コード例 #1
        //This is used by the Feature Class to generate Features
        public Feature obtainFeatures(OpenFileDialog FileLinks, List<CompositionHypothesisEntry> comhyp)
            List<Double> Ini = new List<Double>();
            List<Double> nCS = new List<Double>();
            List<Double> SD = new List<Double>();
            List<Double> nMS = new List<Double>();
            List<Double> tV = new List<Double>();
            List<Double> EA = new List<Double>();
            List<Double> CS = new List<Double>();
            List<Double> NS = new List<Double>();
            List<Double> SN = new List<Double>();

            //Each data file is treated separately, hence the for loop.
            foreach (String filename in FileLinks.FileNames)
                //Get the Parameters.
                ParametersForm parameter = new ParametersForm();
                ParametersForm.ParameterSettings paradata = parameter.GetParameters();

                //Perform the First and second grouping, matching and getting data for the features by the Grouping function.
                Double Mas = new Double();
                Mas = adductMass(comhyp);
                List<ResultsGroup> LRLR = new List<ResultsGroup>();
                LRLR = Groupings(filename, paradata, Mas, comhyp);

                //Error prevention
                if (LRLR.Count == 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("There is no match between the hypothesis and the data. Unable to generate results from the file:" + filename);

                //##############Logistic Regression####################
                //Perform logistic regression to get the Parameters
                Feature featureData = new Feature();
                featureData = FitLogisticRegression(LRLR);

            // Get the average of all features.
            Feature finalans = new Feature();
            finalans.Initial = Ini.Average();
            finalans.numChargeStates = nCS.Average();
            finalans.ScanDensity = SD.Average();
            finalans.numModiStates = nMS.Average();
            finalans.totalVolume = tV.Average();
            finalans.ExpectedA = EA.Average();
            finalans.CentroidScan = CS.Average();
            finalans.numOfScan = NS.Average();
            finalans.avgSigNoise = SN.Average();
            return finalans;
コード例 #2
        public List<ResultsGroup>[] run(OpenFileDialog FileLinks)
            List<ResultsGroup>[] AllFinalResults = new List<ResultsGroup>[Convert.ToInt32(FileLinks.FileNames.Count())];
            Int32 Count = 0;
            //Each data file is treated separately, hence the for loop.
            foreach (String filename in FileLinks.FileNames)
                //Get the Parameters.
                ParametersForm parameter = new ParametersForm();
                ParametersForm.ParameterSettings paradata = parameter.GetParameters();

                //Perform the First and second grouping and getting data for the features by the Grouping function.
                List<ResultsGroup> LRLR = new List<ResultsGroup>();
                LRLR = Groupings(filename, paradata);

                //##############Logistic Regression####################
                Features fe = new Features();
                //current features
                Feature featureData = fe.readFeature();
                //default features
                String defaultpath = Application.StartupPath + "\\FeatureDefault.fea";
                Feature defaultData = fe.readFeature(defaultpath);

                //Features that will be used
                Feature finalfeatureData = new Feature();

                //Here are the beta values in logistic regression.
                finalfeatureData.Initial = featureData.Initial * 0.5 + defaultData.Initial * 0.5;
                finalfeatureData.numChargeStates = featureData.numChargeStates * 0.5 + defaultData.numChargeStates * 0.5;
                finalfeatureData.ScanDensity = featureData.ScanDensity * 0.5 + defaultData.ScanDensity * 0.5;
                finalfeatureData.numModiStates = featureData.numModiStates * 0.5 + defaultData.numModiStates * 0.5;
                finalfeatureData.totalVolume = featureData.totalVolume * 0.5 + defaultData.totalVolume * 0.5;
                finalfeatureData.ExpectedA = featureData.ExpectedA * 0.5 + defaultData.ExpectedA * 0.5;
                finalfeatureData.CentroidScan = featureData.CentroidScan * 0.5 + defaultData.CentroidScan * 0.5;
                finalfeatureData.numOfScan = featureData.numOfScan * 0.5 + defaultData.numOfScan * 0.5;
                finalfeatureData.avgSigNoise = featureData.avgSigNoise * 0.5 + defaultData.avgSigNoise * 0.5;

                //Generate scores.
                SupervisedLearner sl = new SupervisedLearner();
                AllFinalResults[Count] = sl.Scorings(LRLR, finalfeatureData, paradata);
            return AllFinalResults;
コード例 #3
        public List<ResultsGroup>[] evaluate(OpenFileDialog FileLinks, Feature featureData)
            List<ResultsGroup>[] AllFinalResults = new List<ResultsGroup>[Convert.ToInt32(FileLinks.FileNames.Count())];
            Int32 Count = 0;
            //Each data file is treated separately, hence the for loop.
            foreach (String filename in FileLinks.FileNames)
                //Get the Parameters.
                ParametersForm parameterForm = new ParametersForm();
                ParametersForm.ParameterSettings parameters = parameterForm.GetParameters();

                //Perform the First and second grouping and getting data for the features by the Grouping function.
                List<ResultsGroup> LRLR = new List<ResultsGroup>();
                LRLR = Groupings(filename, parameters);

                //Generate scores.
                SupervisedLearner sl = new SupervisedLearner();
                AllFinalResults[Count] = sl.Scorings(LRLR, featureData, parameters);
            return AllFinalResults;
コード例 #4
        //This is used by the Features class to evaluate the features
        public List<ResultsGroup>[] EvaluateFeature(OpenFileDialog FileLinks, List<CompositionHypothesisEntry> comhyp, Feature dfeatureData)
            //Initialize storage variables.
            List<ResultsGroup>[] AllFinalResults = new List<ResultsGroup>[Convert.ToInt32(FileLinks.FileNames.Count())];
            Int32 Count = 0;
            //Each data file is treated separately, hence the for loop.
            foreach (String filename in FileLinks.FileNames)
                //Get the Parameters.
                ParametersForm parameter = new ParametersForm();
                ParametersForm.ParameterSettings paradata = parameter.GetParameters();

                //Perform the First and second grouping, matching and getting data for the features by the Grouping function.
                Double Mas = new Double();
                Mas = adductMass(comhyp);
                List<ResultsGroup> LRLR = new List<ResultsGroup>();
                LRLR = Groupings(filename, paradata, Mas, comhyp);

                //Error prevention
                if (LRLR.Count == 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("There is no match between the hypothesis and the data. Unable to generate results from the file:" + filename);
                    List<ResultsGroup> FinalResult = LRLR;
                    AllFinalResults[Count] = FinalResult;

                //##############Logistic Regression####################
                Feature featureData = FitLogisticRegression(LRLR);

                //Generate scores.
                AllFinalResults[Count] = Scorings(LRLR, featureData, paradata);
            return AllFinalResults;
コード例 #5
 //Edit Parameters Button
 private void button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     ParametersForm pd = new ParametersForm();
コード例 #6
 //This is the Save Parameter button. Clicking on it shows saveFileDialog1.
 private void button14_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     ParametersForm savepara = new ParametersForm();
コード例 #7
 //This is the Apply Changes button on top of unsupervised learning. It applies the Parameters.
 private void button24_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     ParametersForm para = new ParametersForm();
コード例 #8
 //This is the lod dialog for load Parameters.
 private void button22_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     ParametersForm loadpara = new ParametersForm();
コード例 #9
        //this "Grouping" function performs the grouping.
        private List<ResultsGroup> Groupings(String filename, ParametersForm.ParameterSettings modelParameters, Double Mas, List<CompositionHypothesisEntry> comhyp)
            GetDeconData DeconDATA1 = new GetDeconData();

            List<string> elementIDs = new List<string>();
            List<string> molename = new List<string>();
            for (int i = 0; i < comhyp.Count(); i++ )
                if (comhyp[i].ElementNames.Count > 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < comhyp[i].ElementNames.Count(); j++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < comhyp[i].MoleculeNames.Count(); j++)
            List<DeconRow> sortedDeconData = new List<DeconRow>();;
            sortedDeconData = DeconDATA1.getdata(filename);
            //First, sort the list descendingly by its abundance.
            sortedDeconData = sortedDeconData.OrderByDescending(a => a.abundance).ToList();
            //################Second, create a new list to store results from the first grouping.###############
            List<ResultsGroup> fgResults = new List<ResultsGroup>();
            ResultsGroup GR2 = new ResultsGroup();
            Int32 currentMaxBin = new Int32();
            currentMaxBin = 1;
            GR2.DeconRow = sortedDeconData[0];
            GR2.MostAbundant = true;
            GR2.NumOfScan = 1;
            GR2.MinScanNum = sortedDeconData[0].ScanNum;
            GR2.MaxScanNum = sortedDeconData[0].ScanNum;
            GR2.ChargeStateList = new List<int>();
            GR2.AvgSigNoiseList = new List<Double>();
            GR2.AvgAA2List = new List<double>();
            GR2.AvgAA2List.Add(sortedDeconData[0].MonoisotopicAbundance / (sortedDeconData[0].MonoisotopicPlus2Abundance + 1));
            GR2.ScanNumList = new List<Int32>();
            GR2.NumModiStates = 1;
            GR2.TotalVolume = sortedDeconData[0].abundance * sortedDeconData[0].fwhm;
            GR2.ListAbundance = new List<double>();
            GR2.ListMonoMassWeight = new List<double>();
            for (int j = 1; j < sortedDeconData.Count; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < fgResults.Count; i++)
                    //Obtain grouping error. Note: its in ppm, so it needs to be multiplied by 0.000001.
                    Double GroupingError = fgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight * modelParameters.GroupingErrorEG * 0.000001;
                    if ((sortedDeconData[j].MonoisotopicMassWeight < (fgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight + GroupingError) && (sortedDeconData[j].MonoisotopicMassWeight > (fgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight - GroupingError))))
                        if (fgResults[i].MaxScanNum < sortedDeconData[j].ScanNum)
                            fgResults[i].MaxScanNum = sortedDeconData[j].ScanNum;
                        else if (fgResults[i].MinScanNum > sortedDeconData[j].ScanNum)
                            fgResults[i].MinScanNum = sortedDeconData[j].ScanNum;
                        fgResults[i].NumOfScan = fgResults[i].NumOfScan + 1;
                        fgResults[i].TotalVolume = fgResults[i].TotalVolume + sortedDeconData[j].abundance * sortedDeconData[j].fwhm;
                        fgResults[i].AvgAA2List.Add(sortedDeconData[j].MonoisotopicAbundance / (sortedDeconData[j].MonoisotopicPlus2Abundance + 1));

                    if (i == fgResults.Count - 1)
                        ResultsGroup GR = new ResultsGroup();
                        currentMaxBin = currentMaxBin + 1;
                        GR.DeconRow = sortedDeconData[j];
                        GR.MostAbundant = true;
                        GR.NumOfScan = 1;
                        GR.MinScanNum = sortedDeconData[j].ScanNum;
                        GR.MaxScanNum = sortedDeconData[j].ScanNum;
                        GR.ChargeStateList = new List<int>();
                        GR.AvgSigNoiseList = new List<Double>();
                        GR.AvgAA2List = new List<double>();
                        GR.AvgAA2List.Add(sortedDeconData[j].MonoisotopicAbundance / (sortedDeconData[j].MonoisotopicPlus2Abundance + 1));
                        GR.ScanNumList = new List<int>();
                        GR.NumModiStates = 1;
                        GR.TotalVolume = sortedDeconData[j].abundance * sortedDeconData[j].fwhm;
                        GR.ListAbundance = new List<double>();
                        GR.ListMonoMassWeight = new List<double>();
            //Lastly calculate the Average Weighted Abundance
            for (int y = 0; y < fgResults.Count(); y++)
                Double sumofTopPart = 0;
                for (int z = 0; z < fgResults[y].ListMonoMassWeight.Count(); z++)
                    sumofTopPart = sumofTopPart + fgResults[y].ListMonoMassWeight[z] * fgResults[y].ListAbundance[z];
                fgResults[y].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight = sumofTopPart / fgResults[y].ListAbundance.Sum();

            //######################## Here is the second grouping. ################################
            fgResults = fgResults.OrderBy(o => o.DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight).ToList();
            if (Mas != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < fgResults.Count - 1; i++)
                    if (fgResults[i].MostAbundant == true)
                        int numModStates = 1;
                        for (int j = i + 1; j < fgResults.Count; j++)
                            Double AdductTolerance = fgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight * modelParameters.AdductToleranceEA * 0.000001;
                            if ((fgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight >= (fgResults[j].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight - Mas * numModStates - AdductTolerance)) && (fgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight <= (fgResults[j].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight - Mas * numModStates + AdductTolerance)))
                                //obtain max and min scan number
                                if (fgResults[i].MaxScanNum < fgResults[j].MaxScanNum)
                                    fgResults[i].MaxScanNum = fgResults[j].MaxScanNum;
                                    fgResults[i].MaxScanNum = fgResults[i].MaxScanNum;

                                if (fgResults[i].MinScanNum > fgResults[j].MinScanNum)
                                    fgResults[i].MinScanNum = fgResults[j].MinScanNum;
                                    fgResults[i].MinScanNum = fgResults[i].MinScanNum;
                                fgResults[i].NumOfScan = fgResults[i].NumOfScan + fgResults[j].NumOfScan;
                                for (int h = 0; h < fgResults[j].ChargeStateList.Count; h++)
                                for (int h = 0; h < fgResults[j].AvgSigNoiseList.Count; h++)
                                for (int h = 0; h < fgResults[j].AvgAA2List.Count; h++)
                                fgResults[i].NumModiStates = fgResults[i].NumModiStates + 1;
                                fgResults[j].MostAbundant = false;
                                fgResults[i].TotalVolume = fgResults[i].TotalVolume + fgResults[j].TotalVolume;
                                if (fgResults[i].DeconRow.abundance < fgResults[j].DeconRow.abundance)
                                    fgResults[i].DeconRow = fgResults[j].DeconRow;
                                    numModStates = 1;
                            else if (fgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight < (fgResults[j].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight - (Mas + AdductTolerance * 2) * numModStates))
                                //save running time. Since the list is sorted, any other mass below won't match as an adduct.
                for (int i = 0; i < fgResults.Count; i++)
                    fgResults[i].NumModiStates = 0;
            List<ResultsGroup> sgResults = new List<ResultsGroup>();
            //Implement the scan number threshold
            fgResults = fgResults.OrderByDescending(a => a.NumOfScan).ToList();
            Int32 scanCutOff = fgResults.Count() + 1;
            for (int t = 0; t < fgResults.Count(); t++)
                if (fgResults[t].NumOfScan < modelParameters.MinScanNumber)
                    scanCutOff = t;
            if (scanCutOff != fgResults.Count() + 1)
                fgResults.RemoveRange(scanCutOff, fgResults.Count() - scanCutOff);

            //############# This is the matching part. It matches the composition hypothesis with the grouped decon data.############
            String[] MolNames = new String[17];

            //These numOfMatches and lists are used to fit the linear regression model for Expect A: A+2. They are put here to decrease the already-int running time.
            Int32 numOfMatches = new Int32();
            List<Double> moleWeightforA = new List<Double>();
            List<Double> AARatio = new List<Double>();
            //Used to obtain all available bins for centroid scan error.
            //Read the other lines for compTable data.
            fgResults = fgResults.OrderByDescending(a => a.DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight).ToList();
            comhyp = comhyp.OrderByDescending(b => b.MassWeight).ToList();
            bool hasMatch = false;
            int lastMatch = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < fgResults.Count; j++)
                if (fgResults[j].MostAbundant == true)
                    lastMatch = lastMatch - 4;
                    if (lastMatch < 0)
                        lastMatch = 0;
                    for (int i = lastMatch; i < comhyp.Count; i++)

                        Double MatchingError = comhyp[i].MassWeight * modelParameters.MatchErrorEM * 0.000001;
                        if ((fgResults[j].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight <= (comhyp[i].MassWeight + MatchingError)) && (fgResults[j].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight >= (comhyp[i].MassWeight - MatchingError)))
                            ResultsGroup GR = new ResultsGroup();
                            GR = matchPassbyValue(fgResults[j], comhyp[i]);
                            //Stuffs for feature
                            lastMatch = i + 1;
                            hasMatch = true;
                        //Since the data is sorted, there are no more matches below that row, break it.
                        if (fgResults[j].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight > (comhyp[i].MassWeight + MatchingError))
                            if (hasMatch == false)
                                ResultsGroup GR = new ResultsGroup();
                                CompositionHypothesisEntry comhypi = new CompositionHypothesisEntry();
                                GR = fgResults[j];
                                GR.Match = false;
                                GR.PredictedComposition = comhypi;
                                lastMatch = i;
                                hasMatch = false;

            //##############Last part, this is to calculate the feature data needed for logistic regression###################
            //Expected A and Centroid Scan Error need linear regression. The models are built here separately.
            //In the this model. output is the Y axis and input is X.
            SimpleLinearRegression AA2regression = new SimpleLinearRegression();
            List<double> aainput = new List<double>();
            List<double> aaoutput = new List<double>();
            //Centroid Scan Error
            List<double> ccinput = new List<double>();
            List<double> ccoutput = new List<double>();
            if (numOfMatches > 3)
                for (int i = 0; i < sgResults.Count; i++)
                    if (sgResults[i].Match == true)
                        if (sgResults[i].AvgAA2List.Average() != 0)
                        if (sgResults[i].DeconRow.abundance > 250)
                for (int i = 0; i < sgResults.Count; i++)
                    if (sgResults[i].AvgAA2List.Average() != 0)
                    if (sgResults[i].DeconRow.abundance > 250)
            SimpleLinearRegression CSEregression = new SimpleLinearRegression();
            CSEregression.Regress(ccinput.ToArray(), ccoutput.ToArray());
            AA2regression.Regress(aainput.ToArray(), aaoutput.ToArray());

            //The remaining features and input them into the grouping results
            for (int i = 0; i < sgResults.Count; i++)
                //ScanDensiy is: Number of scan divided by (max scan number – min scan number)
                Double ScanDensity = new Double();
                Int32 MaxScanNumber = sgResults[i].MaxScanNum;
                Int32 MinScanNumber = sgResults[i].MinScanNum;
                Double NumOfScan = sgResults[i].NumOfScan;
                List<Int32> numChargeStatesList = sgResults[i].ChargeStateList.Distinct().ToList();
                Int32 numChargeStates = numChargeStatesList.Count;
                Double numModiStates = sgResults[i].NumModiStates;
                if ((MaxScanNumber - MinScanNumber) != 0)
                    ScanDensity = NumOfScan / (MaxScanNumber - MinScanNumber + 15);
                    ScanDensity = 0;
                //Use this scandensity for all molecules in this grouping.

                sgResults[i].NumChargeStates = numChargeStates;
                sgResults[i].ScanDensity = ScanDensity;
                sgResults[i].NumModiStates = numModiStates;
                sgResults[i].CentroidScanLR = CSEregression.Compute(sgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight);
                sgResults[i].CentroidScan = Math.Abs(sgResults[i].ScanNumList.Average() - sgResults[i].CentroidScanLR);
                sgResults[i].ExpectedA = Math.Abs(sgResults[i].AvgAA2List.Average() - AA2regression.Compute(sgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight));
                sgResults[i].AvgSigNoise = sgResults[i].AvgSigNoiseList.Average();
            for (int i = 0; i < sgResults.Count(); i++ )

                if (i == sgResults.Count() - 1)
                    sgResults[0].PredictedComposition.ElementNames = elementIDs;
                    sgResults[0].PredictedComposition.MoleculeNames = molename;
            return sgResults;
コード例 #10
        //This runs the linear regression and generate score for the grouping results
        public List<ResultsGroup> Scorings(List<ResultsGroup> LRLR, Feature featureData, ParametersForm.ParameterSettings paradata)
            //Now, load current features from the software, if it doesn't exist, use default features.
            Features fea = new Features();
            Feature dfeatureData = fea.readFeature();
            String defaultpath = Application.StartupPath + "\\FeatureDefault.fea";
            Feature defaultData = fea.readFeature(defaultpath);
            Double initial = featureData.Initial * 0.9 + dfeatureData.Initial * 0.05 + defaultData.Initial * 0.05;
            Double bnumChargeStates = featureData.numChargeStates * 0.9 + dfeatureData.numChargeStates * 0.05 + defaultData.numChargeStates * 0.05;
            Double bScanDensity = featureData.ScanDensity * 0.9 + dfeatureData.ScanDensity * 0.05 + defaultData.ScanDensity * 0.05;
            Double bnumModiStates = featureData.numModiStates * 0.9 + dfeatureData.numModiStates * 0.05 + defaultData.numModiStates * 0.05;
            Double btotalVolume = featureData.totalVolume * 0.9 + dfeatureData.totalVolume * 0.05 + defaultData.totalVolume * 0.05;
            Double bExpectedA = featureData.ExpectedA * 0.9 + dfeatureData.totalVolume * 0.05 + defaultData.totalVolume * 0.05;
            Double bCentroid = featureData.CentroidScan * 0.9 + dfeatureData.CentroidScan * 0.05 + defaultData.CentroidScan * 0.05;
            Double bnumOfScan = featureData.numOfScan * 0.9 + dfeatureData.numOfScan * 0.05 + defaultData.numOfScan * 0.05;
            Double bavgSigNoise = featureData.avgSigNoise * 0.9 + dfeatureData.avgSigNoise * 0.05 + defaultData.avgSigNoise * 0.05;

            if (dfeatureData.Initial != defaultData.Initial)
            //Here are the beta values in logistic regression. 0.75 is from default, 0.25 is from calculation.
                 initial = featureData.Initial * 0.7 + dfeatureData.Initial * 0.2 + defaultData.Initial * 0.1;
                 bnumChargeStates = featureData.numChargeStates * 0.7 + dfeatureData.numChargeStates * 0.2 + defaultData.numChargeStates * 0.1;
                 bScanDensity = featureData.ScanDensity * 0.7 + dfeatureData.ScanDensity * 0.2 + defaultData.ScanDensity * 0.1;
                 bnumModiStates = featureData.numModiStates * 0.7 + dfeatureData.numModiStates * 0.2 + defaultData.numModiStates * 0.1;
                 btotalVolume = featureData.totalVolume * 0.7 + dfeatureData.totalVolume * 0.2 + defaultData.totalVolume * 0.1;
                 bExpectedA = featureData.ExpectedA * 0.7 + dfeatureData.totalVolume * 0.2 + defaultData.totalVolume * 0.1;
                 bCentroid = featureData.CentroidScan * 0.7 + dfeatureData.CentroidScan * 0.2 + defaultData.CentroidScan * 0.1;
                 bnumOfScan = featureData.numOfScan * 0.7 + dfeatureData.numOfScan * 0.2 + defaultData.numOfScan * 0.1;
                 bavgSigNoise = featureData.avgSigNoise * 0.7 + dfeatureData.avgSigNoise * 0.2 + defaultData.avgSigNoise * 0.1;

            Double e = Math.E;
                //Now calculate the scores for each of them.
                Double scoreInput = new Double();
                Double Score = new Double();
                for (int o = 0; o < LRLR.Count; o++)
                    scoreInput = (initial + bnumChargeStates * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[o].NumChargeStates) + bScanDensity * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[o].ScanDensity) + bnumModiStates * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[o].NumModiStates) + btotalVolume * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[o].TotalVolume) + bExpectedA * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[o].ExpectedA) + bCentroid * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[o].CentroidScan) + bnumOfScan * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[o].NumOfScan) + bavgSigNoise * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[o].AvgSigNoise));
                    Double store = Math.Pow(e, (-1 * scoreInput));
                    Score = 1 / (1 + store);
                    if (Score >= 0.5)
                        store = Math.Pow(e, (-0.6 * scoreInput));
                        Score = (0.8512 / (1 + store)) + 0.1488;
                        store = Math.Pow(e, (-0.6 * scoreInput -0.3));
                        Score = 1 / (1 + store);

                    LRLR[o].Score = Score;
                //Implement score threshold
                LRLR = LRLR.OrderByDescending(a => a.Score).ToList();

                if (LRLR[0].Score + LRLR[1].Score + LRLR[2].Score > 2.94)
                    scoreInput = (initial + bnumChargeStates * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[0].NumChargeStates) + bScanDensity * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[0].ScanDensity) + bnumModiStates * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[0].NumModiStates) + btotalVolume * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[0].TotalVolume) + bExpectedA * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[0].ExpectedA) + bCentroid * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[0].CentroidScan) + bnumOfScan * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[0].NumOfScan) + bavgSigNoise * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[0].AvgSigNoise));
                    scoreInput = scoreInput + (initial + bnumChargeStates * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[1].NumChargeStates) + bScanDensity * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[1].ScanDensity) + bnumModiStates * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[1].NumModiStates) + btotalVolume * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[1].TotalVolume) + bExpectedA * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[1].ExpectedA) + bCentroid * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[1].CentroidScan) + bnumOfScan * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[1].NumOfScan) + bavgSigNoise * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[1].AvgSigNoise));
                    scoreInput = scoreInput + (initial + bnumChargeStates * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[2].NumChargeStates) + bScanDensity * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[2].ScanDensity) + bnumModiStates * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[2].NumModiStates) + btotalVolume * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[2].TotalVolume) + bExpectedA * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[2].ExpectedA) + bCentroid * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[2].CentroidScan) + bnumOfScan * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[2].NumOfScan) + bavgSigNoise * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[2].AvgSigNoise));
                    scoreInput = scoreInput / 3;
                    Double n = -2.9444389791664404600090274318879 / scoreInput;
                    for (int o = 0; o < LRLR.Count; o++)
                        if (LRLR[o].Score >= 0.57444251681)
                            scoreInput = (initial + bnumChargeStates * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[o].NumChargeStates) + bScanDensity * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[o].ScanDensity) + bnumModiStates * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[o].NumModiStates) + btotalVolume * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[o].TotalVolume) + bExpectedA * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[o].ExpectedA) + bCentroid * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[o].CentroidScan) + bnumOfScan * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[o].NumOfScan) + bavgSigNoise * Convert.ToDouble(LRLR[o].AvgSigNoise));
                            Double store = Math.Pow(e, (n* scoreInput));
                            Score = (0.8512 / (1 + store)) + 0.1488;
                            LRLR[o].Score = Score;

                Int32 scoreCutOff = LRLR.Count() + 1;
                for (int t = 0; t < LRLR.Count(); t++)
                    if (LRLR[t].Score < paradata.MinScoreThreshold)
                        scoreCutOff = t;
                if (scoreCutOff != LRLR.Count() + 1)
                    LRLR.RemoveRange(scoreCutOff, LRLR.Count() - scoreCutOff);
                for (int o = 0; o < LRLR.Count; o++)
                    LRLR[o].Score = 0;

            return LRLR;
コード例 #11
        public static StreamWriter WriteResultsToStream(StreamWriter writer, List<ResultsGroup> results, List<String> elementNames, List<String> moleculeNames)
            String header = "Score,MassSpec MW,Compound Key,PeptideSequence,PPM Error,#ofAdduct,#ofCharges,#ofScans,ScanDensity,Avg A:A+2 Error,A:A+2 Ratio,Total Volume,Signal to Noise Ratio,Centroid Scan Error,Centroid Scan,MaxScanNumber,MinScanNumber";
            foreach(var element in elementNames){
                header += "," + element;
            header += ",Hypothesis MW";

            foreach (var name in moleculeNames)
                header += ("," + name);

            header += ",Adduct/Replacement,Adduct Amount,PeptideModification,PeptideMissedCleavage#,#ofGlycanAttachmentToPeptide,StartAA,EndAA,ProteinID";
            ParametersForm pr = new ParametersForm();
            ParametersForm.ParameterSettings parameterInfo = pr.GetParameters();
            for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
                ResultsGroup result = results[i];
                DeconRow observed = result.DeconRow;
                CompositionHypothesisEntry hypothesis = result.PredictedComposition;
                //If this is a prediction, emit in one format
                if (hypothesis.MassWeight != 0)

                    double ppmError = ((observed.MonoisotopicMassWeight - hypothesis.MassWeight) / observed.MonoisotopicMassWeight);
                    ppmError *= 1000000;
                    writer.Write(result.Score + "," + observed.MonoisotopicMassWeight + "," +
                        hypothesis.CompoundComposition + "," + hypothesis.PepSequence + ","
                        + ppmError + "," + result.NumModiStates + "," + result.NumChargeStates + ","
                        + result.NumOfScan + "," + result.ScanDensity + "," + result.ExpectedA + ","
                        + (observed.MonoisotopicAbundance / (observed.MonoisotopicPlus2Abundance + 1)) + ","
                        + result.TotalVolume + "," + observed.SignalNoiseRatio + ","
                        + result.CentroidScan + "," + observed.ScanNum + ","
                        + result.MaxScanNum + "," + result.MinScanNum
                    for (int j = 0; j < elementNames.Count; j++)
                        writer.Write("," + hypothesis.ElementAmount[j]);
                    writer.Write("," + hypothesis.MassWeight);
                    for (int j = 0; j < moleculeNames.Count; j++)
                        writer.Write("," + hypothesis.eqCounts[j]);
                    writer.WriteLine("," + hypothesis.AddRep + "," + hypothesis.AdductNum + ","
                        + hypothesis.PepModification + "," + hypothesis.MissedCleavages + ","
                        + hypothesis.NumGlycosylations + "," + hypothesis.StartAA + ","
                        + hypothesis.EndAA + "," + hypothesis.ProteinID);

                    writer.Write(result.Score + "," + result.DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight + "," + 0 + "" + "," + "," + 0 + "," + result.NumModiStates + "," + result.NumChargeStates + "," + result.NumOfScan + "," + result.ScanDensity + "," + result.ExpectedA + "," + (result.DeconRow.MonoisotopicAbundance / (result.DeconRow.MonoisotopicPlus2Abundance + 1)) + "," + result.TotalVolume + "," + result.DeconRow.SignalNoiseRatio + "," + result.CentroidScan + "," + result.DeconRow.ScanNum + "," + result.MaxScanNum + "," + result.MinScanNum);
                    for (int s = 0; s < elementNames.Count(); s++)
                        writer.Write("," + 0);
                    writer.Write("," + 0);
                    for (int s = 0; s < moleculeNames.Count(); s++)
                        writer.Write("," + 0);
                    writer.WriteLine("," + "N/A" + "," + 0 + "," + "" + "," + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0);

            return writer;
コード例 #12
        public List<DeconRow> getdata(String DeconData)
            ParametersForm parad = new ParametersForm();
            ParametersForm.ParameterSettings paradata = parad.GetParameters();

               // {
                FileStream fileinput = new FileStream(DeconData, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                StreamReader readdata = new StreamReader(fileinput);

                //The first line in the file contains the column names, we don't need it.
                while (readdata.Peek() >= 0)
                    DeconRow Row = new DeconRow();
                    String Line = readdata.ReadLine();
                    String[] column = Line.Split(',');
                    Row.ScanNum = Convert.ToInt32(column[0]);
                    Row.charge = Convert.ToInt32(column[1]);
                    Row.abundance = Convert.ToInt32(column[2]);
                    Row.mz = Convert.ToDouble(column[3]);
                    Row.fit = Convert.ToDouble(column[4]);
                    Row.average_mw = Convert.ToDouble(column[5]);
                    Row.MonoisotopicMassWeight = Convert.ToDouble(column[6]);
                    Row.mostabundant_mw = Convert.ToDouble(column[7]);
                    Row.fwhm = Convert.ToDouble(column[8]);
                    Row.SignalNoiseRatio = Convert.ToDouble(column[9]);
                    Row.MonoisotopicAbundance = Convert.ToInt32(column[10]);
                    Double mp2a = Convert.ToDouble(column[11]);
                    Row.MonoisotopicPlus2Abundance = Convert.ToInt32(mp2a);
                    //Flag maybe empty, so, special treatment.
                    if (column[12] == "")
                    { Row.flag = 0; }
                    { Row.flag = Convert.ToInt32(column[12]); }
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(column.Count()) == 14)
                        Row.interference_sore = Convert.ToDouble(column[13]);
                        Row.interference_sore = 0;
                    //Check if the data are within the boundaries of the Parameters
                    if (Row.abundance >= paradata.DataNoiseTheshold)
                        if (Row.MonoisotopicMassWeight <= paradata.MolecularWeightUpperBound)
                            if (Row.MonoisotopicMassWeight >= paradata.MolecularWeightLowerBound)
               // }
              //  catch(Exception ex)
              //  {
              //      MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not read DeconTools Data file from disk. Original error: " + ex.Message);
             //   }
            return DeconDATA;
コード例 #13
        //this Grouping function performs the grouping.
        private List<ResultsGroup> Groupings(String filename, ParametersForm.ParameterSettings paradata)
            GetDeconData DeconDATA1 = new GetDeconData();
            List<DeconRow> sortedDeconData = new List<DeconRow>();
            sortedDeconData = DeconDATA1.getdata(filename);
            //First, sort the list descendingly by its abundance.
            sortedDeconData = sortedDeconData.OrderByDescending(a => a.abundance).ToList();
            //################Second, create a new list to store results from the first grouping.###############
            List<ResultsGroup> fgResults = new List<ResultsGroup>();
            ResultsGroup GR2 = new ResultsGroup();
            GR2.PredictedComposition = new CompositionHypothesisEntry();
            Int32 currentMaxBin = new Int32();
            currentMaxBin = 1;
            GR2.DeconRow = sortedDeconData[0];
            GR2.MostAbundant = true;
            GR2.NumOfScan = 1;
            GR2.MinScanNum = sortedDeconData[0].ScanNum;
            GR2.MaxScanNum = sortedDeconData[0].ScanNum;
            GR2.ChargeStateList = new List<int>();
            GR2.AvgSigNoiseList = new List<Double>();
            GR2.AvgAA2List = new List<double>();
            GR2.AvgAA2List.Add(sortedDeconData[0].MonoisotopicAbundance / (sortedDeconData[0].MonoisotopicPlus2Abundance + 1));
            GR2.ScanNumList = new List<Int32>();
            GR2.NumModiStates = 1;
            GR2.TotalVolume = sortedDeconData[0].abundance * sortedDeconData[0].fwhm;
            GR2.ListAbundance = new List<double>();
            GR2.ListMonoMassWeight = new List<double>();
            for (int j = 1; j < sortedDeconData.Count; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < fgResults.Count; i++)
                    //Obtain grouping error. Note: its in ppm, so it needs to be multiplied by 0.000001.
                    Double GroupingError = fgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight * paradata.GroupingErrorEG * 0.000001;
                    if ((sortedDeconData[j].MonoisotopicMassWeight < (fgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight + GroupingError) && (sortedDeconData[j].MonoisotopicMassWeight > (fgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight - GroupingError))))
                        if (fgResults[i].MaxScanNum < sortedDeconData[j].ScanNum)
                            fgResults[i].MaxScanNum = sortedDeconData[j].ScanNum;
                        else if (fgResults[i].MinScanNum > sortedDeconData[j].ScanNum)
                            fgResults[i].MinScanNum = sortedDeconData[j].ScanNum;
                        fgResults[i].NumOfScan = fgResults[i].NumOfScan + 1;
                        fgResults[i].TotalVolume = fgResults[i].TotalVolume + sortedDeconData[j].abundance * sortedDeconData[j].fwhm;
                        fgResults[i].AvgAA2List.Add(sortedDeconData[j].MonoisotopicAbundance / (sortedDeconData[j].MonoisotopicPlus2Abundance + 1));

                    if (i == fgResults.Count - 1)
                        ResultsGroup GR = new ResultsGroup();
                        GR.PredictedComposition = new CompositionHypothesisEntry();
                        currentMaxBin = currentMaxBin + 1;
                        GR.DeconRow = sortedDeconData[j];
                        GR.MostAbundant = true;
                        GR.NumOfScan = 1;
                        GR.MinScanNum = sortedDeconData[j].ScanNum;
                        GR.MaxScanNum = sortedDeconData[j].ScanNum;
                        GR.ChargeStateList = new List<int>();
                        GR.AvgSigNoiseList = new List<Double>();
                        GR.AvgAA2List = new List<double>();
                        GR.AvgAA2List.Add(sortedDeconData[j].MonoisotopicAbundance / (sortedDeconData[j].MonoisotopicPlus2Abundance + 1));
                        GR.ScanNumList = new List<int>();
                        GR.NumModiStates = 1;
                        GR.TotalVolume = sortedDeconData[j].abundance * sortedDeconData[j].fwhm;
                        GR.ListAbundance = new List<double>();
                        GR.ListMonoMassWeight = new List<double>();
            //Lastly calculate the Average Weighted Abundance
            for (int y = 0; y < fgResults.Count(); y++)
                Double sumofTopPart = 0;
                for (int z = 0; z < fgResults[y].ListMonoMassWeight.Count(); z++)
                    sumofTopPart = sumofTopPart + fgResults[y].ListMonoMassWeight[z] * fgResults[y].ListAbundance[z];
                fgResults[y].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight = sumofTopPart / fgResults[y].ListAbundance.Sum();

            //######################## Here is the second grouping for NH3. ################################
                fgResults = fgResults.OrderBy(o => o.DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight).ToList();
                for (int i = 0; i < fgResults.Count - 1; i++)
                    if (fgResults[i].MostAbundant == true)
                        int numModStates = 1;
                        for (int j = i + 1; j < fgResults.Count; j++)
                            Double AdductTolerance = fgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight * paradata.AdductToleranceEA * 0.000001;
                            if ((fgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight >= (fgResults[j].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight - 17.02654911 * numModStates - AdductTolerance)) && (fgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight <= (fgResults[j].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight - 17.02654911 * numModStates + AdductTolerance)))
                                //obtain max and min scan number
                                if (fgResults[i].MaxScanNum < fgResults[j].MaxScanNum)
                                    fgResults[i].MaxScanNum = fgResults[j].MaxScanNum;
                                    fgResults[i].MaxScanNum = fgResults[i].MaxScanNum;

                                if (fgResults[i].MinScanNum > fgResults[j].MinScanNum)
                                    fgResults[i].MinScanNum = fgResults[j].MinScanNum;
                                    fgResults[i].MinScanNum = fgResults[i].MinScanNum;
                                fgResults[i].NumOfScan = fgResults[i].NumOfScan + fgResults[j].NumOfScan;
                                for (int h = 0; h < fgResults[j].ChargeStateList.Count; h++)
                                for (int h = 0; h < fgResults[j].AvgSigNoiseList.Count; h++)
                                for (int h = 0; h < fgResults[j].AvgAA2List.Count; h++)
                                fgResults[i].NumModiStates = fgResults[i].NumModiStates + 1;
                                fgResults[j].MostAbundant = false;
                                fgResults[i].TotalVolume = fgResults[i].TotalVolume + fgResults[j].TotalVolume;
                                if (fgResults[i].DeconRow.abundance < fgResults[j].DeconRow.abundance)
                                    fgResults[i].DeconRow = fgResults[j].DeconRow;
                                    numModStates = 1;
                            else if (fgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight < (fgResults[j].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight - (17.02654911 + AdductTolerance * 2) * numModStates))
                                //save running time. Since the list is sorted, any other mass below won't match as an adduct.

            //Implement the scan number threshold
            fgResults = fgResults.OrderByDescending(a => a.NumOfScan).ToList();
            Int32 scanCutOff = fgResults.Count() + 1;
            for (int t = 0; t < fgResults.Count(); t++)
                if (fgResults[t].NumOfScan < paradata.MinScanNumber)
                    scanCutOff = t;
            if (scanCutOff != fgResults.Count() + 1)
                fgResults.RemoveRange(scanCutOff, fgResults.Count() - scanCutOff);

            for (int i = 0; i < fgResults.Count(); i++)
                fgResults[i].Match = false;

            //##############Last part, this is to calculate the feature data needed for logistic regression###################
            //Expected A and Centroid Scan Error need linear regression. The models are built here separately.
            //In the this model. output is the Y axis and input is X.
            SimpleLinearRegression AA2regression = new SimpleLinearRegression();
            List<double> aainput = new List<double>();
            List<double> aaoutput = new List<double>();
            //Centroid Scan Error
            List<double> ccinput = new List<double>();
            List<double> ccoutput = new List<double>();
            for (int i = 0; i < fgResults.Count; i++)
                if (fgResults[i].AvgAA2List.Average() != 0)
                if (fgResults[i].DeconRow.abundance > 250)

            SimpleLinearRegression CSEregression = new SimpleLinearRegression();
            CSEregression.Regress(ccinput.ToArray(), ccoutput.ToArray());
            AA2regression.Regress(aainput.ToArray(), aaoutput.ToArray());

            //The remaining features and input them into the grouping results
            for (int i = 0; i < fgResults.Count; i++)
                //ScanDensiy is: Number of scan divided by (max scan number – min scan number)
                Double ScanDensity = new Double();
                Int32 MaxScanNumber = fgResults[i].MaxScanNum;
                Int32 MinScanNumber = fgResults[i].MinScanNum;
                Double NumOfScan = fgResults[i].NumOfScan;
                List<Int32> numChargeStatesList = fgResults[i].ChargeStateList.Distinct().ToList();
                Int32 numChargeStates = numChargeStatesList.Count;
                Double numModiStates = fgResults[i].NumModiStates;
                if ((MaxScanNumber - MinScanNumber) != 0)
                    ScanDensity = NumOfScan / (MaxScanNumber - MinScanNumber + 15);
                    ScanDensity = 0;
                //Use this scandensity for all molecules in this grouping.

                fgResults[i].NumChargeStates = numChargeStates;
                fgResults[i].ScanDensity = ScanDensity;
                fgResults[i].NumModiStates = numModiStates;
                fgResults[i].CentroidScanLR = CSEregression.Compute(fgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight);
                fgResults[i].CentroidScan = Math.Abs(fgResults[i].ScanNumList.Average() - fgResults[i].CentroidScanLR);
                fgResults[i].ExpectedA = Math.Abs(fgResults[i].AvgAA2List.Average() - AA2regression.Compute(fgResults[i].DeconRow.MonoisotopicMassWeight));
                fgResults[i].AvgSigNoise = fgResults[i].AvgSigNoiseList.Average();
            return fgResults;