public string GetCurrentlyHoveredNpc(SVector2 mousePos) { int slotIndex = this.GetSlotIndex(); if (slotIndex < 0 || slotIndex >= this.FriendSlots.Count) { Utils.DebugLog("SlotIndex is invalid", LogLevel.Error); return(string.Empty); } // Early out if the mouse isn't within the page bounds Point mousePoint = mousePos.ToPoint(); if (!this.PageBounds.Contains(mousePoint)) { return(string.Empty); } // Find the slot containing the cursor among the currently visible slots string hoveredFriendName = string.Empty; for (int i = slotIndex; i < slotIndex + SDVSocialPage.slotsOnPage; ++i) { var friend = this.FriendSlots[i]; var bounds = this.MakeSlotBounds(friend); if (bounds.Contains(mousePoint) && Utils.Ensure(i < this.Names.Count, "Name index out of range")) { hoveredFriendName = this.Names[i] as string; break; } } return(hoveredFriendName ?? string.Empty); }
public int GetHoveredDayIndex(SVector2 mouse) { if (!this.Bounds.Contains(mouse.ToPoint())) { return(Calendar.InvalidDay); } for (int i = 0; i < this.CalendarDays.Count; ++i) { if (this.CalendarDays[i].bounds.Contains(mouse.ToPoint())) { return(i); } } return(Calendar.InvalidDay); }
public string GetHoveredBirthdayNpcName(SVector2 mouse) { string name = string.Empty; if (!this.Bounds.Contains(mouse.ToPoint())) { return(name); } foreach (ClickableTextureComponent day in this.CalendarDays) { if (day.bounds.Contains(mouse.ToPoint())) { if (day.hoverText.Length > 0 && day.hoverText.Contains("Birthday")) { name = day.hoverText; break; } } } return(name); }
public string GetCurrentlyHoveredNpc(SVector2 mousePos) { int slotIndex = this.GetSlotIndex(); if (slotIndex < 0 || slotIndex >= this.FriendSlots.Count) { Utils.DebugLog("SlotIndex is invalid", LogLevel.Error); return(string.Empty); } // Remake the page bounds if the slot index has changed // TODO: we can probably just do this once on resize with slot 0 if (slotIndex != this.LastSlotIndex) { this.PageBounds = this.MakeBounds(slotIndex); this.LastSlotIndex = slotIndex; } // Early out if the mouse isn't within the page bounds Point mousePoint = mousePos.ToPoint(); if (!this.PageBounds.Contains(mousePoint)) { return(string.Empty); } // Find the slot containing the cursor among the currently visible slots string hoveredFriendName = string.Empty; for (int i = slotIndex; i < slotIndex + SDVSocialPage.slotsOnPage; ++i) { var friend = this.FriendSlots[i]; var bounds = this.MakeSlotBounds(friend); if (bounds.Contains(mousePoint)) { hoveredFriendName =; break; } } return(hoveredFriendName); }