private void Assign(MegaHard cd, Assignment ass) { List <Course> courselist = cd.Courses.ToList(); Console.WriteLine("\nAssign Assignment to course:"); try { int input = Helper.Assign("Assignment", courselist); input = ifInputis0(input, courselist, ass.AssID); while (input != 0 && courselist.Where(c => c.CourseID == input).Any(c => c.Assignments.Any(a => a.AssID == ass.AssID))) { Console.WriteLine("\nAssignment already exists that course or Assignment Sub Date is sooner than the course Start Date! Choose another:\n"); input = Helper.Assign("Assignment", courselist); input = ifInputis0(input, courselist, ass.AssID); if (input == 0) { break; } } if (input != 0) { try { cd.Courses.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CourseID == input).Assignments.Add(ass); cd.SaveChanges(); } catch (SqlException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } bool assignAgain = Helper.AssignAgain("Assignment"); if (assignAgain) { Assign(cd, ass); } } catch (Exception) { //Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.Beep(); Console.WriteLine("Good job! You have unlocked a hidden code block! Please restart!"); } }
private void Assign(MegaHard cd, Trainer tr) { List <Course> courselist = cd.Courses.ToList(); Console.WriteLine("\nAssign Trainer to course:"); try { int input = Helper.Assign("Trainer", courselist); input = ifInputis0(input, courselist, tr.TrainerID); while (input != 0 && courselist.Where(c => c.CourseID == input).Any(c => c.Trainers.Any(t => t.TrainerID == tr.TrainerID))) { Console.WriteLine("\nTrainer already exists that course! Choose another:\n"); input = Helper.Assign("Trainer", courselist); input = ifInputis0(input, courselist, tr.TrainerID); if (input == 0) { break; } } if (input != 0) { try { cd.Courses.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CourseID == input).Trainers.Add(tr); cd.SaveChanges(); } catch (SqlException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } bool assignAgain = Helper.AssignAgain("Trainer"); if (assignAgain) { Assign(cd, tr); } } catch (Exception) { Console.Beep(); //Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Good job! You have unlocked a hidden code block! Please restart!"); } }
private void Assign(MegaHard cd, Student st) { List <Course> courselist = cd.Courses.ToList(); Console.WriteLine("\nAssign Student to course:"); try { int input = Helper.Assign("Student", courselist); input = ifInputis0(input, courselist, st.StudentID); while (input != 0 && courselist.Where(c => c.CourseID == input).Any(c => c.Students.Any(s => s.StudentID == st.StudentID))) { Console.WriteLine("\nStudent already exists that course! Choose another:\n"); input = Helper.Assign("Student", courselist); input = ifInputis0(input, courselist, st.StudentID); if (input == 0) { break; } } if (input != 0) { try { cd.Courses.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CourseID == input).Students.Add(st); cd.SaveChanges(); } catch (SqlException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } bool assignAgain = Helper.AssignAgain("Student"); if (assignAgain) { Assign(cd, st); } } catch (Exception) { Console.Beep(); //Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Good job! You have unlocked a hidden code block! Please restart for secret features!"); } }
public void AddCourseToList(Course a, MegaHard cd) { bool b = cd.Courses.Any(c => c.Title == Title && c.Stream == Stream && c.Type == Type && c.Start_date == Start_date && c.End_date == End_date); if (!b) { try { cd.Courses.Add(a); cd.SaveChanges(); } catch (SqlException) { Console.WriteLine("All ok"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Course already exists so this instance is deleted!"); } }
public void AddAssToCourse(Assignment ass, MegaHard cd) { bool b = cd.Assignments.Any(a => a.Title == Title && a.Description == Description && a.SubDateTime == SubDateTime && a.OralMark == OralMark && a.TotalMark == TotalMark); if (!b) { try { cd.Assignments.Add(ass); cd.SaveChanges(); Assign(cd, ass); } catch (SqlException) { Console.WriteLine("All ok"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Assignment already exists so this instance is deleted!"); } }
public void AddTrainerToCourse(Trainer tr, MegaHard cd) { bool b = cd.Trainers.Any(t => t.FirstName == FirstName && t.LastName == LastName && t.Subject == Subject); if (!b) { try { cd.Trainers.Add(tr); cd.SaveChanges(); Assign(cd, tr); } catch (SqlException) { Console.WriteLine("All ok"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Trainer already exists so this instance is deleted!"); } }
public void AddStudentToCourse(Student st, MegaHard cd) { bool b = cd.Students.Any(s => s.FirstName == FirstName && s.LastName == LastName && s.DateOfBirth == DateOfBirth); if (!b) { try { cd.Students.Add(st); cd.SaveChanges(); Assign(cd, st); } catch (SqlException) { Console.WriteLine("All ok"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Student already exists so this instance is deleted!"); } }