public static void AddAccount(int type) { Providers providers = null; RefreshStatus refreshStatus = null; Console.WriteLine("Add Provider Account App - TEST - START"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the Provider you want to search : "); String searchString = Console.ReadLine(); //String searchString = "Dag"; ProviderApp.searchProvider(searchString); if (type == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Enter the Provider Id : "); String providerId = Console.ReadLine(); //String providerId = "16442"; providers = ProviderApp.getProviderLoginForm(providerId); addMFA_Account(providers); } if (type == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Enter the Provider Id : "); String providerId = Console.ReadLine(); //String providerId = "16441"; providers = ProviderApp.getProviderLoginForm(providerId); addNonMFA_Account(providers); } //Console.ReadLine(); LoginApp.readValue(); }
public static void ProcessInput(int keyValue) { if (keyValue > 12) { Console.WriteLine("Enter One Valid Number"); readValue(); } else { switch (keyValue) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the Provider you want to search : "); String searchString = Console.ReadLine(); //String searchString = "Dag"; ProviderApp.searchProvider(searchString); LoginApp.readValue(); break; case 2: //AddSiteAccount.addSiteAccount(); AddProviderAccount.AddAccount(1); break; case 3: AddProviderAccount.AddAccount(2); break; case 4: AddProviderAccountNew.AddAccount(1); break; case 5: AddProviderAccountNew.AddAccount(2); break; case 6: AccountApp.accountApp(1); break; case 7: HoldingApp.holdingApp(1); break; case 8: TransactionApp.transactionApp(); break; case 9: AssetSummaryApp.assetSummaryApp(); break; case 10: HoldingApp.holdingApp(2); break; case 11: AccountApp.accountApp(2); break; case 0: Environment.Exit(0); break; } } }