コード例 #1
        private static void ConvertHdf4To5(Hdf4FileAttrs hdf4FileAttrs, string f5name,
                                           Action <string, int, int> messageAction)
                // Create a new file using H5F_ACC_TRUNC access,
                // default file creation properties, and default file
                // access properties.
                H5FileId fileId = H5F.create(f5name, H5F.CreateMode.ACC_TRUNC);

                int nxf5 = hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.XDim;
                int nyf5 = hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.YDim;
                int rank = 2;

                int sdscount = hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.DataFields.Count;
                for (int k = 0; k < sdscount; k++)
                    ConvertHdf4To5BySds(hdf4FileAttrs, messageAction, k, nyf5, nxf5, rank, fileId);

                HDFAttributeDef[] attributeDef5s = hdf4FileAttrs.GetHDFAttributeDefs();
                foreach (HDFAttributeDef attributeDef5 in attributeDef5s)
                    WriteHdfAttributes.WriteHdfAttribute(fileId, attributeDef5);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("拼接Hdf4时出错,具体信息:" + ex.Message, ex);
コード例 #2
 public static void SetHdfFileAttributeValue(H5FileId fileId, HDFDef hDFDef)
     foreach (HDFAttributeDef hdfAttributeDef in hDFDef.AttCollection.Attributes)
         WriteHdfAttributes.WriteHdfAttribute(fileId, hdfAttributeDef);
コード例 #3
        private static void ConvertHdf4To5BySds <T>(Hdf4FileAttrs hdf4FileAttrs, int nyf5, int nxf5, int k, int rank,
                                                    H5FileId fileId, string sdName, HDF4Helper.DataTypeDefinitions dtaDefinitions,
                                                    Action <string, int, int> messageAction)
            T[,] data = new T[nyf5, nxf5];
            //foreach (Hdf4FileAttr hdf4FileAttr in hdf4FileAttrs)
            for (int i = 0; i < hdf4FileAttrs.Count; i++)
                Hdf4FileAttr hdf4FileAttr = hdf4FileAttrs[i];
                if (messageAction != null)
                    messageAction(String.Format("正在转换数据集 {0}", sdName), k, i);
                H4SDS sd = hdf4FileAttr.H4File.Datasets[k];
                GetDataByHdf4(sd, rank, hdf4FileAttr, data);

            // 保存数据
            // Describe the size of the array and create the data space for fixed
            // size dataset.
            long[] dims = new long[rank];
            dims[0] = Convert.ToInt64(nyf5);
            dims[1] = Convert.ToInt64(nxf5);
            H5DataSpaceId dspaceId = H5S.create_simple(rank, dims);

            H5T.H5Type h5Type = Utility.GetH5Type(dtaDefinitions);
            // Define datatype for the data in the file.
            H5DataTypeId dtypeId = H5T.copy(h5Type);

            // Create the data set DATASETNAME.
            H5DataSetId dsetId = H5D.create(fileId, sdName, dtypeId, dspaceId);

            // Write the one-dimensional data set array
            H5D.write(dsetId, new H5DataTypeId(h5Type), new H5Array <T>(data));//H5A

            HDFAttributeDef[] attributeDef5s = hdf4FileAttrs[0].DatasetsAttributeDefs[k];
            foreach (HDFAttributeDef attributeDef5 in attributeDef5s)
                WriteHdfAttributes.WriteHdfAttribute(dsetId, attributeDef5);

            // Close dataset and file.
コード例 #4
        private static void ConvertHdf4To5(Hdf4FileAttrs hdf4FileAttrs, string f5name,
                                           Action <string, int, int> messageAction, SEnvelope outenvelope, float dstResolution,
                                           ISpatialReference dstSpatialReference)
                // Create a new file using H5F_ACC_TRUNC access,
                // default file creation properties, and default file
                // access properties.
                H5FileId fileId = H5F.create(f5name, H5F.CreateMode.ACC_TRUNC);

                int nxf5 = hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.XDim;
                int nyf5 = hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.YDim;
                int rank = 2;

                int sdscount = hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.DataFields.Count;

                SEnvelope envelopeNew = null;
                UInt16[]  rows        = null; //正向查找表
                UInt16[]  cols        = null; //正向查找表
                Size      srcStepSize = Size.Empty;
                Size      outSize     = Size.Empty;
                    for (int k = 0; k < sdscount; k++)
                        ConvertHdf4To5BySds(hdf4FileAttrs, messageAction, k, nyf5, nxf5, rank, fileId, outenvelope, dstResolution, dstSpatialReference, ref rows, ref cols, ref srcStepSize, ref outSize);
                        if (envelopeNew == null && dstSpatialReference != null && outenvelope != null)
                            envelopeNew = outenvelope;
                    if (envelopeNew != null)
                    rows        = null;
                    cols        = null;
                    srcStepSize = Size.Empty;

                HDFAttributeDef[]      attributeDef5s  = hdf4FileAttrs.GetHDFAttributeDefs();
                List <HDFAttributeDef> updateFileAttrs = new List <HDFAttributeDef>();
                if (dstSpatialReference != null && dstSpatialReference.IsSame(SpatialReference.GetDefault()))
                    string          projtype    = "Geopraphic Latitude longtitude";
                    HDFAttributeDef projecttype = new HDFAttributeDef("Projection Type", typeof(string), projtype.Length, projtype);
                    HDFAttributeDef lefttopY = new HDFAttributeDef("Left-Top Latitude", typeof(float), 1, new float[] { (float)outenvelope.YMax });
                    HDFAttributeDef lefttopX = new HDFAttributeDef("Left-Top Longtitude", typeof(float), 1, new float[] { (float)outenvelope.XMin });
                    HDFAttributeDef boottomrightY = new HDFAttributeDef("Bottom-Right Latitude", typeof(float), 1, new float[] { (float)outenvelope.YMin });
                    HDFAttributeDef boottomrightX = new HDFAttributeDef("Bottom-Right Longtitude", typeof(float), 1, new float[] { (float)outenvelope.XMax });
                    HDFAttributeDef xResolution = new HDFAttributeDef("Longtitude Resolution", typeof(float), 1, new float[] { (float)dstResolution });
                    HDFAttributeDef yResolution = new HDFAttributeDef("Latitude Resolution", typeof(float), 1, new float[] { (float)dstResolution });
                foreach (HDFAttributeDef attributeDef5 in updateFileAttrs)
                    WriteHdfAttributes.WriteHdfAttribute(fileId, attributeDef5);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("拼接Hdf4时出错,具体信息:" + ex.Message, ex);
コード例 #5
        private static void ConvertHdf4To5BySds <T>(Hdf4FileAttrs hdf4FileAttrs, int nyf5, int nxf5, int k, int rank,
                                                    H5FileId fileId, string sdName, HDF4Helper.DataTypeDefinitions dtaDefinitions, Action <string, int, int> messageAction,
                                                    SEnvelope envelopeNew, T fillValue, float dstResolution, ISpatialReference dstSpatialReference, ref UInt16[] rows, ref UInt16[] cols, ref Size srcStepSize, ref Size outSize)
            T[,] data = new T[nyf5, nxf5];
            H5DataSetId dsetId = null;

            T[,] dataNew = null;
            SDataByProject <T> dataByProject = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < hdf4FileAttrs.Count; i++)
                    Hdf4FileAttr hdf4FileAttr = hdf4FileAttrs[i];
                    if (messageAction != null)
                        messageAction(String.Format("正在转换数据集 {0}", sdName), k, i);
                    H4SDS sd = hdf4FileAttr.H4File.Datasets[k];
                    GetDataByHdf4(sd, rank, hdf4FileAttr, data);

                dataNew = data;
                if (outSize.IsEmpty)
                    outSize = new Size(nxf5, nyf5);
                if (dstSpatialReference != null && dstSpatialReference.IsSame(SpatialReference.GetDefault()))
                    if (rows == null && cols == null)
                        PrjEnvelope     srcEnvelope = new PrjEnvelope(hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.Envelope.XMin, hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.Envelope.XMax, hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.Envelope.YMin, hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.Envelope.YMax);
                        PrjEnvelope     outenvelpoe = new PrjEnvelope(envelopeNew.XMin, envelopeNew.XMax, envelopeNew.YMin, envelopeNew.YMax);
                        FilePrjSettings prjSetting  = new FilePrjSettings();
                        prjSetting.OutEnvelope    = outenvelpoe;
                        prjSetting.OutResolutionX = dstResolution;
                        prjSetting.OutResolutionY = dstResolution;
                        outSize = prjSetting.OutSize;
                        Size  inSize         = new Size(hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.XDim, hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.YDim);
                        float dstResoultion  = dstResolution;
                        float srcResoultionX = (float)(hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.CellWidth);
                        float srcResoultionY = (float)(hdf4FileAttrs.Hdf4FileAttr.CellHeight);
                        dataByProject = GetDataByProject <T>(dataNew, srcEnvelope, outenvelpoe, inSize, outSize, dstResoultion, srcResoultionX, srcResoultionY, fillValue, dstSpatialReference, out rows, out cols, out srcStepSize);
                        T[,] dstData  = new T[outSize.Height, outSize.Width];
                        dataByProject = DoProject <T>(dataNew, fillValue, ref outSize, ref srcStepSize, dstData, rows, cols);
                    if (dataByProject != null)
                        dataNew = dataByProject.Data;

                long[] dims = new long[rank];
                dims[0] = Convert.ToInt64(outSize.Height);
                dims[1] = Convert.ToInt64(outSize.Width);
                H5DataSpaceId dspaceId = H5S.create_simple(rank, dims);
                H5T.H5Type    h5Type   = Utility.GetH5Type(dtaDefinitions);
                // Define datatype for the data in the file.
                H5DataTypeId dtypeId = H5T.copy(h5Type);

                // Create the data set DATASETNAME.
                dsetId = H5D.create(fileId, sdName, dtypeId, dspaceId);
                // Write the one-dimensional data set array
                H5D.write(dsetId, new H5DataTypeId(h5Type), new H5Array <T>(dataNew));//H5A

                HDFAttributeDef[] attributeDef5s = hdf4FileAttrs[0].DatasetsAttributeDefs[k];
                foreach (HDFAttributeDef attributeDef5 in attributeDef5s)
                    WriteHdfAttributes.WriteHdfAttribute(dsetId, attributeDef5);
                // Close dataset and file.
                if (dsetId != null)
                if (data != null)
                    data = null;
                if (dataNew != null)
                    dataNew = null;