コード例 #1
        public void Process(Crawler crawler, PropertyBag propertyBag)
            HtmlDocument htmlDoc = propertyBag["HtmlDoc"].Value as HtmlDocument;

            if (htmlDoc == null)
                return; //this happens with HTTP errors etc. We don't bother with retrying or anything like that :(

            //only process the review page
            if (propertyBag.ResponseUri.OriginalString != CrawlReviews.baseUri)

            lock (this)
                GoodReadsCrawlerEntities context = CrawlUtil.getNewContext();

                Review review = CrawlUtil.getReview(context, ReviewId);

                if (review == null)
                    return; //this should never happen

                //userId	int	Checked
                //userIdString	varchar(256)	Checked
                //reviewContent	varchar(MAX)	Checked
                //starRating	smallint	Checked
                //publishDate	date	Checked
                //recommendedFor	varchar(MAX)	Checked
                //numComments	int	Checked

                HtmlNode doc = htmlDoc.DocumentNode;

                int      userId        = -1;
                string   userIdString  = null;
                string   userName      = null;
                string   reviewContent = null;
                short    starRating    = -1;
                DateTime publishDate;
                //string recommendedFor = null;
                int numComments = -1;

                var reviewAuthorNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//a[@itemprop='author']");
                if (reviewAuthorNode != null)
                    userIdString = reviewAuthorNode.GetAttributeValue("href", null);

                    userIdString = CrawlUtil.extractUserIdStringFromUrl(userIdString); //null if error
                    userId       = CrawlUtil.extractUserIdFromString(userIdString);    //-1 or 0 if error
                    userName     = reviewAuthorNode.InnerText.Trim();                  //empty if error

                    if (userIdString != null && userId > 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                        var user = CrawlUtil.createOrGetUser(context, userId, userIdString, userName);
                        review.User         = user;
                        review.userIdString = userIdString;

                    //<a href="/user/show/52663-mer" class="userReview" itemprop="author">Mer</a>

                var reviewContentNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//div[@itemprop='reviewBody']");
                if (reviewContentNode != null)
                    review.reviewContent = reviewContentNode.InnerText.Trim();

                var starRatingNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='rating']/span[@class='value-title']");
                if (starRatingNode != null)
                    short.TryParse(starRatingNode.GetAttributeValue("title", ""), out starRating);

                    review.starRating = starRating;
                    //<span class="value-title" title="5"></span>

                var publishDateNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='right dtreviewed greyText smallText']/span[@class='value-title']");
                if (publishDateNode != null)
                    DateTime.TryParse(publishDateNode.GetAttributeValue("title", ""), out publishDate);

                    review.publishDate = publishDate;
                    //<span class="value-title" title="2007-04-28"></span>

                var recomendedForNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//span[text()='Recommended for:']");
                if (recomendedForNode != null)
                    review.recommendedFor = recomendedForNode.ParentNode.LastChild.InnerText.Trim();

                     * <div>
                     *  <span class="">Recommended for:</span>
                     *     enviornmentalists, nurturers, parents and children who want to discuss empathy and reciprocity
                     * </div>

                //var numCommentsNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("");
                //if (numCommentsNode != null)
                //    /*

                //     *  <h2 class="brownBackground">
                //     *  <div class="extraHeader">
                //     *      <a href="#comment_form" rel="nofollow">Post a comment &raquo;</a>
                //     *  </div>Comments
                //     *  <span class="smallText">
                //            (showing
                //            1-5
                //            of
                //            5)
                //         </span>
                //     * ...
                //     * </h2>
                //     */

                CrawlReviews.form.appendLineToLog("Added review " + review.id + " by user " + review.User.name);
コード例 #2
        public void Process(Crawler crawler, PropertyBag propertyBag)
            HtmlDocument htmlDoc = propertyBag["HtmlDoc"].Value as HtmlDocument;

            if (htmlDoc == null)
                return; //this happens with HTTP errors etc. We don't bother with retrying or anything like that :(

            HtmlNode doc = htmlDoc.DocumentNode;

            lock (this)
                GoodReadsCrawlerEntities context = CrawlUtil.getNewContext();
                HtmlNodeCollection       nodes;
                HtmlNode node;

                //update user's status changes: private (default 0), author (default 0), or username
                var url = propertyBag.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri;
                if (url != CrawlUserProfile.baseUri)        //user is author or has changed useridstring
                    if (url == "http://www.goodreads.com/") //this means the user's profile no longer exists
                        CrawlUserProfile.form.appendLineToLog(string.Format("User {0} no longer exists."
                                                                            , User.userIdString
                        User.IsPrivate = true;

                    if (url.Contains("/author/"))
                        User.IsAuthor  = true;
                        User.authorUrl = url;

                    if (url.Contains("/show/")) //both users and authors can change usernames
                        //when users change their username it can be extracted from the new url.
                        if (User.IsAuthor != true)
                            User.userIdString = CrawlUtil.extractUserIdStringFromUrl(url);
                        else //if an author has changed username, then this cannot be detected from the authorurl (to which we are redirected)
                            //search for the new username using the user's id. e.g. for links to /user/show/37868189
                            node = doc.SelectSingleNode(".//a[starts-with(@href, '/user/show/" + User.id + "')]");
                            if (node != null)
                                var IdStringToExtract = node.GetAttributeValue("href", "");
                                User.userIdString = CrawlUtil.extractUserIdStringFromUrl(IdStringToExtract);

                    CrawlUserProfile.form.appendLineToLog(string.Format("User {0} updated with status IsAuthor = {1}| {2}; IsPrivate = {3}"
                                                                        , User.userIdString
                                                                        , User.IsAuthor
                                                                        , User.authorUrl
                                                                        , User.IsPrivate

                node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//h1//text()[normalize-space()]");
                if (node != null)
                    User.name = CrawlUtil.extractNameFromString(node.InnerText);
                    //inner text for user: "******"
                    //         for author: "Derek White"

                 * <div class="leftContainer">
                 * <div class="leftAlignedImage" style="overflow: hidden; width: 110px;">
                 *  <a href="/photo/user/3255548-ah" rel="nofollow" title="AH">
                 *    <img alt="AH" src="http://d.gr-assets.com/users/1275413869p3/3255548.jpg" />
                 *  </a>
                 *  <div class="smallText">
                 *    <a href="/review/list/3255548?sort=rating&amp;view=reviews">874 ratings</a>
                 *    <a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('ratingDistribution3255548');; new Ajax.Updater('ratingDistribution3255548', '/user/rating_distribution/3255548', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, method:'get', onComplete:function(request){return false;}, parameters:'authenticity_token=' + encodeURIComponent('dlcB28CHfXju2vqnShahQlNLoL76d9c6QNZMYZI332g=')}); return false;">(3.82 avg)</a>
                 *    <div class="floatingBox" style="display:none; width: 400px;" id="ratingDistribution3255548"></div>
                 *    <br/>
                 *    <a href="/review/list/3255548?sort=review&amp;view=reviews">1218 reviews</a>
                 *    <br />
                 *    <a href="/photo/user/3255548-ah" rel="nofollow">more photos (3)</a>
                 *    <br/>
                 *    <br/>
                 #<a href="/user/best_reviewers?country=CA&amp;duration=a">10 best reviewers</a>
                 *    <br/>
                 #<a href="/user/top_reviewers?country=CA&amp;duration=a">36 top reviewers</a>
                 *  </div>
                 * </div>
                 * </div>
                 * 196 ratings
                 * (3.29 avg)
                 * 115 reviews
                 #10 best reviewers
                 #36 top reviewers
                //EXCEPT badges, this code works for both user and author pages
                nodes = doc.SelectNodes(".//div[@class='leftContainer']//div[@class='smallText']//text()[normalize-space()]");
                if (nodes == null)
                    //private profiles still have this data but in a different HTML layout. If this 'different layout' is found
                    //then we assume this is a private profile.
                    User.IsPrivate = true;

                    CrawlUserProfile.form.appendLineToLog(string.Format("User {0} profile is deemed private."
                                                                        , User.userIdString
                if (nodes != null)
                    int badgeNum = 1;

                    //to get numerical values and badges
                    foreach (var n in nodes)
                        string inner = n.InnerText.Trim();;

                        //if text begins with "//" then it's script text and we want to skip.
                        if (inner.StartsWith(@"//"))

                        //if text begins with "#" then it's a badge
                        if (inner.StartsWith("#"))// && n.NextSibling != null)
                            switch (badgeNum)
                            case 1:
                                User.badge1 = inner;

                            case 2:
                                User.badge2 = inner;

                            case 3:
                                User.badge3 = inner;

                            case 4:
                                User.badge4 = inner;

                            case 5:
                                User.badge5 = inner;
                            decimal d = CrawlUtil.extractNumberFromString(inner);
                            if (d != -1)
                                if (inner.Contains("avg")) //author pages use "avg rating" which matches both "rating" and "avg" - so we match "avg" first
                                    User.avgRating = d;
                                else if (inner.Contains("rating"))
                                    User.numRatings = Convert.ToInt32(d);
                                else if (inner.Contains("review"))
                                    User.numReviews = Convert.ToInt32(d);

                //to get the 'badges' for authors
                if (User.IsAuthor == true)
                    nodes = doc.SelectNodes(".//div[@class='leftContainer']//div[@id='topListSection']//text()[normalize-space()]");
                    if (nodes != null)
                        int badgeNum = 1;
                        foreach (var n in nodes)
                            string inner = n.InnerText.Trim();

                            if (inner.StartsWith("#"))// && n.NextSibling != null)
                                switch (badgeNum)
                                case 1:
                                    User.badge1 = inner;

                                case 2:
                                    User.badge2 = inner;

                                case 3:
                                    User.badge3 = inner;

                                case 4:
                                    User.badge4 = inner;

                                case 5:
                                    User.badge5 = inner;

                //<a href="/friend/user/104320-erin-beck" rel="nofollow">Erin’s Friends (4)</a>
                //<a rel="nofollow" href="/friend/user/3094317-tori-smexybooks-smexys-sidekick">(Tori-Smexybooks)’s Friends (1,505)</a>
                //Works for both users and authors
                node = doc.SelectSingleNode(".//a[@href='/friend/user/" + User.userIdString + "']/text()");
                if (node != null)
                    decimal d = CrawlUtil.extractNumberFromString(node.InnerText);

                    if (d != -1)
                        User.numFriends = Convert.ToInt32(d);

                /* each friend's html
                 * <div class="left">
                 * <div class="friendName">
                 *  <a href="/user/show/355607-t-k-kenyon" rel="acquaintance">T.K. Kenyon</a>
                 * </div>
                 * 819 books
                 * <span class="greyText">|</span>
                 * 2,392 friends
                 * </div>
                //8 friends' summary details
                if (CrawlUserProfile.addFriends)
                    nodes = doc.SelectNodes(".//div[@class='left']");

                    if (nodes != null)
                        foreach (var n in nodes) //each friend
                            Friendship f = new Friendship();
                            f.userId = this.User.id;

                            node = n.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='friendName']/a");
                            if (node != null)
                                string attr = node.GetAttributeValue("href", "");
                                f.friendIdString = CrawlUtil.extractUserIdStringFromUrl(attr);

                                f.rel = node.GetAttributeValue("rel", "");

                            node = n.SelectSingleNode("./text()[normalize-space()]"); //number of books
                            if (node != null)
                                int numBooks = Convert.ToInt32(CrawlUtil.extractNumberFromString(node.InnerText));

                                if (numBooks != -1)
                                    f.friendNumBooks = numBooks;

                                node = node.SelectSingleNode("following-sibling::text()"); //number of friends
                                if (node != null)
                                    int numFriends = Convert.ToInt32(CrawlUtil.extractNumberFromString(node.InnerText));

                                    if (numFriends != -1)
                                        f.friendNumFriends = numFriends;

                            catch (Exception)

                //Users (non-authors) <a class="actionLink" rel="nofollow" href="/user/3094317-tori-smexybooks-smexys-sidekick/followers">319 people are following (Tori-Smexybooks)</a>
                //authors <a href="/author_followings?id=6458332&amp;method=get">Lucas Lyndes’s Followers (8)</a>

                if (User.IsAuthor == true)
                    node = doc.SelectSingleNode(".//a[starts-with(@href, '/author_followings?')]/text()");
                    node = doc.SelectSingleNode(".//a[@href='/user/" + User.userIdString + "/followers']/text()");
                if (node != null)
                    decimal d = CrawlUtil.extractNumberFromString(node.InnerText);

                    if (d != -1)
                        User.numFollowers = Convert.ToInt32(d);

                //User.numUserIsFollowing - see [done]goodreads-numUserIsFollowing logic
                //N/A for authors
                if (User.IsAuthor == true)
                    User.numUserIsFollowing = null;
                    nodes = doc.SelectNodes(".//a[contains(text(),'is Following')]/../../../div[@class='bigBoxBody']//div/a");
                    if (nodes != null)
                        User.numUserIsFollowing = nodes.Count;

                //see [done]goodreads-quiz logic.html
                //N/A for authors
                if (User.IsAuthor == true)
                    User.quizNumCorrect   = null;
                    User.quizNumQuestions = null;
                    User.quizRank         = null;
                    User.quizRankOutOf    = null;
                    nodes = doc.SelectNodes(".//div[@id='myQuizStats']//div[@class='infoBoxRowTitle' or @class='infoBoxRowItem']");
                    if (nodes != null)
                        string s = "";
                        foreach (var n in nodes)
                            if (n.InnerText.Contains("questions answered"))
                                s = n.NextSibling.NextSibling.InnerText;
                                User.quizNumQuestions = Convert.ToInt32(CrawlUtil.extractNumberFromString(s));
                                //CrawlUserProfile.form.appendLineToLog("answered: " + CrawlUtil.extractNumberFromString(s) + " (" + s + ")");

                            else if (n.InnerText.Contains("correct"))
                                s = n.NextSibling.NextSibling.InnerText;
                                User.quizNumCorrect = Convert.ToInt32(CrawlUtil.extractNumberFromString(s));
                                //CrawlUserProfile.form.appendLineToLog("correct: " + CrawlUtil.extractNumberFromString(s) + " (" + s + ")");

                            else if (n.InnerText.Contains("ranking"))
                                s             = n.NextSibling.NextSibling.InnerText;
                                User.quizRank = Convert.ToInt32(CrawlUtil.extractNumberFromString(s));
                                //CrawlUserProfile.form.appendLineToLog("ranking: " + CrawlUtil.extractNumberFromString(s) + " (" + s + ")");

                                s = s.Substring(s.IndexOf("out of"));
                                User.quizRankOutOf = Convert.ToInt32(CrawlUtil.extractNumberFromString(s));
                                //CrawlUserProfile.form.appendLineToLog("of: " + CrawlUtil.extractNumberFromString(s));

                //User.ReadingChallenges - see [done]goodreads-challenge logic.html
                //CHECK if working for authors
                if (CrawlUserProfile.addChallenges)
                    nodes = doc.SelectNodes(".//div[@class='challengePic']");

                    if (nodes != null)
                        foreach (var n in nodes)
                            var challengePic = n.SelectSingleNode(".//img");

                            if (challengePic != null)
                                string challenge = challengePic.GetAttributeValue("alt", "unknown");

                                if (challenge != "unknown")
                                    ReadingChallenge rc = CrawlUtil.createOrGetChallenge(context, User.id, challenge);
                                        var stats = n.NextSibling.NextSibling.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='bookMeta progressStats']");

                                        if (stats != null)
                                            string s = stats.InnerText;
                                            rc.numBooksRead = Convert.ToInt32(CrawlUtil.extractNumberFromString(s));

                                            s = s.Substring(s.IndexOf(" of "));
                                            rc.numBooksTarget = Convert.ToInt32(CrawlUtil.extractNumberFromString(s));
                                            stats = n.NextSibling.NextSibling.SelectSingleNode(".//a[@class='challengeBooksRead']");

                                            if (stats != null)
                                                string s = stats.InnerText;
                                                rc.numBooksRead = Convert.ToInt32(CrawlUtil.extractNumberFromString(s));

                                                s = s.Substring(s.IndexOf(" of "));
                                                rc.numBooksTarget = Convert.ToInt32(CrawlUtil.extractNumberFromString(s));

                                        rc.lastUpdated = DateTime.Now;

                                    catch (Exception ex)

                 * <a href="/librarian/user/255233-sonic" rel="nofollow">Goodreads librarian</a>
                node = doc.SelectSingleNode(".//a[@href='/librarian/user/" + User.userIdString + "']");

                if (node != null && node.InnerText == "Goodreads librarian")
                    User.IsLibrarian = true;
                    User.IsLibrarian = false;

                //User.Genres - see [done]goodreads-genres (fav) logic.html
                //UNCHECKED for round 5 update
                if (CrawlUserProfile.addGenres)
                    nodes = doc.SelectNodes(".//h2[contains(text(),'Favorite Genres')]/../../div[@class='bigBoxBody']//a");

                    if (nodes != null)
                        foreach (var n in nodes)
                            Genre g = new Genre();
                            g.name   = n.InnerText.Trim();
                            g.userId = User.id;

                            catch (Exception)

                //User.Activities - see [done]goodreads-updates logic.html
                //UNCHECKED for round 5 update
                if (CrawlUserProfile.addActivities)
                    nodes = doc.SelectNodes(".//table[@class='tableListReverse friendUpdates']/tr[@class='update' or @class='no_border']");

                    if (nodes != null)
                        foreach (var n in nodes)
                            if ("update" == n.GetAttributeValue("class", "unknown"))
                                Activity a = new Activity();
                                    a.userId = User.id;

                                    a.activityHTML = n.InnerHtml.Length > 8000 ? n.InnerHtml.Substring(0, 7999) : n.InnerHtml;

                                    var ts = n.SelectSingleNode("following-sibling::tr//a[@class='updatedTimestamp']");
                                    a.activityTimestampString = ts.InnerText;
                                    a.retrievedAt             = DateTime.Now;

                                catch (Exception ex)

                //separate function/class User.numFavouriteAuthors
                //separate function/class User.Groups
                //separate function/class User.Lists
                //separate function/class User.numShelves

            CrawlUserProfile.form.appendLineToLog(User.userIdString + ":: " + "details and ticked updated.");