protected void btnChangePin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserBLL user = new UserBLL(); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentPinTextBox.Text.Trim())) { msgbox.Visible = true; msgTitleLabel.Text = "Validation!!!"; msgDetailLabel.Text = "Current Pin field is required."; msgbox.Attributes.Add("Class", "alert alert-warning"); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newPinTextBox.Text.Trim())) { msgbox.Visible = true; msgTitleLabel.Text = "Validation!!!"; msgDetailLabel.Text = "New Pin field is required."; msgbox.Attributes.Add("Class", "alert alert-warning"); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(confirmNewPinTextBox.Text.Trim())) { msgbox.Visible = true; msgTitleLabel.Text = "Validation!!!"; msgDetailLabel.Text = "Confirm New Pin field is required."; msgbox.Attributes.Add("Class", "alert alert-warning"); } else if (newPinTextBox.Text.Trim() != confirmNewPinTextBox.Text.Trim()) { msgbox.Visible = true; msgTitleLabel.Text = "Validation!!!"; msgDetailLabel.Text = "New Pin & Confirm New Pin do not match."; msgbox.Attributes.Add("Class", "alert alert-warning"); } else { // user.UserId = LumexSessionManager.Get("ActiveLoginId").ToString(); /*need to modify this validateUser. */ if (user.varifypin((string)LumexSessionManager.Get("ActiveUserId"), currentPinTextBox.Text.Trim())) { user.UpdateUserPin((string)LumexSessionManager.Get("ActiveUserId"), confirmNewPinTextBox.Text.Trim()); string message = "Pin <span class='actionTopic'>Updated</span> Successfully."; MyAlertBox("var callbackOk = function () { MyOverlayStart(); window.location = \"/setting/User/pinset.aspx\"; }; SuccessAlert(\"" + "Process Succeed" + "\", \"" + message + "\", callbackOk);"); } else { string message = "<span class='actionTopic'>Invalid</span> Current Pin. You can't change your pin."; MyAlertBox("ErrorAlert(\"" + "Process Failed" + "\", \"" + message + "\");"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { string message = ex.Message; if (ex.InnerException != null) { message += " --> " + ex.InnerException.Message; } MyAlertBox("ErrorAlert(\"" + ex.GetType() + "\", \"" + message + "\", \"\");"); } finally { user = null; } }
protected void btnCommissionOK_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserAccountBLL accountBll = new UserAccountBLL(); UserBLL userBll = new UserBLL(); accountBll.Amount = txtbxCommissionAmount.Text.Trim(); userBll.UserId = (string) LumexSessionManager.Get("ActiveUserId"); if (userBll.varifypin(userBll.UserId,txtbxPinCommission.Text)) { if (Convert.ToDecimal(accountBll.Amount) <= Convert.ToDecimal(lvlCommision.Text)) { bool status = accountBll.UpdateUserIncomeBalanceFromCommission( (string) LumexSessionManager.Get("ActiveUserId"), accountBll.Amount); if (status) { string message = " <span class='actionTopic'>" + " Income Balance Updated Successfully " + "</span>."; MyAlertBox( "var callbackOk = function () { window.location = \"/a/account/myaccount.aspx\"; }; SuccessAlert(\"" + "Process Succeed" + "\", \"" + message + "\", callbackOk);"); } else { string message = " <span class='actionTopic'>" + " Transfer Failed " + "</span>."; MyAlertBox( "var callbackOk = function () { window.location = \"/\"; }; SuccessAlert(\"" + "Process Succeed" + "\", \"" + message + "\", \"\");"); } } else { string message = " <span class='actionTopic'>" + "Sorry You don't have sufficent Balance." + "</span>."; MyAlertBox( "var callbackOk = function () { window.location = \"/\"; }; WarningAlert(\"" + "Warning!!" + "\", \"" + message + "\", \"\");"); } } else { string message = " <span class='actionTopic'>" + " Invalid Pin. " + "</span>."; MyAlertBox( "var callbackOk = function () { window.location = \"/\"; }; WarningAlert(\"" + "Warning!!" + "\", \"" + message + "\", \"\");"); } }
protected void btnActivation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { UserBLL user = new UserBLL(); if (user.varifypin((string)LumexSessionManager.Get("ActiveUserId"), txtbxUserPin.Text)) { UserAccountBLL userAccount = new UserAccountBLL(); StakeInfoBLL stakeInfo = new StakeInfoBLL(); MailContactBLL mailContactBll = new MailContactBLL(); UserBLL userBll = new UserBLL(); bool status = userAccount.UpdateUserAccount((string)LumexSessionManager.Get("ActiveUserId"), ddlStakeList.SelectedValue, txtbxStakeKey.Text.Trim()); if (status) { if (hdnfldRefActive.Value == "No") { ReceivePaymentWhenActive(); genologyBLL genology = new genologyBLL(); genology.GenerateBinaryNodeByChileId((string) LumexSessionManager.Get("ActiveUserId"),userAccount.Amount); } string message = " <span class='actionTopic'> Your Account is Activated successfully. Thanks" + "</span>."; MyAlertBox( "var callbackOk = function () { window.location = \"/a/initialdata/initialDataElement.aspx\"; }; SuccessAlert(\"" + "Process Succeed" + "\", \"" + message + "\", \"\");"); } else { } DataTable dt = stakeInfo.GetStakeInfoById(ddlStakeList.SelectedValue); string body = PopulateBody(dt); dt = userBll.GetUserInfoById((string) LumexSessionManager.Get("ActiveUserId")); mailContactBll.SendHtmlFormattedEmail(dt.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(), "Money Receipt", body); } } catch (Exception) { //throw; } }
protected void btnPurches_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { UserAccountBLL userAccount = new UserAccountBLL(); StakeInfoBLL stakeInfo = new StakeInfoBLL(); UserBLL user = new UserBLL(); if (user.varifypin((string)LumexSessionManager.Get("ActiveUserId"), txtbxUserPintoPurches.Text)) { DataTable dt = userAccount.getAccountSummaryById((string) LumexSessionManager.Get("ActiveUserId")); Decimal WalletAmount = 0; string totalcount = ""; if (ddlPaymentBy.SelectedValue == "1") { WalletAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["Income"].ToString()); } else if (ddlPaymentBy.SelectedValue == "2") { WalletAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["FxFund"].ToString()); } if (Convert.ToDecimal(lblTotalPrice.Text) <= WalletAmount) { ///NEW/// StakeInfoBLL stake = new StakeInfoBLL(); int TotalPin = Convert.ToInt16(txtbxNoStake.Text); DataTable dtstake = new DataTable(); DataRow dr = null; dtstake.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("StakeId")); dtstake.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("StakePin")); dtstake.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("IsActive")); for (int i = 0; i < TotalPin;) { string pinserial = GetSerialNumber(); dr = dtstake.NewRow(); if (!stake.CheckDuplicateKey(pinserial)) { dr["StakeId"] = ddlstakeList.SelectedValue; dr["StakePin"] = pinserial; dr["IsActive"] = "Yes"; dtstake.Rows.Add(dr); i++; } } if (dtstake.Rows.Count == TotalPin && TotalPin > 0) { bool status = stake.SaveGeneratedPin(dtstake); if (status) { dt = stakeInfo.updateKeyWhenPurchase(lblQuntity.Text, lblUnitPrice.Text, ddlstakeList.SelectedValue, ddlPaymentBy.SelectedValue); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { totalcount = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } string message = " <span class='actionTopic'>" + totalcount + "KEY purchase Successfully. Thanks" + "</span>."; MyAlertBox( "var callbackOk = function () { window.location = \"/a/stake/stakekeymanage.aspx\"; }; SuccessAlert(\"" + "Process Success" + "\", \"" + message + "\",callbackOk);"); getStakeKeyList(); } } } else { string message = " <span class='actionTopic'>" + "Sorry you don't have sufficent Amount to purchase KEY. Thanks" + "</span>."; MyAlertBox( "var callbackOk = function () { window.location = \"/a/initialdata/stakekeymanage.aspx\"; }; WarningAlert(\"" + "Process Failed" + "\", \"" + message + "\", \"\");"); } } else { string message = " <span class='actionTopic'>" +"Sorry Your PIN is not Correct. Input the correct one Thanks" + "</span>."; MyAlertBox( "var callbackOk = function () { window.location = \"/a/initialdata/stakekeymanage.aspx\"; }; WarningAlert(\"" + "Process Failed" + "\", \"" + message + "\", \"\");"); } } catch (Exception) { //throw; } }
protected void btnSendTo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataRow dr = null; UserBLL user = new UserBLL(); StakeInfoBLL stake = new StakeInfoBLL(); if (user.varifypin((string)LumexSessionManager.Get("ActiveUserId"), txtbxUserPin.Text.Trim())) { dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Serial")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("StakePin")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("StakeName")); for (int i = 0; i < gridviewSendKeyList.Rows.Count; i++) { dr = dt.NewRow(); Label lblSerial = (Label)gridviewSendKeyList.Rows[i].FindControl("lblSerial"); dr["Serial"] = lblSerial.Text; dr["StakeName"] = gridviewSendKeyList.Rows[i].Cells[1].Text.ToString(); dr["StakePin"] = gridviewSendKeyList.Rows[i].Cells[2].Text.ToString(); dt.Rows.Add(dr); } stake.sendto = txtbxTransferTo.Text; stake.transferBy = (string)LumexSessionManager.Get("ActiveUserId"); stake.sendSms = txtbxSendSMS.Text; if (stake.sendto != stake.transferBy) { bool status = stake.updateKeyonTransfer(dt); if (status) { string message = " <span class='actionTopic'>" + " This Pin is transfered successfully. Thanks" + "</span>."; MyAlertBox( "var callbackOk = function () { window.location = \"/a/stake/stakekeymanage.aspx\"; }; SuccessAlert(\"" + "Process Success" + "\", \"" + message + "\", callbackOk);"); } } else { string message = " <span class='actionTopic'>" + "Key Sender and Receiver will not Same. Thanks" + "</span>."; MyAlertBox( "var callbackOk = function () { window.location = \"/a/stake/stakekeymanage.aspx\"; }; WarningAlert(\"" + "Process Failed" + "\", \"" + message + "\", \"\");"); } } else { string message = " <span class='actionTopic'>" + " This Pin is already transfered, you can not Deactive this Pin. Thanks" + "</span>."; MyAlertBox( "var callbackOk = function () { window.location = \"/a/stake/stakekeymanage.aspx\"; }; WarningAlert(\"" + "Process Failed" + "\", \"" + message + "\", \"\");"); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public void btnRequestSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserAccountBLL account = new UserAccountBLL(); UserBLL userBll = new UserBLL(); account.Type = ddlType.SelectedValue; account.BankAccountNo = ddlPaymentMethod.SelectedItem.Text; account.TransferTo = txtbxTransferTo.Text.Trim(); account.SwiftCode = ddlPaymentMethod.SelectedValue; account.Pin = txtbxTransferPin.Text.Trim(); account.TransferNote = txtbxTransferNote.Text.Trim(); account.Amount = txtbxAmount.Text.Trim(); account.transfarType = ddlType.SelectedValue; string message = ""; if (account.checkUserIncomeAmounttoActin(30, (string)LumexSessionManager.Get("ActiveUserId"))) { if (userBll.varifypin((string)LumexSessionManager.Get("ActiveUserId"), account.Pin)) { if (ddlType.SelectedValue == "1") { if (Convert.ToDecimal(account.Amount) < 4000) { if (account.TransferTo != (string)LumexSessionManager.Get("ActiveUserId") && userBll.CheckDuplicateUser(account.TransferTo)) { account.Status = "A"; bool status = account.RequestToTransfer(); if (status) { account.updateUserAccountforTransfer(); account.updateWithdrawRequest(account.transfarId, "A"); message = "Payment <span class='actionTopic'>Fund Transfer</span> Successfully Done. Thanks."; MyAlertBox( "var callbackOk = function () { MyOverlayStart(); window.location = \"/a/account/withdraw.aspx\"; }; SuccessAlert(\"" + "Process Succeed" + "\", \"" + message + "\", callbackOk);"); } } else { message = "Please Give <span class='actionTopic'>Correct User Info </span> to Transfer."; MyAlertBox( "var callbackOk = function () { MyOverlayStart(); window.location = \"/a/account/withdraw.aspx\"; }; WarningAlert(\"" + "Warning!!" + "\", \"" + message + "\", \"\");"); } } else { account.Status = "P"; bool status = account.RequestToTransfer(); if (status) { account.updateUserAccountforTransfer(); message = "Payment <span class='actionTopic'>Transfer Request</span> Successfully Done. Thanks."; MyAlertBox( "var callbackOk = function () { MyOverlayStart(); window.location = \"/a/account/withdraw.aspx\"; }; SuccessAlert(\"" + "Process Succeed" + "\", \"" + message + "\", callbackOk);"); } } } else if (ddlType.SelectedValue == "0") { if (Convert.ToDecimal(account.Amount) >= 30) { account.Status = "P"; bool status = account.RequestToTransfer(); if (status) { account.updateUserAccountforTransfer(); message = "Payment <span class='actionTopic'>Transfer Request</span> Successfully Done. Thanks."; MyAlertBox( "var callbackOk = function () { MyOverlayStart(); window.location = \"/a/account/withdraw.aspx\"; }; SuccessAlert(\"" + "Process Succeed" + "\", \"" + message + "\", callbackOk);"); } } else { message = "You can not transfer less than <span class='actionTopic'>$30</span>, Thanks."; MyAlertBox("var callbackOk = function () { MyOverlayStart(); window.location = \"/moneygerate.aspx\"; }; SuccessAlert(\"" + "Warning note!!" + "\", \"" + message + "\", \"\");"); } } } else { message = "Please Enter Your Correct <span class='actionTopic'>Pin</span> to Transfer."; MyAlertBox( "var callbackOk = function () { MyOverlayStart(); window.location = \"/a/account/withdraw.aspx\"; }; WarningAlert(\"" + "Warning!!" + "\", \"" + message + "\", \"\");"); } } else { message = "You have no sufficient <span class='actionTopic'>Amount</span> to Transfer."; MyAlertBox( "var callbackOk = function () { MyOverlayStart(); window.location = \"/a/account/withdraw.aspx\"; }; WarningAlert(\"" + "Warning!!" + "\", \"" + message + "\", \"\");"); } }