public bool Cleared(Character character, InputManager input) { //Check surrounding cells. int col = (int)Math.Floor(character.position.X / (CELL_SIZE * 2f)); int row = (int)Math.Floor(character.position.Y / (CELL_SIZE * 2f)); if (col > -1 && col < grid.GetLength(0) && row > -1 && row < grid.GetLength(1)) { Cell cell = (Cell)grid[col, row]; tempRect.X = col * (CELL_SIZE * 2); tempRect.Y = row * (CELL_SIZE * 2); tempRect.Width = CELL_SIZE * 2; tempRect.Height = CELL_SIZE * 2; switch (cell) { case Cell.End: //Door if (character.CollRect.Intersects(tempRect)) { if (input.KeyClicked(Keys.Space)) { return true; } } break; } } return false; }
public void Update(float time, InputManager input, Level level) { if (alive) { //Gravity if (inAir) { velocity.Y += 0.003f * time; } //Friction float maxSpeed = 0.4f; float friction = 0.003f; if (velocity.X > 0f) { velocity.X -= friction * time; if (velocity.X < 0f) { velocity.X = 0; SetAnim("idle"); } } if (velocity.X < 0f) { velocity.X += friction * time; if (velocity.X > 0f) { velocity.X = 0; SetAnim("idle"); } } position.X += velocity.X * time; collRect.X = (int)position.X; collRect.Y = (int)position.Y; level.DoXCollision(this); position.Y += velocity.Y * time; collRect.X = (int)position.X; collRect.Y = (int)position.Y; level.DoYCollision(this); if (!inAir) { if (!level.HasFloor(this)) { FallOff(); } } current += time; if (current > interval) { current = 0; currentFrame++; if (currentFrame > animations[currentAnim].Length - 1) { currentFrame = 0; } } if (input.KeyDown(Keys.Left)) { flipped = true; velocity.X -= speed; if (!inAir) { SetAnim("walk"); } if (velocity.X < -maxSpeed) { velocity.X = -maxSpeed; } } if (input.KeyDown(Keys.Right)) { flipped = false; velocity.X += speed; if (!inAir) { SetAnim("walk"); } if (velocity.X > maxSpeed) { velocity.X = maxSpeed; } } if (input.KeyClicked(Keys.Space)) { Jump(); } } }
protected override void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); logoTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"gfx/logo"); input = new InputManager(); audio = new AudioManager(); audio.LoadContent(Content.RootDirectory + "/audio/"); Thread loadThread = new Thread(LoadAssets); loadThread.Start(); }