コード例 #1
        public static List<Polygon> RemoveOverlap(Polygon polygon1, List<Polygon> polygons)
            foreach (var polygon in polygons)
                if (!polygon1.IsCoplanarTo(polygon))
                    return null;
            var normal = polygon1.NormalDirection;
            //For clipper, everything must be converted to 2d, so any references to rotation are dealing with that
            var rotation = GetRotation(normal);

            var rotated1 = polygon1.Vertices.Shift(rotation);
            var rotatedPolygons = new List<List<Point>>();
            foreach (var polygon in polygons)
            var overlapped = Remove_Overlap_In_XY_Plane(rotated1, rotatedPolygons);
            if (overlapped.IsNull())
                return null;
            for (int i = 0; i < overlapped.Count; i++)
                overlapped[i] = RemovePointsTooCloseToEachOther(overlapped[i]);

            var depth = rotated1[0].Z;
            var shiftBack = Shift.ComposeLeftToRight(depth * Direction.Out, rotation.Inverse());
            var finalPolygons = new List<Polygon>();

            //for some reason, Clipper will sometimes return very thin areas that we consider invalid and overlapping
            //this function loops over all points in each polygon, and if the angle between any two
            //segments is greater than 179 degrees, it gets rid of the intermediary point
            for (int i = 0; i < overlapped.Count; i++)
                var pointList = overlapped[i].Shift(shiftBack);
                for (int j = 0; j < overlapped[i].Count; j++)
                    var index1 = j;
                    var index2 = j + 1;
                    var index3 = j + 2;
                    if (j == overlapped[i].Count - 1)
                        index2 = 0;
                        index3 = 1;
                    if (j == overlapped[i].Count - 2)
                        index3 = 0;
                    var seg1 = new LineSegment(pointList[index1], pointList[index2]);
                    var seg2 = new LineSegment(pointList[index2], pointList[index3]);
                    var angleBetween = seg1.AngleBetween(seg2);
                    if (Math.Abs(angleBetween.InDegrees.Value) >= 179)
            //In rare cases, Clipper will return a polygon with no points, this removes those
            for (int i = 0; i < overlapped.Count; i++)
                if (overlapped[i].Count == 0)
            foreach (var polygonPointList in overlapped)
                finalPolygons.Add(new Polygon(polygonPointList.Shift(shiftBack)));
            return finalPolygons;