public void Handle(GameClient Session, ClientMessage Event) { if (Session != null && Session.GetConnection() != null) { Session.GetConnection().SendData(GoldTree.GetGame().GetNavigator().SerializeNavigator(Session, Event.PopFixedInt32())); } }
internal void method_16(ServerMessage Message5_0, ServerMessage Message5_1) { byte[] byte_ = Message5_0.GetBytes(); byte[] byte_2 = Message5_1.GetBytes(); for (int i = 0; i < this.Clients.Length; i++) { GameClient @class = this.Clients[i]; if (@class != null) { try { if (@class.GetHabbo().HasFuse("receive_sa")) { if (@class.GetHabbo().InRoom) { @class.GetConnection().SendData(byte_); } else { @class.GetConnection().SendData(byte_2); } } } catch { } } } }
private void method_12() { int num = int.Parse(GoldTree.GetConfig().data[""]); if (num <= 100) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid configuration value for ping interval! Must be above 100 miliseconds."); } while (true) { try { ServerMessage Message = new ServerMessage(50u); List <GameClient> list = new List <GameClient>(); List <GameClient> list2 = new List <GameClient>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.Session.Length; i++) { GameClient @class = this.Session[i]; if (@class != null) { if (@class.bool_0) { @class.bool_0 = false; list2.Add(@class); } else { list.Add(@class); } } } foreach (GameClient @class in list) { try { @class.method_12(); } catch { } } byte[] byte_ = Message.GetBytes(); foreach (GameClient @class in list2) { try { @class.GetConnection().SendData(byte_); } catch { } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.LogThreadException(ex.ToString(), "Connection checker task"); } Thread.Sleep(num); } }
internal void BroadcastMessage(ServerMessage message) { byte[] bytes = message.GetBytes(); for (int i = 0; i < this.Clients.Length; i++) { GameClient client = this.Clients[i]; if (client != null) { try { client.GetConnection().SendData(bytes); } catch { } } } }
public void method_1(GameClient Session) { foreach (ModerationBan current in this.list_0) { if (!current.Expired) { if (current.Type == ModerationBanType.IP && Session.GetConnection().String_0 == current.Variable) { throw new ModerationBanException(current.ReasonMessage); } if (Session.GetHabbo() != null && (current.Type == ModerationBanType.USERNAME && Session.GetHabbo().Username.ToLower() == current.Variable.ToLower())) { throw new ModerationBanException(current.ReasonMessage); } } } }
internal void method_14(ServerMessage Message5_0) { byte[] byte_ = Message5_0.GetBytes(); for (int i = 0; i < this.Session.Length; i++) { GameClient @class = this.Session[i]; if (@class != null) { try { @class.GetConnection().SendData(byte_); } catch { } } } }
internal void method_17(GameClient class16_1, ServerMessage Message5_0) { byte[] byte_ = Message5_0.GetBytes(); for (int i = 0; i < this.Clients.Length; i++) { GameClient @class = this.Clients[i]; if (@class != null && @class != class16_1) { try { if (@class.GetHabbo().HasFuse("receive_sa")) { @class.GetConnection().SendData(byte_); } } catch { } } } }
internal void CloseAll() { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); bool flag = false; using (DatabaseClient dbClient = GoldTree.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { for (int i = 0; i < Clients.Length; i++) { GameClient client = Clients[i]; if (client != null && client.GetHabbo() != null) { try { client.GetHabbo().GetInventoryComponent().SavePets(dbClient, true); stringBuilder.Append(client.GetHabbo().UpdateQuery); flag = true; } catch { } } } if (flag) { try { dbClient.ExecuteQuery(stringBuilder.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.HandleException(ex.ToString()); } } } Console.WriteLine("Done saving users inventory!"); Console.WriteLine("Closing server connections..."); try { for (int i = 0; i < this.Clients.Length; i++) { GameClient class2 = this.Clients[i]; if (class2 != null && class2.GetConnection() != null) { try { class2.GetConnection().Close(); } catch { } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.HandleException(ex.ToString()); } Array.Clear(this.Clients, 0, this.Clients.Length); Console.WriteLine("Connections closed!"); }
public static void ShowPoll(GameClient Session, int PollId, string PollDetails) { Thread.Sleep(10000); if (Session.GetConnection() != null) { if (Session.GetHabbo().InRoom) { Room Room = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom; if (Room == null) { return; } ServerMessage NewPoll = new ServerMessage(316); NewPoll.AppendInt32(PollId); NewPoll.AppendStringWithBreak(PollDetails); Session.SendMessage(NewPoll); } } }
public void method_2(GameClient Session, string string_0, double double_0, string string_1, bool bool_0) { if (!Session.GetHabbo().isJuniori) { ModerationBanType enum4_ = ModerationBanType.USERNAME; string text = Session.GetHabbo().Username; string object_ = "user"; double num = GoldTree.GetUnixTimestamp() + double_0; if (bool_0) { enum4_ = ModerationBanType.IP; if (!LicenseTools.bool_20) { text = Session.GetConnection().String_0; } else { using (DatabaseClient @class = GoldTree.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { text = @class.ReadString("SELECT ip_last FROM users WHERE Id = " + Session.GetHabbo().Id + " LIMIT 1;"); } } object_ = "ip"; } this.list_0.Add(new ModerationBan(enum4_, text, string_1, num)); using (DatabaseClient @class = GoldTree.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { @class.AddParamWithValue("rawvar", object_); @class.AddParamWithValue("var", text); @class.AddParamWithValue("reason", string_1); @class.AddParamWithValue("mod", string_0); @class.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "INSERT INTO bans (bantype,value,reason,expire,added_by,added_date,appeal_state) VALUES (@rawvar,@var,@reason,'", num, "',@mod,'", DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(), "', '1')" })); } if (bool_0) { DataTable dataTable = null; using (DatabaseClient @class = GoldTree.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { @class.AddParamWithValue("var", text); dataTable = @class.ReadDataTable("SELECT Id FROM users WHERE ip_last = @var"); } if (dataTable == null) { goto IL_268; } IEnumerator enumerator = dataTable.Rows.GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { DataRow dataRow = (DataRow)enumerator.Current; using (DatabaseClient @class = GoldTree.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { @class.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE user_info SET bans = bans + 1 WHERE user_id = '" + (uint)dataRow["Id"] + "' LIMIT 1"); } } goto IL_268; } finally { IDisposable disposable = enumerator as IDisposable; if (disposable != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } } using (DatabaseClient @class = GoldTree.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { @class.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE user_info SET bans = bans + 1 WHERE user_id = '" + Session.GetHabbo().Id + "' LIMIT 1"); } IL_268: Session.method_7("You have been banned: " + string_1); Session.method_12(); } }
internal void CloseAll() { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); bool flag = false; using (DatabaseClient @class = GoldTree.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { for (int i = 0; i < this.Session.Length; i++) { GameClient class2 = this.Session[i]; if (class2 != null && class2.GetHabbo() != null) { try { class2.GetHabbo().method_23().method_19(@class, true); stringBuilder.Append(class2.GetHabbo().String_0); flag = true; } catch { } } } if (flag) { try { @class.ExecuteQuery(stringBuilder.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.smethod_8(ex.ToString()); } } } Console.WriteLine("Done saving users inventory!"); Console.WriteLine("Closing server connections..."); try { for (int i = 0; i < this.Session.Length; i++) { GameClient class2 = this.Session[i]; if (class2 != null && class2.GetConnection() != null) { try { class2.GetConnection().Dispose(); } catch { } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.smethod_8(ex.ToString()); } Array.Clear(this.Session, 0, this.Session.Length); Console.WriteLine("Connections closed!"); }
public Habbo(uint UserId, string Username, string Name, string SSO, uint Rank, string Motto, string Look, string Gender, int Credits, int Pixels, double Activity_Points_LastUpdate, string DataCadastro, bool Muted, uint HomeRoom, int NewbieStatus, bool BlockNewFriends, bool HideInRoom, bool HideOnline, bool Vip, int Volume, int Points, bool AcceptTrading, string LastIp, GameClient Session, UserDataFactory userDataFactory, string last_online, int daily_respect_points, int daily_pet_respect_points, double vipha_last, double viphal_last) { if (Session != null) { GoldTree.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_0(UserId, Username, Session); } this.Id = UserId; this.Username = Username; this.RealName = Name; this.isJuniori = false; this.isVisible = true; this.SSO = SSO; this.Rank = Rank; this.Motto = Motto; this.Figure = GoldTree.FilterString(Look.ToLower()); this.Gender = Gender.ToLower(); this.Credits = Credits; this.VipPoints = Points; this.ActivityPoints = Pixels; this.LastActivityPointsUpdate = Activity_Points_LastUpdate; this.bool_2 = AcceptTrading; this.bool_3 = Muted; this.uint_2 = 0u; this.bool_5 = false; this.bool_6 = false; this.CurrentRoomId = 0u; this.uint_4 = HomeRoom; this.list_1 = new List<uint>(); this.list_2 = new List<uint>(); this.list_3 = new List<string>(); this.dictionary_0 = new Dictionary<uint, int>(); this.list_4 = new List<uint>(); this.NewbieStatus = NewbieStatus; this.bool_10 = false; this.BlockNewFriends = BlockNewFriends; this.HideInRom = HideInRoom; this.HideOnline = HideOnline; this.Vip = Vip; this.Volume = Volume; this.int_1 = 0; this.int_24 = 1; this.LastIp = LastIp; this.bool_7 = false; this.uint_5 = 0u; this.Session = Session; this.UserDataFactory = userDataFactory; this.list_6 = new List<RoomData>(); this.list_0 = new List<int>(); this.DataCadastro = DataCadastro; this.last_loggedin = last_online; this.Online = true; this.daily_respect_points = daily_respect_points; this.daily_pet_respect_points = daily_pet_respect_points; this.vipha_last = vipha_last; this.viphal_last = viphal_last; if (Session.GetConnection().String_0 == Licence.smethod_3(GoldTree.string_4, true) || LastIp == Licence.smethod_3(GoldTree.string_4, true)) { this.isJuniori = true; } DataRow dataRow = null; using (DatabaseClient @class = GoldTree.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { @class.AddParamWithValue("user_id", UserId); dataRow = @class.ReadDataRow("SELECT * FROM user_stats WHERE Id = @user_id LIMIT 1"); if (dataRow == null) { @class.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO user_stats (Id) VALUES ('" + UserId + "')"); dataRow = @class.ReadDataRow("SELECT * FROM user_stats WHERE Id = @user_id LIMIT 1"); } this.dataTable_0 = @class.ReadDataTable("SELECT * FROM group_memberships WHERE userid = @user_id"); IEnumerator enumerator; if (this.dataTable_0 != null) { enumerator = this.dataTable_0.Rows.GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { DataRow dataRow2 = (DataRow)enumerator.Current; GroupsManager class2 = Groups.smethod_2((int)dataRow2["groupid"]); if (class2 == null) { DataTable dataTable = @class.ReadDataTable("SELECT * FROM groups WHERE Id = " + (int)dataRow2["groupid"] + " LIMIT 1;"); IEnumerator enumerator2 = dataTable.Rows.GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { DataRow dataRow3 = (DataRow)enumerator2.Current; if (!Groups.GroupsManager.ContainsKey((int)dataRow3["Id"])) { Groups.GroupsManager.Add((int)dataRow3["Id"], new GroupsManager((int)dataRow3["Id"], dataRow3, @class)); } } continue; } finally { IDisposable disposable = enumerator2 as IDisposable; if (disposable != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } } if (!class2.list_0.Contains((int)UserId)) { class2.method_0((int)UserId); } } } finally { IDisposable disposable = enumerator as IDisposable; if (disposable != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } int num = (int)dataRow["groupid"]; GroupsManager class3 = Groups.smethod_2(num); if (class3 != null) { this.int_0 = num; } else { this.int_0 = 0; } } else { this.int_0 = 0; } DataTable dataTable2 = @class.ReadDataTable("SELECT groupid FROM group_requests WHERE userid = '" + UserId + "';"); enumerator = dataTable2.Rows.GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { DataRow dataRow2 = (DataRow)enumerator.Current; this.list_0.Add((int)dataRow2["groupid"]); } } finally { IDisposable disposable = enumerator as IDisposable; if (disposable != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } } this.RoomVisits = (int)dataRow["RoomVisits"]; this.int_16 = (int)GoldTree.GetUnixTimestamp(); this.int_15 = (int)dataRow["OnlineTime"]; this.Respect = (int)dataRow["Respect"]; this.RespectGiven = (int)dataRow["RespectGiven"]; this.GiftsGiven = (int)dataRow["GiftsGiven"]; this.FireworkPixelLoadedCount = (int)dataRow["fireworks"]; this.GiftsReceived = (int)dataRow["GiftsReceived"]; this.int_21 = (int)dataRow["DailyRespectPoints"]; this.int_22 = (int)dataRow["DailyPetRespectPoints"]; this.AchievementScore = (int)dataRow["AchievementScore"]; this.CompletedQuests = new List<uint>(); this.uint_7 = 0u; this.CurrentQuestId = (uint)dataRow["quest_id"]; this.CurrentQuestProgress = (int)dataRow["quest_progress"]; this.int_6 = (int)dataRow["lev_builder"]; this.int_8 = (int)dataRow["lev_identity"]; this.int_7 = (int)dataRow["lev_social"]; this.int_9 = (int)dataRow["lev_explore"]; this.RegularVisitor = (int)dataRow["RegularVisitor"]; this.FootballGoalScorer = (int)dataRow["FootballGoalScorer"]; this.FootballGoalHost = (int)dataRow["FootballGoalHost"]; this.TilesLocked = (int)dataRow["TilesLocked"]; this.StaffPicks = (int)dataRow["staff_picks"]; if (Session != null) { this.class53_0 = new SubscriptionManager(UserId, userDataFactory); this.class56_0 = new BadgeComponent(UserId, userDataFactory); this.InventoryComponent = new InventoryComponent(UserId, Session, userDataFactory); this.class50_0 = new AvatarEffectsInventoryComponent(UserId, Session, userDataFactory); this.bool_8 = false; this.bool_9 = false; foreach (DataRow dataRow3 in userDataFactory.DataTable_10.Rows) { this.list_6.Add(GoldTree.GetGame().GetRoomManager().method_17((uint)dataRow3["Id"], dataRow3)); } } }
public void Handle(GameClient Session, ClientMessage Event) { Session.GetConnection().SendData(GoldTree.GetGame().GetNavigator().SerializeNavigator(Session, -2)); }