public void Awake() { gestureObservedCallback = new GestureEvent(); gestureFailedCallback = new GestureEvent(); gestureStartCallback = new UnityEvent(); viewNormalizer = new ViewNormalizer(Camera.main.transform); dataQueue = new GTransformBuffer(bufferSize); }
private void SetLineRendererPositions(GTransformBuffer queue) { if (lineRenderer != null) { Vector3[] arr = queue.ToArray(); lineRenderer.positionCount = arr.Length; lineRenderer.SetPositions(arr); } }
/// <summary> /// Debug method to set the linerenderer positions /// </summary> /// <param name="transforms"></param> private void RenderList(List <GTransform> transforms) { GTransformBuffer buff = new GTransformBuffer(dataQueue.Size()); foreach (GTransform g in transforms) { buff.Enqueue(g); } SetLineRendererPositions(buff); }
void OnGUI() { monitor = FindObjectOfType <GestureMonitor>(); if (monitor == null) { return; } allGestures = new List <string>(monitor.GetGestureMap().Keys); selectedGesture = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Gesture", selectedGesture, allGestures.ToArray()); float width = this.position.width; float height = this.position.height; Vector3 gridCenter = new Vector3(width / 2, height / 2, 0); Vector3 gridSize = new Vector3(width / 4, width / 4, 0); Rect grid = new Rect(gridCenter.x, gridCenter.y, gridSize.x, gridSize.y); GL.PushMatrix(); Material mat = new Material(Shader.Find("Sprites/Default")); mat.SetPass(0); GL.Begin(GL.QUADS); GL.Color(; GL.Vertex(gridCenter + Vector3.Scale(gridSize, new Vector3(1, 1, 0)) + new Vector3(1, 1, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + Vector3.Scale(gridSize, new Vector3(-1, 1, 0)) + new Vector3(-1, 1, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + Vector3.Scale(gridSize, new Vector3(-1, -1, 0)) + new Vector3(-1, -1, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + Vector3.Scale(gridSize, new Vector3(1, -1, 0)) + new Vector3(1, -1, 0)); GL.End(); GL.PopMatrix(); GL.PushMatrix(); mat.SetPass(0); GL.Begin(GL.QUADS); GL.Color(Color.gray); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + Vector3.Scale(gridSize, new Vector3(1, 1, 0))); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + Vector3.Scale(gridSize, new Vector3(-1, 1, 0))); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + Vector3.Scale(gridSize, new Vector3(-1, -1, 0))); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + Vector3.Scale(gridSize, new Vector3(1, -1, 0))); GL.End(); GL.PopMatrix(); GL.PushMatrix(); mat.SetPass(0); GL.Begin(GL.QUADS); GL.Color(; GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(1, gridSize.y, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(-0, gridSize.y, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(-0, -gridSize.y, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(1, -gridSize.y, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(1 + gridSize.x / 2, 10, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(-0 + gridSize.x / 2, 10, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(-0 + gridSize.x / 2, -10, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(1 + gridSize.x / 2, -10, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(1 - gridSize.x / 2, 10, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(-0 - gridSize.x / 2, 10, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(-0 - gridSize.x / 2, -10, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(1 - gridSize.x / 2, -10, 0)); GL.End(); GL.PopMatrix(); GL.PushMatrix(); mat.SetPass(0); GL.Begin(GL.QUADS); GL.Color(; GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(gridSize.x, 1, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(gridSize.x, -0, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(-gridSize.x, -0, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(-gridSize.x, 1, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(10, 1 + gridSize.y / 2, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(10, -0 + gridSize.y / 2, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(-10, -0 + gridSize.y / 2, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(-10, 1 + gridSize.y / 2, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(10, 1 - gridSize.y / 2, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(10, -0 - gridSize.y / 2, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(-10, -0 - gridSize.y / 2, 0)); GL.Vertex(gridCenter + new Vector3(-10, 1 - gridSize.y / 2, 0)); GL.End(); GL.PopMatrix(); GUI.Label(new Rect(gridCenter.x, gridCenter.y, 100, 20), "(0,0)"); GUI.Label(new Rect(gridCenter.x, gridCenter.y + gridSize.y / 2, 100, 20), "(0,1)"); /* * Handles.color =; * Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(200,200,0)); * Handles.DrawSolidDisc(new Vector3(width / 2, height / 2, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 1), 50); * //Handles.Draw */ grid.size /= 2; // EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition, GUILayout.Height(200)); if (monitor != null) { Dictionary <string, Gesture> dict = monitor.GetGestureMap(); Gesture g = null; if (selectedGesture < allGestures.Count) { dict.TryGetValue(allGestures[selectedGesture], out g); if (g != null) { g.VisualizeGesture(grid); GTransformBuffer buffer = monitor.GetDataBuffer(); GL.PushMatrix(); mat.SetPass(0); GL.Begin(GL.LINES); GL.Color(; List <GTransform> transforms = new List <GTransform>(buffer); transforms = g.normalizer.Normalize(monitor.GetViewNormalizer().Normalize(transforms)); foreach (GTransform gt in transforms) { GL.Vertex(gridCenter + Vector3.Scale(new Vector3(gridSize.x / 2, -gridSize.y / 2, 0), gt.position)); } GL.End(); GL.PopMatrix(); } } } }