コード例 #1
		public void TestMaxValue()
			PHDateTimeNullValueMax obj1;
			PHDateTimeNullValueMax obj2;
			DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

			// verify that NULL is inserted when using NullValue
			obj1 = new PHDateTimeNullValueMax( now, DateTime.MaxValue );
			SqlResult sr = Broker.Execute( "select TDateTime from PropertyHolder where ph_Id = " + obj1.Id );
			Assert.IsNull( sr[ 0, "TDateTime" ], "Default NullValue was not converted to NULL on insert." );
			// verify that object creation uses correct NullValue
			Key key = new Key( typeof(PHDateTimeNullValueMax), true, "dt", obj1.DT );
			obj2 = (PHDateTimeNullValueMax) Broker.RetrieveInstance( typeof(PHDateTimeNullValueMax), key );
			Assert.AreEqual( fd( now ), fd( obj2.DTNN ) );
			Assert.AreEqual( fd( DateTime.MaxValue ), fd( obj2.DT ) );
			// verify that translation is disabled for ordinary values
			obj2.DT = now;
			obj1 = PHDateTimeNullValueMax.Retrieve( obj2.Id );
			Assert.AreEqual( fd( now ), fd( obj1.DT ) );
			// verify that translation is disabled for MinValue
			obj1.DT = DateTime.MinValue;
			sr = Broker.Execute( "select TDateTime from PropertyHolder where ph_Id = " + obj1.Id );
			Assert.IsNotNull( sr[ 0, "TDateTime" ], "Erronous NullValue conversion for MinValue." );
コード例 #2
        public void TestMaxValue()
            PHDateTimeNullValueMax obj1;
            PHDateTimeNullValueMax obj2;
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            // verify that NULL is inserted when using NullValue
            obj1 = new PHDateTimeNullValueMax(now, DateTime.MaxValue);
            SqlResult sr = Broker.Execute("select TDateTime from PropertyHolder where ph_Id = " + obj1.Id);

            Assert.IsNull(sr[0, "TDateTime"], "Default NullValue was not converted to NULL on insert.");
            // verify that object creation uses correct NullValue
            Key key = new Key(typeof(PHDateTimeNullValueMax), true, "dt", obj1.DT);

            obj2 = (PHDateTimeNullValueMax)Broker.RetrieveInstance(typeof(PHDateTimeNullValueMax), key);
            Assert.AreEqual(fd(now), fd(obj2.DTNN));
            Assert.AreEqual(fd(DateTime.MaxValue), fd(obj2.DT));
            // verify that translation is disabled for ordinary values
            obj2.DT = now;
            obj1 = PHDateTimeNullValueMax.Retrieve(obj2.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(fd(now), fd(obj1.DT));
            // verify that translation is disabled for MinValue
            obj1.DT = DateTime.MinValue;
            sr = Broker.Execute("select TDateTime from PropertyHolder where ph_Id = " + obj1.Id);
            Assert.IsNotNull(sr[0, "TDateTime"], "Erronous NullValue conversion for MinValue.");