public ConverstationWindow(Contact c, JustTalk mainWind) { InitializeComponent(); = c; mainWindow = mainWind; this.Text = contact.Name + " - JustTalk"; username = Properties.Settings.Default.Username; // Initialize font, colors and size stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(@"{\rtf1\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}{\colortbl ;\red75\green100\blue165;\red155\green155\blue155;}\fs16"); if(!contact.StatusMessage.Equals("Chat")) this.ReceiveMessage(contact.Name, contact.StatusMessage, 2); if(contact.Status != this.ReceiveMessage(contact.Name, messages[(int)contact.Status - 1], 2); }
// Update contact's presence information public void UpdateContactPresence(String jid, Status status, String statusMessage) { try { Contact contact = contacts[jid]; Contact previous = new Contact(contact); contact.Status = status; contact.StatusMessage = statusMessage; // Set context menu accordingly if(status != Status.inviteSent && status != Status.inviteAccepted) contact.ContextMenuStrip = this.contactsContextMenuStrip; else contact.ContextMenuStrip = this.pendingContactContextMenuStrip; if(conversations.ContainsKey(jid) && previous.Status != contact.Status) // If a conversation window is opened update it conversations[jid].UpdateContactPresence(status, statusMessage); } catch (KeyNotFoundException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Contact not present " + ex.StackTrace); } }
// Invokes a method to receive message in a conversation window, delegate is used for cross thread calls public void ReceiveMessage(JabberID from, string body) { Console.WriteLine("Gui received message from: " + from); if(!conversations.ContainsKey(from.User + "@" + from.Domain)) { // Check if there is already open conversation window Contact c; if(contacts.ContainsKey(from.User + "@" + from.Domain)) // Check if sender is in Contact list c = contacts[from.User + "@" + from.Domain]; else c = new Contact(from.User + "@" + from.Domain); conversations[from.User + "@" + from.Domain] = new ConverstationWindow(c, this); // Open new conversation window conversations[from.User + "@" + from.Domain].Show(); // Show if new window } else { if(!conversations[from.User + "@" + from.Domain].Visible) conversations[from.User + "@" + from.Domain].Show(); conversations[from.User + "@" + from.Domain].Activate(); // Just activate if already opened } conversations[from.User + "@" + from.Domain].ReceiveMessage(body); // Receive message }
// Update contact's information public void UpdateContact(String jid, String name, String group, Status status) { Console.WriteLine("Adding: " + jid + ", " + name+ ", " + group + ", " + status); // Find group Group groupNode; if(group == null) // If no group is sent use default(0) groupNode = (Group)contactsTreeView.Nodes[0]; else { // Group is sent if(!contactsTreeView.Nodes.ContainsKey(group)) { // If the group doesn't exists Group newGroup = new Group(group); newGroup.ContextMenuStrip = gropupContextMenuStrip; contactsTreeView.Nodes.Add(newGroup); // Make one } groupNode = (Group)contactsTreeView.Nodes[group]; // we have Group } // Find contact Contact contact; if(contacts.ContainsKey(jid)) { // Such contact exists contact = contacts[jid]; // use it if(contact.Parent != groupNode) { // We should change group contact.Remove(); // Remove from original groupNode.Nodes.Add(contact); // Add to new } } else { contact = new Contact(jid); // else make it contacts[jid] = contact; // Put it in the dictionary // Set context menu if(status != Status.inviteSent && status != Status.inviteAccepted) contact.ContextMenuStrip = this.contactsContextMenuStrip; else contact.ContextMenuStrip = this.pendingContactContextMenuStrip; groupNode.Nodes.Add(contact); // and add it to gui } contact.Name = name; contact.Status = status; }
public Contact(Contact other) { this.JabberID = other.jabberID; this.Name =; this.Status = other.status; this.StatusMessage = other.statusMessage; }