コード例 #1
 public void NonTerminalDeclarationTest()
     //Typing a < on a new line should bring up a non-terminal list
     string text = 	"int = {Digit}+\r\n" + //0-15
                     "<\r\n" + //16-18
     var target = new CompletionProvider (text);
     var list = target.GetCompletionList (16);
     Assert.IsNotNull (list);
     //list should contain <value>
     Assert.AreEqual (1, list.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual ("<value>", list [0].DisplayText);
コード例 #2
        public void NoListInLiteralTest()
            //A list should not be created when typing in a
            // terminal literal

            string text;
            ICompletionDataList completionList;

            //start of a terminal literal - should be no list
            text = "keyword = !*'*!'inaliteral";
            var target = new CompletionProvider (text);
            completionList = target.GetCompletionList (16); //at the 'i'
            Assert.IsNull (completionList);
コード例 #3
        public void NoListInBlockCommentTest()
            //A list should not be created when the context is a
            // block comment

            string text;
            ICompletionDataList completionList;

            text="!* start of block\r\n"+
            var target = new CompletionProvider (text);
            completionList = target.GetCompletionList (19); //at the '<'
            Assert.IsNull (completionList);
コード例 #4
        public void InCommentsTest()
            string text = 	"!*<*!\"\r\n" +
                            "!*{*!{<value>::=<expr>\r\n" +
                            "\t    <\r\n";

            var target = new CompletionProvider (text);

            //completion should not show up while inside a comment
            var completionList = target.GetCompletionList (2);
            Assert.IsNull (completionList);

            completionList = target.GetCompletionList (10);
            Assert.IsNull (completionList);

            text = "<A>::=a !<A>";
            target = new CompletionProvider (text);
            completionList = target.GetCompletionList (9);
            Assert.IsNull (completionList);
コード例 #5
        /// Returns a list of completion suggestions to display while editing a document 
        /// </summary>
        public override ICompletionDataList HandleCodeCompletion(CodeCompletionContext completionContext, char completionChar, ref int triggerWordLength)
            //When we are in a different editing mode do not provide completions
            if (Editor.Parent.CurrentMode is TextLinkEditMode)
                return null;

            var doc = Document.ParsedDocument as GoldParsedDocument;
            var completionProvider = new CompletionProvider (doc, Editor.Text);

            //ICompletionProvider completionProvider = new CompletionProvider (Editor.Text);
            ICompletionDataList completionList = completionProvider.GetCompletionList (Editor.Caret.Offset-1);

            if (completionList != null)
                //the triggerWordLength sets the length of the text already entered.
                // so when the user types < the length so far is 1, and the first < will
                // be highlighted for every suggestion in the completion list
                triggerWordLength = 1;
            return completionList;
コード例 #6
        public void NonTerminalListTest()
            string text = "<s-Expression> ::= <Quote> Atom\r\n" + //index: 0-32
                          "\t| <Quote> '(' <Series> ')'\r\n" +  //index: 33-61
                          "errorline<Value\r\n"+			    //index: 62- 78
            var target = new CompletionProvider (text);
            int nonTermCount = 3; //<s-Expression>, <Quote>, and <Series>

            //case 1: < at new line
            var completionList = target.GetCompletionList (79);
            Assert.AreEqual (nonTermCount, completionList.Count);

            //case 2: < inside rule declaration (first line)
            completionList = target.GetCompletionList (19);
            Assert.AreEqual(nonTermCount+1, completionList.Count); //+1 for <>

            //case 3: < inside rule declaration (continuation line)
            completionList = target.GetCompletionList (36);
            Assert.AreEqual(nonTermCount+1, completionList.Count); //+1 for <>

            //case 4: < inside bad syntax line
            completionList = target.GetCompletionList (71);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, completionList);
コード例 #7
        public void TerminalListTest()
            string text = 	"while = 'while'\n"+  		//index 0-15
                          	"integer = {Digit}+\n"+ 	//16-34
                            "<expr>::= !*..*! integer\n"+ //35-59
                            "integer = integer'.'integer"; //60-86

            ICompletionDataList completionList;
            int expectedTermCount = 2; //while, integer

            //case 1: on a new line, no completion
            var target = new CompletionProvider (text);
            completionList = target.GetCompletionList (16);
            Assert.IsNull (completionList);

            //case 2: in terminal literal, no completion
            completionList = target.GetCompletionList (9);
            Assert.IsNull (completionList);

            //case 3: alpha  in a rule declaration
            completionList = target.GetCompletionList (52);
            //list should only have "while" and "integer", but NOT "'while'" (terminal literal)

            //case 4: alpha in a terminal declaration
            completionList = target.GetCompletionList (72);
            Assert.AreEqual (expectedTermCount, completionList.Count);

            //verify what's in the list
            Assert.AreEqual ("while", completionList [0].DisplayText);
            Assert.AreEqual ("integer", completionList [1].DisplayText);
コード例 #8
        public void SetNameListTest()
            string text = "{set}=[xyz]\n" + //0-11
                        "int = {digit}+\n" + //12-26
                        "{digit} = {set}\n"; //27-42

            var target = new CompletionProvider (text);
            ICompletionDataList completionList;
            int predefinedSetCount = 29;  //the list will return several others that are defined in the meta language
            int expectedSetCount = predefinedSetCount + 2; //include {set} and {digit}

            //case 1: no completion for lhs of assignment
            completionList = target.GetCompletionList (0);
            Assert.IsNull (completionList);

            //case 2: { in a terminal declaration
            completionList = target.GetCompletionList (18);
            Assert.AreEqual (expectedSetCount, completionList.Count);

            //case 3: { in a set declaration
            completionList = target.GetCompletionList (37);
            Assert.AreEqual (expectedSetCount, completionList.Count);

            //verify what's in the list
            Assert.IsTrue (completionListContains (completionList, "{digit}"));
コード例 #9
 public void OnlyDefinedTerminalTest()
     //the list of terminals should contain only what has been defined
     // in the grammar
     string text = 	"int = {Digit}+\r\n" + //0-15
                     "<value>::=i"; //16-26
     var target = new CompletionProvider (text);
     var list = target.GetCompletionList (26);
     Assert.IsNotNull (list);
     //list should contain int, and only int. 'i' should not be there
     Assert.AreEqual (1, list.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual ("int", list [0].DisplayText);
コード例 #10
        public void OnlyDefinedSetsTest()
            //the list of sets should contain only what has been defined
            // in the grammar
            string text = "{hex ch}= {Digit}+[abcdef]\r\n" + //0-27
                "hexnum = {\r\n" + //28-39

            var target = new CompletionProvider (text);
            var list = target.GetCompletionList (37);
            Assert.IsNotNull (list);

            //The list of sets will contained built-in sets also, so
            // we can't just check the count..
            //The list should NOT contain {notdefined}
            Assert.IsTrue(completionListContains(list,"{hex ch}"));
コード例 #11
 public void NullableInRuleDeclarationTest()
     //<> should show up in a rule declaration
     string text = 	"int = {Digit}+\r\n" + //0-15
                     "<value>::=<"; //16-26
     var target = new CompletionProvider (text);
     var list = target.GetCompletionList (26);
     Assert.IsNotNull (list);
     Assert.IsTrue (completionListContains (list, "<>"));
コード例 #12
        public void NullableInNewLineTest()
            //<> should NOT show up when starting a new line
            string text = 	"int = {Digit}+\r\n" + //0-15
                            "<\r\n" +

            var target = new CompletionProvider (text);
            var list = target.GetCompletionList (16);
            Assert.IsNotNull (list);
            Assert.IsFalse (completionListContains (list, "<>"));