = new HashSet <Task>();
            int  sentCount  = 0;
            long sentSum    = 0L; // Sum of bytes of sent messages

            // Watchdog to report progress and fail test on deadlock
            CancellationTokenSource watchdogCts = new CancellationTokenSource();

            Task.Run(async() =>
                int prevSentCount   = -1;
                int prevRecvCount   = -1;
                int noProgressCount = 0;
                while (!watchdogCts.IsCancellationRequested)
                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), watchdogCts.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    var localSentCount = Interlocked.Add(ref sentCount, 0);
                    var localRecvCount = Interlocked.Add(ref recvCount, 0);
                    var localDupCount  = Interlocked.Add(ref dupCount, 0);
                    if (prevSentCount == localSentCount && prevRecvCount == localRecvCount)
                        if (noProgressCount > 100)
                            // Deadlock, shutdown subscriber, and cancel
                            Console.WriteLine("Deadlock detected. Cancelling test");
                            simpleSubscriber.StopAsync(new CancellationToken(true));
                        noProgressCount += 1;
                        noProgressCount = 0;
                    prevSentCount = localSentCount;
                    prevRecvCount = localRecvCount;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Sent: {localSentCount} (in-flight: {activePubs.Locked(() => activePubs.Count)}); Recv: {localRecvCount} (dups: {localDupCount})");

            for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++)
                if (watchdogCts.IsCancellationRequested)
                    Assert.True(false, "Test cancelled by watchdog");
                if (subTask.IsCompleted)
                var msgSize = rnd.Next(minMessageSize, maxMessageSize + 1);
                var msg     = new byte[msgSize];
                // Insert an int ID into message
                Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(i), msg, 4);
                sentSum += msg.Sum(x => (long)x);
                // Send message, and record Task
                var pubTask = simplePublisher.PublishAsync(msg);
                Interlocked.Increment(ref sentCount);
                activePubs.Locked(() => activePubs.Add(pubTask));
                // Remove Task from active when the message has been sent to server
                pubTask.ContinueWith(t => activePubs.Locked(() => activePubs.Remove(pubTask)));
                // If too many messages are currently in flight, wait a bit
                while (activePubs.Locked(() => activePubs.Count) >= maxMessagesInFlight)
                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1)).ConfigureAwait(false);
            Console.WriteLine("Publishing complete");
            // Wait for all messages to be sent to server
            await Task.WhenAll(activePubs.Locked(() => activePubs.ToArray())).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Console.WriteLine("Publishing completed sending to server");

            // Wait for subscriber to finish shutdown
            await subTask.ConfigureAwait(false);

            Console.WriteLine("Subscriber finished shutdown");
            Console.WriteLine($"Sent: {sentCount}; Recv: {recvCount}");

            if (cancelAfterRecvCount is int cancelAfter)
                Assert.True(recvCount >= cancelAfter && recvCount <= cancelAfter + maxMessagesInFlight, $"Incorrect recvCount: {recvCount}");
                // Check that all messages are correctly received.
                Assert.Equal(messageCount + initialNackCount, recvCount);
                // This isn't foolproof (we can get to the right sum with wrong values) but it's a pretty strong indicator.
                Assert.Equal(sentSum, recvSum);