コード例 #1
        public void Think(EntMob mob, float delta)
            Vector3 zero = new Vector3();

            // calculate self move
            mob.selfMove = FPSController.CalcVelocityQuakeStyle(
                mob.velocity, zero, mob.mobDef.walkSpeed, delta, true, mob.mobDef.friction, mob.mobDef.accelForce);
            mob.velocity        = mob.selfMove;
            mob.velocity       += mob.pushAccumulator;
            mob.pushAccumulator = Vector3.Zero;
            if (mob.velocity.LengthSquared() > Game.MaxActorVelocity * Game.MaxActorVelocity)
                mob.velocity  = mob.velocity.Normalized();
                mob.velocity *= Game.MaxActorVelocity;
            Vector3 result = mob.body.MoveAndSlide(mob.velocity);

            if (mob.thinkTick <= 0)
                mob.thinkIndex = mob.mobDef.thinkIndexBase;
                mob.thinkTick -= delta;
コード例 #2
        public void Think(EntMob mob, float delta)
            int stunAccum = mob.stunAccumulator;

            mob.stunAccumulator = 0;
            if (stunAccum >= mob.mobDef.stunThreshold)
                // switch to stun and update with that instead
                _mobThink.UpdateMob(mob, delta);

            IActor actor = Main.i.game.CheckTarget(mob.targetActorId, mob.GetTeam());

            if (actor == null)
                mob.targetActorId = Game.NullActorId;
            mob.targetActorId = actor.actorId;
            Transform self   = mob.GetTransformForTarget();
            Vector3   tar    = actor.GetTransformForTarget().origin;
            float     yawDeg = ZqfGodotUtils.FlatYawDegreesBetween(
                self.origin, tar);

            mob.body.RotationDegrees = new Vector3(0, yawDeg + 180, 0);
            self = mob.GetTransformForTarget();
            Vector3 toTar = (tar - self.origin).Normalized();

            if (mob.thinkTick <= 0)
                mob.thinkTick = 1;
                PointProjectile prj = Main.i.factory.SpawnPointProjectile();
                prj.Launch(self.origin, toTar, mob.prjDef, mob.body, Team.Mobs);
                mob.thinkTick -= delta;

            if (mob.moveTick <= 0)
                float rand = ZqfGodotUtils.Randomf();
                float dist = ZqfGodotUtils.Distance(self.origin, tar);
                mob.moveTick = 1.5f;
                // move toward target
                if (dist > mob.mobDef.evadeRange)
                    // randomly jink to the side
                    if (rand < 0.25)
                        yawDeg += 45;
                    else if (rand < 0.5)
                        yawDeg -= 45;
                    // check movement again in:
                    mob.moveTick = 1f;
                    // evade either left or right
                    // don't add a full 90 degrees as will evade straight out of evade dist
                    yawDeg      += (rand > 0.5) ? 70 : -70;
                    mob.moveTick = 1.5f;
                float radians = Mathf.Deg2Rad(yawDeg);
                mob.lastSelfDir = new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(radians), 0, Mathf.Cos(radians));
                mob.moveTick -= delta;
            // Move

            // calculate self move
            mob.selfMove = FPSController.CalcVelocityQuakeStyle(
                mob.velocity, mob.lastSelfDir, mob.mobDef.walkSpeed, delta, true, mob.mobDef.friction, mob.mobDef.accelForce);

            mob.velocity = mob.selfMove;
            // apply push forces
            mob.velocity       += mob.pushAccumulator;
            mob.pushAccumulator = Vector3.Zero;
            if (mob.velocity.LengthSquared() > Game.MaxActorVelocity * Game.MaxActorVelocity)
                mob.velocity  = mob.velocity.Normalized();
                mob.velocity *= Game.MaxActorVelocity;
            Vector3 result = mob.body.MoveAndSlide(mob.velocity);